Chapter 5

Death's Embrace

Written by Lily

Lilly watched as the funny Heechul character tried desperately to remove his pants as his friend named Donghae tried his upmost best from preventing him from doing so. 'Why have I never watched this movie before?' Lilly questioned herself as a laugh escaped her lips for the 5th time since they began watching the movie Jay had suggested.

'Attack on the Pin-Up Boys, It must belong to Lyssa' Lilly though to herself as her eyes stayed attached to the TV screen. She sat in the living room in the middle of the couch which was placed opposite the TV with Wooyoung on her left and Jaebeom on her right.

Chansung sat on the floor with his back resting against Jaebeom's legs while Junho and Junsu were sprawled out in the middle of the floor, hogging the bowl which the popcorn was in. Nichkhun sat on the arm of the couch on the other side of Wooyoung, silently engrossed in the movie.

Lilly's eyes unintentionally pulled away from the moving characters on the screen to look at the boys sat around her. She was probably in the position most of their fan girls would die to be in but she felt uncomfortable.

The thought of her Father finding out that she had ignored his orders was eating her away inside but the thought of how hurts her friends would be if they found out she had betrayed them by telling her Father the truth would be much worse.

She could never betray her friends, they were the closest thing she had to a family and the idea of putting them all in pain…Lilly didn't even want to think about. Suddenly she felt a nudge in her side. She looked at Jaebeom to see his light brown eyes burrowing into her own pale blue eyes. She replied with a questioning glance.

"Are you okay?" He whispered so that only she could hear.

Lilly was taken aback by his question. Just before the movie he had no problem showing his disliking for her and now half way through the movie he was actually noticing the fact that Lilly was uncomfortable. She nodded quickly in response and turned back to the movie.

Before long the movie finished and there was a performance from all the cast at the end. Lilly watched in interest at the dance they were performing and that was when Lyssa and Taecyeon appeared for the first time since before the movie started.

"Lilly, you watched Attack on the Pin-Up Boys?" Lyssa asked noticing in an instant what movie was playing on the screen.

Lilly turned to her and shrugged in response before pointing the accusing finger at Jaebeom. "He picked the movie." She said simply as Taecyeon laughed. Lyssa nodded as she smiled her bright smile after hearing Taecyeon laugh.

"Aw we're out of popcorn." Junho spoke up as Junsu removed the DVD from out of the DVD player and placed the disk back into the container.

"Dude, you can't still be hungry. You and Junsu ate all the popcorn. Chansung didn't even get any." Wooyoung said, shaking his head. Chansung rolled his eye before cutting in. "It's not like I would eat anything she gives us anyway. Who knows what she put in the food she gives us."

Wooyoung looked at the magnae in disappointment but then again he couldn't stick up for Lilly. That was how she kidnapped Jaebeom after all. Lilly sighed before forcing a small smile on her face. "Then starve" She said simply before turning to Junho.

"You're still hungry right? I think I spotted some dried mangoes when I was making the popcorn. You guys all like them right?" She asked as they all looked at her curiously.

'How did she know that?' All the boys were asking themselves, including Chansung who had already decided he wasn't eating anything any of the girls offered him, even if it killed him.

"How did you know we all like dried mango?" Nichkhun was the only one who had enough courage to ask. Lilly looked at Lyssa before walking to the small table which was placed at the side of the couch. She opened the small draw and pulled out 7 files which contained each 2PM member’s information.

"Well it says so in here" She said opening the first file which happened to be Wooyoung's. She sat back on the couch where she had been sat at as Wooyoung and Jaebeom peeked over her shoulder to take a look.

Wooyoung gasped in horror before snatching the picture which was inside. "This picture was taken before I debuted. It doesn't even look like me anymore!" He cried out as Taecyeon walked forward and took the picture from Wooyoung's grasp. He laughed as he looked at the picture before Wooyoung became famous although he knew he had worse pictures than this of himself before debut. Pictures he now knew he would have to burn so Lyssa would never see them after hearing her giggles at Wooyoung's picture.

"Let me see!" The rest of 2PM cried out jumping up to take a look at Wooyoung's embarrassing pre-debut photo.

"It does look like you" Nichkhun said turning to Wooyoung as he shook his head. He folded his arms across his chest in annoyance.

Lilly noticed his hostile behavior and worked her charm in an instant. Her finger glided their way over his right cheek and gently turned his head to face her. "I think you look cute in the photo. You're cheeks are extra cute" She said softly as Wooyoung's posture softened at her touch.

"You people disgust me" Chansung suddenly snarled, standing up and walking out of the room. Lilly's hand fell from Wooyoung's face as her gaze diverted to Lyssa who looked slightly hurt at Chansung's comment. Taecyeon followed Lilly's gaze before noticing Lyssa's expression.

He let out a sigh and he rubbed the back of his neck. Of course he didn't know what to do. It was either cheer Lyssa up and piss off Chansung even more or follow Chansung and make Lyssa feel even worse. Lilly rolled her eyes and stood up.

She walked over to Lyssa and pulled her to the couch and sat her down in between herself and Jaebeom. She opened Taec's file and instantly cracked up at the photo of him which lay inside.

"What is it?" Wooyoung asked leaning in before snorting at the photo as well. Lilly looked up at Taecyeon before showing him the photo. His eyes rounded in an instant in embarrassment. The others sneaked a peek before a few smirks appeared on their faces. Lilly turned to Lyssa and laughed.

"You've seen this picture before. How did you keep a straight face?" Lilly asked in disbelief. A small smile formed on Lyssa's face as she took the photo of Taecyeon and traced a finger over it.

"I think he looks handsome in this" She said softly as Lilly laughed some more. Taecyeon, however, looked at Lyssa in surprise. Back in Boston when that picture was taken girls never gave him a 1st glance, never mind a 2nd but here was a beautiful girl with a beautiful personality saying she liked him even before 2PM.

"I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Lilly calmed herself down seeing how serious Lyssa was being about this. It never really occurred to Lilly how much Lyssa might actually love Taec. She never really thought much of the situation Lyssa was in. Maybe Lyssa was having a harder time than anyone else in the group because she was the reason her friends were putting their own lives in danger for.

Lyssa smiled and looked at Taec when everyone heard the front door open and slam shut by metal. Shuffling of feet could be heard when a voice was shouted out from the hallway.

"Mai, just think about it!"



"Go to hell!"

"I'm getting angry!"

Lilly looked at Lyssa before standing up and walking out into the hallway and she was met with a Mai and Nona arguing. They both held the total of 5 bags in each of their hands. Lilly looked to Lyssa as she shook her head.

Suddenly Nona launched herself at Mai, dropping her bags as she did so, grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her vigorously.

"You will wear the couple clothes when I tell you to wear the couple clothes. Do you understand me girl?!" Nona shouted as the boys peeked out from the living room to see what was going on.

"Shall we?" Lyssa asked as Lilly nodded. Quickly, both Lyssa and Lilly grabbed Nona and pulled her away from Mai before Mai got angry herself. The last thing they needed was any of the girls turning on each other.

"Hold up a minute. What couple clothes?" Lyssa asked as Nona stopped struggling to break free from their grip. She picked up the bags on the floor and pushed a bag into Lyssa's hands.

"We got you a present while we were out. For you and Taec" Nona grinned happily as Mai rolled her eyes. She hated it when Nona inflicted her bipolar attitude onto her. It was way too exhausting.

Lyssa opened the bag calmly and pulled out the couple T-shirts Nona and Mai had bought for her and Taec while they were out. Lyssa looked at the clothing before turning to Taec with a smile on her face.

Taec stepped out of the living room and walked over to Lyssa's side. He placed his arm around her shoulder and smiled. "I like it" She said softly as Taec nodded in agreement.

"We got a pair for everyone" Nona beamed giving another one of her bags to Lilly. Lilly looked inside of it before closing it. "Um thanks" She said quietly when Wooyoung and Jaebeom appeared on both sides of her. "Does that mean we got something as well?" Wooyoung asked. "Let us see" Jaebeom said taking the bag from Lilly's grasp and pulling out the T-shirts inside.

Lilly rolled her eyes as Nona looked around at the other guys. She counted them in her head before her eyes rounded.

"There's one missing. Why is there one member missing?!" Nona gasped as Mai spun around to see her own 'pet' was nowhere in sight. She spun back around glaring at Lilly and Lyssa.

"Relax Mai, Chansung is somewhere around here. He got angry and decided to go sulk someplace else" Lilly simply stated as Mai let out a sigh of relief.

"Aish that boy. I'm going to go find him" Mai said before disappearing down the hallway after handing Lyssa her own bags.

"Besides from these three bags" Nona said holding up the last 3 bags in her right hand "The rest are for the guys" Nona explained as the remaining 2PM members nodded. Taec took the bags from Lyssa and walked into the living room followed by the others, leaving Lilly, Lyssa and Nona in the hallway.
That evening the 5 members of DMG and the 7 member of 2PM sat down for their dinner which Nona had happily made.

Mai was having a glaring contest with Chansung, Lyssa was listening to Taec as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear, Nona was piling everybody’s plate high with food, Miyu had just woken up from a long sleep and seemed to be zoning out every now and again while Lilly sat in between Jaebeom and Wooyoung, thinking about what to do next.

She rested her head in the palm of her hands in thought while silently watching the glaring match between Mai and Chansung. All the boys were now changed into the clothes Mai and Nona had bought for them and they all seemed to be satisfied with the clothes they had.

"Aish" Lilly hissed running her fingers through her hair grabbing the attention of Jaebeom, Wooyoung, Chansung, and Mai.

"What's up?" Mai asked being the first to speak up. At that point everybody’s attention was on Lilly.

"I've gotta do something. Miyu, you don't mind going out and killing someone tonight, do you?" Lilly asked turning to Miyu as all of the guys mouths dropped at her words. Miyu's face lit up in amusement as she nodded so fast her head could've fell off if it weren't attached to her neck. "No problem Unni"

"Good, but make sure that they aren't innocent people. Kill a or something but make sure you collect some of their blood." Lilly said as Miyu's eyebrows rose up in a questioning manner.

"Daddy will expect 2PM's bodies to be found sooner or later but since they're not actually dead, we're going to have to make him believe that they are and the only way to do that is if something of the guys is found to suggest their deaths. We can use their old clothes they were abducted in, tear them up a bit and wash them in blood. Sooner or later someone will have to find them and Daddy will think it's really the guys’ blood" She explained as Nona nodded.

"You're right, Mr. Park will want proof that 2PM are dead but since we don’t have bodies to give him we'll have to settle for the next best thing" Nona said taking her seat at the table next to Junho.

"Exactly, tonight Miyu will get the blood we need while I will go pay a visit to Daddy to let him know that our mission was a success. The clothing will be found sooner or later. We'll just have to hide the clothes in places we know they will be found. No doubt the whole of Korea is looking for them anyway" Lilly nodded trying to convince herself more than anybody that her plan would work.

"What are we supposed to do?" Wooyoung asked as Lilly's eyes flashed in his direction.


"Nothing?" He asked as Mai stood up, sliding her chair backwards.

"Nothing exactly. It's too dangerous for you guys to get any more involved than you already are. If people see you the media will be all over it and then not only will your lives be in danger but ours will be as well."

"It's better if you guys just let us take care of it. It's our job after all. We're good at covering our tracks" Lyssa spoke up as Nona nodded her head in agreement.

"So it's decided?" Lilly asked as the girls nodded. Lilly sighed and stood up from her seat. She slipped her hand into her black boot and pulled out one of her guns.

She looked at it as her fingers ran along the handle. She looked up and smiled.

"Don't wait up" She said putting the gun back into her boot and walked out of the kitchen to grab her short leather jacket to go over her grey beater. She heard the expected footsteps behind her as she walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Lyssa's voice asked. Lilly turned around to find all her friends plus Wooyoung and Jaebeom stood there, watching her cautiously.

"I think it's time I paid a visit to Daddy. He just came to Korea from the States this afternoon. He's probably wondering why I haven’t reported back to him by now anyway. When you go to bed could one of you show Jaebeom and Wooyoung to my room and guys, while I'm gone lock the door on the inside okay?" She asked glancing at Miyu to which she rolled her eyes.

"What about you?" Jaebeom asked as Lilly smirked.

"I have my own key to my bedroom. Well, see you later" She winked before walking out of the house, making sure the door was shut properly behind her.
"Ah you've arrived" Where the first words that came out of Lilly's father's mouth when she arrived at the organization. He sat at the head chair in one of the table which resided in one of the many meeting rooms in the organization.

Lilly stepped over a man’s body which lay in a pool of blood in the middle of the floor. She looked straight into the eyes of the man who was most likely responsible for his death.

Her father.

He let out a chuckle as Lilly raised an eyebrow at him wondering what was so funny. He shook his head as his amusement subsided. "Although you're trying to avoid the question in your mind, you're curious as to why there is a man dead on the floor." Mr. Park stated as Lilly turned her gaze away from him.

Although he never showed love to her he knew each and every one of the assassins who worked for him inside out. He let out a sigh and stood up from his seat to walk over to the man who lay motionless at his feet.

Mr Park wore a black suit with a white blouse underneath accompanied with a silk black tie.

His black leather shoes nudged the dead man's head before turning back to face Lilly. "If you must know, this man here truly deserved to die. He was leaking information about the company to other assassination companies." Mr. Park sighed as Lilly nodded.

She knew as well as the next person what happened if you turned against Mr. Park and the organization. It meant sure death, even to Lilly.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure?" Mr. Park asked looking at Lilly seriously. No traces of a fatherly love in his eyes. It was more business than anything else.

Lilly sighed looking to the floor before answering. "I thought I'd inform you that the mission you assigned us was accomplished. Every 2PM member is now dead" Lilly said before looking back into his eyes.

She could never look into his eyes when informing Mr. Park that the people he wanted dead where indeed thanks to her. Mr. Park's lips curved into a smirk and nodded. "You have done well my daughter" He said softly before turning on his heel and walking out of the room.

Lilly swiftly followed taking 2 steps for every step Mr. Park took. Her hands unconsciously made their way into her jacket pockets as she and Mr. Park walked through the organization headquarters.

She saw some familiar faces and some new who seemed to be new assassins in training. As she walked she heard whisper as people’s eyes narrowed in on her. Being one of the best assassins in the organization was one thing but being Mr. Park's only daughter was another.

She was so focused on blocking out the whispers she didn't realized Mr. Park had came to a halt. She came back to reality to see she was now stood in front of a class of children. The ages ranged from 10-16. Lilly looked at Mr. Park as he stood proud in front of them all. They stood quietly all looking at them both, waiting for him to speak.

"As many of you will already know, last night there was an incident. Last night one of your fellow trainees tried to escape the organization. As you all know such behavior can not be tolerated in this organization—" Mr. Park spoke in a voice of authority.

Lilly's eye lingered on the group of trainees when one of Mr. Park's right hand men appeared dragging a young boy around the age of 13 by his very short hair. Lilly’s mouth opened slightly as all the eyes of the class turned to the boy.

Mr. Park glanced at the boy as a crooked smile appeared on his face before continuing. "Choi JiWoo made an attempt to turn his back on the organization last night by trying to escape. Let this be a reminder to all of you that people who are stupid enough to think they can betray the organization, even if you grow to be one of the top assassins, there is no where you can hide if you betray me. Of course actions like Choi JiWoo’s cannot be ignored." Mr. Park said slowly as his hand slid into his jacket’s inner pocket.

Lilly's eye widened, knowing what he kept in there at all times. Mr. Park's right hand man smirked and pushed the boy named Choi JiWoo to Mr. Park.

Mr. Park took hold of boy around the neck as his other hand emerged from his pocket to reveal a long silver curved athame. At that moment Choi JiWoo began to sob seeing the glint of the blade from the corner of his eyes. Mr. Park tilted the boys chin upward before looking back at the class.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. See what happens if you turn your back on the organization!" Mr. Park spat as the blade sliced through Choi JiWoo's throat in a mere few seconds. Lilly bit her lower lip as the young boy fell limp in her father’s arms.

The children who watched on looked pale and scared. Their faces reminded her a lot of herself the first time she saw her father kill a trainee in front of her eyes as well.

"Now that that was taken care of…" Mr. Park said letting go of JiWoo's body and letting it drop to the floor. He turned to Lilly. "You may leave. It's your vacation but I may call you in for minor missions. For now wait for me to contact you." He said. Lilly nodded slowly before taking her leave from the building.

Walking out into the clear night air, it was then that Lilly realized that a tear was beginning to emerge from out of her eye. She quickly swiped it away before it had a chance to fall.

She looked up into the sky to see many stars illuminating in the darkness of the night. She pushed all thoughts of the act her father had just committed in front of her to the back of her mind. She couldn't have done anything because this was the life she was born to lead; the life of an assassin.

Taking a deep breath to regain her composure she began to make her way back to the house deciding to forget everything that happened tonight and start a fresh tomorrow.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol