Chapter 9

Death's Embrace

Written by Miyu


Chapter 9:


“What…what did you just say?” Jaebeom asked in disbelief. He found it hard to speak as the words began sinking into his head. It kept repeating like an echo. Kill 2AM? They were going to kill his brothers? No, it couldn’t be true. He couldn’t believe Lilly would be so heartless as to do that. She spared him and the rest of the members, so surely she would spare the other One Day members…right? Jaebeom turned Taecyeon around to face him and gripped him on the shoulders, “Tell me this isn’t true.”


Taecyeon sighed sadly as he stared into Jaebeom’s eyes. “Hyung, I wish it wasn’t true too. But…” Taecyeon trailed off as realization struck in Jaebeom’s eyes. It was true. Standing up from his sitting position on the floor Junsu stared wide eyed with his mouth hanging open but he couldn’t get any sound out. The whole room fell silent as everyone stared at nothing in particular. Suddenly, breaking the silence, Chansung scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I knew we couldn’t trust them.”


Junho looked down as he silently agreed with Chansung. “Why do they have to kill 2AM? This doesn’t make sense…why is the JYP family being targeted?!” Jaebeom shouted and shoved Taecyeon aside and stormed toward the bedroom door. “Jay, stop!” Taecyeon shouted as he made a move to grab hold of Jaebeom but Nichkhun was already standing in front of the door, blocking it.


“Get out my way, Nichkhun.” Jaebeom glared. Anger pulsed through him at an uncontrollable rate. This couldn’t be happening. Why do they have to kill 2AM?! This question kept repeating within his head. Jaebeom was so confused. He wasn’t even sure how he was feeling anymore. One moment he would be happy to be next to these girls, the next they suddenly decide to kill his friends. Does this even make sense? Why are the girls so nice to them, when in the end, they would just hurt them again?


“No.” Nichkhun stood there with his arms crossed calmly. “Don’t be rash.” Nichkhun said coldly. This was the first time Nichkhun had ever acted like this. Nichkhun was always the warm and nice guy. Jaebeom has never seen this side of Nichkhun before. ‘I blame it on those killers.’ Jaebeom growled to himself as he stared at Nichkhun in his blood stained clothes. Jaebeom sighed loudly as he ruffled up his hair wildly. In the end, he decided to sit down beside Wooyoung who was on the bed.


Wooyoung grimaced as Jaebeom threw the pillow onto the wall in front of him. “This is bull!” Jaebeom shouted in frustration.


“Calm down.” Wooyoung said as he placed a hand onto Jaebeom’s shoulder. Jaebeom was about to say something but Wooyoung cutted him off, “Instead of being mad now, we should be planning what to do to prevent this.” Everyone’s head snapped up toward Wooyoung as he continued, “I don’t want them to go through what we are going through and I most certainly don’t want them dead. So now, we should be finding a way to warn them. Or at least get them to safety, even if that means putting danger upon ourselves.”


“How are we going to that?” Junsu asked when he finally found his voice again, “This place is set with high security and if the girls find out, you know they would kill us. Especially Miyu; she wouldn’t even waste a second.” Junho nodded in agreement, “I know Nona will be really mad and we don’t know what she would do when she’s mad. All I know is that she’ll get very violent. I don’t want to be the one to experience that…but if it’s to save our brothers, then I’m in for it.” Junho finished off with a smile.


“Mai wouldn’t let Miyu or Nona kill us.” Chansung mumbled. Everyone turned to him in shock that he actually said that. He always believed that Mai couldn’t be trusted. Was Chansung admitting that Mai could be trusted now? But she was going to kill their brothers. Is she even worth trusting anymore? Chansung inhaled a deep breath before continuing, “I…I don’t trust her. But I know she won’t let them hurt us, and also Lyssa wouldn’t let them either.”


Taecyeon nodded beside him as he smiles at Chansung for finally beginning to open up. But inside he was also worried. Chansung will just be like this for now…but after the reality of 2AM killed hits him; he’ll go back to being stubborn and cold. “I want to help 2AM even if it means going against Lyssa. I can’t believe she would give in so easily…she should have resisted harder!” Taecyeon growled with anger.


Everyone mumbled in agreement and soon they began planning. Everyone gave in their suggestions and by the time Lyssa came back into the room, everything was all planned out. “Hey guys.” Lyssa grinned, but Taec was able to see the discomfort look on her face. He wanted to frown but kept a smile in place on his face as he came over to hug her. “So, what did Lilly need to talk to you about?” He grinned.


“Oh, um, it’s nothing. Just a small mission, that’s all.” Lyssa replied avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. “The girls called you guys to go and sleep.” She mumbled before releasing herself from Taecyeon and opening the door, silently telling the guys to leave. “Good night.” Lyssa smiled with a sad look. Everyone wanted to frown but they kept a small smile on their faces and tried their best to reply back.


“Good night.” Wooyoung smiled as he followed Jaebeom out. Jaebeom didn’t say anything. Obviously he was still angry, but kept it hidden.


“These clothes reek…” Nichkhun whined as he made his way to the door and he spread his arms out wide. The frown on his face made him look cuter even if he was in bloody clothes. Lyssa giggled as she patted Nichkhun on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, Miyu doesn’t stay angry long. Especially after she finds out she has a mission. You’ll be in normal clothes soon.”


Junsu sighed in relief as he said, “I’m glad I wasn’t the one who carried Miyu to her room, or else I’ll be like Nichkhun. All scratched up and bruised.” Junsu laughed. Half of it was pretend, and half was his true self. Nichkhun glared at him and Junsu hurried and pushed Nichkhun out of the room.


“Well, have a good night you two. Don’t have too much fun.” Junho snickered as he and Chansung ran out. They were trying to be as normal as possible, which wasn’t very hard since they were also half serious. Although they knew that Lyssa and Taec wouldn’t be having any fun anyway because of the girl’s new mission. “Well” Taecyeon sighed as he plopped down on the bed and stared at Lyssa, “I guess it’s time we go to bed?”


Lyssa smiled and nodded. “Let’s go to bed.”



Chansung walked through the hallways and he stopped in front of Mai’s bedroom door. His hand reached for the doorknob but it dropped to his side when he remembered his encounter with Mai this morning. He could feel his face heating up as he can still feel how Mai was in his arms as he hugged her tight. “Why did I do that?” Chansung asked himself. “Aish, I shouldn’t be thinking about this. I should be concentrating on our plan.”


Suddenly the door flew open and Mai stood in front of him with her arms crossed as she glared at him with icy eyes. “Get in. I’m busy.” Mai ordered and walked back into her room. Chansung gulped and followed after her and silently closed the door behind him.


Meanwhile in Miyu’s room, she was currently dancing around her weapons room. Junsu and Nichkhun sat together on the couch and watched Miyu with amusement, “Wow…you can do some silly things when you’re happy, don’t you?” Junsu asked with a cocked eyebrow. Miyu just giggled as she remembered the reason why she was happy, “Time to make some bloodshed~!” Miyu sang and the two boys shivered as they knew who’s “bloodshed” she was talking about is.


“Now, you boys just go to sleep. I need to get ready…and oh, you can change back into the pajamas Nona and Mai brought for you.” Miyu smiled and once again Junsu jumped in surprise. Miyu was smiling genuinely as she took the clothes she already had out on the model figure on the platform in her room and made her way to the bathroom. “Nichkhun, can you please tell me if I imagined that smile again, or was it real?”


Nichkhun laughed and patted Junsu on the shoulder, “I couldn’t believe it either, but it was a real smile Hyung.” Junsu gulped as he heard that. What’s with his reactions to her smiles…? He should be scared of them…well only if they were the sinister ones…


In Nona’s room, Junho was sitting on the spare bed that Nona had gotten for him and he watched with fake interest as Nona talked to him. He wasn’t really paying attention to what Nona was saying about her new recipe. During their plans to help 2AM, Junho was in charge of stealing a car key. But he had to make sure it was a key to the car DMG would not be using. So he casually threw in, “When are you guys going on your mission?” Junho saw Nona tense but she hid it well. “We’re leaving in an hour.” Nona replied with a fake smile. Junho could see her fists clenching.


“So, who’s the driver in DMG? You know, assassins usually have a driver that does races against the enemy.” Junho asked, hoping he wasn’t being too obvious. But to his relief Nona smiled and said in a cheerful voice, “You’re looking right at her.” She grinned. “I’m the tech specialist in DMG and best driver. That’s why I’m usually the one driving.” Nona explained with a smile. Junho grinned in reply as he asked.


“How many cars do you guys have?” Nona grinned as she jumped up and ran to her drawer. She pulled out a whole pack of car keys and showed them to Junho. “These are our car keys. We have about six cars in total. Each DMG member has a car. We also have a spare car, but it’s really old and no one uses it. This is the key to it; doesn’t it look really worn out?” Nona laughed as she showed Junho the key. It was dusty and it seemed to look like it was starting to rust.


Junho gulped as he held the key in the palms of his hands. This was it, the key they needed. Junho inhaled a breath before coughing, “Nona, can you go and get me some medicine? I think I’m coming down with a cold or something, and I have a slight headache as well.” Junho said as he acted out the scene. Nona stared at him worriedly before nodding. “You shouldn’t be getting sick…I mean, you’ve been stuck in the house. Maybe it’s because of the news this morning making you unwell.” Nona concluded and walked out of the room.


Junho sighed in relief as the door closed and quickly put the car key into his pocket. He grinned happily and took the other keys and put it back into the drawer Nona got it out from. “Sorry Nona, but this is to protect our brothers.”


While this is happening, in Lilly’s room, Jaebeom and Wooyoung were seated together uncomfortably as they watched Lilly get ready. “Now, since I won’t be back until late at night, you guys don’t need to wait up for me like last time. Just go to sleep, okay? We don’t want you getting sick.” Lilly said as she put her special silent guns into her boots. She grinned as she pulled out another gun and studied the texture of it. “This is a good gun…” she whispered.


Jaebeom and Wooyoung glanced at each other as they imagined the guns being shot at their 2AM brothers. The scene was so horrifying; they have to stop it, no matter what. “What mission are you doing?” Jaebeom asked in his most casual voice possible and he was acting as if he wasn’t interested. Lilly glanced at him and said in a stern voice, “This is DMG information; we are not allowed to talk about it casually.” Jaebeom knew she was lying, because before the girls had talked about their past missions, so why couldn’t they with this one?


Wooyoung already knew what Jaebeom was thinking. The reason Lilly wouldn’t tell them is because it involves people important to them. She didn’t want them to stop her, because she knew they would, so she was keeping silent. Wooyoung pretended to yawn as he stood up and stretched. “I’m tired. We should go to bed.” Wooyoung said and silently gave Jaebeom a sign to play along. Jaebeom nodded as he too, pretended to yawn. “Yeah, I’m tired. We’ll be going to sleep first then, Lilly.”


Lilly nodded and continued on with her preparations as the two boys walked toward the bed. They glanced at each other nervously before closing their eyes and once again began to pretend.



“Alright, I am ready to slice some people up!” Miyu exclaimed as she ran into the front yard with her knife in her hand. Her hands were trembling so much that they knew the excitement was getting to her. Nona laughed softly as she observed her hyper Dongseung, while Mai just stood beside her with a small smile. Lilly was standing on the steps waiting for the last member of DMG to come. Everyone was in the front yard on the chilly night, and Lilly never liked the cold. She tapped her feet impatiently as another minute ticked by. “Where is she?!”


As if on cue, Lyssa barged through the front door and slammed it shut. She glanced at everyone as she breathed heavily. “Sorry I was late. I forgot to get ready.” Lyssa panted as she walked down the steps. Lilly sighed, “We’re all going to ride our own cars, so everyone have their keys?” The girls all nodded in reply. “Alright, remember our goal is to kill 2AM as fast as possible and leave no traces. Lyssa will be guarding.” Everyone glanced at Lyssa as she looked down.


“Miyu will be killing Jokwon, Mai will take Jinwoon, I will be killing Seulong, and Nona will be killing Changmin. Is everything clear?”


“Of course! I think I saw that Jokwon guy before on a show called Star King. He’s funny! I wonder what he would do when we kill him.” Miyu giggled as she jumped in glee. She was really excited. She seemed even more excited than killing those seven guys yesterday. The girls watched in amusement as the magnae continued jumping around. “Nona, did you remember to give Miyu her injection?” Mai asked as Miyu twirled around in front of her. “Mai Mai Unni! Tonight’s gonna be so fun! I can’t wait~~!” Miyu exclaimed as she gripped Mai on the shoulder. Mai just sighed loudly as Miyu let her go and started her little parade attack on Nona.


“Alright, let’s get going.” Lilly announced as she started off toward her car. When she got in and put on her seatbelt she sighed loudly, “Another mission, another kill…no big deal, right?”


One by one, everyone drove out of the driveway. But as they all left the house and onto the main road, they all failed to realize that in Lyssa’s rush to come out, she has forgotten one important thing. She didn’t lock the door with the pass code, and thus, the door is still unlocked…



As they heard the engine of the cars outside starting up, one by one the 2PM’s members’ eyes flew open. They all quickly pushed their blankets off and gathered into the living room. Jaebeom stood in the middle of the group as they revised their plans. “Junho, do you have the car key?” he asked and Junho smiled widely as he held the key up. “Good job.” Nichkhun praised as they high fived. Junsu stood next to them as he stared worriedly, “We still have one problem.” He said. “How will we get out of the house?”


Everyone froze as they realized they forgot to plan about this. If they tried to get out without the pass code then the alarms will go off. If it goes off, the girls will know immediately, and who knows what they would do when they found out.


Taecyeon smiled as he said, “I got some help from Lyssa…” everyone turned to stare at him in confusion. Chansung was the first to speak up with anger in his voice, “You told her?!” he growled. Chansung couldn’t believe Taecyeon would tell their plans to someone that was their enemy, not to mention she was the girl that was letting her friends kill their brothers! Chansung glared at Taecyeon as he shouted, “Why are you so stupid, Hyung?!”


Taecyeon’s eyes widened as he quickly defended himself, “Hey, I said I got some help, that doesn’t mean I told Lyssa about our plans. I’m not that stupid.” Everyone sighed in relief as they all realized what Taecyeon was saying, “I kept Lyssa busy as she was in a rush to get ready and because she was in such a rush, she forgot to put the pass code to the door.” Taecyeon smiled proudly.


“What did you do to keep her busy?” Wooyoung asked curiously. Taecyeon’s face grew red and he didn’t reply. That was enough for them to know what Taec had done. He seduced her…


“Alright, everyone ready? We’re on a rescue mission…” Jaebeom announced, “We have to get to 2AM’s dorm before the girls do, that’s the only chance we have to save them.” Everyone nodded in agreement and one by one, they all opened the door and walked out into the cold night. Chansung shivered as he rubbed his hands together, “It’s been a while since we’ve been outside…a week, right?” Taecyeon who had also been in capture with Chansung for the same amount of time nodded. “It’s nice to be outside again.” In his mind he thought sadly to himself, ‘It’s sad that I’m outside because I have to stop a killing rather than feeling freedom.’


“I’ll drive.” Jaebeom said as he took the key out from Junho’s hand. Everyone nodded even though they knew Jaebeom’s driving was horrible. But in a situation like this…fast horrible driving was what they needed.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol