Chapter 28

Death's Embrace

Written by Miiyu


Chapter 28:

Miyu didn't even know what to think. Nichkhun was now in their bedroom getting his ankle checked by Nona and from how swollen it looked, Miyu knew that ankle meant no good news. Hearing a cough, she immediately turned her murderous glare toward the cougher, who was also known as Mr. Kim Junsu. "You clumsy octopus!" Miyu spat and Junsu ducked his head not daring to make eye contact with an angry Miyu.

"It was an accident..." Junsu mumbled but stiffened when he felt the tip of Miyu's knife under is chin. His heart was racing and fear clasped a part of his soul. Despite his fear Junsu also felt something there alongside his panic that confused him. He was actually kind of happy that Nichkhun got injured.

"Do not tempt me" Miyu simply said before withdrawing the sharp object and walking away cursing under her breath. Mai who was standing near the opposite wall rolled her eyes. She could never understand how Miyu and Junsu can turn from clingy to murderous, or in Junsu's case, scared for his life. It seemed like a ridiculous cycle between the two and poor Khun was the one caught in the middle.

Lily was in her room when she got a phone call and Lyssa was with the rest of the boys in the living room waiting for Nona to come out with news on how Nichkhun's ankle is. 

Just as Miyu was about to complain about how long it's been, her room's door opened and out came a serious faced Nona. Miyu didn't need Nona to tell her, she already knew what was happening. However, that didn't make her any less angry. Miyu had to control herself from slicing Junsu into pieces.

"He can't dance, can he?" she stated grumpily.

Nona nodded and glared at Junsu who still didn't dare raise his head. "Nichkhun twisted his ankle and it's swollen. He'll have to rest it for a few weeks"

Miyu sighed and ran a hand through her face. She glanced at all her Unnis to see that they were also trying to hide their unhappiness with the situation. Too much was happening and in such a short amount of time their leader was an emotional wreck, they have to attend an important mission, the girls are all changing, and now they have this. 

"Now what? That octopus just had to leave his foot carelessly there and now I have no partner. We have less than a week left until the ball."

"How about you choose a new partner? I'll assure you that Wooyoung and Junsu can learn the dance in no time." Taecyeon said hoping to be helpful. Miyu directed her gaze to Junsu and Wooyoung and shook her head.

"I watched some of your 2PM clips and to me, Junsu seems like the weakest dancer." she said bluntly causing some of the members to snicker knowing the truth of her words. Junsu was the slowest learner in dancing within the whole group. Even Junsu himself wasn't going to deny it.

"Then I guess you want to partner with Wooyoung?" Chansung inquired with a raised eyebrow. Miyu grimaced and turned to Wooyoung but before she could say anything the bedroom door to Lily's room slammed open and Lily came out rubbing her head.

"From the expression on everyone's faces, I am guessing that Nichkhun cannot dance. If that is true then Miyu should partner up with Junsu since he needs to take responsibility for his actions." Lily said sternly with her arms crossed. "I also got a call from Daddy. The place for the party has been decided and we are expected to be there by Sunday, which is four days away. I expect that during those four days everyone will master their dances and we" Lilly nodded toward Lyssa, Nona, Mai, and Miyu "need to begin planning for the mission soon."

"I see no point in planning when we can just slaughter everyone" Miyu rolled her eyes. She was worried about having to dance with Junsu since like she said before, he was the weakest dancer. For both of them to learn teamwork and the dances with each other within four days sounded pretty impossible.

"Miyu, this time our mission is different. We are up against not a group of assassins but the leaders of the assassin organizations. The leaders are the strongest and it would be a miracle if we can kill all of them" Lily sighed and leaned her head against the wall. "No mistakes are allowed on this mission and we have to make sure the boys do not get discovered."

Lyssa absorbed the information. Frankly, she was nervous. There was always the possibility of getting caught or dying. Flashbacks from their last mission came to her mind and her hands slightly shook. Taecyeon glanced at Lyssa worriedly and held Lyssa's hand tightly. They didn't have to say anything to each other and comfort was given. 

Nona and Junho stood side by side not looking at each other and both knew the risks from this mission. It was hanging above their heads threatening to fall and crack their skulls open. Nona felt anger begin to boil within her but willed it away. She has been trying her best to control her bipolar disorder and recently she has been successful. Unconsciously, her hand found it's way to Junho's larger ones and Junho couldn't hold back his smile despite the situation they were in. 

Jaebeom shared a glance with Chansung and Wooyoung. They were worried now. If they were caught then all of them would die. The girls were already deadly afraid of Mr. Park and from the things they all heard from the girls, Mr. Park was a dangerous man. He was far more dangerous than DMG, there wasn't a doubt in that statement.

"Everything will be fine. We will plan and make sure the plan is flawless." Mai's voice cut through the silence, "I'll make sure of that. I won't let us get discovered or die" her eyes hardened and a look of determination flashed across every member of DMG's face. 

"We're DMG. The best assassin group in the world. We can do this"

For the first time Chansung wanted to smile because of Mai. Even though Mai said it in a cold voice, he knew she was trying to assure everyone.He couldn't stop himself from thinking it and to Chansung's surprise, maybe he did want to believe in his thought, 'Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought she was..."


The sun had set and night had arrived. Everyone was suppose to be asleep. However, the magnae of DMG was still up and silently pulling her heels on. Miyu was dressed in black skinny jeans, a sparkling white tank top, and a black mini jacket. Her multi-colored hair was straight and cascaded down her back. In Miyu's purse that hanged from her shoulder were her collections of small knives.

Miyu sighed in happiness when she finished putting her heels on. She was going to go on her killing spree tonight after one month of abandoning her favorite hobby. Miyu frowned. Ever since 2PM came into their lives everybody was so busy. She was also included in the list of "busied" people. "Well, tonight I'll have some long awaited fun" she giggled and was about to punch in the code to the door when Miyu suddenly felt someone grab onto her hand.

"Where are you going?"

Miyu turned to find a messy haired Junsu who was desperately trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. She growled remembering what happened earlier in the day. Miyu was still very angry and if Junsu didn't leave soon, she didn't know if she could control her urges to kill someone tonight.

"It's none of your business" Miyu said coldly shaking her hand from Junsu's grasp. However, Junsu was persistent and grabbed onto her hand again. "Tell me where you're going" he repeated in a stronger voice. The fear from today disappeared and Junsu actually did know what Miyu was planning to do. 

Junsu had heard Miyu moving around her bedroom getting ready to go out. The moment he heard the sounds of knives he knew Miyu was planning to kill someone tonight. Junsu knew there was no new single mission for Miyu so that meant Miyu was planning to kill an innocent person and no way in hell was he allowing that.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." Miyu gritted through her clenched teeth. "I don't want to slice you Junsu. That would just mean endless nagging from the Unnis."

"Then don't go"


"Don't go." Junsu repeated softly, "Don't kill an innocent person. It's not right and you know it. I know it's the drug making you want to kill, but fight it. Please?"

Miyu stared at Junsu with open slightly. She wanted to say something but she didn't know what to say. What could she say? Sighing, Miyu gently took Junsu's hand away from hers and she turned away from him and opened the heavy metal door. Before it closed, Junsu saw the look in her eyes.

They were apologetic.


"I can't stop it, so please understand" Miyu whispered to the cold night air and her eyes transformed. They turned into those of a predator, cold and calculating, but also with a tinge playfulness. 


Miyu was ready to go search for her preys tonight.


The next four days were filled with immense practice. The practices ranged from fighting, to dancing, to acting, and learning French. Miyu and Mai had taken French when they were still training in the organization so it was not much of a problem for the two youngest. Surprisingly, the boys were able to learn quickly. Lily was quite impressed as she saw Jaebeom and Wooyoung conversing with each other in French. 

Lyssa was delighted when she knew they would be learning French since French was known as the language of love. Taecyeon took the knowledge to his advantage and flirted with Lyssa endlessly. It went on until Mai couldn't take it anymore and forced them away into their bedroom yelling, "You two disgust me! URGH!"

Junsu practiced hard those four days. He wanted to make up for his carelessness and thankfully Nichkhun forgave him for what happen. Of course kind-hearted Nichkhun wouldn't hold it against him. Nichkhun also helped Junsu by watching and giving him advice. By the third day, Junsu and Miyu were perfectly in sync with each other dancing around the practice room.

Jaebeom had to admit he was never expecting Junsu to do so well in such a short amount of time. He was proud as the leader.

Chansung and Mai were also doing well. They got into less fights and Mai slowly became comfortable with Chansung so close to her. She was certain now that nothing could go wrong. They were always fighting but everyone's teamwork was undeniably amazing. Mai had to grin to herself.

Nona and Junho always had fun during practice although there were times when she would flare up in anger when Junho accidentally stepped on her foot or they would mess up more than three times. However, they always went back to normal laughing and playing. 

 By the time they got on the private jet that only DMG could use, everyone's nervousness returned. They were heading to Paris now and the ball would be in the Palace of Versailles.

The mission is starting.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol