Chapter 25

Death's Embrace
Yay, fast update! I will try to write some tonight because I never have homework. YAY FOR BEING A SLACKING SENIOR!
Written by Miyu
Chapter 25:

"Alright, since you two are both starting today we'll go over the basics and rules of training" Mai announced as she eyed the two people that stood in front of her. Lyssa was in the corner pulling mats out. Taecyeon glanced her way with the desire to help but turned his attention back toward Mai and stood straight. Both Taecyeon and Chansung were in appropriate attire for training. Sweat pants and black tank tops that showed their define muscles.

"There are three important rules. One, never let your guard down even if it seems like you've won. You never know if it could be a bluff. So always be on your guard...unless you want this to happen to you."

In quick strides, Mai raised her fist and aimed straight toward Chansung's gut, but luckily Chansung was quick on his feet and dodged. Mai smirked and turned toward Taec, "This rule is mainly for you Taecyeon. You seem to get distracted even by the littlest of things. So if you are fighting and you see Lyssa being hit by someone, you must focus only on fighting. That small amount of time letting your guard down can lead to your own death." 

Taecyeon gulped and nodded his head slowly. Chansung resumed his position beside Taecyeon. He didn't forget to glare at Mai's surprise attack on him. Mai simply ignored Chansung and continued her explanation. "Second, no matter how weak an opponent may look, never go easy on them. Like I said before, you never know if it's a bluff. Show no mercy . That means, when you're training with me, I won't show any mercy and neither should you hold back. So show me what you got!" 

This time, Lyssa walked toward Mai and stood by her, "Third, no complaining or weakness is allowed. Mai can get very annoyed if you are not serious with training. You have no idea how many times Mai and Miyu have clashed due to complaining while training." Lyssa laughed, lightening up the tense atmosphere in the room.

Mai rolled her eyes but a small smile was present on her lips, remembering the many encounters they had during their training periods. Suddenly the doors to the training room opened and Nona's head poked out. "Mind if I join you for this training session?" she grinned and the remaining boys piled in. Wooyoung, Jaebeom, Junsu, Nichkhun, and Junho sat near one of the walls with their backs facing the mirror, watching with curious eyes.

Mai sighed. She didn't exactly enjoy having this many people in the room. Nevertheless, Mai said nothing and turned toward her three "students". "Now, we need to know what you would like to specialize in"

Taecyeon and Chansung gave Mai a perplexed look but before Mai could roll her eyes again, Nona jumped in to explain. "It's very simple. For example, Lily is specialized in guns, I am specialized in leg power, Lyssa is specialized in spying, Mai is specialized in using her fists, and Miyu is specialized in...well, anything sharp. So now, you need to choose what weapon or technique you'll like to master in."

Chansung thought about it for a movement before glancing at Nona, "Well, Taecyeon Hyung did say I have great leg strength. I guess I'll like to specialize in leg power?" Nona grinned and turned toward Mai, "It's alright with you?"

Mai kept a straight face but she couldn't help the sour feeling in the pit of her stomach. Reluctantly, Mai nodded her head trying her utmost best to keep the emotions from her face.

"What about you Taec?" Lyssa asked turning her attention to her lover. "Well, I guess I'll train with you to improve my fist power." he grinned and glanced at Mai who wasn't even paying him any attention. Her focus was in the other corner of the room where Nona had dragged Chansung and they've already started simple training. Taec scoffed, "So much for never getting distracted" he mumbled before Lyssa slapped him lightly on the head, giving him a disapproving look.

Mai wasn't the only one feeling uncomfortable at the turn of events since Junho couldn't keep his eyes off of Chansung and Nona. They were currently doing stretches.

Ever since their little kiss and Junho's confession, they've both been acting like everything was normal. But Junho couldn't shake the uneasiness he felt since there was one thing that bothered him the most. Nona still hasn't answered to his confession. Could it be she didn't feel the way? Junho frowned even more and buried his face into his knees. 

Suddenly a arm wrapped around his shoulders and he looked up to see Nichkhun giving him a concerned look. "You okay, Junho? Are you sick?" Junho shook his head and offered a smile, "It's nothing. Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Suddenly, Jaebeom jumped up and grinned at the sitting members, "It's been a while since we've danced or practice. We should do some dancing to keep ourselves fit. Who's in for some dancing to "I Hate You"?"
Shutting the door behind her, Miyu watched as Lily took her shoes off with shaking hands. Lily was still fumbling with her shoes before Miyu came and took it off for her instead. "You need to get a hang of yourself, Lily. You can't continue acting like this. We have to give the report for the new mission to the Unnies and if they see how unstable you are now, they won't be happy. So get yourself together, alright?" Miyu wasn't being strict with her speech, as her voice was gentle and whispering.

Lily frowned and sighed. She knew Miyu was right. She had to get herself together. "Can you call the rest to meet in the living room? They must be down the basement in the training room. I can hear grunts and footsteps down there." 

Miyu nodded and with one last concerned look aimed toward Lily, she disappeared behind the basement door.

Lily took a deep breath and wiped the tears that she had successfully hid from her dongseang a while ago, which flowed out the moment Miyu's form disappeared. "I gotta control myself. Gikwang is dead, I have to stop believing that he might still be out there somewhere. I should know...since he died in my arms." she thought to herself, each thought laced with despair. 

She glanced at her blood stained hands and remembered the encounter she had at the organization. She had shot an innocent person out of rage and then aimed her gun toward Miyu. Lily made a mental note to apologize later and got up. She took off her jacket and proceeded to the kitchen turning the sink on.

Unbeknown to Lily, Wooyoung had came up behind her quietly and took a glance at what Lily was washing. His eyes widened upon landing on the crimson color on Lily's hands. "Lily!" he exclaimed. 

Lily jumped and turned around to find everyone staring at her, they had come from the basement without her knowing. Lily's eyes landed on Wooyoung and she glared at him, "What the hell are you telling to do?! Scare me to death?!" she scowled before turning back tot he sink to wash the remaining blood off. 

"Why is there blood on you hands?" Wooyoung asked in an alarmed tone. He wanted to reach out and take Lily's hands to examine it, since he thought she must have injured herself. But Wooyoung knew it wouldn't be a good idea. 

"Mai, Nona, and Lyssa, we have a new mission and this time it seems to be an important one." Lily said wiping her hands with a towel. She walked pass Wooyoung without even sparing him a glance. Jaebeom reached out to grab her arm with a confused look. With a lot of effort, Lily offered him a small smile and shook her arm loose. Of course, this action didn't go unnoticed by Wooyoung and he frowned in displeasure. 

Miyu passed the documents out and sat down beside Lily. Junsu and Nichkhun quickly stood behind her but she paid them no attention. It was meeting time and she thought vaguely if the guys should even be present for the group meeting, but kept shut as Lily began to explain.

"The next mission is going to be in Paris."

Mai's eyes widened. The last mission they ever had in Paris was 3 years ago. "We'll be attending a masquerade ball where other assassin organizations will be. Our mission is to kill the leaders of all those organizations. With the leaders out of the way, Appa can seize control of them." The three girls nodded and scanned through the items they needed. 

Mai stopped when her eyes landed on the words "Dress" and "Date".

"Uh, it seems we'll need to dress up to blend in with the ball..." Miyu grinned sheepishly, knowing Mai wouldn't really like the idea. Wearing a dress would be a hindrance since it isn't easy moving around in one. "...we'll need dates, and have to learn ballroom dancing..." Miyu continued waiting for the girl's reaction.

Nona choked on her saliva and Lyssa exclaimed, "WHAT?!" in glee. Mai just remained frozen but her grip on the documents tightening didn't go unnoticed by Lily. Lyssa was a er for romantic stuff, so hearing about the dates and dancing in Paris fitted well with her.

"Hey, look on the bright side!" Miyu chirped, "At least we can cause a massacre!" Junsu and Nichkhun sighed and shook their heads. Of course Miyu would find more joy in that.

"How exactly are we going to find a date and learn to dance?" Mai grumbled not even trying to hide her dislike of their new mission. "We have to learn and get the items within two weeks time." Lily explained and her gaze turned to Jaebeom. "You guys dance, right?" 

Jaebeom was slightly surprised at the question and nodded, "Yeah, we can dance. What does that have anything to do with this?"

It didn't take long for the rest of DMG to figure out what Lily was leading to. Miyu and Mai quickly jumped up. "No! I will not agree to this!" they both chanted at the same time. Lyssa clapped her hands together and grinned at Taecyeon. Taecyeon grinned back even though he didn't know why Lyssa was so happy. Nona sighed and smiled. She didn't really mind Lily's plan and sat quietly.

"We need the guy's help if we want to learn the dance, so stop complaining." Lily said in a voice of authority. Miyu pouted but plopped down in her seat with her arms cross. "I told you already! I can dance!" Lily rolled her eyes and glanced at Mai who was still on her feet. "Appa's orders, Mai."

Mai took a few breaths before finally sitting down. She knew she couldn't change Lily's mind once Lily was determined. However, that didn't stop her from glaring at the boys. "Um...can you explain?" Junsu asked, still confused on what just happened.

Nona eyed each 2PM member in the room before stating, "You guys will be teaching us ballroom dancing...and also be our dates for the ball."

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol