Chapter 17

Death's Embrace

Written by Lily


Chapter 17:

A few days passed after Taec learned of Lyssa’s current condition and before long all the boys were filled in on what happened during their time of separation. It was easy to say some were not so pleased from the outcome.

Taec stayed by Lyssa’s side constantly, unwilling to leave her for even a second from fear of something worse happening to her. Strangely enough, Junho had become a lot more aware of Nona when they were together despite Little Mai trying to take up all of his attention as well as her ‘Umma’s’.

Although none of the kids had got along with the guys at first, during the days they were left in their care, both the kids and 2PM had become close. Well, most of the kids anyway.

“Come back here! I need to give you one more flip before we leave!” Madeline shouted running after Chansung around the house as Wooyoung, Nichkhun and Junsu watched on in amusement.

“What’s going on?” Mai asked appearing beside Wooyoung. He shrugged and smiled before answering “Since the kids are leaving today, Madeline has decided she has to give Chansung a goodbye present. He isn’t taking it as well as she’d hoped”.

Mai sighed and stepped forward as Chansung ran in her direction and hid behind Nichkhun and Junsu. Madeline skidded to a stop and smiled up at her Unni.

“Madeline, didn’t we already have a conversation about how you have to stop inflicting bodily harm on Chansung? I’m back now so I’m the one who deals with him when he’s being an ” Mai folded her arms as Madeline pouted.

“It’s my goodbye gift to him”

“Well you can keep it because I don’t want it!” Chansung snapped from behind his friends. Madeline shot him an annoyed glare making him return to hiding himself from her sight.

“Mai Unni, you’re no fun anymore. Usually you would let me give my presents to a person you don’t like.” Madeline went on as Mai rolled her eyes and bent down to the young girl’s height.

“Hey, if you break him with your present then who can I take out my frustration on in the future?” Mai whispered as Madeline looked to Mai before a smile formed on her lips. Suddenly Madeline hugged Mai tightly around the neck happily.

“I knew my Unni wouldn’t let me down!” She cheered as Mai laughed and hugged the little girl back.

Chansung peeked out from his hiding space and watched the two girls embrace. Watching Mai being so open to someone was a new experience for him. Although she always showed a softer side to the girls of DMG, he’d never seen her act like this. It almost made him think there was more to Mai than what he saw but how could he think that? That went against everything he had thought about Mai from the very beginning.

Chansung shook the thought out of his head before turning on his heel and walking out of the room to escape the evil young girl who had been trying to give him a ‘gift’. She was distracted with her Unni so she’d never realize he was gone.

Walking out into the hallway, Chansung fell flat on his face after tripping over something on the floor. He groaned, looking up to see Junho, Little Mai, Nona, Lilly, Rose, Jaebum, Miyu and Joni all looking down at him.

“Watch your step there dude” Junho warned him a bit too late as both Lilly and Jaebum tried to stop their laughter over Chansung‘s unfortunate luck. Chansung looked to his side to see he had fallen over a bunch of travel bags.

“Why are all these bags here?” He questioned as Junho pried Little Mai from around his neck and handed her to Nona before walking over to Chansung and helping him up.

“The kids are leaving soon so obviously they’re gonna need to take everything they brought here to begin with, back with them” Junho said as Chansung sighed. Although the kids were all the spawns of the devil in his eyes, he could tell Junho and Taec had grown close to them. Jaebum, Wooyoung, Junsu and Khun were a different story which was understandable.

“Do we really have to go Unni?” Rose asked looking up at Lilly who stood with Jaebum. Lilly sighed and nodded. She wasn’t showing much emotion towards the kid’s departure but Jaebum could tell she was going to miss her younger friend. All the girls were.

“By the way, where’s Rex? He knows we’re leaving soon” Joni asked with a frown on her face making Miyu smile slightly.

“I’ll go find him” Little Mai said as she made her way down from Nona’s arms which she was being held in.

“Ah, wait” Nona said holding onto Little Mai. Junho tilted his head to the side questioningly at her as Little Mai’s eyebrows raised.

“Rex and Lyssa are having a very important talk right now. You don’t want to disturb them and suffer Rex’s wrath, do you?” Nona asked as Little Mai instantly frowned. Everyone knew how Rex was about being interrupted during his time with his Nuna.

“Noooo” Little Mai sang as Nona smiled and nodded in triumph.




After managing to escape from Taec after many failed attempts, Lyssa was finally outside of her bedroom where she knew the little boy she seeks would be packing. Rex, like her, always did have a habit of being the last to pack his stuff.

Not bothering to knock on her bedroom door, Lyssa rolled herself in her wheelchair through the now open door to come face to face with Rex. Still being in the wheelchair, Lyssa was the same height as Rex when he stood.

“I finally found you” She smiled at him as he turned his back on her and placed a T-shirt into his case. Lyssa pouted slightly. Rex had never turned a cold shoulder to her before. It was extremely new to her and him both.

“Do you want to talk?” Lyssa pushed on with the main reason why she had been looking for Rex in the first place. Rex shook his head in response, not even bothering to look at her.

“Well I think we need to talk. Are you going to tell me why you’ve been avoiding me these past few days since I got back from the mission?” Lyssa asked softly as Rex slowly turned around to face her.

He held an annoyed expression on his face but tears were forming in his eyes slowly and Lyssa could tell it wouldn’t be long before he snapped and confessed what really was wrong with him.

“Is it Taec?” She asked already having a feeling Taec was one of the issues that were making Rex uncomfortable.

“No!” Rex snapped as Lyssa raised her eyebrows at him questioningly. Rex let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

“Yes but he’s not the only reason. While you were gone Taec and I got along just fine but Rose said that you won’t like me anymore if I remain weak. I’m already not your number one boy anymore. My spot has been taken by Taec so I don’t have a place in your heart anymore. Pretty soon you’re going to forget about me all together and have a bunch of other kids with Taec that you’re gonna like more than me as well.” Rex said swiftly almost making it impossible to understand.

Lucky for Lyssa however, had years of practise to understand perfectly what Rex was saying. He did often go of on rambles occasionally.

“Okay, I understand what you’re saying Rex and I can completely understand where you’re coming from but what I’d like to say first is, how many times have I told you NOT to listen to anything Rose says to you? You know she only says stuff like that to get you annoyed.” Lyssa said remaining calm as Rex looked to the floor in silence.

He himself had already figured Rose only said the things she did to annoy him but her words still remained in his head, driving him crazy.

“And secondly, Yes Taec is important to me but he’s not the only one in my heart. You’ll always be special to me Rex, just as much as Taec and your Nunas are. There’s room in my heart for more than one person and you’re still and will forever stay my number one boy. Taec’s my number one boyfriend” Lyssa smiled as Rex looked up at her slowly.

“Really?” He asked in such a small voice Lyssa questioned herself as to if she was just hearing things. Nether the less, she replied anyway.

“Yes, and me and Taec having kids? You’re thinking way further along the line than both Taec and I, but even if that were to happen, you’d still be special to me. You’d be special to my kids as well because all my kids are gonna need their Uncle Rex at one point” Lyssa smiled softly once again at her favorite boy.

Without saying another word, Rex ran over to Lyssa and hugged her in the best way he possibly could while she was in her wheelchair.

“Nuna, I love you” He whispered as he carried on hugging her tightly. Lyssa laughed as she patted Rex’s head with one hand and hugged him with her other.

“I love you too” She replied.





“I miss them already” Nona pouted as she slumped onto the living room couch in between Junho and Taec.

After Lyssa’s and Rex’s private talk, the time had come for the kids to leave the house and return to their training. The girls had seen them off while the boys remained at the house until they returned.

“The house is so quiet without them. It’s kind of weird” Wooyoung walked into the living room with a bag of dried mangos in his hands. Instantly, Taec and Junho were on their feet and harassing him for some.

Nona watched in amusement as Taec got Wooyoung into a playful headlock while Junho made a grab for the mangos.

“Um. What are you guys doing?” Lilly’s voice cut into their wrestling match as she walked into the living room with Miyu behind her. All 3 boys pulled apart as the bag of mangos fell to the floor.

Both Miyu and Lilly eyed the bag before looking back up at the 3 of them.

“Do we really want to know?” Lilly asked rolling her eyes before sitting down on the now almost empty couch. Miyu however remained standing as she fidgeted about on the spot. Her hands were slightly shaking and her eyes couldn’t stay focused on a certain spot for two long.

Nona, being the most observant one in the room looked at her in curiosity. Miyu’s eyes landed on hers but quickly redirected themselves in a matter of seconds. Nona’s eyes widened as she stood up onto her feet.

“MAI, LYSSA, GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!!” She screamed at the top of her voice making Taec, Junho, Wooyoung and even Lilly jump.

Nona tilted her head in Miyu’s direction after receiving Lilly’s what-the-hell-are-you-on look. Instantly, Lilly knew what was going on and also jumped up onto her feet. Miyu backed up slightly as her shaking hands made their way into her jeans pocket.

“Guy’s get out of here” Lilly said in a warning tone. The 3 boys looked at the 3 girls in curiosity.

“MAI, LYSSA, CODE RED!!!” Nona screamed once again when suddenly Miyu launched herself forward onto Nona, knocking her off her feet and onto the ground. Miyu held a knife to Nona’s throat while having her pinned on the floor as Lilly quickly jumped over them and pulled Miyu off of her.

Instantly everyone was in the room, Mai running to help Lilly hold Miyu back. All 7 members of 2PM stood there in shock as they watched for the first time, the DMG girls fight against each other.

Lyssa tried to get out of her wheelchair but Taec noticed just in time and forced her back into it.

“Are you okay?” Mai shouted to Nona as she got back onto her feet, pupils now dilated. Nona ran a fingertip over the small cut that had appeared on her neck because of Miyu’s attack.

“Lilly step back” Mai order as Miyu let out an ear shattering scream. Mai quickly flipped Miyu over her shoulder and pinned her onto the floor where she landed a few seconds later.

Miyu began to shriek louder as Nona assisted Mai in keeping hold of her. Lilly looked around and quickly ran over to Wooyoung.

“Go get the rope chains. They’re in my vanity desk draw. Hurry” She ordered. Wooyoung looked at her in shock as she hissed.

“I’ll explain later but right now there isn’t time. Do it!” She growled. Wooyoung ran out of the living room as Lilly ran over to where book case was pressed against the wall. Running her hands along the books until she reached a blood red color book, she pulled it half out.

A weird unlocking sound was heard and then one of the draws that was at the very bottom of the book shelf opened up. Lilly quickly pulled out the contents…a syringe needle with some sort of green liquid inside.

“Oh my god, what the hell is that?” Nichkhun shouted over Miyu’s constant screaming and panting. She was running out of breath from being held down by her two friends.

“What are you doing to her?!” Junsu shouted out stepping forward towards Lilly but she ignored his desperate question and stepped towards Mai, Nona and Miyu.

“Anytime today would be nice Lilly!” Mai shouted as Miyu caught sight of what was in Lilly’s hand and began to squirm vigorously as her screaming only got louder.

Mai and Nona’s grip got firmer as Lilly bent down and pulled up Miyu’s sleeve to reveal her pale soft skin.

“What are you going to do, leave her alone!” Junsu’s voice came again but they ignored him again.

“When was her last dose?” Lilly asked looking at Mai and Nona.

“I thought she was taking them but she couldn’t have been. The last time I saw her do it was before the mission” Nona said as Lilly bit her bottom lip and put the syringe in place.

“I’m going to kill you, all of you. I’ll make you pay for making me like this. You’re gonna DIE!” She screamed as the syringe pierced her skin and the green liquid entered her blood stream.

It only took a few seconds for the liquid to knock Miyu out cold.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol