Chapter 12

Death's Embrace

Written by Miyu


Chapter 12:
“Please tell me I am not seeing things” Nichkhun mumbled dazedly. He stared at Miyu’s retreating back as she disappeared down the hallway. “Aren’t they…you know, dead?” Nichkhun asked, although it seemed more like he was asking himself that question. Suddenly his memory of Miyu’s punishments and pranks flew into his dazed mind. “Of course!” he exclaimed as the members widened their eyes in realization. “They tricked us!”
“Oh god damn…” Taecyeon cursed as he dragged a hand across his face. “I am the most idiotic person in the whole world…” he mumbled. The other members gazed at him sadly as they remember the shouts that echoed from his and Lyssa’s bedroom. “Dead” was harshly used and now Lyssa was upset and gone. No one knows where she has been ever since this morning. Taecyeon wanted to punch himself at the moment and feel as much pain as he had given to the person that matter so much to him. Jaebeom patted him on the back, “It is okay. If she loves you I’m sure she’ll understand and forgive you.”
Taecyeon shook his head and sighed, “I was selfish…” he whispered, causing everyone’s frown to deepen. Suddenly Taec stood up and barged out of the living room. Everyone grew silent and lost themselves in their thoughts. “I called Miyu a yesterday…” Junsu said breaking the silence that engulfed them after Taecyeon’s departure. He didn’t know why but he felt guilty. But Miyu did deserve to be called a for what she put them through. His mind seemed to be fighting against his guilt and his hatred. It all didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense anymore. He shouldn’t be feeling sorry! Miyu made him and Khun wear BLOODY clothes! What is there to feel bad about her for?!
“I…” Junho started but ended up saying nothing. His mind was swimming with questions and thoughts. Why did Nona get mad over a mere nod? He was just joking when he said that the girl that killed her own father was…suddenly, Junho’s thought cutted off as he remembered something very importance. Something that played a very significant role in Nona’s life…
Junho grunted as he face palmed himself, literally. “Argh! I am such an idiot!!” he wailed before running off.
“What happened to him?” Chansung asked with bewilderment. No one replied as they ignored what happened. “We need to talk to them…” Wooyoung mumbled as he fiddled with his fingers. He wanted to reconcile with Lilly for what happened yesterday. He made her mad and he also in a way provoked her, so it is his fault. Plus, he should have considered her feelings and her job before deciding on such a rash action.
“I…think we should all apologize.” Wooyoung got up and walked away, he didn’t look at any of the members to see their reaction. He knew Chansung wouldn’t agree to it, since he hated Mai and the other members…well, he wasn’t sure whether they hated any of the girls…okay, so maybe Miyu they will hate. But that is understandable since she is part crazy.  Wooyoung slowly stalked to his room and found Lily on her bed. She was still asleep and she had her back turned toward him. Wooyoung inched slowly toward the bed but soon a voice halted him in his tracks, “Is there anything you need?” Lily’s spoke. She turned slowly in her bed and their eyes interlocked.
“I…” Wooyoung felt at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to do now that he was in this situation. But he didn’t need to say anything because Lilly got out of her bed and pulled on his elbow. “Let’s take a walk outside”
Wooyoung raised an eyebrow at her as he knew that none of the members, including him, were allowed to go outside in case any of them would be seen. Before he can remind Lilly of this, she pulled him out the door with her knitted black hat in her hands and a furry sweater.
“Nona, please can you listen to me?” Junho pleaded with frustration. Nona showed no sign that she heard him as she continued reading her book; Pride and Prejudice. Junho sighed in exaggeration as he stared at her silently. He knew it was his fault he was treated like this. Maybe he—no, he DID deserve this—for saying such a thing to Nona. It was like he was mocking her! But he didn’t mean it. He was just saying what went through his mind at the time. “Nona, please…I’m sorry.” Junho said sadly as he tried to pull on her hand. “I was stupid. I didn’t watch what I was saying. Please forgive me.”
Nona shook his hand off as she pulled her book higher that it covered her face. She didn’t want to hear what Junho had to say. What he said at that time really hurt her. She may be an assassin but assassins have feelings too! She could feel her face heating up with anger as those words flowed through her mind. Those mocking words he said…how dare he?! ‘What sort of sick mind kills their own father? Their own flesh and blood and the person who help bring you into this world? That girl deserves everything she gets!’
“N-Nona, are you crying?” Junho’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Indeed, there were tears trailing down her cheeks. Angered, she flung the book into his face. Junho froze as the book slide to the floor, his face already beet red. “You bastard! You jerk! You old no eyed freak!!” Nona yelled as she burst into a fit of sobs. “You…I hate you!” She yelled before wiping her face and running out of the room.
Junho was rooted to the bean bag as he stared at the empty spot Nona had been. He sighed and caressed his throbbing face. “Tsk, what is wrong with her? I already apologized and what do I get in return? I get a book thrown in my face…” Junho grumbled in annoyance.
“You should go after her.” A voice called behind him. Junho turned around startled as he saw Mai standing with her icy glare and arms cross. “You scared me, Mai!”
Mai shrugged as she headed toward the door. “Nona’s shouting interrupted my movie time in the room next door.” She explained even though Junho never asked for one. “You better go after her before Nona creates a mess of the house in her rage.” She advised. Junho stayed silent as he thought of what Mai said. “Yeah…you’re right.” Junho nodded before standing off and clearing nonexistent dust from his hands. “I better give this back to her too….” He said absentmindedly while picking the “Pride and Prejudice” book off from where it laid on the floor.
The moment Junho disappeared out of the door Mai flew down onto the beanie bag where Junho last sat at. She sighed as she the TV in the room and flicked through the channels. Suddenly, the alarm on her watch beeped, signaling it was time for her to practice. Mai sighed as she turned off the TV and made her way down to the basement.
Mai was surprised to find Chansung groaning as he lay on the hardwood floor, clutching his side. Mai quickly ran up to him. “Hey.” Mai shook Chansung and he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes before returning to his groaning. “Are you okay? What happened?” Mai asked, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible. She didn’t want him to know she was panicking because of him. Chansung inhaled a breath, “The wound you gave me…”
Mai slowly pulled Chansung into a sitting position before pulling his shirt up. He wound was now a purplish blue color with bits of greenish yellow. It was bruised badly. ‘Did I really hit him that hard?’ Mai asked herself in bewilderment. “You just sit here while I find some medicine. Don’t move.” Mai instructed. A few minutes passed before Mai returned with a box in her hands and she found Chansung still in the position she last left him.
Chansung didn’t complain as Mai took out something out of the box. It was then that he realized that the box wasn’t a first aid kit. Mai slowly press the thing in her hand against the bruise. It was warm and wrapped in a wet towel. Slowly, Chansung could feel the burning and sore sensation from the wound begin to fade. Chansung looked up to see Mai’s face right near his, but she wasn’t looking at him but rather concentrating on her current task.
Chansung could smell the scent of her shampoo; the smell of strawberries, yet there was also the scent of cream. As Chansung stared into her eyes, he realized for the first time that her eyes weren’t cold. They were concerned.
Suddenly, the warm feeling on his wound disappeared and Mai stood up. Before she could walk away Chansung grabbed onto her arm. “What was that?” he asked. Mai stared at him before opening up her hand. Inside the wet towel was a boiled egg. “It’s a boiled egg. This is a Vietnamese medicine that I learned when DMG had a mission in Vietnam. It helps dissolve bruises.” Mai explained. She broke free of Chansung’s grip and walked toward the trash can and threw the egg and towel into the bin. “I need to practice, it would be best if you leave.”
Chansung silently pulled his shirt down and got up. He walked toward her and before he slipped out of the door he whispered into her ears. “Sorry for saying you don’t know anything about friendship” and in his mind he added, “And I wasn’t asking about the medicine you used.”
Miyu sat on the couch in her room as she looked through her computer. There was nothing interesting online or the organization website. Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and Junsu and Nichkhun scuffled in. Miyu glanced at them briefly before returning to the laptop screen. “Um…” Nichkhun started before Miyu cut him off. “I know what you are going to say. If you want to apologize, you two aren’t going to be forgiven easily.” She said without looking at them. Junsu and Nichkhun both gulped before taking a step towards her.
“What do you want us to do?” Junsu asked hesitantly. Miyu looked at him before she smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to torment you.” Junsu and Nichkhun looked at each other in surprise. Was Miyu serious? No torment? That…is strangely odd…

“I’m hungry. I will forgive you….hm, if you Junsu, make a big bowl of sundae ice cream with me! Nichkhun, I want you to make…” Miyu thought with a finger on her chin, “You can make some pasta for me.” Miyu suggested before running out of the room, pulling both of them with her.
In the living room, Miyu and Junsu sat together on the couch with two buckets of ice cream on the table, one vanilla, and the other one chocolate. There were sprinkles, candies, cookies, brownies, chocolate sauce, marshmallows, and all kinds of stuff you can put on sundaes. Miyu clapped her hands together as she picked up a scooper and began scooping ice cream into the giant bowl in front of them.
Junsu watched silently as he saw how innocent Miyu looked. She really seemed like the magnae of DMG at the moment, instead of DMG’s utmost merciless killer. Again, the question of why Miyu began killing flickered to life. “Hey.”
“What?” Miyu asked while she pours chocolate sauce onto her sundae. “You are a strange girl, do you know that?” Junsu said with a sigh. “One moment you’re this psychotic person that wants to kill everyone and next, you’re this person that seem so innocent and like a kid. Just what is with you?” Miyu looked at Junsu as she chewed on her bottom lip. Quietly she mumbled, “There you go with you’re stupid questions again. Do you know how annoying they are?” Miyu growled the end part.

Surprisingly, Junsu remained calm as he stared at Miyu in the eye. “Well, I want to know more about you!” he exclaimed.
“Why would you care?!”  Miyu shouted as she threw her bowl of ice cream onto the floor. Her breathing was heavy as she glared at Junsu fiercely, “Tell me! Why would you care?! You hate me anyway! All you guys ever see as is this crazy person, so stop acting like you give a !” Miyu growled as she got up and walked out of the room, not forgetting to punch the wall on her way.
Miyu could feel the anger pulsing through her veins. “Question, questions, questions! That’s all he ever asks! It’s annoying, doesn’t he understand that?!” Miyu shouted as she punched the code for the door to open. She walked out and was about to walk to her car when something caught her eye. Miyu’s eyes widened as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Walking around the house were Lily and Wooyoung! But Wooyoung wasn’t supposed to be out of the house!
Silently, Miyu followed behind them. She saw them stop outside the gates that would lead into the backyard. After a moment, Miyu gasped. Lily had pulled Wooyoung into a hug! This couldn’t be what she was seeing! Had Lily fallen like Lyssa!? This can’t be happening! Does this mean…will Lily betray them out of love one day? No, she would never do that. Miyu thought desperately. But her mind couldn’t find logic anymore. So much has changed ever since the guys entered their lives. She could even see Nona and Mai changing bit by bit from them. Were they betraying their assassin selves…?
Before turning away Miyu thought silently to herself, “Who can I trust now…? Everyone is…falling.”
Lily tugged Wooyoung along before they stopped at the gates to the backyard. She turned around to face him, “I am guessing you found out about 2AM.” She said with a blank expression. Wooyoung nodded as he shuttered out, “Yeah, I um, well, you know about yesterday…I’m sorry.”
Lily smiled as she shook her head. “No need to apologize. I already forgave you.” Wooyoung grinned happily as he sighed loudly in relief. “That’s good!”
Lilly didn’t know what overcame her, but she felt like she had to do this. Even though she knew she was going against her assassin rules, she didn’t care. For the first time, she wanted to feel someone else’s warmth…not because she had to for a mission or to seduce someone for the fun of it. But she wanted to feel warmth…just that simple sensation that could be given from someone else. Lilly slowly extended her arms and wrapped them around Wooyoung’s neck as she pulled him close.
Wooyoung widened his eyes as he realized what Lilly was doing. His arms dangled at his sides as he was still in shock. However, slowly his arms also began to wrap themselves around Lilly’s waist.
Soon, he tightened their embrace.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol