Chapter 11

Death's Embrace

Written by Lily


Chapter 11:

Throughout the ride home the members of DMG and 2PM were enveloped in silence. Some were too angry to speak, some were trying to comprehend that they had just lost four very good friends in their lives. The occasional sob came from Wooyoung and Junho but other than that, the silence only grew. Lilly was driving at full speed back to the house. She just wanted to forget what had happened although she was still pissed that the guys had tried to escape.

Though she was full of anger she couldn’t shake the feeling of envy she felt for the 2AM members. How she had seen each 2PM member cry for their friends when they thought of their deaths. How they were still sobbing now after leaving the scene. Would her friends cry like that for her?

When growing up in the organization, one of the rules her Father drummed into every trainees brain was that mission comes first. If you lose a friend at some point on a mission, you do not cry for them. Now they were rebelling against the organization by keeping 2PM alive. Would her friends be willing to rebel against that rule as well? When the time comes that one member falls to their peril, would the others feel anything at all?

Letting out a sigh, Lilly glanced into her rear view mirror to see Taec and Lyssa sitting as far away from each other as possible which was a big change for two people who were usually joint together at the hip. Lilly looked to Mai who was sat in the messenger seat of the car.

“As much as I hate to admit this, someone has got to talk some sense into that boy about the work because I don’t think he’ll ever understand Lyssa at all if he doesn’t realize why we do what we do” Lilly said putting her eyes back onto the road. Mai looked at her for a second before nodding in agreement. She then turned and looked out of the window as they passed a whole lot of trees on both sides of the road they were driving along.

“I don’t think there is much we can do. It’s up to Lyssa to explain to him about our work. He’ll only come to terms with it if it comes from Lyssa’s mouth” Mai said in a hushed tone so only Lilly would hear. Lilly frowned but didn’t push further on the subject.


Once back at the house the guys got out of the car and walked into the house willingly. Lyssa stepped out and slammed the door before walking into the house as well leaving Lilly, Mai, and Miyu outside. The three girls looked at each other before letting out sighs.

“I’ve never seen Lyssa like this, usually she does a good job at keeping her cool” Miyu said while folding her arms. Mai nodded in agreement glancing to the front door of the house. Lyssa had always been the level headed and calm one of the group but now, because of her boyfriend’s little stunt, her reasoning was gone and replaced by anger. Especially after the hurtful things he had said to her back in the forest.

“Well I don’t know about you two but I got boys to go punish” Miyu shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she made her way into the house followed by the two remaining members.


Walking into her bedroom Lyssa came face to face with the very man who right now made her blood boil with anger. She had never been so angry at anyone in her life, well from what she can recall. He didn’t seem to be too pleased with her either as he sat down on her bed.

Lyssa shut the door behind her, almost knowing what was about to go down between them both. Once the click of the door being shut was heard, Taec’s head shot up to glare at Lyssa.

“You didn’t answer my question” He stated in such a cold voice that Lyssa hardly recognized it. She was taken by surprise at first but quickly regained her composure.

“What are you talking about?” She asked while trying to make her voice sound as cold as his. She had every reason to be angry at him as well.

“Why didn’t you just kill us when you were meant to?” Taec ask as Lyssa gritted her teeth. Was he blaming her for keeping him alive? Was he angry over the fact that she saved him but wasn’t able to save his friends, although they were still alive unbeknownst to him?

“Is that what you want? You want me to turn back time and kill you like I was meant to?” She asked as Taec sprung up to his feet in anger.

“If you had maybe it would have been for the better, either that or you could turn back time and not become an assassin in the first place, how does that sound?!” He shouted as Lyssa glared at him.

“What are you trying to say? This is my entire fault because I’m an assassin? If I hadn’t become an assassin I wouldn’t be here today. It’s who I am!” Lyssa shouted back at him.

“It still doesn’t change the fact that what you do is wrong. People like you should be locked away or worse, you should be-” Taec began but Lyssa quickly cut in, already knowing the end of his sentence.

“Don’t you dare” She warned.

“Dead” Taec finished as the sound of that very word split Lyssa’s heart in two. Taec knew his words were harsh and wrong but he was so angry at that point. He just wanted Lyssa to hurt as much as he was at that point. He had succeeded though. She was in agony but she wasn’t going to show Taec that his words had gotten to her. She quickly picked up a book from her computer table and threw it at Taec.

The book hit him square in the face before falling to the floor with a thump. They stared at each other in anger as Lyssa felt tears begin to build up in her eyes. Even if that book had hurt him, she knew she was in more pain.

“I thought that in time you’d eventually accept me for who I am but I think I was wrong” Lyssa said softly as Taec nodded “I guess so but I don‘t think anyone can accept a killer other than another killer”.

“We’re done here” She said turning away from him and leaving the room. Taec stood in the middle of the bedroom. His hand flew through his hair in frustration as he collapsed onto the bed.


Miyu tip toed past Lyssa’s room, hearing shouting from the other side of the door. Once past Lyssa’s bedroom door she made her way into her own bedroom. She shut the door and turned around to see both Nichkhun and Junsu sat on her bedroom couch looking both upset and scared.

They both knew they had angered her like never before tonight and they didn’t exactly know what she was going to do with them after their escape. It was clear she was pissed as much as the next member of DMG, or maybe even more.

Both boys avoided eye contact with her as she walked over to her closet and pulled out the bloody clothes they had worn before. Turning back to them, she glared.

“On your feet” She said in such a cold tone of voice that it could cause even hell to freeze over in ice. The boys did as they were told, not wanting to get her even more pissed off. She leaned against the door that led to the bathroom with a smile slowly forming on her lips.

“Strip” She said in a low voice. Both Junsu and Nichkhun looked at each other with blank expressions before turning back to Miyu.

“What?” Junsu asked which made Miyu laugh.

“I allowed you to use the bathroom to change last time but I’m not really in a good mood right now. Strip your clothes off and change into these” Miyu threw the clothes at the pair of them.

Nichkhun looked down at the familiar bloody clothes before looking back up at Miyu once again. “But you’re in the room, aren‘t you going to leave?” Nichkhun asked after stating the obvious. Surely she wasn’t going to watch them undress.

“It’s my room so I don’t see why I should leave. I’m sure you don’t think that I’m going to leave you two alone right now after the stunt you pulled tonight” Miyu said calmly as Junsu sighed.

“You already killed our friends. Haven’t you made us suffer enough tonight?!” He snapped as Miyu walked over to him. She slowly pulled a knife from out of her boot and smiled at it. Both Junsu and Nichkhun took a step back after realizing that she was armed still.

Miyu giggled, looking back up at them and raising the knife up to Junsu. Junsu’s eyes widened slightly, as he realized he had just pushed Miyu over the edge of sanity. She brought the knife up to his neck as the smile on her face only got bigger.

Instantly Nichkhun began to undress while Junsu on the other hand stood his ground, refusing to change. Miyu’s eyes narrowed in on him before speaking once again. “For such a good looking guy you sure are stupid”

Nichkhun looked at Junsu as the knife stayed in place, just over Junsu’s Adams apple. Nichkhun looked from Miyu to Junsu and back again as the fear of Junsu’s stubbornness being the end of him erupted in his whole being.

“Hyung, just do what she says” Nichkhun advised, trying to keep his voice as normal as possible. Junsu’s eyes instantly turned to Nichkhun who already had the bloody top on his body.

“Khun, she killed Jokwon. Why should I do anything this asks” Junsu snarled looking back at Miyu who rolled her eyes. Nichkhun shook his head in annoyance.

“Junsu, I’ve already lost 4 good friends tonight and I don’t plan on adding you to the list so let go of your pride and do as she says before I lose another friend” Nichkhun snapped as Junsu looked at him.

He could clearly see the fear in Nichkhun’s eyes and as much as he hated to admit defeat, he didn’t want Nichkhun or any of the other guys to grieve over one more friend tonight. Junsu looked to the floor and began to change into the bloody clothes Miyu had given him.


Mai sighed walking into the kitchen and pulling out the first aid kit. She had gone to her room but found that Chansung was not there. She wasn’t worried though. There was no way anyone would be so stupid to try and escape after tonight.

She took the first aid kit from the over head cupboard on the right side of the kitchen before letting out a sigh.

‘Now if I was an annoying little idol, where would I be?’ she asked herself before picking up the first aid kit and walking towards the basement steps. Chansung knew of the basement and since he was nowhere else in the house, Mai figured he’d be there.

Walking down the steps she heard shuffling around the room. Once at the last step she looked up to see Chansung leaning against the concrete wall, holding his side in pain. She rolled her eyes before stepping further into the room.

At the sound of her footsteps, Chansung’s eyes flew open and glared in her direction. His eyes held so much hate and fury it sent shivers down Mai’s spine just looking at him.

“What do you want?” He hissed at her after a moment of silence. Mai sighed and held up the first aid box slightly. Chansung watched her carefully as she walked close to him before sitting herself on a wooden bench which was place a few feet away from where he stood.

“I figured the blow you took might be hurting so I thought I might help you out a bit…not that you deserve it” Mai mumbled the last part of her sentence under her breath. It was true though in her opinion. He had done a very stupid thing tonight and not only endangered his life but also Mai’s and her friends. Not only that but his friend had said some pretty hurtful things to a certain member of DMG and Mai wasn’t too happy about it either.

She knew the last count wasn’t really Chansung’s fault but it would have never happened if they had just stayed put and listened to her rules about not leaving the house.

“I don’t need your help, it’s your fault I’m like this in the first place” Chansung snapped as Mai smiled at him. “You have no one to blame but yourself” She shrugged as Chansung gritted his teeth in anger.

“Like I had any other choice. You might not know the meaning of friendship but I do and when my friends are in danger I’m going to help them, even if I am being held captive against my will”

Mai then glared at him and stood up. His words had sparked something inside of Mai that made her fume with rage. He thought she didn’t know the meaning of friendship? He thought she wouldn’t help her friends when they needed her?

“For your information I know a lot more about friendship than most people in this world. I may not have many friends but the friends I do have, they mean more to me than life itself, to me they’re my family, so don’t stand there thinking that you’re the only one in this room that would risk his life for a friend because the truth is, I’m doing the same thing right now by keeping you alive” Mai fumed standing up from the bench and storming over to Chansung.

She grabbed his arm roughly and dragged him back over to the bench, ignoring his cries of pain as she did so. She sat him down on the bench before sitting down herself.

“So shut your mouth and let me take a look at your wound or so help me god, I will use violence” Mai growled before looking up at Chansung for the first time since her rant had began.

His eyes were more wide than usual as he looked at her in surprise. She must have caught him off guard. She opened the first aid box and pulled out some disinfectant. She poured some of the liquid onto a cotton ball before looking back up at Chansung.

“Are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way?” She asked as Chansung was silent for a second before pulling his shirt up slightly so Mai could take a look at his wound.

‘Wow, I really must have stuck him hard’ she thought to herself as she dabbed the cotton ball onto his wound. He flinched on instinct at her touch making Mai snap her gaze back at him.

“If you move, it’ll hurt more” She stated as Chansung rolled his eyes. Even at times like this he still managed to act ignorant and annoying. Mai looked back at the wound and continued to clean it before wrapping it up with a white bandage.

“There, should be good as new by tomorrow” Mai said looking down at her work before Chansung lowered his top back down. Chansung was silent as Mai sat there cleaning the stuff away that she used to clean the wound. Suddenly a slamming of the door was heard from up stairs.

‘Nona’s home~’ Mai sang in her head.


“I cannot believe you guys!” Lilly ranted as both Wooyoung and Jaebeom sat at the end of her bed. Wooyoung was still in the process of trying to calm himself down while Jaebeom was silent with a glare that lingered on Lilly.

“And do I even need to ask whose stupid idea this was?” Lilly asked spinning around to stare right back at Jaebeom. After a second, Jaebeom shifted his eyes to the bedroom door.

“Lilly, you’re close to your friends so can’t you understand what we were feeling when we found out you girls were going after 2AM? They’re our brothers” Wooyoung said softly as Lilly rolled her eyes.

Her mind went back to the thoughts that ran through her mind on the way home. Her thoughts of what she would do or what her friends would do if one was to fall. Could she really understand the guys’ true intentions of wanting to protect their friends? But, her father had always said not to let feelings such as them get to her, especially during a mission.

Lilly shook the thoughts out of her head and pulled Wooyoung up from the bed by his collar.

“Don’t act like you know me because the truth is, I’m an extremely dangerous person who really wants to blow your head off right now so stop acting as if I’m like you. I’m nothing like you” Lilly hissed as Jaebeom jumped up to his feet to try to get Wooyoung out of Lilly’s grasp.

“Let go of him” He hissed as Wooyoung stared deep into her eyes. Although they glared at him right now he could see the innocence somewhere inside of them. He knew his words had made her think about the things she had done and the things she had done tonight.

“It’s okay Hyung” Wooyoung said as he felt Lilly’s grasp on his collar loosen until he was completely free. Her eyes lingered as he stared right back at her. After a second her eyes looked to the bedroom door just as Jaebeom’s had done during their glaring war.

She let out a sigh before looking back up at them. Jaebeom stood there rubbing the back of his neck as Wooyoung stood there staring blankly at the floor. Her eyes narrowed, realizing the anger inside of her was still not completely gone.

No doubt the other guys were being punished by her friends, Junsu and Nichkhun for definite so it was only fair that she make Wooyoung and Jaebeom see the error of their ways.

“Follow me” She said softly before walking out of the bedroom. She heard the footsteps of them both behind her instantly. Of course they didn’t want to anger her even more tonight although they were angry and upset themselves.

As they walked down the staircase they came face to face with Nona. She seemed angry as Lilly smirked. “How did it go?” She asked winking at Nona secretly. Nona looked up as a smile instantly lit up her face.

“Okay, bodies are really slow at burning though, even when drowned in flammable substances. Of course I stayed out into the cold night air until there was nothing but ash as their remains” Nona shrugged as Lilly nodded.

“Good, what did you do with the ash?” Lilly asked trying not to burst out laughing. She knew Wooyoung and Jaebeom were intently listening. Nona shrugged at her question. “I just dumped them in this big jar here. I figured in a few years time we could sell it on the internet and a little morbid fan might buy it for a lot of cash” Nona grinned holding a big black jar in her hand that Lilly only just noticed.

Lilly’s eyes widened before laughing and giving Nona a high five. How did she not see this coming? Nona was always full of surprises.

“Have I ever told you how smart you are?” She asked as Nona looked at her nails in pride. “Once or twice” Nona shrugged as Lilly turned back to Wooyoung and Jaebeom to see their eyes had rounded in shock and disgust.

Wooyoung was close to tears again as Jaebeom looked angered. Nona ignored his glares and looked back to Lilly. “So, whatcha doing?” She asked in a childish voice swaying back and forth on her feet.

“Punishment. They’re spending the night in the original spare room they were in” Lilly shrugged as Nona’s face lit up in happiness.

“Oww good idea! Do you mind if Junho joins them? I haven’t really been able to come up with a good punishment for him” Nona explained as Lilly nodded.

“Sure. Just bring him when you’re ready” Lilly shrugged before turning back to the two men behind her. They both seemed to still be in shock.

“Come on boys” She said in a deadly tone of voice before continuing her walk down the stairs as both guys reluctantly followed behind her. Tonight they were going to remember what their first night at the house was like.

In chains, gagged and maybe even blindfolded. Lilly hadn’t quite decided yet.


“Aish, I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my life” Junho complained after being released from the shackles that Nona had chained him to the night before as Wooyoung and Jaebeom nodded in agreement.

They walked into the living room to see the rest of the guys sat in the room watching tv in silence. Junsu and Nichkhun were both again dressed in the clothes of Miyu’s past victims. Chansung sat rubbing his stomach uncomfortably on the couch while Taec sat on the opposite end of the couch with a dark look plastered on his face.

Junho, Jaebeom and Wooyoung took seat in the living room. Jaebeom sat in between Taec and Chansung on the couch while Wooyoung and Junho proceeded to take a seat on the floor where Junsu and Nichkhun rested.

“Last night was the worst” Junsu muttered over the tv as Nichkhun nodded in agreement. They had both been forced to sleep in the hallway with nothing but each other for comfort. That and the blood stained clothes they forcibly wore.

“You think you’ve got it bad? Lyssa threw a book at my head” Taec snarled in annoyance receiving shocked expressions from all in the room. Taec and Lyssa had a fight? They thought it was just an argument with no physical pain. Everyone sighed and although it was hard to believe, however they could all understand the reason for the fight.

Just then Miyu and Nona walked into the room. Nona was once again wearing an apron as Miyu looked as if she had just woken up. She walked over to the couch and pushed Taec onto the floor in one swift move.

Taec looked at her in annoyance as Miyu took his place on the couch. Taec seemed about ready to say something when Junsu and Nichkhun pulled him closer to them.

“Bare with it, Miyu isn’t a morning person” Junsu whispered as Nichkhun looked back at her as she yawned and snatched the tv remote from out of Jaebeom’s hands and turned the channel over.

She switched it to the news and turned the volume up higher in order for her to hear. The boys turned and began to watch the news in silence. Just after the usual weather report the news anchor lady began her segment with a top story.

“Early hours of this morning a man was killed by none other than his daughter. The un-named man was believed to be stabbed 17 times in areas such as the abdomen, chest and neck area. His daughter, aged 13 was taken into police custody after calling the police herself. The young girl was said to be covered in her father’s blood when being escorted into the police car” The woman said.

Junho watched the tv screen as a picture of the young girl being guided to a police car in a blood stained clothes came up. The whole room was silent.

“I know the feeling” Junsu mumbled under his breath which Junho could only assume he mean the wearing of bloody clothing. Junho scoffed at Junsu’s remark before looking at him.

“You’re kind of missing the point, aren’t you? What sort of sick mind kills their own father? Their own flesh and blood and the person who help bring you into this world? That girl deserves everything she gets” He spoke when he suddenly felt something hit the back of his head.

His hand flew up to where a bump was beginning to form from the tv remote hitting him on his head. He spun round to see Miyu glaring at him. He looked at her in puzzlement when Miyu quickly looked to Nona who was still stood in the room. Her eyes were attached to the tv screen. She then turned slowly to look at Junho with the same blank facial expression.

“You really think that?” She asked in a soft voice, almost a whisper.

By then, everyone’s attention was directly on both Nona and Junho. Junho nodded slowly in response as Nona suddenly glared at him.

“You, go find a cliff and jump off it!” She shouted before storming out of the room leaving Junho and the guys wide eyed at her reaction to Junho’s simple nod.

“Idiot” Miyu mumbled getting everyone’s attention in an instant. She shook her head in annoyance. Junho was about to stand up and ask what was going on when someone caught his attention.

“I-Is that 2AM?”

Every one of the guy’s head snapped back to the tv to see the words Chansung had spoke were true. 2AM were on the tv.

The news anchor lady carried on with her morning news reports.

“Now back to our other main headline, 2AM were spotted early hours of this morning being transported to JYP building by their manager. This is the first sighting of 2AM since their fellow brother group, 2PM‘s bodies were found. The boys refused to give any comments and were quickly whisked away into the building. Fans believe they have been told to keep quiet regarding the deaths of 2PM although it is clear to see that they are devastated over the loss of their 7 brothers as well as the fans that supported them”

The boys sat there in silence, their jaws hanging open as they saw a clip of the 2AM members being rushed into the familiar JYP building as fans screamed their names out.

Slowly Junsu and Taec turned to Miyu for an explanation. Miyu already held a satisfied smirk on her face.

“Gotcha” She winked before standing up from the couch and leaving the living room and the boys behind.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol