Head over heels.

How To Turn Your Boyfriend Gay!

The week passed and time flew. Soon it was Friday and Hana sat in her last class, anxiously waiting for the teacher to dismiss them.  "Okay, pack up." her teacher announced. Unlike the other students, Hana was all ready to go.

Before she could dash out of her room, the teacher caught her by the arm. "Aren't you going to bow to me?" Hana blushed red at her classmate's laughs and quickly bowed before saying,  "Thank you sonsaenim!"

As she ran down the hallway and into the girl's changerooms, a message from someone made her phone buzz. Hana looked down and swore loudly. "Aish." she couldn't reach it since her hands were busy taking off her stockings.

In the end, Hana managed to change into a casual pair of jeans and a green hoodie with the words 'Haters Gon' Hate' printed on the front in big font. "Hey oppa." Kyung Jae was calling her. "Hana, where are you? I'm already at the front with the others and your sister's car is behind me."

"Be right there." Hana sprinted past the people coming out from their classes and to the school's parking lot. There, she recognised Kyung Jae's car and smiled widely when the window rolled down. "Jonghyun oppa!" She quickly greeted Kyung Jae's friend and sat beside the other guys.

"Hana." MInho nodded and winked her way.

Kibum smiled widely, engulfing her in a big hug. "Aww our Hana is so good, going to school." She rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm. "And she still punches just as hard too." Kibum winced.

Hana reached over to the extra two seats at the back and ruffled Taemin's hair before giving Onew an eye smile. "Hey Taemin, oppa."

A beep from someone behind them made her jump. "That'll be your sister." Kyung Jae told Hana and she rolled the window down to look back at the big black Jeep behind them.

From the black tinted windows Hana could just make out the shape of her older sister smiling and waving wildly with one hand. She waved back and put her seatbelt on. "Let's go!"

Everyone laughed at her enthusiasm and Kyung Jae turned the engine on. Halfway there, Minho turned in his seat to ask Hana, "So who are these people again?"

Hana froze in her seat. She had almost forgotten what her story was. "Um... one guy is a co worker of mine." She bluffed. In reality, the only person she knew that was coming was Kai himself. His other friends had never seen or even met Hana and her friends before.

The car fell silent again but Hana was even more nervous. She had no idea whether this was going to work or not, and even though she felt cruel to put both Kyung Jae and Kai together like this, she really wanted out. She wanted an emergency escape from the relationship that went nowhere.

"We're here!" Kyung Jae announced, the excitement evident in his voice and Hana shared a look of despair with Kibum. He was the only one along with her that knew of Kyung Jae's uality. The other's merely suspected it, but Kibum knew for sure.

He felt so sorry for her.

"Well, let's go shall we?" Hana put on a fake smile and bolted out of the doors. She texted Kai, asking him where he was. "HERE!" She heard him scream.

Hana looked up and waved at him enthusiastically. *Plan is going ahead Hana, too late to turn back now.* Kai ran over, his face red from the jog and lightly hugged her. "Hey. Where are your friends?"

By this time, Kyung Jae and the others had caught up with her, and so had her sister. "This is Onew, Jonghyun, Kibum, Minho and Taemin." they waved and bumped fists with him.

"And here," she dragged her sister to her side. "Is Choi Minhee, my sister. And these are her friends Min, Suzy, Jia and Fei." her friends giggled at the sight of the cute Kai.

Hana took a deep breath in. *Here we go*. She pulled Kyung Jae forwards. "And this is my boyfriend Kyung Jae." as she said it, her eyes met Kai's and he was obviously asking with his eyes, 'Is this him?' 

Hana gave him a short nod and looked towards her boyfriend. To her utter dismay and elation at the same time, Kyung Jae was totally taken by Kai.

Kai, being flustered as to why Kyung Jae was staring, chose to introduce his friends. "Youngest to oldest, Sehun, D.O, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Suho. Six others will be coming in a few minutes."

She was overwhelmed by the height of these people! The guy with the big smile and small hands seemed to shoot right up to the sky! Kai caught her gaze and smirked. "If you think Chanyeol is tall, you should see Kris later." at the sound of his name, Chanyeol winked at Hana.

"Then let's get this party started shall we?" Minhee quickly took over the situation and pushed her own girlfriends into the middle of the six model like gods, including Kai.

Hana hugged her sister appreciatively. Minhee always knew how to dissolve an awkward meeting with her bright personality. 

She watched with wistful eyes as Kyung Jae quickly stood next to Kai and began to mingle with him and his friends. The others, Onew, Jonghyun, MInho, Kibum and Taemin had already begun to talk to Kai's friends.

Before she could leave though, Minhee caught her by the collar. "Little sis, you better tell me what's going on."

Hana's blood ran cold. "How did you know?"

Her sister winked with a cheeky smile. "I can read you like an open book."

Minhee leaned in Hana's ear.

"You should just hope that the Kai boy can't."


Decided to add in some Miss A, even if i have no idea who they are XD

Isn't the gif just so yummylicious?

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[HOW TO TURN YOUR BOYFRIEND GAY] oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!


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PiKai_chu #1
Chapter 27: This is such a great story xD
Chapter 27: Please please update soon :)
Chapter 18: Hey I'm just wondering about when you mention New Zealand (sorry I live in NZ and I would've never even dreamed about anyone mentioning NZ in AFF) :))) btw.. Your story is amazing :)
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #4
Chapter 27: ARGHHHH I WANNA HIT KYUNG JAE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: omg i'm so happy i came across another one of your kai fics!! i'm so happy im not even joking. it's 2;31 am and im still reading this X_X
i feel so sorry for kai for having to deal with that...thing(i seriously hate kristal, not just in your fic. i simply don't like the ). i dont want minho and kibum to do anything nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Chapter 26: Update soon~~I really love this story
Chapter 26: T.O.P yeahhhhhh
Chapter 25: Just sooo much to consider!

oh yeah, I wanna see how this upvote thing works guys, so please do!
Chapter 24: T O P!!!