Chapter 21

Death's Embrace

Quick announcement: Since we ran out of pre-written chapters, the updates will be slower. T~T. In other news, this story will wrap up soon, but not that soon. Just a few more chapters :D. thank you~

Written by Lily


Taec took quiet steps down into the basement, until he reached the black out window that allowed him to see clearly into the practise space on the other side of the glass. He watched as the most beautiful girl in his life hit the floor from a back flip brought on by Mai.

Lyssa coughed heavily, trying to catch her breath back that had been knocked out of her from impact with the floor.

Taec could only stand in front of the window, watching in shock as his girlfriend struggled to get back onto her feet. He looked to Mai who was stood a few feet away with no remorse showing on her face what-so-ever.

“Yah, get up. If you want to learn to fight you’ve got to learn to get over the pain quickly. No one will wait for you to regain composure!” Mai shouted just loud enough for Taec to hear.

He couldn’t help but glare at Mai but his attention was quickly diverted back to Lyssa as she slowly got back up onto her feet. Mai quickly ran at Lyssa, swinging her leg around to kick her but Lyssa quickly dodged by ducking.

“That’s my girl” Taec softly said but as soon as Lyssa stood back up Mai her fist forward which made contact with Lyssa’s abdomen. Lyssa instantly went flying backwards into the stone wall behind her.

She slowly crumpled to the ground in pain as Taec bit his lower lip.

“GET UP LYSSA! We’re not done yet” Mai hissed as Lyssa staggered back up to her full height.

Having seen enough, Taec quickly ran to the door next to the window to get Lyssa out of Mai’s ‘evil’ clutches. He pulled at the door knob but the door would not allow him to enter, they had locked the door. Quickly making his way back to the window he watched to see Mai’s foot collide with Lyssa’s jaw as she stumbled backwards.

His body moved on instinct as his fists began to bang on the window to get their attention. Mai and Lyssa’s head snapped in his direction. Lyssa looked like she was about to say something when she got knocked off her feet with another blow from Mai.

This time to the chest.

Taec’s eye rounds as she hit the floor. Mai glared at him before turning back to Lyssa. “Don’t get distract. If your enemy notices a weakness, they won’t hesitate to make that their target!” Mai shouted as Taec’s fists banged on the window harder.

Lyssa looked up at Mai and then to Taec who was desperately trying to break through the glass that separated them both.

“Taec” She whispered before turning back to Mai, attempting to give her the puppy dog eyes.

“Can I just let him know I’m okay? He’s worried. Maybe we can take a 5 minute break or something?” Lyssa pleaded as Mai growled before turning on her heel and walking towards the door to leave the room.

Well that’s what Lyssa thought anyway, until Mai came walking back in, dragging Taec behind her by his hair. Lyssa’s eyes widened and Mai glared at her.

“Is this the only way that I can get through to you? In a real fight the opponent won’t let you ‘take 5’. They see an opportunity to attack, they’ll take it. If you’re not serious about this then why did you ask me to train you in the first place?” Mai snapped as Lyssa flinched from her tone of voice.

Her eyes didn’t leave Taec however as he squirmed around. Mai quickly let go of his hair but managed to get him into a tight head lock after. Taec accidentally let out a yelp from the painful jolt he felt run up his neck from the way Mai handled him.

“Mai, let him go. You’re hurting him!” Lyssa cried out as Mai rolled her eyes before looking back to Lyssa with an cocky expression now plastered on her face.

“You want him? Come and get him” She raised an eyebrow at her. Lyssa looked at Taec as Mai tightened her hold on him.

“You heartless , stop pushing her into doing something she doesn’t want to do!” Taec yelled but Mai ignored him.

“Lyssa, you have 10 seconds to free Taecyeon from my grasp or I’ll tighten my grip so hard that it’ll be the last little breath he ever takes. Prove to me you’re serious about learning to fight!” Mai snapped as Lyssa slowly got up onto her feet once again.

She took a deep breath before glaring at Mai and running at her full force.




After a long walk aroung the woods that surrounded the house, Lilly entered the pass code to unlock the front door in order to enter. Stepping inside and quickly shutting the door behind her, she pulled off her black leather jacket and  hung it up and the stair’s banister.

Letting out a sigh, she was about to head on up stairs to avoid everyone when she bumped into someone who was making their way down the stairs.

“Lilly, you’re back” Spoke the familiar voice.

She looked up to see Jaebum looking at her with concern written all over his face. She knew better than to be fooled by his fake façade however and ignored him. She swiftly pushed past him to make her way up to her room when she felt him grab her wrist to stop her from moving forward.

“I’m not in the mood Jaebum” She hissed.

Jaebum quickly ran up two steps and face Lilly head on with a question that she never thought she’d hear him ask.

“Are you okay?”

Taken aback by his straight forward question, Lilly quickly forced herself to pull herself together and tilted her head to the side.

“Why the hell do you care. I’m a cold blooded killer and that’s all I’ll ever be. I only bring sadness to the people around me and I can’t protect the people that are most important in my life, even if I wanted to” She said through gritted teeth.

Jaebum watched her actions carefully and noticed Lilly wasn’t looking at him anymore but to the side. It sounded like she was almost trying to convince herself that them words were true. Most likely, a few weeks ago Jaebum would have agreed with her but now, he wasn’t so sure.

It was true that Lilly and the other girls were killers but Jaebum couldn’t bring himself to believe that they were cold blooded about it. Not ever Miyu after what he had witnessed a few days before. Maybe there was more to these girls than they let on.

He had always been raised to see the good in everyone, but why was this girl in front of him so hard to break through. Why was she so scared of opening up to people. Sometimes Jaebum even thought Lilly kept some secrets from the other DMG members.

“You know I don’t agree with what you and your friends do and what you’re all about-” Jaebum began but Lilly cut in.

“And if I wanted your opinion I would ask for it. Seeming as how I haven’t, are we done now?” She snapped trying to shake his grasp off her but he wasn’t going to release until he had said what he wanted to say.

“Let me finish, even though I might not agree with all of that, I can tell that somewhere inside of you that you know it’s wrong. That to me gives me hope that you’ll one day decide to stop hurting so many people and when that day comes, I want you to know that I’ll be here for you and I’ll stand by you” Jaebum said softly.

Lilly looked at him and he seemed sincere. Nobody had ever said something like that to her, it give her a strange feeling inside but as soon as she saw Miyu descending the staircase with Junsu running after her, she pushed the feeling away.

“Whatever, I’m tired and I just want to go have a nap so would you let me go already?” She asked in a harsh tone of voice.

“Jaebum, stop annoying my Unni!” Miyu said stopping behind him.

Quickly releasing Lilly’s wrist, Jaebum turned to look at Miyu before stating “ I’m not annoying her”.

Quickly taking the opportunity while Jaebum’s attention wasn’t on her, she slipped past him and ran up the stairs.

“Lilly, come back” She heard Jaebum’s voice but she carried on to her room, leaving the trio behind to argue amongst themselves.

“See, you annoyed her” Miyu said as Jaebum pouted and his heel to walk down the stairs and into the living room. Miyu sighed and turned to look up the stairs that her Unni has just scrambled up to get away from Jaebum.

“She is acting kind of strange though, lately” Miyu whispered under her breath wondering what could have happened to make Lilly so distant from not only the 2pm members but also the members of DMG aswell.

Was she the only one that had noticed it?

“What did you say?” Junsu asked, still by her side and pulling Miyu out of her thoughts. She quickly turned to him and glared slightly.

“Leave me alone” She snapped before jumping over the stair's banister and walking swiftly away to get away from her new ’lap dog’.


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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol