Get To The Point.

How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!

"Suzy!" Taemin ran after the young girl, spraying her with his water gun. Fei laughed loudly and jumped on his shoulders, covering his eyes. 

"Yah!" Minho dragged Hana away from her boyfriend, who had clung to her side for most of the day. Hana giggled and let herself be towed away. "Ah!" she gasped when Kibum's water hit her.

Kai took this as his chance to get to know Kyung Jae, as Hana had requested him to. 

"Hey." Kyung Jae almost jumped in the air when he saw Kai appear next to him. Kai shot him a strange look, but he recovered himself quickly. "I'm Kai." Kyung Jae nodded his head and flashed him an unsteady smile. He tried to make his voice as manly as possible.

"I-I'm Kyung Jae." Kai nodded and looked away. This was going to be harder than he thought. 

From afar, three different people watched the two converse. 

Kyung Soo and Sehun stood together, just staring at Kai and Kyung Jae. Kyung Soo looked at Sehun when he crunched on his chips. "What do you think?" he asked his dongsaeng.

Sehun washed his chips down with water. "Gay. Most definetely."

"What the hell? Can't Kai tell?" Kyung Soo shook his head but took a double take when he saw a pretty girl standing opposite them, just a few meters away, frowning and shaking her head at the scene in disapproval while downing some water.

As she moved her head, she caught the gaze of Kyung Soo and she smiled politely. "Hyung." Sehun looked over at where he was looking and commented, "Isn't that Hana's sister... Minhee?"

As the two males diverted their attention to Minhee, who slowly walked away, Kyung Soo and Sehun looked at each other. "You think she knows as well?"

Sehun nodded. "Of course."


"And I cannot believe why my teacher gave me that mark because really, I hand in more homework than most other people do!" Fei shrieked while she tied her hair up in a ponytail.

Hana and the girls were taking a break in the bathroom before their lunch break, but Hana was completely out of it. "Hey, where's MInhee?" Suzy nudged Hana.

She took a look around before furrowing her eyebrows. "I thought she came in with us?"

"Probably hooking up some other boy." Fei said loudly and Hana laughed before shushing her. "You know there are other people in the bathroom as well." she giggled.

But soon she drifted off once more. *Kyung Jae seems to really like Kai.* her hands gripped the bathroom table until her knuckles turned white.

The door slammed open to the bathroom and Minhee walked in, her face a strange shade of pink. "What's- woah!" Hana exclaimed has her sister roughly man handled her.

"Where are you going?! We are going to have lunch!" Hana shrieked. 

Minhee stopped in front of an animal plushie game, and put her hands on her waist. "Choi Hana." she growled. 

Hana was not phased, her sister was often a drama queen. "What did I do now?!"

"Since WHEN was Kyung Jae looking at boys the way they used to look at YOU?" Hana rolled her eyes bitterly. How her sister could've found out about her boyfriend faster than she could absolutely astounded her.

"It's been like that for a while unnie." Against her will, tears dripped down her face.

Minhee's shoulders drooped. "Aw my sweet sister."

"You're still so in love with him." sobs racked Hana's body and she hugged her sister tightly. "I really really liked him..."

Minhee her sister's hair, cooing some words of comfort.

"We'll solve it sweetheart."


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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!