Chapter 14

Death's Embrace

Written by Lily

Chapter 14:

“Guy’s, meet some of the youngest assassins in the organization” Lyssa smiled as the five children ran back to the DMG members. Out of the five kids of the group there was only 1 boy. He walked over and took Lyssa’s hand.

“Which one is it?” He asked looking up at Lyssa as Taec’s eyebrows rose in curiosity. Taec watched carefully as Lyssa bent down to the young boy’s level and whispered something into his ear. Strangely enough Taec found himself feeling slightly jealous at how close the two seemed to be. Lyssa needed to whisper in his ear more often.

The boy’s eyes traveled over the 2PM members faces until his eyes came into contact with Taec’s. Lyssa pulled away from the boy slightly and nodded. The boy quickly released Lyssa’s hand and ran over to Taec.

All the sudden the boy claimed “I’m Rex, pleased to meet you” before bowing his head slightly. Taec was taken by surprise at the boy’s politeness and before he had time to reply, the boy had already ran back to Lyssa’s side.

“Did you say these kids are assassins?” Jay asked out loud just to check he wasn’t hearing things. All five girls nodded their heads. The guys held a look of disbelief on their faces making the kids giggle.

“These kids are some of the best assassins in the organization in their age generation” Mai said ruffling up the hair of a young girl with long black hair and deep brown eyes; who stood in front of her.

“Of course they are. We did train them after all” Miyu laughed as the girl stood beside her let out a laugh as well. Junsu and Nichkhun eyed the young girl until she noticed their gaze.

“Miyu Unni, them boys would look funny with pointy object sticking out of them” The young child giggled in amusement. Nichkhun and Junsu’s faces paled at her statement as they both gulped in fear.

“Hyung, I think I just found someone even more scary than Miyu…if that‘s even possible” Nichkhun shivered at the thought as Junsu nodded his head slowly in agreement.

“Kids, why don’t you introduce yourselves to the people you’re going to be babysitting for the week?” Lilly asked as the young girl who stood in front of Lilly stepped forward as all seven 2PM members took a step back in caution.

Nona and Miyu stopped themselves from laughing at their ever so frightened expressions. The little girl who Lilly had trained folded her arms and scanned over each 2PM member before looking back at Lilly.

“I’m Rose. I’m in charge of Park Jaebum and Jang Wooyoung. Lilly Unni already informed us all about your little stunt the other night and don’t under estimate any of us because of our age or size, we’re a lot more than what we seem” The little girl said turning back to the 2PM member to introduce herself.

“So she’s going to be watching over me and Jae?” Wooyoung asked motioning to himself and Jaebum. Lilly smiled and nodded as the young girl rolled her eyes stepping back to her Unni’s side.

“Unni, you said this was going to be a challenge. You lied” Rose pouted with her arms still folded. Jaebum and Wooyoung looked at each other almost insulted by the young girl’s words.

“Umma, which one is Junho?” suddenly asked a small voice beside Nona. Each member of 2PM instantly looked at the young girl, slightly hiding behind Nona’s legs. They all fought back the urge to let out an ‘awwww’ at how cute the little girl was.

“U-U-Umma?” Junho managed to stutter out in shock. Surely Nona couldn’t already be a mother. Especially to a girl who seemed around the age of 8 years old. Nona was only 18 herself. Nona laughed and looked at Junho seriously.

“Have you got a problem with that?” She asked raising an eyebrow at him when Mai nudged her in the side. Nona looked at her questioningly as all the boys didn’t take their eyes off the little girl who stepped out from behind Nona’s legs slowly.

“Don’t do that. They’re freaked out enough as it is” Mai advised as Nona sighed and turned back to the boys.

“She’s not my real daughter but she’s been a part of the organization since she was a baby and I took care of her ever since. She’s grown up calling me Umma on her own. Not that I care” Nona shrugged as the boys nodded their heads slowly in understanding.

“I’m Mai” The little girl said simply as Chansung scoffed in surprise. Everyone looked at him curiously as he shrugged.

“It’s official, there’s two Mai’s which means the world is coming to an end” He said throwing his arms up into the air as if he gave up on life itself. Mai rolled her eyes in reply to his statement.

“I take it that’s Chansung?” The girl stood next to Mai glared at him in annoyance. Mai laughed and nodded at her younger girl. Chansung’s eye fixed onto the little girl instantly. He already didn’t like the look of this child. Usually he was all for kids and got along with them but the fact that they were assassins just like Mai annoyed him.

“I take it that little runt is your mini me?” Chansung asked jabbing his index finger in the direction of the little girl. Suddenly the little girl began to crack her knuckles as if getting ready to get her hands dirty.

“I really wouldn’t insult her if I were you” Mai bite her bottom lip out of boredom although she knew if she let the little girl have her way, things would get slightly more interesting. Of course she couldn’t let that happen because then Lyssa would refuse to leave the guys under the protection of such a ’violent’ child.

Mai’s placed her hand on the young girls shoulder and instantly she felt the girl relax. Chansung didn’t look so amused, not that he did much before though. He seemed a bit more on the freaked out side than anything else. Maybe the fact that he was being threatened by a child got to him.

“I’m Madeline, not a mini me and I swear if you say anything that disrespects me or my Unni one more time you’ll wake up on fire tomorrow morning” Madeline forced a smile on her lips as all the guys sent sorry looks to Chansung as he looked down to the floor deciding he did not want to make eye contact with the girl Madeline any more than necessary.

Suddenly he felt two pats on his back. He looked up to see Nichkhun on his left and Junsu on his right giving him reassuring smiles.

“Look at the bright side, at least your so called protector doesn’t imagine sharp objects sticking out of you” Nichkhun said comfortingly although it just made him more worried about his own fate for the next few days.

‘How on earth are Hyung and I going to survive with that kid?’ He questioned himself but decided to keep his thoughts to himself.

“The name’s Joni!” The kid who seemed to be attached to Miyu’s side suddenly shouted out making all 3 boys jump in surprise. Obviously they had not been expecting her to say something to them.

All 5 girls laughed as Nona and Lyssa began picking up their travel bags. Nona looked down to Little Mai who seemed to be looking up at her ‘Umma’ with innocent eyes.

“Don’t give me that look, you’ve got to stay here and make these boys into men. Can you do that for me?” Nona asked as Little Mai looked to the floor and nodded slowly. Nona smiled and patted the little girl on her head with her free hand.

“We’ll be back in a week” Nona reassured her before walking out of the house to load her bag into the only car they would be using to get to the airport.

Lyssa walked over to where Taecyeon was stood and smiled at him. He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks like any other time she showed him that innocent, sweet smile of hers.

“Rex will take care you so don’t worry, he isn’t as violent as the other kids so you’ll be okay and I’ll be back before you know it” She said softly as Taec nodded with a small smile on his lips.

“I miss you already” He replied before pulling her into a tight embrace. He didn’t want to let her go. After being separated for so long and then reunited once again after all these years, he didn’t want to separate again even if it was for only 7 days.

“I think I’m gonna hurl” Said a child’s voice behind them. Lyssa and Taec pulled away from each other to see Joni stood beside Miyu with both their arms crossed in disgust. Rex stood next to them with a small cheeky smile on his face.

“I think it’s romantic” He gushed making both Taec and Lyssa blush in embarrassment. Lyssa let out a sigh and walked to where Rex stood, her travel case lay at his feet.

“You keep an eye on him okay? Make sure the others don’t go too hard on him” Lyssa frowned as Rex laughed and nodded.

“Don’t worry Nuna. Have I ever let you down before?” He asked as Lyssa laughed before waving goodbye to Taec and the other 6 members of 2PM. She picked up her bag and walked out of the house to meet Nona who was stood by the car waiting for the rest of the DMG girls.

“Well we better get going. We’ll contact you when we land” Mai informed nobody I particular. All the kids nodded as a reply as Lilly draped her arm over Mai’s shoulder and leaned forward towards the guys.

“Have fun” She winked before picking up her case and walking out of the house followed by Mai and Miyu.

Junsu watched as they left the house and was surprised that Miyu didn’t say anything. All he got from her was a grunt before she left. He sighed as the door to the house shut leaving 2PM with the younger version of DMG.




It had only been 4 days since the girls had left for the states and everything in the house was quiet.



Jaebum lay on the floor, sprawled out in pain as Rose dusted off her hands triumphantly. The guys instantly came rampaging down the stairs already knowing what had happened.

They had been caught again.

“What happened this time?” Junho asked trying to help Jaebum up from the floor where he lay. Jay grunted in pain to reply until he was back onto his feet. Jay rubbed the lower part of his back for pain relief.

“She did a surprise attack on me this time” Jaebum accused the little girl who was now stood with her 4 friends. Joni was laughing in a high pitched tone, almost a duplicate of her Unni’s crazy laugh while Rex folded his arms and Little Mai remained quiet. Madeline sighed and took a step forward.

“You know, this would stop happening if you stopped trying to escape” She stated as Chansung growled at her silently. The more time he spent with this child, the more he wanted to throw her out the window….if the windows weren’t made of very strong metal.

“Well, where’s the fun in that?” Junho asked out loud. He had become bolder when speaking to the kids in front of him over the past few days. Although there were some surprises along the way.

Suddenly Little Mai’s pupils dilated and the next thing he knew, Junho was taking a soccer punch to his stomach by that very same child. Junho keeled over in pain as Little Mai stood over him.

“You shouldn’t underestimate us. We warned you about that the very first day we met. Obviously the message didn’t sink in, what do you suppose we do about this you guys?” Little Mai asked, turning to the other kids with a smirk on her face.

After the 2nd day the guys had all come to realize that although Little Mai looked the most innocent out of all 5 children. She suffered from a small case of bipolar just like her Unni. The only difference being Little Mai was slightly less vocal about it and slightly more violent.

“We could use them as punching bags to train again?” Madeline suggested but Little Mai shook her head. They had done that the 2nd day.

“How about we put them in the shackles again but this time without food or water?” Rose asked as Little Mai shook her head once again. They did that the last night.

“We could poke pointy objects through them to hear the sound of their torturous screams?” Joni fidgeted, all the while becoming excited over a possibility of inflicting more pain onto these stupid boys her Unni hated so much.

Little Mai shook her head once again in disagreement. Rex sighed and stepped forward.

“Why don’t we leave them alone for today? They’ve been suffering since Nuna’s left and Lyssa won’t trust me again if she finds out we kill them” Rex pouted as Rose pushed him slightly with an unhappy expression held on her face.

“Rex, you’ve gotta toughen up. Lyssa Unni won’t like you if you’re weak” Rose said making Rex pout more. Taec watched the 2 kids interact with a frown on his face.

Over the past few days Rex had been the only one out of the group of kids to try to at least stick up for 2PM. Rex was a lot like Lyssa in many ways except for the whole gender thing.

“That’s not true. Lyssa isn’t like that!” Rex snapped, suddenly slapping Rose across the face before storming off. Rose growled and spat onto the floor in annoyance.

“Yah, you don’t spit in the house. You shouldn’t be spitting at all” Wooyoung raised his voice slightly as Rose glared into his eyes.

“And what are you gonna do about it?” She hissed before storming up the stairs in annoyance. The remaining 3 kids stood in silence. They knew as well as Rose how Rex was about Lyssa.

It’s not that he had a secret love for her; it was just that like Little Mai had Nona, Lyssa was the most important thing in Rex’s life. Lyssa was the only person he knew who showed him love and affection and Rex thrived on that when Lyssa was present. Without her, Rex would most likely give up his life the first year in the organization.

“I’m going to train” Madeline swiftly her heel and walked in the direction of the basement. Little Mai sighed and looked to Joni for a response. Joni simply shrugged before scratching the back of her head.

“I’m gonna go out and hunt” She said pulling out a small dagger from her black jeans pocket. She smiled down at the blade before making her way to the door and out of the house.

“Aish, screw this, I’m going to cook” Little Mai curse storming away.

“Yah, little girls shouldn’t be speaking such bad language!” Wooyoung and Khun chorused.

“Bite me!” Little Mai shouted back before disappearing completely out of sight. Khun groaned and folded his arms in annoyance. “Is it just me or has this situation turned into us being the babysitters and them being the babies?” He questioned as all the boys nodded in sync.

“I wonder how the girls are doing in the states.” Taec wondered out loud to mainly himself.



“I wonder how the guys are doing back home?” Lyssa wondered out loud as they were getting ready for their mission that night in their hotel room. Lilly scoffed and turned to her as she tied her hair up into a pony tail.

“We left them with them kids. Whatever they’re doing, they’re probably complaining right about now” She laughed as Lyssa sighed. ‘I just hope Taec’s doing okay’ she thought to herself.

“Aish, why isn’t this working?” Miyu asked as she tried to load one of Nona’s spare guns. Mai watched in amusement as Miyu was getting more irritated by the second because of the silver gun in her hand.

Nona rolled her eyes and took the gun from Miyu. She began to correctly load the bullets into the barrel of the gun before looking at Miyu.

“You put the bullets into this thing called a barrel. Not down the guns muzzle” Nona informed Miyu as Miyu pouted making the other 3 girls laugh.

“Maybe you should stick to knifes from now on Miyu” Lilly insisted as Miyu rolled her eyes. Miyu had never really been a gun type of girl and always stuck with her first weapon of choice. Of course she knew how to fire a gun from seeing Lilly, Nona and Lyssa doing it but she never learned how to load one.

“Russian roulettes anyone?” She asked as Nona pulled the gun from out of her grasp quickly. Miyu glanced up to see Nona had a disapproving expression held on her face.

“Relax Nona, I was kidding”

“Why do you want to load a gun anyway?” Lyssa questioned as Miyu shrugged before answering “Well since we don’t exactly know what we’re up against tonight I figured I might try my hand at firing a gun, of course I’ll be using my knifes as well”

“Mr. Park already told us that it won’t be anything huge. The guy isn’t even expecting it and his company is partners with the organization. He must trust us” Mai shrugged as Miyu glanced at Lilly legs where a silent pistol was strapped to each of her outer calves.

“If that’s true then why is Lilly taking 2 guns instead of her usual one when the missions aren’t a big deal?” Miyu questioned as Lilly smiled.

“You know I like to be repaired and besides, we’ve all got each other’s back, right?” Lilly asked as the image of Lilly and Wooyoung’s embrace flashed through Miyu’s head instantly.

She forced the subject to the back of her mind before nodding along with the other girls.

“Then let’s get going” Nona grinned walking out of the hotel room with the other girls following right behind her.




The girls were led into an oval white room which had a big oak table sat in the middle of it once they reached the company headquarters. Already sat in the room was a man around the age of 40 with black graying hair slicked back with a large amount of hair gel. He wore a black simple suit with black shiny leather shoes.

Looking around the room the girls noticed 6 doors, 1 being the one that they had just been lead through. At the sound of them entering the man looked up with a smile visible on his ageing face.

“You’ve arrived, please have a seat” The man said motioning for the girls to sit on one of the many chairs each placed around the table he himself was sat at. The girl’s did as they were asked and chose 5 chairs that were all together.

“Now let’s not waste any time shall we?” He smiled pulling out a stack of paper as he began to ramble on about the organization and his company and how the organization would profit if they did such and such for his company.

Miyu felt herself almost dozing off if it weren’t for her adrenaline over the kill she was about to make. The secretary who had leaded the girls in smiled at them before leaving the room.

With the click of the door the girls were ready.

Mai stood up from her chair instantly grabbing the man’s attention. She began to crack her knuckles, almost imitating Madeline who had done to same thing just a few days ago. The other four girls slowly stood up on their feet.

Lilly, Nona and Lyssa slowly pulled out their guns from their hiding places and Miyu reached into her pocket and pulled out 4 long blades in between each of her right hand fingers.

“Can I be the first to strike?” Miyu asked in a deadly voice with her eyes sparkling with happiness.

“Sorry Sir, but you have been tricked. We’re not here to talk about the ties between the organization and your company” Mai smirked as Lilly giggled. “Daddy just wants your company” She added.

“With you out of the way of course, that task will become a lot easier for him” Nona bit her lower lip as Nona sighed. “Let’s just get this over with” She said as venom dripped from the words that emerged from .

Suddenly the man began laughing. His head tilted back slightly as he tried to compose himself. He looked at all 5 girls with amusement on his face.

“Dear girls, I’m afraid it is you who have been tricked and the only people who are going to die today is you” He laughed some more as Mai raised her eyebrows at him. Miyu scratched the back of her head with her free hand.

“Guys, I think he’s lost his mind” Miyu stated as Lilly and Nona nodded in agreement. The man stood up from his chair and grinned.

“You don’t honestly think I trusted Mr. Park did you? Of course I knew he would eventually betray me. That’s why I had a plan in advance” Mr. Lee said before clicking his fingers.

Suddenly sounds of doors opening and closing were heard as 5 girls entered the room through the 5 doors around them. Each of the girls had a weapon of choice in their hands ready to fight.

“Meet the top assassin group of another assassin organization I happen to be connected to” The man laughed as the 5 assassins walked to the man and stood in front of him, almost as if making a barrier to protect him.

“I would stick around but I have work to be getting on with. It was nice meeting you girls but I’m afraid your lives will end here. Enjoy your time here” The man laughed before walking out of the room leaving the girls with the 5 assassins to fight.

The assassins got into fighting stances as Lyssa looked to Lilly. “What do we do?” She asked already getting into a fighting stance herself.

“The only thing we can do” Lilly hissed as the fight between the 2 top assassin groups began.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol