Chapter 18

Death's Embrace

**Sorry for the late chapter. I left to go to a Speech and Drama State meet tournmet and I didn't bring my laptop. ;__; I am sorry! But here it is nonetheless!**


Written by Miyu


An eerie silence instilled itself upon the room. The boys all stared at Lilly as she wiped the sweat trailing from her temple. No one understood what just played out before them. Mai huffed as she released Miyu’s now limp arm. Nona slowly let go as well and she stared down at Miyu with concern. “How come we didn’t realize? I should have checked.” Nona pouted as she ran a hand through her face. “It’s not your fault Nona; no one would have known she didn’t take the injection.” Mai said as she stood up with her arms crossed, “But why didn’t Miyu take it? She knows the risk…”


“Maybe…something happened?” Lyssa said as she once again tried to stand up. Taecyeon quickly ran to her side and tried to get her back into the wheelchair. “Taec, stop! I’m not a cripple!” Lyssa exclaimed as she slapped Taecyeon’s hands away. She slowly steadied herself onto her feet. “We should take her to her room.”


Lilly nodded as she signaled Mai and Nona do the task, but before they could even lay a finger on Miyu, Junsu and Nichkhun surged forward. They both stood in front of the girls, their eyes glaring dangerously, “Don’t touch her…” Nichkhun growled. Nichkhun’s arms were spread out covering Miyu from the other girls, he wasn’t sure what just happened but all he knows was what he saw before his eyes. The girls were fighting each other, and he doesn’t know why, but he doesn’t really care at the moment.


Junsu slowly bended down and observed Miyu. She was sweating and her breath was coming out ragged and she was burning up. “What did you do?” he growled directing his glare to Lilly. She returned his glare with her cold eyes before flipping her hair, a sigh of exhaustion escaping her lips. “You guys ask Miyu that once she wakes up. It’s not my duty to explain everything to you…” she paused, a cloud of concern filling her eyes as she gazed at her Dongseung, “…this matter is something Miyu didn’t want anyone to know, so I will submit to her wish.” Lilly sighed again before walking off thinking audibly, “Now…where is Wooyoung with my rope?”




A blinding light is all Miyu can see as she opens her eyes. Someone is breathing… “It’s loud.” She thinks to herself as she tries to turn her head, but it proves challenging. Her back is cold; the feeling is practically like ice rubbing against her back. Something wet is on her face and there is this appalling feeling in her chest making it hard to breathe, and causing her senses to be fuddled. So far, she still can’t see anything.  “Another failure.” A deep voice groans. Miyu’s head snap forward, but someone…no, something is holding her down. Miyu’s eyes widen as alarm takes over her senses, but finds that her body can’t move. “These experiments are trash! None of the test subjects are surviving!” the same deep voice growls as the sound of glass breaking echoes throughout the room.


“We still have one more.” A female voice says. There is shuffling of paper, “I heard she came from the streets, her parents were murdered when she was four years old. The boss found her wandering the streets with a knife in her hand. It seems he saw capable skills in her. She is also known to have a great sense of will power, and Mr. Park stated that he “saw” something in her eyes.” The man scoffs as Miyu hears a metal-like object clang against a table. “Like what?”

“He said he saw…” the woman trails off, before saying in a lower voice, “her desire to kill and survive.”


“Desire to kill and survive…huh?”


Someone is holding her arm up, jabbing at her elbow area, and Miyu realized they were trying to find her vein. She tried to struggle, but she was paralyzed, her will to move was shut down. “Help me!” Miyu screamed, but no one seemed to hear her. A needle came into view as she eyed the greenish substance, fear clawing at . It stabs through her skin and… “Fire! Fire! Stop it!” Miyu screams, it felt like her insides were burning, someone was stabbing her repeatedly. Red clouded her visions and the blinding light she first saw disappeared, leaving her staring only at the crimson color of blood. 




Junsu’s eyes were squeezed shut as he felt himself being dragged upwards, Miyu’s hands were tightening around his shirt, and her tear strained face was what greeted him as he slowly opened them. “Stop it…” she whimpered. Her eyes were gazed over and it didn’t seem like she was staring at him, but rather through him. The door slammed open and Nichkhun froze as he scrutinized the scene before him, the other members arriving shortly behind him. “What the—“


“…Miyu?” Junsu whispers cautiously, trying to not frighten Miyu any further. As she was unconscious, Junsu noticed Miyu shivering and shaking, and she repeatedly chanted, “Stop it”. He wasn’t sure what to do and he tried to wake her up, but suddenly Miyu shot up and grabbed him roughly by the shirt. Junsu was slightly shaking himself, but he ignored the usual sense of fear trying to overtake him. Right now, even if harm will be inflicted onto him, he didn’t care. Miyu was in pain…and, he didn’t like seeing her in pain. “Mi—“ Before he could finish Mai and Nona suddenly shot through the door and with quick movements yanked both of Miyu’s arms back, pinning her to her bed. Miyu didn’t struggle but she repeatedly kept whispering those two words, “Stop it, stop it, stop it”.


Nona frowned as she asked Miyu, “Stop what, Miyu?” She exchanged a glance with Mai before slowly letting go of Miyu’s arms, Mai gently pushed Junsu back toward the door where all the guys were. Junsu was slightly surprised that Mai wasn’t being mean or rough, but his surprise was quickly gone as worry became to crawl back into his mind. Nona tried to get Miyu to respond again, “Stop what, Miyu? Did something happen?”


Mai also slowly sat down onto the bed and joined Nona in trying to calm their magnae down. “Miyu…you need to tell us so we can help you.” Mai said slowly, as if she was talking to a child. Seeing Miyu in this state confused her. She was used to Miyu and her hyper murder obsessed self that took every chance there was to prank others. It was strange…Miyu shouldn’t have just stop taking her injections simply because she didn’t feel like doing so. She knew the risk well if she did not take her injection for a long extended period of time.


“Hos…” Miyu rasped out with fear filled eyes, as she fought back a sob. Nona patted Miyu on her back to smooth her, “What? What is it?” She calmly urged. “Hospital…memories…” Miyu mumbled, her hand instantly going toward her elbows. Miyu was shaking violently by now and tears were rapidly spilling from her eyes. “Drug experiment…that room where I was in the other day…” Miyu took in a shaky breath. “It was the experiment room…so painful…” she whispered as she closed her eyes against the flashing memories threatening to take her last sense of sanity away.


Junsu’s fist clenched as anger pulsed through his veins. He was frustrated…it was frustrating to see Miyu like a scared child. He didn’t like it, so much pain emitted from her that he couldn’t bear to watch. Just what exactly happened to Miyu’s past?


A voice called from behind them, “What’s…going on?” everyone made way for Taecyeon to wheel Lyssa through the bedroom door. Lyssa’s eyes widen as she exclaimed, “Miyu, you’re awake!”


“Shush!” Nona hissed as she continued in a soft voice, “Why didn’t you take the injection?” Miyu hugged her knees as she said in a quiet voice, “I was afraid of the memories…if I took my injection those memories would come flying back. I don’t know why…I never had such a reaction like this before.”


“Well…Miyu you know that if you don’t take your injection, you’ll—“ Lyssa said with concern before getting cut off. “I know.” Miyu said, “I’ll go berserk.” The room became quiet as everyone absorbed the information. Miyu knew now, she can’t hide her past anymore. She knows everyone will be demanding for answers. Especially that octopus Junsu. She stole a quick glance at said octopus to see his hands formed into fists. “Can…you guys leave? I want to talk to the guys myself.” Miyu said looking at her DMG members. Nona smiled as she pulled Mai to stand up. “Alright. We’ll just be outside.”


Mai pulled Lyssa’s wheelchair and followed Nona outside, “Do you think she’ll be alright and control her killing instinct?” Lyssa asked worriedly. “She’ll be fine.” Mai sighed as she tried to ease Lyssa’s anxiety. Lyssa was still worried, “How would you know? Maybe…maybe one of us should be there, you know, just in case?” Mai stopped and crossed her arms, “Lyssa listen up.” Mai said and slowly a smile began to spread on her face, suddenly a memory from the conversation she had with Nona flashed into her mind.


“What?” Lyssa asked bewildered. Mai shared a glance with Nona before replying proudly, “I think the Magnae is finally starting to grow up.” She mirrored exactly what Nona has once told her and beside her, Nona laughed loudly. “Everyone is changing and growing in their own way.” Nona smiled, “It’s…interesting.”




Wooyoung sprinted down the hallway as fast as he could. He didn’t know what was going on or why the girls were suddenly fighting. However, he did know Lilly had told him to find her rope in her room. Wooyoung prayed that he wouldn’t get lost in the house during his panic. The house may look small, but the inside is quite big. Wooyoung smiled as he stopped in front of the door that led to his, Jaebeom’s, and Lilly’s room. “Well” Wooyoung started, “At least I didn’t panic to the point of getting lost.” He slowly opened the door and stepped inside, quickly searching in the closet.


“Oh…” Wooyoung realized, “She said it was in the “vanity drawer”.” Wooyoung didn’t know why he was laughing over his silly mistake at a time like this, and also moving as slow as ever, maybe its stress, he concluded. Too many things have happened in these last few weeks. Finally, Wooyoung pulled open the vanity drawer, but what greeted him wasn’t the chain rope as Lilly had told him, but rather a photo. It was in yellow frame with little designs on it.


“What…is this?” Wooyoung mumbled to himself and without thinking picked the frame up into his hands. He observed the small girl in the photo and realized that it was a younger Lilly. Beside her was a boy. Before he could do take a good look at the boy in the picture, the door suddenly slammed open and revealed an angry Lilly.


“Lilly! I, um, I couldn’t find the chain rope!” Wooyoung tried to defend himself until Lilly eyed the object in Wooyoung’s hands. “You…” she growled. “Who told you that you are allowed to search through my personal belongings?” Wooyoung gulped. Suddenly the fear that has faded from being around Lilly reappeared and he knew he was in trouble. “I…I’m sorry?” Wooyoung tried to take a step backwards but he tripped on a pile of clothes on the floor, sending the photo frame flying through the air, and crashing loudly on the opposite side of the room.


Wrong move.


It took Lilly a few seconds to register what really happened and when she did all she could see was her precious photo and frame shattered to pieces. Wooyoung knew he was in danger…he contemplated whether this would be a good time to run, but he didn’t need to think.


“GET. OUT!!”

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol