
How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!

Lights flashed, people yelled and drinks were being passed around.

Kai looked around, his eyebrows raising. He had no idea that the party was going to be this big when Soojung had told him it was going to be a small thing. But then again, this was Soojung he was talking about. Nothing was ever small. He chuckled to himself and walked into the large party room trying to find his girlfriend.

It wasn't hard. "Opppaaaaa!" She squealed, latching onto his arm and giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Kai was surprised, but he held tightly onto her hand and grinned. 

Her display of affection was one he wasn't used to. Usually Soojung would tell him to stand beside her and not touch him when she had friends over, and it really hurt, no doubt but today... today was different. His chest puffed up with pride. Soojung was no longer ashamed to say that he was her boyfriend.

A few people rustled their way past him and started talking to Soojung, leaving him to go and get drinks.

"Oh!" he bumped into someone. 

Looking up, he straightened and his lips pursed into one line.

"Minho." The said man gave him a withering look and nodded. "Kai."

"What are you doing here?" Minho raised an eyebrow. "Am I not supposed to be here?" He smirked, taunting Kai.

Kai opened his mouth to speak, hesitated but continued. "Well, who invited you?" He felt he could say that because Soojung was the hostess and his girlfriend, so didn't that make him the host by default?

A warm body came inbetween the two tall males. Hana smiled ruefully at Kai and bowed before turning on Minho, dragging him away. His eyes never left Kai's.

Kai watched the two of them, holding his fists by his side tightly and stiffly. Then, he resumed his task of going to to the drinks table and collected one for him and one for Soojung. 

When he got back, Soojung was nowhere to be seen. He asked a few people here she had gone but they were too busy having fun to give him a real response.

"Yah Kai!" He looked over to his right, catching the eye of Sehun. "It's hyung to you!" he yelled back playfully. The guys laughed and waved him over, and he forgot about Soojung and went over to them, laughing already at their antics.

A few minutes later, Minho came walking slowly up to him. Kai and his friends looked over and quietened. The background noise was still there, but so was the tension. "Yah." Minho walked up to Kai, towering over him. "Where'd Hana go?" Kai scoffed to himself. "Didn't she drag you away first?"

Minho his cheek, admitting it quietly. "Yeah well she's not here right now so... just thought you might've seen her."

Kai softened and replied, "No, sorry I haven't." Minho nodded, bit his lip and walked away, shoving his hands into his pocket. Kai and his friends watched as he walked over to his own group of mates and began talking. 

Kai's friends looked away, disinterested, but Kai kept looking at Minho. He frowned. Minho was fidgety, always looking around, probably for Hana, and that made Kai concerned. Where could she have gone?

He shook his head. No matter about Hana, where'd his girlfriend go?


Hana was washing her hands, trying to mind her own business but she could feel the burning stare Soojung was giving her.

She turned off the tap, shook her hands and looked over at Soojung , smiling awkwardly. "Hey, um, thanks for inviting me over. I uh, left a present on the present table."

Soojung gave her a glare and a scoff. "Are you serious?" she stalked over to Hana side and spitefully leaned over her.

Hana stood her ground. She wasn't going down easily. "What?"

"I know what you're doing Choi Hana." Soojung whispered maliciously. "Don't you dare go against me you little ." Hana narrowed her eyes, pushing Soojung's body away from her.

"Look you ing , you're the one who invited me so don't go around telling me things that don't even make sense." Hana hissed, "Are you drunk?" she added, looking at Soojung through her narrowed eyes. She pointed at Soojung, "You look like it."

Soojung smacked her hand away, infuriated. "Listen , stay away from Kai. He's mine."

Hana's eyebrows rose to her forehead. "Kai?" she asked, surprised. "Why would I want him?"

"Aren't you..." Soojung cocked her head to the side and then laughed spitefully. "Playing innocent are we?" she didn't want to admit that she genuinely thought that Hana was telling the truth for a moment.

She opened to snap at Hana again when a few girls entered the bathroom, chatting loudly and obnoxiously and squealing at the sight of Soojung.


"Your man is so cute! Where'd you get him?"

"Don't say that Miyeon! His friend is cuter!"

Soojung smiled falsely at her guests and gestured for Hana to leave.

"Get out of my face." she breathed, pleased at the attention she was getting.

Hana grabbed her purse, rolling her eyes. "Gladly your -face."

She left before Soojung could give a proper comeback.

The girls chittered, but Soojung was fuming. She glared at the swinging door, pulled up her dress and then waved the girls off of her, giving them a curt goodbye before walking out after Hana, determined to find her.




MARAUDER123 <---- this sweetie here made it for me and I didn't even ask! <3

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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!