Chapter 8

Death's Embrace

Written By Lily


Chapter 8:


Stepping out onto the front porch of the house, Lilly made sure the door was properly closed behind her while she took her vibrating phone out of her shorts pocket. She flipped open the phone without checking caller ID, she already had a pretty good idea who the caller was.


“Speak” She said holding the phone up to her ear and waited for a reply.


“I have a mission for you” His voice spoke clearly as Lilly let out a quiet sigh. She knew her Father would waste no time when it came to assigning a small mission but she never expected it would be the day after reporting back to him about 2PM’s so called deaths. She waited for her Father to speak once again.


“The target for this mission is 2PM’s brother group, 2AM”


Lilly froze slightly, she thought back to how the boys weren’t so happy about them killing random strangers but if she told them they now had to kill their own friends…


‘No, I can’t tell them’ She thought to herself. She knew the rest of the DMG members would agree to that. She quickly went on to question Mr. Park about the mission itself.


“When?” was the first question she asked her father.


“Preferably today, the company have already hacked into JYP’s schedule data base and it seems JYP has given the members of 2AM time off to grieve over 2PM. Seems they were quite close. Nevertheless, 2AM will be staying in their apartment complex for the next 3 days but we need them to be assassinated fast to be on the safe side” Mr. Park explained as Lilly sighed.


“Understood, anything else?” Lilly asked hoping the answer would be a ‘no’.


“All of you will be going. Although there are only 4 members of 2AM I think you girls could do some team work on this mission. Just make sure they end up dead, got it?” Mr. Park asked in a low tone making the hair on the back of Lilly’s neck stand on ends.


“No problem, you can count on us Daddy” Lilly said softly when the line went dead. Lilly pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at the phone. He had hung up. She let out a solemn sigh before looking up at the house. Lilly placed her phone back into her pocket and walked back into the house. She put on a straight face and walked into the living room. “You guys, my father just called” She said avoiding eye contact with everyone. She forced herself to look up to continue.


“We have to go out on a mini-mission” She said as the people in the room looked at one another. Nona was the first to speak up out of the group.


“Already?” She asked as Lilly nodded. Hearing the news, the corner of Miyu’s lips curved up until a sinister smile appeared on her face.


‘If we’re going on a mission so soon then that means I’ll get to kill again. Seems like today’s my lucky day, two killing sprees in the space of 24 hours, this should be fun’ She thought to herself completely oblivious to Junsu’s gaze. He watched her stare off into space with a smirk on her face. He quickly shook his head and redirected his attention as Lyssa stepped away from Taec to talk to Lilly.


“What’s the mission?” Lyssa asked as Taec’s hand which held her own tightened ever so slightly. She knew already he didn’t like the idea of her going out and killing someone. He didn’t like it at all but it was her job, what else could she do?


“That’s something we need to discuss in privacy so the guys will need to leave the room. It’s a group mission though” Lilly informed the girls. Nona and Lyssa’s eyes widened as Miyu let out a squeal of excitement.


“I don’t get it. Why is Miyu so happy that it’s a group mission?” Wooyoung asked coming to stand next to Lilly with curiosity plastered on his face. Lyssa sighed and looked to Taec.


“The last group mission we had was when we had to take down an entire company of assassins. If it’s a group mission we know it’s pretty big if we all have to go” Lyssa explained as Lilly let out a loud sigh.


“Yes and we have to complete it today so would someone please go get Mai so we can get down to business?” Lilly asked getting aggravated by the slow progress.


“She’s working out, I’ll go get her” Nona said nodding her head before walking out of the room. She walked down the hallway as the familiar music which Mai usually played when working out greeted Nona’s ears.


She walked down the stairs slowly to the basement to inform Mai about the mission but all those thoughts vanished out of Nona’s mind the second she reached the last step.


There, in front of her stood Mai and Chansung. They weren’t arguing or fighting but completely the opposite. Chansung held Mai in his arms as Mai’s head remained against his chest. Nona watched as Chansung ran his fingers through Mai’s smooth hair in an almost caring way. He was comforting her. Mai’s cries reached Nona’s ears. She was completely in a state of shock. Mai never cried, well hardly ever.


She didn’t want to interrupt them but she sensed Lilly wouldn’t be happy if she took too long and if Lilly sent Miyu down to retrieve both girls and spotted Mai in this position she’d go ballistic. Deciding that she didn’t want to risk that happening she did the only thing she could.


She quietly snoop back up the stairs and then shouted Mai from there.


The second Mai heard her name being called she flew out of Chansung’s arms. He stepped back almost stunned by her speed. He looked at her to see Mai quickly swiping the tears away from her eyes. She coughed and regained her composure. She frowned at Chansung and looked to the floor.


“This never leaves the room” She said in a dangerous tone. Chansung looked at her in annoyance as her words infuriated him inside. He had just comforted her and now she was almost threatening him?


He quickly scoffed at her before speaking up once again, “As if I’d ever tell anyone that I hugged you. I’ll keep my pride, thanks” He snarled as Mai’s eye narrowed.


“Well I’m sorry if you hugging me caused any permanent damage to your ego” She snapped when Nona’s voice was heard again.


“Mai, hurry up!” She called as Mai clenched her fists in annoyance.


“I’m coming!” She yelled, sending one last dirty glare Chansung’s way before running up the stairs to meet Nona at the top. She looked at Nona questioningly as she smiled at her happily.


“What is it?” Mai asked in annoyance, not in the best of moods now thanks to a certain someone.


“We have a mission” Nona said taking hold of Mai’s hand and pulling her into the living room as Chansung followed slowly behind sulking.




Walking into the living room the odor of blood enveloped both girls. Nona quickly pinched her nose as Mai looked around, trying to find the source of the smell. Lyssa let out a sigh before pointing to Junsu and Nichkhun. Mai’s eyes widened slightly before looking at Miyu who had a little grin playing on her lips.


“Do I even want to know?” Mai asked as Chansung walked into the room behind her. He swiftly pushed past her and took his seat on the couch next to Jaebeom. Lilly folded her arms and glanced at Chansung.


“Don’t get comfortable because you guys have to leave the room in a minute” Lilly said as Mai made eye contact with Lilly.




“Group” Lilly confirmed as Mai nodded seriously.


She looked to all the boys and pointed to the door.


“Out” She said simply as Chansung sprung up to his feet.


“Gladly” He snapped and stormed out of the room leaving the rest of the boys staring after him in confusion. Jaebeom was the 2nd to leave the room with a nod of the head to Lilly. He quickly returned however to take Wooyoung by the wrist and drag him out as well when realizing Wooyoung had no intention of leaving.


Nichkhun and Junsu left together avoiding eye contact with Miyu along the way as Junho followed behind them immediately.


The last member left of 2PM in the room was Taec who kept hold of Lyssa’s hand tightly. Lyssa looked up to him and smiled softly. She pulled his hand out of hers with a bit of force and smiled her reassurance smile at him.


“It’ll be fine. I’m not going anywhere yet so go to our room okay? I’ll be there soon” She said as Taec nodded slowly before leaving the room as well, reluctantly.


Stepping out of the room Taec shut the door but made sure to leave a crack to hear the discussion which was about to take place. He knew Lyssa had asked him for privacy and usually he did what Lyssa wanted but he was curious as to why the girls wanted privacy all of the sudden.


They sometimes shared their past mission stories with the boys so why couldn’t they talk about this new mission in front of him and the others?


After a few seconds of silence Nona’s voice spoke up from in the living room. “So this mission?” She began when Lilly cut in.


“Let’s just cut to the chase, Daddy called and said our next mission is to kill 2AM” Lilly said emotionlessly. It took all Taec effort for him not to make a noise over the words that had just sprung from Lilly’s mouth. Was she talking about the 2AM he knew? His brothers?


“2AM?” Lyssa’s voice spoke up in a tone of shock, “As in Taec’s friends and fellow JYP group? That 2AM?”


“Is there any other? It’s not like we’re going to kill time” Nona cracked a Joke which nobody laughed to.


“You guys are no fun” Nona’s voice spoke again in a depressed tone. Taec listened intently as he pressed his body to the wall, trying to remain calm in the process.


“Anyway, back on topic. I told Daddy that we’ll take care of it today” Lilly proceeded to explain, “We already know that they’re going to be at their apartment because they’ve been given time off to grieve over the 2PM members. They’re vulnerable right now and easy to strike. It’ll be easy”


Taec inhaled a deep breath getting ready to kick the door through and defend his friends when Lyssa’s voice spoke once again.


“No disrespect Lilly but how can you expect me to kill Taec’s friends, his brothers? You can’t honestly think that I’ll kill the people Taec cares about”


Although Lyssa couldn’t see Taec, he nodded his head vigorously in agreement. At least one girl in the group had brains and luckily it happened to be his girlfriend.


“I do expect you to kill them because before you are Taec’s girlfriend, you’re an assassin and a member of DMG. Do you think that I enjoy killing innocent people? I do this because it’s my job like it is yours. We already let your boyfriend and his friends live but we can’t turn a blind eye to this mission and I think it’s about time you start remembering where your loyalties lie”


Everything went silent for a second. Taec could hear his own heart beating until the voices began again.


“But—“Lyssa began when Mai cut in, “Lyssa, Lilly’s right. We can’t risk letting these 2AM guys live and getting caught by Mr. Park. I for one am not willing to put my neck on the line or any of the friends for these idol boys. Be thankful Taec is alive and start acting like a DMG member. We have to kill them, end of discussion.”


“Lyssa, it’s a group mission and there are only 4 members in 2AM right? Leave the killing to us, you guard okay? It’ll be over before you know it” Nona’s voice spoke in a calming manner as Lyssa let out a sigh of defeat.


Taec stood frozen to the spot as he listened to his girlfriend give in to her friends. So that was it? They were going to kill his friends and Lyssa was just going to let it happen.


“We have to prepare ourselves. We leave for the mission in 2 hours” Lilly’s voice was heard once again along with a giggle that undoubtedly came from the youngest, Miyu.


Unable to listen to anymore Taec his heel and quietly walked to the room Lyssa and he shared.





Walking into his room he came face to face with all the members of 2PM. Wooyoung sat on the bed playing with Junho’s right hand while Junho talked to Khun and Junsu who sat on the floor. Jaebeom stood leaning against the wall in his own thoughts as Chansung remained sulking, sat on at the computer table.


“What are you all doing in here?” Taec asked as all the boys looked up at him. Jaebeom lifted up from the support of the wall and shrugged, “They told us to leave the living room but they weren’t really specific about which room we had to migrate into, so we picked yours”


Taec sighed and shut the door behind him as he debated in his mind over if he should tell his friends about the girl’s next mission or keep it to himself. He knew if he told them they’d all be hell bent on preventing it from happenings but if he didn’t tell them he could find another way to stop it alone. He could talk to Lyssa and convince her to stop her friends from killing 2AM.


“Hyung?” Wooyoung’s voice interrupted his thoughts as he looked over to Taecyeon and Jaebeom. Neither was sure who he was talking to but they both listened anyway.


“I’ve been thinking, do you think JYP is worried about us?” Wooyoung questioned as all people present in the room looked at him.


“Of course he will be. Everybody will be worried about us” Nichkhun said softly looking to the carpeted floor.


“I’m worried. I know we’re doing this for our own safety but my parents are going to think I’m dead. I’m all they have, I don’t like this” Wooyoung said almost in a panicking tone.


“None of us like this but it’s something we have to do” Junho said absent minded.


“Even if it means sacrificing our friends?” Taec whispered softly to himself. However, instantly every member of 2PM’s heads shot up to look at Taec.


“What did you just say?” Junsu asked in a serious voice making Taec look up. They weren’t supposed to hear what he said but in a funny way, Taec felt relieved that they had heard him. It was then that he realized he wouldn’t be able to convince Lyssa to change her friend’s minds and he definitely couldn’t stop the girls all on his own. He needed the other members. They needed all of them to help him. Only then could he at least have a chance at saving 2AM.


“The girl’s next mission is to kill 2AM” Taecyeon breathed in and waited for his friend’s reactions.



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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol