Chapter 10

Death's Embrace

Written by Mai


Chapter 10.

The road seemed endless, as 2AM’s dorm was on the outskirts of Seoul. Lilly concentrated on the road, she looked in the review mirror to see Nona’s car behind her. Lilly lowered her sunglasses as her cell phone rang. She pressed the button for her speakers.

“Speak,” she said out loud, sliding back on her shades. She made a sharp turn to the right and shifted back into gear.

An unfamiliar voice spoke. Lilly guessed it was her dad’s assistant. “Hello, Miss Park. Your father has cancelled this mission.”

Lilly pressed on her brakes and the tires squealed against the pavement. Behind her, she heard honking from her colleagues. She turned around and glared. She spoke. “What do you mean he cancelled it?” Lilly asked angrily. She slammed her hands up against the steering wheel.
The man stuttered. “He….he told me he wanted to cancel it. He has a new mission.”

“We aren’t prepared for a new mission! “ Lilly exclaimed into the phone. She looked behind to see that the rest of the group had parked on the side of the road. “You are telling me that we have to do everything AGAIN!” Her little body shook.

“Miss Park, please listen. You don’t have to prepare. We’ll send you a file on your portable computers. It will take only a few minutes to overview. I promise. I am sorry, but this is your father’s orders!”

She grumbled. “Fine,” she coldly said and pressed the off button. She rolled down her window and stuck out her hand, gesturing to have the girls come out of their cars. Lilly jerked open her car door and stepped out of it gracefully. She took off her sunglasses as the other girls approached her.

Miyu glared, placing her hands firmly on her hips. “What’s the deal?!” Miyu exclaimed. “Why the hell did we stop?”

Lilly shot her a stare. “Daddy is cancelling this mission. They are sending files to our portable computers.”

Nona looked shocked and Lyssa took a deep breath. Inside, she felt overwhelmed. They didn’t have to kill 2AM. She didn’t have to betray Taecyeon. She felt so relieved that she almost could cry.

Mai noticed the look on Lyssa’s face. Somehow, she felt relieved as well.

“That means we have to re-plot everything!” Nona exclaimed sulking back to her car like a little child. It was almost more cute than scary. A short beep shot through all of the cars. “That must be it. Let’s just overview and plot while we drive,” Lilly told everyone. Even Nona heard her.

All of them got back into their cars and Lilly called everyone’s cell phone. It was a five-way, that way they could all talk.

“Okay,” Nona spoke. Everyone listened as they started their engines. “So we are going to the docks to have a talk with some mafia members. This should be interesting.”

They all could hear Miyu laughing. “More bloodshed, finally!” she said with a loud sigh.

Lilly just smirked and her GPS. “Apparently some of the mafia members had leaked information about Daddy’s secret organization.” Lilly made a sharp swerve, almost hitting the railings.

“And that they are specially trained in kendo,” Mai said scrolling down on her touch screen laptop. She then smirked. “This should be easy for Miyu.”

“HA! Specially trained with swords my ! Wait until they come across me,” Miyu smirked as she glanced at her computer screen.

“Here she goes again,” Nona said rolling her eyes. “Lyssa, you need to map out a way to enter the loading dock. Apparently, they are hiding in a warehouse.”

Lyssa took one hand off the wheel and typed in some letters into her keyboard. A map of the loading dock appeared on her screen. “The only entry is through the gates, which is guarded by mafia members. They have surveillance and everything. I’m sure if we use Mai and Miyu to kill the guards and Lilly to shoot the surveillance with her gun, then Nona can tap into the security here. That way, we can make a clean cut to the mafia leader and the members who leaked information.”

Everyone agreed to that. “Good thinking, Lyssa,” Lilly smiled as they made it across the bridge into the city. “Anything else you would like to add?”

“The entry of the loading dock to the warehouse is approximately 10 yards away. There are possibly mafia members around looking for intruders. Never defy their skills in kendo though,” Lyssa said, typing on her computer. “This is a powerful secret mafia in Korea.”

“Don’t worry about it, Lyssa,” Miyu smirked. “I think we can handle it.”

“Good,” Mai said picking up speed. “Let’s do this.” She clicked the off button of her phone and zoomed across the city.

Several hours later, the whole place was filled with dead guys. Lyssa and Mai were busy piling the bodies together, shoving them in tin crates. Blood was scattered everywhere.

Miyu sat on one of the empty smaller crates and wiped the blood away on her knife with some dead guy’s handkerchief. In front of her was the mafia leader, who was tied up. His face was brutally bruised and he looked lazily on the ground.

“Well, you knew the consequences for messing with our secret organization,” Lilly said, pacing back and forth with her revolver in her hand. She put it on safety, but she didn’t tell anyone. She only wanted to scare this mafia leader.

“I didn’t know some of them leaked information about you guys!” he exclaimed. Lilly swiftly spun around and slammed both her hands on both of the arms of the chair. She got face to face with the mafia leader. She held his face in her small hands. She pinched it tightly and he winced.

“Don’t lie,” she hissed. “You knew all along. YOU KNEW IT! Don’t act like you are innocent. NO ONE IS INNOCENT!” She yelled in his face. She then stepped backwards and pointed the gun barrel directly to his face. “Now, you have to die.”

“Please don’t,” he cried. “PLEASE! I didn’t know, believe me. Don’t kill me, please!” the ugly man spoke.

Lilly lowered the gun. “Oh, I’m not going to kill you.” She smirked. “Mai, come here.”

Mai dropped a limp body to the ground and turned her head. “What?”

“Just come here,” Lilly demanded. Mai rolled her eyes and walked over to Miyu and Lilly. “Since you haven’t done much, I’ll let you do the honors.” She held the gun out to Mai. Mai looked at it, and then pushed it away.

“I rather use my hands for this,” Mai smirked.

“Do as you please, Mai,” Lilly encouraged her and sat next to Miyu.

Mai slowly walked over to the man. Fear was written all over his face as she maneuvered her way towards him. She slowly traced the bruise on his face. Sweat tricked down his pale skin. Mai leaned in to his ear and smiled. “If you don’t move, it will hurt less.”

Mai touched the top of his head and then raised it slowly. “Are you ready?”

The man closed his heads and nodded his head yes.

Mai, in one quick movement, slammed her fist on top of his head, splitting his head open. The sound of skull cracking echoed throughout the room. It caused Miyu to get excited and Lilly had no reaction. Nona just smiled cheerfully as she helped Lyssa with the rest of the bodies. The mafia leader becomes limp, dying with his eyes open and blood trickling down his forehead. Mai cracked her knuckles.

“Miyu, you can take care of his body,” Mai grimaced and walked over to help Lyssa and Nona. Miyu jumped up in excitement and untied the man. She took out a small box cutter knife and carved DMG into his neck. She then smeared blood on his face, making smiley faces and sad faces.

“You have too much fun with this Miyu,” Lilly said rolling her eyes. They both carried the man to the now full tin crate with the rest of the bodies.

“Now thinking about it, this was really easy. They really had no skills whatsoever,” Miyu said.

“We finished this in about 20 minutes. That’s pretty crazy,” Nona laughed. “Okay, now let’s push this in the water. I’m sure it’ll drift to china somewhere.”

They all closed the crate and Lyssa used a crane to push it in the water. Dropping it swiftly, the crate started to sink. They all watched it. Miyu waved goodbye.

“Let’s go home,” Lilly suggested. “I’m tired!”

Everyone retreated back to their cars. Lilly her phone and called her dad’s office. “Hello, Mr. Park speaking,” he answered.

“Mission complete, daddy,” Lilly said.

“Good, did you get rid of all of them?”

“Yes we did.”

“Good, talk to you later.” He hung up before Lilly could say goodbye. She frowned and turned off her phone. They all drove back home.
“HELLO! We are home!” Nona exclaimed, dropping her dirty jacket near the washer as they all tumbled in. It was quiet this time and no one answered. Something seemed off, something seemed wrong.

“Hello?” Lilly repeated to Nona. They all froze and looked at each other.

“Everyone check your rooms!” Mai exclaimed. They all ran towards their rooms and all came back with angry expressions on their faces. 2PM had escaped.

Nona eyes widened when she checked her drawers with the keys. She knew better! She knew why Junho asked her about the keys! Nona ran towards the garage to find that the crappy car missing. “DAMMIT!” She exclaimed, her eyes flaming with fiery. “THEY TOOK THE CAR!” Nona ran upstairs to the computer room, punching numbers into the pad. The door lifted open and she sat in her chair. Everyone else followed and watched as she loaded up the tracking device for their cars. She clicked the Volkswagen icon and it showed a satellite image of where the car was.

“They must have known,” Lyssa said quietly.

Lilly turned her head to look at Lyssa. “Known what?”

“That we were going to kill 2AM. When they found out, they made their escape. They went to go save them from us,” Lyssa conveyed and sat down on one of the computer chairs. “We have to get them back,” Mai said as she watched the screen. “If they are out like this, they can report us, because they are supposed to be dead. Your dad will find out that we didn’t kill them. THEY ARE OUT IN PUBLIC!” Mai exclaimed, slamming her hands on the desk.

“Come on guys, let’s go,” Lilly said putting on her shades. “We’ll take two cars; one fast one and the van. That way when we get them, we can all fit somewhere.”

“I’ll take the van,” Nona suggested, since she was good at it. “I can monitor the car on my GPS, so it’s all good.”

“I’ll ride with her,” Lyssa said angrily.

“I will to,” Mai said walking out the door.
Speeding down the highway as quickly as the car would go, Jaebeom tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as he stole small glances between the rearview mirror and the road. In the back, the other members were squashed together. Wooyoung and Junho were both pushed up against the door and Wooyoung exclaimed through the loud chattering going around them, “You just have to choose the smallest car!”

“It wasn’t my fault! It was the only car I knew the girls wouldn’t be using!” Junho defended himself as he attempted to peek out from behind Chansung’s back. Chansung was currently half sitting on him. Taecyeon grinned at the funny position everyone was in. He was seated in the center and so, he was able to sit on top of Nichkhun who was on his right side beside Chansung and Junsu who on the left side next to Wooyoung. His position was quite comfortable, because hey, no one’s sitting on him.

“Are we almost there yet?!” Junsu exclaimed from the back seat. He was currently in his mood swings. His leg was starting to become numb with the weight of Taecyeon on his knee. Nichkhun was also in a very uncomfortable position and his face scrunched up in dislike as he tried to move and make himself more comfortable. No one could sit on the passenger seat since it was missing and had GSP and other electrical devices on it. But it was currently locked and needed a password to use.

“Jae!!” the boys all exclaimed when they received no reply from the leader. Jaebeom sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked back at the rearview mirror and even though a smile was threatening to break out on his face at everyone’s discomfort, he remained serious. “We’re almost there, guys. Just hang on a bit longer. I am going as fast as this car can go, which I will say, is only 65 miles per hour! So shut your complaining and be quiet!” he ordered and everyone immediately fell silent. Jaebeom smirked as he focused back on the road.

He made a turn onto the exit and drove past a couple more houses and buildings until he came to his destination; 2AM’s dorm.
The atmosphere within 2AM’s dorm wasn’t very lively as everyone sat in the living room. Jokwon, Seulong, and Jinwoon were seated on the sofa, while Changmin sat on the loveseat. Everyone was staring lazily in front of them while Jokwon was sobbing into his handkerchief. “I can’t believe they’re dead.” He sobbed and blew his nose.

Beside him Jinwoon was silently crying as his eyes were casted downward. “The last time we saw them…was when they were in their dorms dressed as chickens and in feathers.” He sniffed. He can still remember that day. It was about a week ago before the whole mess with the kidnapping started. The members were in their dorm and having a pillow fight. In the end, feathers were flying everywhere and as punishment for the losers, which were Taec and Junsu, everyone had taken all the features and glued it onto their clothing and stuck it on their faces. After that, Junsu and Taecyeon would have to act like chickens while running around the dorm.

Seulong was speechless as he stared sadly at the TV. It was silently board casting the news about 2PM’s deaths. He was glad the TV was muted; he wouldn’t want to hear the news over again. Changmin was also silent as he stared silently at his hands. His mind was in a daze. He couldn’t believe that in such a short amount of time all of these things could happen. First, was the kidnapping, next, ALL of 2PM were kidnapped, and now, they were all dead.

As everyone drowned in their own thoughts and sorrow a sudden knock on the door rang throughout the house. Jokwon’s head snapped up as he looked in the direction of the door. Jinwoon sighed and wiped away his tears before standing up. “I’ll get it.” He said quietly before sulking toward the door. Suddenly the knocking grew louder and more hurried, which made all the members curious.

Jinwoon’s step quickened as he unlocked the chain on the door. The rest of his Hyungs watched in silence.

“Ahhhh!!” a scream from Jinwoon was heard and everyone stood up in shock. Suddenly Jinwoon was on the floor and he was panicking and pointing in the direction of the door with his mouth hanging open. No sounds escaped though. One by one, the members of 2PM ran in.

“Guys!!” Wooyoung exclaimed as he grinned seeing his brothers again.

 “OH MY GOD!!!” Jokwon exclaimed pointing at the 2PM members, “GHOSTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. His high pitch voice came out and everyone cringed. They all covered their ears in an attempt to block the screaming out.

“Can someone shut him up!!?” Jaebeom exclaimed loudly and soon a pillow was thrown toward Jokwon’s face, temporarily stopping him.

“Thank you, Nichkhun.”

“But…but…” Seulong shuttered. He couldn’t get his words out properly and soon just gave up.

“Okay, guys. We don’t have much time to exclaim, but please; please just follow us, okay? We’ll explain later.” Junho said in a hurry before Taecyeon grabbed onto Seulong, Jaebeom took a hold of Jokwon, Junsu pulled onto Changmin’s arms and urged him forward, and Chansung took it upon himself to drag his other magnae partner out the door. Struggling could be heard in the hallway, but the rest of 2PM ignored it and quickly followed the guys out the door.
“DAMMIT! “ Jaebum exclaimed, slamming his hands on the steering wheel. The car had finally let out. Jaebum tried to turn the key in the ignition, but the car wouldn’t start. Everyone was cramped in the back.

“JAY! What’s going on?” Jo Kwon asked.

He turned to look at him. “I don’t know. This car !” he said and then got out, kicking it.

Everyone huddled out of the car. They were by a large forest and practically in the middle of nowhere. 2PM had taken 2AM out of their dorms to get them to safety. They were all surprise that the girls didn’t show up, though they feared that they would.

“What do we do?” Taecyeon asked as he leaned up against the car.

“I don’t know,” Jaebum said quietly.

“So, they didn’t kill you guys,” Jinwoon said, sitting on the ground next to Chansung. “I’m glad that didn’t happen, we thought you guys were really dead.”

“When we heard the news,” Seulong spoke up. “We were all devastated. Fans left out flowers on the JYPE building, people are mourning right now. They are now blaming the company for not fully protecting you guys.”

Junho looked down at his shoes. “I feel so…..sad right now. All these people are mourning, but…we’re not even dead. We were just kidnapped and taken hostage. Now that we are free….”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean the girls won’t find us,” Wooyoung cut in. “The thought of me actually getting close to them makes me cringe.”

Chansung picked at the grass. “I told you guys, but you didn’t listen.”

“It isn’t their faults. They are told to kill,” Nichkhun stated. Everyone looked up at him. “The company tells them to kill the clients. If they go against it, then the company will kill them.”

“That’s why they are protecting us,” Junsu said, gazing towards Taecyeon. “One girl is in love with Taecyeon. He’s the reason why we are alive.”

Changmin spoke up. “Who are these girls?”

“People we could almost trust,” Jaebum said coldly. “Until we heard they were going to kill you next.”

“Hey….guys,” Chansung said getting up slowly. Jinwoon gave him a strange look.

“What is it, Chansung?” Jinwoon asked.

“That car….looks familiar, so does that van,” he pointed down the road.

Jaebum and Taecyeon both widened their eyes, followed by the rest of 2PM. 2AM were confused. “RUN!” Jaebum exclaimed. Everyone scattered towards the forest. “STAY TOGETHER!” Nichkhun exclaimed as they ran into the forest.

Nona pressed her foot on the brakes and everyone in the van and in the car jumped out and started to go after them. “They are pretty fast, you guys!” Lilly yelled as they ran into the forest. “Mai and Miyu, take the left, Lyssa and Nona take the right. I’ll center, that way, we can close in on them.”

Everyone nodded and ran deep inside the forest.

2PM and 2AM scurried across the desolated forests, dodging branches and stumbling over rocks. Wooyoung looked behind him to see Lilly closing in on them. “Oh !” he said under his breath. With realizing, he felt a body come in contact with his, causing him to fall and trip over Seulong, who grabbed onto Jaebeom’s arm. The whole group fell apart when the girls started closing in on them.

With a surprise, Lilly pinned all three of them to the ground. Miyu jumped over a branch and took out small blades. At the right moment, she tossed them, making Junsu, Nichkhun, and Jo Kwon’s fabric to get stuck to a tree stump. All three of them bumped into each other clumsily.

Nona only had to capture Junho, who was holding onto Changmin. Nona was too fast for them and ended up pinning the both of them to a tree. Lyssa was irritated with Taecyeon’s behavior and suddenly leaped like a lion, catching her prey. She landed and rolled over with Taecyeon, slamming onto a tree trunk. Mai was the last one to catch her boys, since both of them had long legs. Jinwoon and Chansung were left, both almost tired from running. She slid up against the pile of leaves on the ground. She picked up speed and then grabbed hold of a thick branch hanging off the tree and swung to hit both guys with her feet. They all fell to the ground and Mai flipped them over, grabbing them by the neck.

“Don’t struggle,” she said. “If you don’t want to die,” she glared. Jinwoon froze, but Chansung kept struggling, grabbing her arms to make her let go. “Don’t do it,” she snarled. He did it even more. Mai was just about to snap his neck until…

“MAI!” Lyssa exclaimed from afar. Mai loosened her grip and looked back. “Get them back here, alive.” Lyssa was mad now, but not at Mai. Mai grumbled and picked them both up by the collar and dragging them. Chansung finally gave up because it was no use.

Nona was freaking out at Junho, who was looking away from her. “What the is wrong with you!? Escaping like this!? I thought I could trust you! You guys are totally going to get it!” She screamed and then slamming her fist up against the tree. Mai threw both Chansung and Jinwoon up against the tree roughly and Lilly tied them up. She glared down at Chansung.

Finally tying them all up, Lilly crossed her arms and Miyu angrily walked over to her. “Can we just ing kill them?!”

“No,” Lyssa said. “I’m angry as you are, but we can’t.”

Miyu glared at Lyssa and stared at her as if she were a lunatic. “This is ing bull,” Miyu snarled and threw one of her knifes at one of the tree.

“I thought we could trust you guys,” Lyssa said, disappointment rang in her voice. “Taking the car and then escaping! Do you know HOW dangerous this could be for all of us?! Not ONLY that, but we cancelled our plans to kill 2AM!”

Jaebum spoke up. “Still, we did this for our brothers! We thought we could trust you!” Jaebum exclaimed.

“YOU CAN TRUST US!” Lyssa exclaimed. “WE ONLY DO THIS BECAUSE THE COMPANY TELLS US TO!” Lyssa exclaimed. Taecyeon then shot her a look.

“Then why didn’t you just kill us?” he said harshly.

Lyssa suddenly stopped shaking and look at Taecyeon. She felt hurt. Her heart tumbled down and she looked away. ‘Why didn’t I just kill them? I wouldn’t be in this situation.’ Then she looked back at Taecyeon. His face was calm and handsome. That face was the face she couldn’t resist years ago. The person she fell in love with for the first time, the person who never forgot about her and left her.

Lilly patted Lyssa’s back. “Hey, you can go back to the car if you want, just follow the path,” she said quietly. Lyssa just nodded and glanced at Taecyeon, who was angrily looking away.
Lyssa walked away, tears straining down her face. Mai felt angry now, Mai felt like she could kill Taecyeon right now.

“As if you didn’t realize,” Mai said coldly. “She didn’t kill you, because she loves you. I thought you knew. I know your brothers are more important to you, but have you ever considered the feelings of Lyssa. She didn’t want to kill 2AM in the first place, but if she didn’t, she would end up dead herself. Did you really want that to happen, Ok Taecyeon?”

Taecyeon nodded his head no.

“But since it was our duty to kill 2AM, we’ll do it right now, as a punishment,” Miyu smirked, sharpening her knife. She grabbed Jo Kwon by the hair, causing him to yelp in pain. “YOU LET HIM GO!” Jaebum exclaimed.

“PLEASE DON’T!” Wooyoung pleaded.

Lilly was confused for a moment and glanced at Miyu who just gave her a wink. She went along with it. Lilly gave Mai a look and she just nodded and jabbed Nona on the side. Nona started to smile.

“Girls, get the others,” Miyu said, nudging her heard forward.

Lilly, Nona, and Mai grabbed Jinwoon, Seulong, and Changmin.

“DON’T TOUCH THEM!” Chansung yelled as Mai grabbed Jinwoon. She gripped her hands around his arms. Mai kicked him in the stomach, causing him to grunt.

“DON’T HURT CHANSUNG, PLEASE!” Jinwoon exclaimed. Mai yanked on his arms and followed Miyu deep in the forest. “HYUNGS,” Jinwoon exclaimed.

Changmin stayed silent, but gave one last reassuring look at all the boys. “Be careful,” he said quietly.

“Changmin-ssi,” Wooyoung said quietly, his eyes filled with water. Nona pulled him after Mai.

“Time to get executed, are you excited?” Lilly asked Seulong, he grimaced. His eyes were filled with fear now.

“Please don’t do this,” Seulong pleaded.

“Oh, shut up and come with me,” her eyes sparkled with charm.

They all halted in front of a large tree. They were far away now from 2PM. Miyu smirked.

“We aren’t going to kill you,” Lilly said playfully. All of them looked at each other. “We are letting you go”

“What about 2PM?” Seulong asked.

“They stay. It’s already been reported that they’ve been dead. We can’t bring them back, I’m sorry,” Nona said, looking guilty.

“Well, what are you guys going to do to us then?” Jinwoon asked.

“Pretend we are killing you, as a joke that is. Then they’ll think you are dead too, but don’t worry, I think they’ll catch on. “Miyu laughed.

Jo Kwon couldn’t help but crack a smile.

“But on one condition,” Mai said, her expression darkening. “If you let any of this out, we will come and find you. Trust me on this,” her voice was threatening, causing shivers from the 2AM boys. “Okay, we promise!” Jo Kwon said out loud. They all pinky promised. “Although you guys are horrible people, I actually like you,” Jo Kwon smile. “You can trust all of us. Plus, who can turn down cute girls like you!”

Everyone just laughed but then quieted down. “Okay, so pretend to scream for help and all that. Then Nona will drive you guys back home. DO NOT let any of this out, OR ELSE,” Miyu took out her knife and pointed it at Jo Kwon.

“OKAY OKAY! Let’s do this!” Jo Kwon said.

“Ready?” Mai asked. Everyone nodded.

“YOU READY TO DIE, SEULONG?” Lilly asked, trying to make it sound real.

Over on the other side of the forest, the boys listened.

“Oh no,” Wooyoung closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. Jaebum tightened his lips, he was about to cry too. Everyone was about to cry. Suddenly they heard Seulong scream out “OH NO! DON’T! DON’T” and then followed by two gun shots. Lilly had shot up in the air with no bullets. Seulong snickered.

“SEULONG!” Wooyoung screamed out loud. He started to sob. Chansung screamed out as well, with Jaebum tightening his fist. His eyes shut tight. Junho’s eyes were as wide as they could get, followed by Junsu, who tried to hold onto Wooyoung’s hand. Taecyeon looked down, tears rolling down his face.

“YOU’RE NEXT!” Miyu exclaimed. Jo Kwon started to scream with his high pitch voice and made gagging noises, as if Miyu were stabbing him. Instead, they both stood there with large smiles on their faces. Miyu liked this. She started to let out maniacal laughs. Seulong jumped up and down, trying to contain himself.

“OH NO! AHHHHHH!” Changmin screamed out. “AHHHHH!” Nona started to throw large rocks at the tree trunks as if she were hitting Changmin. Changmin then ended it with a gagging noise as well.

“HYUNGS! HELP!” Jinwoon exclaimed. Mai was supposed to be strangling him, but she just stood there looking at her nails. “HYUNGS!” Jinwoon made gurgling sounds and then it fell quiet. Jo Kwon was holding his laughter by covering his mouth. Miyu face turned red from all this commotion.

The 2PM guys were all sobbing now. They hated them. They hated the girls so much. They tried to get out of the rope, but it was no use.

“Okay, they’ll know you guys aren’t dead later on when they watch television. Trust me on this,” Lilly said. “Nona will take you guys back home now, we’ll take it from here, okay?”

They all nodded.

“We’ll have to take them first,” Mai said. “Then Nona will you back. No funny business though, she is armed.”

“We won’t, we like you guys too much right now, even though you guys are killers,” Jo Kwon smiled.

“Aw, how sweet,” Miyu said. She had a stupid grin on her face. “I guess we can trust you guys. Come on, let’s go get the boys and get home. Nona, you can take the smaller car. We need the van to fit the seven of them.”

“Of course,” Nona smiled. “Let’s wait here. I’ll pretend I am burning your bodies now.” She took out matches.

Lilly, Mai, and Miyu walked back towards the guys, who all glared down at their shoes. All three girls looked satisfied.

“Come on, let’s go,” Mai said, untying Chansung’s rope. Chansung was silent now.

“What did you do to their bodies, why did you do that?” Nichkhun asked. He was pissed off now.

“Nona is burning them right now,” Lilly smiled.

All of them looked up with shock.

Mai and Miyu couldn’t help but giggle.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol