Chapter 32

Death's Embrace

Gahh this is Miyu here and I just want to thank you so much for sticking with us despite the long hiatus! T__T I was really touched when I saw that we still had our readers! So, I will take this moment to show my graditude! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! >.<

I'm sorry this chapter took a while. I hadn't wrote in months so it was a bit difficult getting back into writing haha But the chapter is here now and I hope you enjoy! Next chapter might take a while because Lily, Mai, and I will have to replan and finalize the order of events for the Ball. It will be worth the wait though, I promise (I hope)!

Also, @Chareeex, the couple name is actually Misu Soup! haha I'm happy you still remember it *cries tears of joy*

Anyway, enough of my talking, here's the next chap!


Written by Miyu


Chapter 31:


“I expect no failures.”

“Yes, I understand”

“No mistakes”

“I will make sure of that”

“You MUST succeed! Or else I will not only have your corpse but your whole team!”

*gulp* “I assure you our team is one of the best”

“Then prove it. Show me you are worthy as the leader of DMG.”


”You don‘t want a repeat of that again, do you?”


“Do not disappoint me”

“Yes, Appa”


Shooting out of her bed, Lily gasped as she ran a hand through her hair. It has been so long and still, she had nightmares about what her father could do. Clasping her hands together she brought her knees to her chest, resting her forehead that had broken out into a cold sweat onto them. Her heart hampering against her chest felt like it would burst.

There was chill in the room and Lily rubbed her arms to keep herself warm, wrapping the blanket closer to herself. Glancing around the room, Lily noticed Jaebeum sprawled out on the couch provided in the room. Wooyoung slept on the floor beside him and was snoring softly with his blanket tangled around his body.

Lily swiftly swung her legs to the side of the bed and got up. She needed to take a walk to clear her head. The Manager of the hotel glanced at her as she walked pass the lobby but nevertheless didn’t bother her. Sighing, Lily sat down on a chair provided in the lobby and inspected the area around her.

Everything was peaceful. It was a bit odd. Her life had always been about pleasing her father, missions, and bloodshed. But these few months, she experienced the longest time of peace she’s ever had. At least, as peaceful as it could get. In these few months, the group only had two missions when normally they would get 5 missions a month, due to the group’s swift work. ‘Maybe Appa was more busy than usual planning this grand plan” Lily thought, but she couldn’t shake the thought that there was something amiss. She’s missing an important detail.

Slowly, her insecurities began to surface. Lily knew bringing the guys along was a great risk. Heck, if there was even one mistake it would be hell for everyone! What if one day her father wanted the group back to the main headquarters? They would not be able to bring 2PM since her father would immediately notice something with his men constantly everywhere. The only reason they were not found out in Korea was because her father hated his own country! Thus, he rarely had any business in Korea or men there.

Sighing, Lily closed her eyes and leaned back into the chair, “When will this all end?”


The next morning, it was hectic. That night was the ball and everyone was nervous. Mai groaned as she watch Lyssa and Taecyeon making their way down the hall. Lyssa was wearing a long gray V-neck sweater that clung to her waist and was loose near the top, successfully showing off her pale shoulders. Her dark colored skinny jeans and knee length boots emitted a y aura. Beside her, Taecyeon had his red shaggy haired wig on along with black rimmed glasses. He wore a black button up shirt and jeans ripped in several areas. To finish off his outfit, Taecyeon donned an olive colored cargo jacket.

“Why do they look like they’re about to go on a date?” Miyu mumbled with a crooked eyebrow standing next to Mai. Nona just smiled as the two passed her and the boys sitting in the lounge area. Jay, Junsu, and Wooyoung whistled teasingly before getting silenced with a glare from Lyssa.

“Cut it out guys” Taec laughed stopping in front of them.

Suddenly a cold voice cut through the room, “Where do you think you’re going Lyssa?”

“Lily Unni!” Miyu exclaimed as she waved Lily over. “It seems like they’re going on a date” Miyu explained with a look of disapproval. Lily nodded before walking toward the couple, her arms crossed.

“Change” she ordered. Everyone sent a bewildered look around the room.

“Is there something wrong Lily?” Nona asked standing up. She noticed how Lily was becoming more tense as the days to the mission approached. Nona thought it was because this was probably one of DMG’s biggest mission but now, Nona is beginning to believe there is more to the matter. It was almost as if Lily was afraid.

“Change. Now.”

“Is there something going on?” Lyssa asked softly, calming her temper. Before the ball, Taec and her had decided to go on a small date around Paris to relieve some tension from this mission. Honestly, she was upset that Lily is ordering it to be cancel. “Why do you want me to change?” she inquired, the frustration leaking into her voice.

“Don’t make me repeat myself Lyssa” Lily growled, angry that Lyssa is now beginning to question her orders. As leader of DMG, every member had to listen to her without explanations if she didn’t want to give one. Lyssa knows this. Raising her eyebrows incredulously, Lily hissed.

“Are you questioning my orders now Lyssa? I must be giving you too much freedom these past few months. Just who do you think you are? A normal girl?! Let me remind you. You are an assassin and you are working! Not on vacation where you can do whatever you please. Just who do you think you work for?!”

Immediately everyone froze.

“I-I’m sorry” Lyssa said with her head bowed, hiding her eyes from view. “I’ll go change” Taec tried to grab onto Lyssa’s hand as she ran off but she harshly shook him off. Shaking his head, he turned to glare at Lily, who rose up to the challenge.


“Is there something you want to say, Ok Taecyeon?”

“I don’t know why you’re acting like this but that was unnecessary” he said with anger.

“Unnecessary? She knows not to question my orders; she got herself in trouble. I have the job of leading and disciplining my members. Don’t you try to lecture me on how to do my job” Lily spat before turning from the boys and Nona. Mai and Miyu were staring at her but didn’t say anything.

“Come on Nona, Mai, and Miyu. We have a meeting with Mr. Park” she called and immediately, the three members of DMG straightened and followed Lily around the corner. Before they reached the lobby Mai grabbed onto Lily’s hand preventing her from walking. Turning Lily around to face her, Mai’s gaze softened.


“Don’t over think. Everything’s going to be fine.”


Miyu casually checked her nails as she half-heartedly listen to her boss aka Mr. Park talk. Due to her aloof and childish behavior she wasn’t as frightened or tense as the other girls around him. “Miyu, are you listening?” Mr. Park’s gruff voice snapped her attention toward him before she grinned manically.


“I see no reason to listen to instructions if all I have to do is turn that ballroom into a slaughter house”

There was a moment of silence before Mr. Park roared with laughter. The rest of DMG jumped slightly in their seats hearing the foreign sound from their boss. “We nurtured you well Miyu. A perfect killing machine” Mr. Park grinned. “I knew you were the perfect candidate for that project those many years ago.”

Miyu stiffen for a moment as the memories flashed in her head. Quickly banishing them to the back of her mind, Miyu grinned, “Of course. I am the fabulous Kim Miyu~”

“Now for this mission, Nona, you have a very important job as the technician of your team” Nona turned her attention to Mr. Park as she waited patiently for her instructions. “I want you to mess with the electrical devices in the ballroom. Find a way to mess with the waves so that any electrical devices cannot work property. We wouldn’t want those organization leaders to call for back up, now do we?”

“No sir.”

“Good” Mr. Park said in approval, “it seems you are getting better at controlling your bipolar condition, I am amazed you’re able to sit here patiently.”

“Thank you, sir”

“Mai, I would like you to be my personal bodyguard when things are in motion. I know you will never defy me and would protect me with your life, am I correct?”

“Yes Mr. Park. You are the one who has saved me after all.” Mai said, her voice the most respectful anyone from DMG has ever heard from her before.

“Lyssa, you don’t have to anything important to do. After all, I don’t want you to fail or mess up again” Lyssa flinched as her head remained downward, not daring to look into Mr. Park’s eyes. She knew failure was not accepted. It was a miracle she was even alive at the moment.

“Lyssa has learned from her mistake, Daddy. She’s been training really hard.” Lily chimed in, hoping her father would forgive Lyssa for her mess up in the last mission. “She’s stronger now”

“I hope what you say is true Lily. You know I do not accept failures or people who mess with the rules of this organization. You should be well aware of this fact” Lily shook as she averted her eyes from her father. “Make sure this mission is a success or I will be force to punish you and your team. Certainly, when there is scale that needs to be balanced but cannot due to the extra weight on one of those scales, the correct thing to do it get rid of that extra weight, isn’t it?”

Lily’s breath hitched but she didn’t retort to her father. “You are dismissed” Mr. Park coldly informed.


The girls quickly rose from their seats and exited the office. Lily was in a rush to get away and as Mai, Lyssa, and Nona hurried to follow her, Miyu lagged behind. Shaking her head, Miyu mumbled. “That couldn’t have been what he was implying”


Stepping out from the car, the Palace of Versailles stood high and beautiful. Lights and decorations covered the bushes and garden. Guards stood at the entrance bowing to everyone who walked pass. The leaders were greeted with high respect and as DMG walked forward with their partners in hand, they could all feel the thick tension in the air between each other. Everyone had their outfits and masks on for the day. Secured inside the girls’ dresses were their weapons and the ear pieces were covered by their hair.

This was it.

Jaebeum’s arm was hooked with Lily’s and even though he composed himself well, Lily could see how he would fidget with the button of his suit. Behind Lily and Jaebeum, Wooyoung sullenly followed. Miyu was calm as she dragged Junsu along by the hand. She was excited and Junsu looked at her worriedly. Miyu’s hand was shaking, which meant she was thirsty. Mai walked beside Chansung but refused to be intimate with him in some kind of way. Chansung didn’t complain as he didn’t want to touch her either. It was enough that he would be touching her when they were dancing. Nona and Lyssa, however, were happily pulling their partners, Taecyeon and Junho, toward the entrance. Nona proceeded to go ahead when Lyssa paused. Taec glanced at her in concern.

“Are you alright?”

Lyssa smiled and shook her head, “I’m fine. It’s just...I think because I was so happy with you, living my ideal life these few months, I forgot” Lyssa turned away from him and stared up at the stars. “I forgot what life I truly led.”

“You can have that life” Taecyeon said desperately. He really wanted Lyssa to leave. To stop killing. Lyssa shook her head as she laughed bitterly.

“That’s impossible.”

Miyu stopped running around as she stopped. Reaching her hand outward, a snowflake dropped onto her hand. Looking up at the sky, Miyu grinned as drops of snow began to descend. Glancing at Junsu who watched her interestingly, Miyu gleefully spoke.

“It’s snowing...the perfect night for blood to splatter”

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol