Chapter 20

Death's Embrace

Written by Lily


Mai and Lyssa waited outside Lilly’s bedroom door together as they heard the sobs of their good friend inside the room while being comforted. Mai folded her arms as she rested her back against the wall behind her while looking down at her feet.

“It’s happening, Lilly’s opening up to him and as much as Miyu will hate to admit it to herself and us, she’s opening up to rest of the guys aswell” Mai said softly making sure no one would hear her except Lyssa.

Lyssa sat in her wheel chair, nodding in agreement to Mai’s statement.

“I know, in a way though, It’s kind of great. Lilly has never told an outsider about GiKwang before. It’s about time she let her feelings be known about it, even after all this time I can tell she still feels responsible for his death” Lyssa said looking up at Mai.

“The last thing she needs right now is to be distracted by memories of GiKwang” Mai shook her head. Mai looked up instantly after hearing Lyssa let out a soft sigh.


“Mai, you’ve got a good brain that functions well. You should know no one can fight against love. Not even you, no matter how skilled you are at martial arts. Every member of DMG has gone through something traumatic in the past and that’s what makes us strong today but since 2PM arrived here things have gotten a lot better. We’re changing for the better” Lyssa explained slowly and carefully.

Mai’s eyes narrowed at Lyssa in reply.

“I won’t change. Love makes people weak and I don’t intend to have any part of it. I won’t let my plans for revenge be affected by something so stupid as love. To survive in this world you need to be strong and that’s not something you obtain through love” Mai snarled before turning and walking away.

Lyssa watched Mai’s retreating figure before looking up at the white ceiling above her in thought.

‘Then you’ll never truly be happy’




3 days had passed since Miyu spilled her past to the members of 2PM and a few things things had changed after. The guys were a lot more easy going on Miyu when it came to her attitude and killing problem.

Junsu seemed extra careful around Miyu in order not to enrage her more than usual. All the girls could sense it. The guys had filled Wooyoung in what he had missed but for Wooyoung, Lilly past was still a mystery. She never really told him who this GiKwang. How did she meet him? How did he die? When did all this happen?

Lilly’s attitude towards Wooyoung had changed as well. Wooyoung had thought they had gotten closer during the time he comforted her but afterwards, Lilly became more distant. Spending as much time out of the house as she possibly could, even the others were starting to notice her avoidance toward Wooyoung. Wooyoung however thought it was best to keep Lilly’s past to himself, at least for now anyway.

“There she goes again” Nona sang hearing the front door open and the slam shut. Junho walked into the kitchen seeing Nona chop up some vegetables.

“What are you making?” He asked curiously as he peered over her shoulder.

“I’m just preparing to make Kimchi” Nona informed him as he nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. He watched Nona’s every move as she hummed to herself while rinsing come of the vegetables.

“Can I have some when it’s done?” He asked as Nona nodded her head, not even bothering to turn and look at him. Junho carried on watching her as a small smile crept upon his face.

Nona was more happy these days and although her bipolar attitude still caught him off guard sometimes, he enjoyed seeing her like this. He’d always imagined a future with a wife that would prepare his meals for him after coming home from a long hard day at work.

‘I think I’m turning into Chansung” Junho thought to himself as he sniggered to himself. Junho was about to ask when the kimchi would be done when Miyu stomped into the kitchen with Taec and Junsu running in after her.

“I know you know where she is!” Taec shouted at her when Junsu hit him across the head. Taec hissed in pain as he rubbed the spot Junsu had hurt him and turned to his Hyung.

“Yah, stop doing that!” Taec snapped as Junsu shook his head at him.

“Then stop harassing Miyu already. The last thing she needs is you nagging at her”

Miyu ignored the pair and walked over to Nona. Nona looked up at her and smiled as Miyu let out a loud sigh.

“What’s wrong with Taec?” Nona asked turning to the arguing boys. Miyu shrugged her shoulders looking slightly bored. Nona giggled and turned to the three boys now Junho having joined the pair to stop them from arguing.

“What the hell is wrong with you two?” Junho questioned as both Taec and Junsu turned to him and started ranting at him at the same time. Junho’s eyes rounded as he realized he had just dug his own grave by getting involved.

“YAH! ONE AT A FREAKING TIME!” Nona suddenly burst out sending the two boys into silence. Nona smiled proudly at the effect she had on these boys.

“Now, Taec please speak your side of the story first” Nona instructed as Taec blinked and nodded before turning to Nona.

“I can’t find Lyssa anywhere and I know Miyu knows where she is but she won’t tell me and Junsu is acting all strange and defending her when she’s just being awkward and not telling me where my GIRLFRIEND is” Taec explained, emphasizing on the word ‘girlfriend’.

“Miyu doesn’t have to answer you is she doesn’t want to and Lyssa might want some time by herself, have you ever thought about that?”

“Oh shut the hell up” Taec rolled his eyes.

“Yah!, respect your Hyung!” Junsu snapped at him in annoyance. Miyu sighed and blew her bangs out of her eyes before stepping forward with her arms folded.

“For god sake Taec, if it means that much to you then I’ll tell you where Lyssa is. She’s down in the basement with Mai.  She’s asked Mai to teach her a bit of martial arts so you probably shouldn’t distu--” Miyu said when she was cut of by Taec.

“SHE WHAT?!” He shrieked before running out of the kitchen in the general direction to the basement.

“A thank you would have been nice!” Junsu shouted after her as Miyu was the one to roll her eyes this time. She shook her head and proceeded out of the kitchen as Junsu quickly scurried after her.

Junsu watched the kitchen door shut before turning to Nona.

“Is it me or is this house always going through drama?” He questioned as Nona shrugged and turned back to chopping vegetables.


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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol