Escalating Drama

How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!


Hana winced. She leaned forwards till her ear was almost pressed to the door and waited. She heard muffled screaming and more smashing. She rocked back on her heels, debating with herself. *Should I go in?... what if he's not okay?* Then, she heard Soojung's voice raise to a higher octave and decided it would be better if she left. 

She heard heels clicking towards the door. " ." she cursed. 

Soojung didn't like her, and if she saw her here then she would have enough evidence to prove that Hana was in love with Kai, which was a complete lie. Hana looked around, panicking. She turned to her left and saw a gap in the wall between Kai's apartment and the next, and she jumped far enough that a majority of her body was shrouded in the dark shadows. 

The door opened violently, slamming on the concrete. Hana tried not to breathe.

"You're a fool Soojung!" She heard Kai shout.

"I'm the fool? I'm the fool?" The very back of Soojung's head was in her view and by the way the girl trembled, it had been a very big fight.

A new pair of feet stepped out and Hana's ears twitched at the surprisingly loud sound. That was Kai.

"How the hell could you accuse me of cheating on you if I dote on you? I spend almost all of my attention on you?!" 

There was a loud slap and everything went silent. Hana could hear her heart beating hard and blood rushing through her ears. "You're an ," said Soojung tearfully, "You know exactly who I'm talking about." She shoved past Kai, past Hana and made her way down the stairs, fanning her eyes. "I expect the truth Kai. Don't lie to me. I find out everything."

Kai stood there in anger. He stared at his feet for a few seconds before storming back into his apartment and slamming the door. "!" he yelled, kicking the wall. 

It was the first time his anger at Soojung had actually bubbled over, but what the hell was wrong with her? Kai did everything he could to keep her by his side and now she was pushing him away by accusing him of something he didn't even do?

He wasn't stupid. He knew who Soojung meant, but he had no idea whatsoever how the idea got into her head. He hadn't seen Hana for weeks, albeit for the money transactions. If anything he was seeing her ex boyfriend more than he was seeing her! He leaned over and picked up the shards of a plate she had thrown at him. He looked sadly down at it; it was a gift from his mother and she was sure to notice that it was missing.

*Knock Knock*

Kai snapped his head towards the door. "It better not ing be you Soojung, I'm not in the mood to listen to your beggin-" Oh. It was Hana, a guilty, awkward looking Hana.

He remained stoic. "Look Hana, I'm not really in the mood to talk now-"

She held up a hand. "Yeah I know, I um... heard," she rubbed her arms awkwardly, "but I just wanted to know how Kyung Jae was doing..."

At his expression, she quickly waved her hands. "Well I wanted to see how you were doing too but then I walked in and you and Soojung were fighting so I don't really want to pry-"

"He's fine."

"He's fine?" Her voice broke.

Kai wanted to kick himself. Hana looked distressed in front of him, obviously upset at the fact that Kyung Jae was moving on without her. But it was the truth.

"Look Hana, he's picking himself up, like you are." That was the most he could afford.

Hana looked down, trying to hide her face from him, but Kai saw a flash of emotion go across her face before she did.

An awkward silence ensued before he sighed once more. Right now, he just wanted to be alone; he was tired, he was upset and his emotions were on a ing rollercoaster. It did not help that the source of his arguments was standing right in front of him, quiet, upset and completely and totally innocent.

"I'm going to go." 

Without another word, Hana picked up her small bag from the ground next to her and threw him one last awkwardly sorrowful look before leaving his apartment.


Hana stepped out of the doorway, closing the door with a soft click. 

A huge surge of anger washed over her heart, and she stood there panting for a moment. "ing ." she swore, stepping angrily down the stairs and towards the bus stop.

Kyung Jae was doing okay? But of course he was. *I bet he's laughing his ing hole of a head off*

But most of all she was angry with herself. She was supposed to go to Kai's place today to tell him the truth, but with the "Soojung diversion" she had gotten distracted and her plan had completely flown out of the window!

Kai would have to wait. She had to let him cool down before she got to him.

Hana stopped in her tracks. 

A familiar voice penetrated her thoughts and she looked up, momentarily confused before immediately seeing red. 

Beside Kai's apartment building stood Minho, and in front of MInho - well, more like crushed in front of him - was an angry but obviously shaken Kyung Jae.

As she watched, the bruises on either one of the other's faces became more prominent. She saw a small blood spatter on one side of Minho's head and a few drops of the red liquid on his shirt along with a smatter of bruises on his bare arms. 

Kyung Jae was worse off. 

His front shirt was torn and there was a large welt on either side of his left eye. Hana identified it as a bruised eye. It was swelling up fast. As she quickly approached the two men and ignored a few staring bystanders, she noticed their increasing volume and Minho's torn knuckles.

"What the  do you think you're doing?!" She shrieked, her pent up frustration and anger getting the better of her.

Minho jerked back, wiping his face with a hand while Kyung Jae regarded her with a sort of restrained, affectionate disdain... if that were even possible.

"Hana, how nice to-" He started, but was cut off when Hana rounded on her friend first.

"How could you Minho, how could you?" she thumped his chest with her fists, shooting fire from her eyes.

Her older friend scoffed and glared at Kyung Jae, "He had it coming Hana. You knew it, you're just too stupid to admit it."

She gasped. "You complete ! Since when do you lower yourself down to the likes of someone like him?" she screamed, "How can you do that to yourself? How can you do that to me huh? You're creating all this drama-"

"I'm creating it?" Minho's voice boomed. She flinched, despite her fury.

Minho grabbed her face between one hand, ignoring her gasp of pain and made her turn towards the smirking Kyung Jae.

"Look at this ing prick Hana. I bet you've memorized his face and his body already, but look at it with the bruises and the blood. I bet you've never seen that before huh?" He spat. "You think he's some sort of God and I'll never understand why. He ing tore you up when he became a poofter and just threw you away!"

Kyung Jae narrowed his eyes at the derogatory use of words, but then he smiled. "Awww. Hana got upset? I'm sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you."

"Shut up you moron!" This was a full blown scream, attracting even more stares. "I'm not even going to look at you, you low life piece of nothing!"

"I'm going home, you're getting cleaned up," she dug a nail into Minho's chest, "and you're getting the out of here." She yelled before turning around, getting ready to leave.

Then she stopped.

She walked back to Kyung Jae and smiled sweetly. He warily glanced at her. "This is something you have deserved for a long, long time." Then, she pulled her hand back and gave him a sharp punch to the face. When he looked back to her, he had three long gashes on his cheek and nose from the rings that adorned her finger.

Then, she turned to Minho and dealt a loud slap to his face. "I have no words for you."







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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!