Chapter 13

Death's Embrace

Written by Mai


Chapter 13

Lyssa had her eyes gently shut as the noise of the guitar strum ran through her veins. Her headphones were lightly latched to her ears and she let herself get drained into the music. She lay in a swinging hammock that was secretly hidden in the computer room where no one could spot her. A reading book was lying on her belly, as she fell to boredom as soon as she opened it.

The thoughts that were securely in her head were suddenly easing as the music became climatic and defined. She tapped her toes up against the wooden board that supported the hammock and the book slightly fell from her belly as soon as her body got into motion. She suddenly forgot about the fight she had with Taecyeon.  Her worries and strife began to fade away and she was in her own land now.

Taecyeon walked up the stairs, immediately hearing a faint sound of music coming from one of the rooms. His hearing was precise, according to the size and volume of his ears.  Taecyeon cursed at himself more than a million times. Taecyeon hated himself for saying those harsh one-liners to Lyssa and he wanted to take them back instantly, more than anything.

Taecyeon decided to peak through the cracks and saw a whole bunch of computers lined up, even stacked upon each other. He pushed the door a slightly to hear the music getting louder. He eyes wandered back and forth to see where it was coming from or to see if it was coming from a computer. Clearly it didn’t since it seemed far away, yet it sounded close. Taecyeon walked in deeper and stepped over chords that were tangled on the ground. He brushed his hands lightly on the computers and eyed the screens, which had some weird symbol on it.  He shook his head and decided to follow the music. His ears perked up and he listened carefully. He made sure he didn’t make a sound.

Then, he heard a little voice coming from behind a large monitor. He cocked an eyebrow and slowly maneuvered his way to the mysterious voice. There, he was lead to a secret room, from behind the large monitor, and to find Lyssa lying in a hammock, tapping her foot and swaying her body to the beat. The music was up so high, that she didn’t even notice anyone coming in. Taecyeon watched her in amusement and caught himself grinning as she foolishly danced. Taecyeon loved Lyssa this way, even if she were a killer, she was still a happy-go-lucky young adult. Even though her job is to kill, she still presented herself as a normal girl who loved to smile.

Lyssa felt like someone was watching and suddenly flashed her eyes open. She jerked her head towards Taecyeon was leaning up against the wall. She gasped and her hammock twisted, causing her to fall on the ground with a loud THUMP!

Taecyeon rushed over to Lyssa’s side and propped her up into his lean arms. Lyssa looked up and threw off her headphones.

“Lyssa, I think we need to talk,” he told her.

Lyssa pushed Taecyeon off of her and sat back in the hammock, uncomfortably. “Okay, what do you want to say, Taecyeon?” She didn’t make eye contact with him. Her eyes were everywhere, except for his.

Taecyeon backed away slowly, just to give her space. All the guilt that was built inside of him was finally showing in his facial expressions. Lyssa looked down at her hands, all the flashback towards the fight and how much her hear ached when she saw Taecyeon’s face looking down at hers.

“Well?” she said, waiting for him to say something. “If you aren’t going to say anything, you can just leave.” The tension in this small room became dense. She suddenly got up. “Or, I’ll just leave to save us all the favor.”

Taecyeon, in quick movement, snatched Lyssa’s arm and placed her back in the hammock. He knew this was going to happen, but he had to say it straight to her face. He had to say he was sorry.

“Just wait a minute,” Taecyeon said with frustration. He put smoothed his face with hands and looked down at her again and opened his mouth to speak. The words came out subtle, straight, and true. “I am sorry.”

Lyssa suddenly looked up and their eyes met at a gaze. At that moment, she felt speechless.

“I saw the news today. My brothers, 2AM; I didn’t know you guys were playing a joke. I was just,” Taecyeon moved across the room and slammed his fist on the wall and shook his head. He continued on with his sentence. “I was just so angry that I only thought of myself.” Lyssa just listened. “I was selfish and when I saw the news today, I felt like a dickhead.” He went over back to Lyssa. With his slightly red knuckles, he grabbed Lyssa’s hand gently. “I didn’t mean the words I said, Lyssa. I understand now that even if you are a killer, you are still the Lyssa that loves to smile, that loves to love. I made a mistake by pointing fingers.” He paused and crouched down to one knee and looked up at her. Her eyes were already filled with liquid. “I made a big mistake when I said that you should be dead. If you were dead, I don’t think I could live knowing that you aren’t in this world anymore.” He shook his head and looked down, feeling the respiration falling down his face. “But the greatest mistake I ever made was...”

It was quiet for a moment and Lyssa took out her unused hand and lifted Taecyeon’s head up. She cupped her hands on his cheek. “What was that mistake, Taecyeon?” A tear s down her face.

“That mistake was,” he whispered softly. “Letting you go.” His head fell to her lap and cried softly to himself. Lyssa couldn’t help but cry with him.

“Taecyeon,” she murmured under her sobs. He glanced up at her to see her smiling slightly. “I’ve never let go of you, I’ve been holding on the whole time.” Taecyeon propped himself up and Lyssa took his hand and placed it near her collar bone. “My heart is holding now.” She held his face and slowly made her way to Taecyeon’s lips.

Taecyeon was caught by surprise, but it was good to feel her gentle lips up against his again. They kissed deeply and passionately on the hammock. Taecyeon held her closely and promised to never let her go.

“Ahem,” a voice cleared in the door way. Both Taecyeon and Lyssa moved away from each other in a quick movement to see Jay in the door way. He had a devilish smirk on his lips. “Well, well, it looks like the star couple made up, or should I saw make out.”
Taecyeon, his face flushed, got up. “Jay, I think you should leave.”

Jay smirked again. “Okay, I get it. You guys want time ‘Alone’,” he emphasized.

“Jay, go away!” Lyssa and Taecyeon said pushing him out. Jay jumped out of the room and laughed as he walked down the stairs. It was good to see them make-up. It was a bummer to see Taecyeon all depressed. Now, all Jay had to do was apologize to Lilly, but he didn’t know where she went.

Suddenly, downstairs, he heard the door click open. He peaked around the corner to see Lilly disheveled, but a grin was planted on her face. Jay eyebrows raised and then he walked downstairs.

“Lilly?” Jay asked. Lilly jerked and looked up to see Jay.

“Jay,” Lilly said, making her way over to him. “So, I guess you know too.” She smiled.

Jay loved that smiled on her and he wish she would keep it all time. “I am sorry for running away. It was my idea to and it probably won’t happen again. Just seeing the news changed my view, you know.”

Lilly placed her hand on his shoulder. “I was mad that you guys ran away. I thought we were goners, but I am glad you apologized, Jay. I’m sorry as well, for being harsh I could be, for lying about 2AM.” Then she cracked a smile. “But it was pretty hilarious the way you guys reacted.” She roared with laughter and Jay frowned. She stopped and gave him hug. Jay was surprised but he hugged her back.

From around the corner, Miyu spotted Lilly again, this time hugging Jay. Miyu was shocked, AGAIN. “What is up with her?” Miyu asked herself.

  *   *   *  *  *

The phone rang its bell loudly which caused everyone to freeze. Their eyes wandered towards Lilly who eyes widened.

“Okay, you guys have to be quiet, okay?” Lilly told them. Everyone nodded. Lilly walked towards the phone and answered it. “Hello?” there was a slight pause. “Oh, hello daddy,” her face was in disapproval. “You want us to go to….the US?” She nodded her head and looked at her members. 2PM looked exchanged looks. “Okay, we’ll be there, bye daddy, I lo-“but all Lilly heard was the dial tone. She looked down at the phone and hung up. Everyone was quiet. “Well, ladies, it looks like we are going to do a mission in the US. It’s only temporary though.”

Lyssa looked at Taecyeon and back at Lilly. “Well, we are going to be back though, right?”

“With short time of planning and leaving on Saturday to the US, we’ll be there for about 1 week.” Lilly took a seat next to Wooyoung. “We can plan here and then head out, so we have time.”

“What about us?” Nichkhun asked.

“Yeah, what about them, we can’t take them with us! We’ll get caught!” Miyu said with frustration.

Lilly stood up in front of everyone. “We can trust each other, right?”

They all looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement, except for Chansung, who was still mildly in pain.

“Well, maybe just in case, we should have someone watch them,” Nona suggested.

“Like who?” Mai asked, carrying a soda in hand and taking small sips.

Lilly looked over at her. “I’ll figure it out. You guys do whatever. I am going to make some calls.”
Mai walked into her room, getting ready to pack for the trip. She noticed Chansung sitting on the couch in her mini-living room. She saw Chansung checking up his stomach and was he amazed that the bruise has disappear. His fingers brushed up against his skin. It wasn’t the same when Mai touched him. When she touched him, it felt soothing and warm. It felt almost protective. He felt his face flushing.

“How’s your stomach doing,” Mai asked as she wandered in. Chansung quickly rolled down his shirt and put a smug look on his face.

“It’s fine. I’m doing fine,” he said coldly. Mai glared at him.

“I didn’t ask how you were doing.” He scoffed. Then Mai tossed him Tiger Balm. “This will stop the soreness.”

Chansung looked down at it and opened it. He rolled up his shirt and spread the goo on his stomach. It became warm instantly on the spot and tingles spread against his belly.

“How is that feeling now?”

“It numbed,” he said with an impressive tone.

“Well, I better get packing.” Mai got up but Chansung’s deep voice stopped her.

“Why are you being nice to me?” he asked.

Mai blinked for a moment and then turned to look at Chansung. “I’m not.”

“Just admit it, you are.”

She shook her head like a kid. “No, I’m not! I just…”

“What, Mai, what is it?”

“It’s nothing, okay Chansung.”

Chansung gave up and leaned up against the couch. “You should go pack then.”

Mai turned around and started walking. “Chansung, I was really worried when I saw you in pain. I am being nice because I hurt you and it got worse.”

Chansung propped himself up but Mai had gone into her closet and not to be found.
“Well, we should get going, our flight sets at 12PM,” Lilly said turning to the guys.

“Well, you guys have a safe trip, by the way, who is keeping an eye on us.”

Lilly turned back at the girls and they all smiled at the same time. They walked aside and opened the door. The 2PM boys looked out the door to see no one, but Miyu pointed to down and their heads followed in her direction to see five cute faces.

“THESE ARE LITTLE KIDS!” Jay exclaimed.

“Hello oppas!” all of them yelled in unison.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol