
How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!

Seunghyun sat with his head propped on his hands that were bunched into fists. Hana sat opposite him, sipping on a cup of tea and hiccuping every now and then. She wiped at her eyes and her nose, wincing when the rough material of her sleeves grazed the tender skin.

She had just spent about an hour regaling her miserable story for a life to Seunghyun, and to be quite honest, all he wanted to do was punch the lights out of that Kyung Jae guy. He felt terrible that his little sister was sitting in Seoul feeling miserable and practically being threatened by people that actually didn't even matter.

"So basically you're paying some random guy to see if your boyfriend is really gay - which he is - and told all your friends that you were coworkers, and now that you have your answer your ex boyfriend is threatening you and trying to win over Kai, his girlfriend is a psycho." Her lips wobbled and she nodded.

"Okay. Here's the plan." He tapped her knee and brought her attention back. "Since your sister Minhee knows as well as well as Jonghyun and all of them we can assume that you're well supported. From now on, leave that Soojung girl alone and don't you dare go near Kyung Jae." She raised a hand to object but was cut off. "No. That guy is twofaced, and no matter how close you were last year, he is a man and you are a woman. If things get desperate your safety comes first."

"Then," he gave her a stern look, "you have to tell Kai the truth."

She winced. "The truth?"

He nodded sternly, his oppa-ness showing now. "The whole truth. This can't keep going."

"But I'll lose his friendship!" She argued.

"Hana, you paid him in the first place. It'll hurt but the two of you just really cannot keep this going on anymore. If you leave Kai alone then Soojung will leave you alone and Kai will just cut off ties with Kyung Jae too, okay?"

She thought about it, brows drawn together in dismay. "But what if I cut off ties with Kai and Kyung Jae keeps on pestering him?"

"Just let him handle it." Seunghyun shrugged, "He's a man."

"But I brought this upon him!" She wailed, throwing her hands in the air, "And now I can't just back out of this."

Seunghyun huffed. "Seriously Hana if anything I'm more disappointed in you than anything."

Her face went red with anger, embarassment and indignance, "Oppa seriously I know I screwed up but there's no use telling me that you're upset with me because it already happened, okay? Just tell me what to do and I'll do it and you can lecture me and do whatever after I solve this problem."

"Besides," she said, hiding her teary eyes from him by taking another drink, "it's not like I wanted this to happen. Since when does someone turn gay and turn evil at the same time?" The salty drops of water dripped into her cup. "I just wanted to know if it was really true."

He sighed and patted her head. "Hana I feel for you, I really do - none of us saw this coming from Kyung Jae. We all thought he was a decent enough guy. Obviously we were wrong, but now you really need to focus on making up for your mistakes and moving on. If you fix up your mistakes then the mistakes of others will be easier to see, and they will know what they and others have done wrong. Don't get too mixed into this... in the end it'll seem like everything was your fault."

"Wasn't it?" She whispered miserably.

"It was, and though you had other choices, you went for what your heart told you to do - which was a bit ing crazy, but nevertheless you did something." He added.

"Sort your stuff out with Minho and your friends so that they know what you've done and your predicament, and call your sister too - I'm going back to the UK soon so I won't be here to see this through, but I trust your sister and your friends. They'll know if you're going the wrong way." He gave her a sympathetic smile, "You're in the middle of this so it seems like the world is over, but from a third person point of view, like me for example, it's not that bad. It'll take a little bit of working and mending relationships, but I'd rather not see you beat yourself up over this."

Then, he handed Hana her phone. "I think it's time for you to fix this up. Isn't it?"

She nodded and took it from him.

She dialled a number and held it to her ear. "Unnie?"

"Can we meet up? I need to talk to you... yeah. Yeah, okay. See you then."

Seunghyun nodded. "Now, Minho and the others."

She was a little bit apprehensive to dial his number since she had just screamed her lungs out at him, but did so nevertheless.

"Minho-oppa?" she whispered. There was a frantic jumble of words at the other end, prompting her to crack the tiniest of smiles. "Oppa, just listen. Call the others - I need to talk to you guys. Seunghyun oppa and I talked... okay? Good. Cool, see you then."

After she hung up, she dialled the very last number but didn't press call. She gave Seunghyun a pitiful stare which he returned. "Go on." he gently urged. "It's just like getting a needle." She rolled her eyes, "What am I? Six?" she asked softly, but at his prodding she pressed call anyway.

"Kai? Can we meet up? I need to talk to you... no... it's just, I'll tell you when I see you. Okay? Text me the time. See you."

She hung up and looked at Seunghyun. He gave her a knowing smile. "You feel better now, yes?"

Amazingly enough, even at the unraveling of all her work and snooping before, she felt a lot better. She finally had a direction instead of aimlessly wandering around in a vicious cycle.

She leant over and hugged her friend tight. "Thank you." She whispered sincerely.


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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!