Chapter 3

Death's Embrace

Written by Miyu
Miyu could feel her hands trembling as she clenched them tight together. She was really thirsty again. But this wasn’t your normal thirst. It was the thirst to kill. Today, she wasn’t able to cause any blood scatter and she was definitely feeling bitter about it. The feeling of frustration was beginning to claw at her gut and she decided to grip onto Nona’s hand that wasn’t on the steering wheel. Nona understood what Miyu was feeling and nodded her head with a small comforting smile on her lips. ‘No fun at all today…” Miyu mentally groan resting her head back on the car seat. Behind the seat, she could feel someone kicking it repeatedly and rolled her eyes. “Coward…” she whispered loud enough for Wooyoung to hear.

Wooyoung growled softly as he heard the insult from the person sitting in front of him. He knew it must be that crazy girl, “Miyu was her name, right?” he asked himself. He made a face and before he knew it, he felt a stinging pain on his cheek. “Stop making faces, baby face. It’s ugly and annoying. Also, stop kicking my chair, I can’t sleep.” She sneered. Miyu was turned around in her seat and the moment she turned around she came face to face with Wooyoung’s disgusted face and she couldn’t help it. If she couldn’t create blood, then the least she should be able to do was inflict some sort of pain.

“Miyu…” Lily said with a warning tone. Miyu turned around in her seat and grumbled, “Sheesh, I don’t get you guys anymore. Before we would kill anyone we were assigned to. Why must we keep them alive? It would only mean death for us.” Lily just sighed and faced the window.

“Miyu, we’re doing this for Lyssa. Don’t you remember how she reacted when you tried to kill Chansung-shii? You don’t like seeing your Unni like that, do you?” Nona asked not taking her eyes off of the road.

“Hm, I wonder when Assassins were allowed to have a heart.” Miyu said arrogantly before she suddenly rolled down the window. Nona stopped at the red light, “Miyu, what are you doing?” Nona’s eyes widen slightly when she saw Miyu take out her knife. “Miyu—“ But it was too late, Miyu already threw her knife, aiming straight for the pigeon that was standing on the wires of the tree. The pigeon was pierced right through its middle section and fell limp to the ground.

Miyu burst out with a merciless laugh before saying, “Don’t worry, I was wearing my gloves, so no fingerprints.” Nona gave Miyu a sigh before starting the car again and in the back seat, the two victims felt a tremble travel down their spines.


When Nona stopped the car in front of the safe house Miyu quickly hopped out of the passenger seat and opened the door Wooyoung was sitting against. Wooyoung not knowing they had arrived was leading against it and he nearly fell out if Lily had not pulled him back when the door flew open. “Idiot” Miyu laughed pointing at Wooyoung. He grunted but willingly followed Miyu as she pulled him out of the car. Although a bit roughly. He did notice her hands were trembling slightly, but kept silent.

Lily slowly got out and carefully pulled Jaebeom out and draped his arms over her shoulder. She was about to close the door when suddenly she felt herself pushed aside. Jaebeom’s eyes had snapped awake and he ran out of the safe house driveway. “What?!” Lily exclaimed as she tried to gather her composure. It didn’t take long for Miyu to quickly follow Jaebeom. She had pushed Wooyoung aside and he bumped into Nona.

Nona’s panicked face was what Lily noticed next and she nodded before taking off after Miyu, silently praying in her head that Miyu hasn’t lost control yet. In the car, she did notice Miyu’s hands trembling. That meant she was really thirsty.

Jaebeom ran as fast as his legs would go. He had been awake ever since he was dragged into the car, but he pretended to be unconscious, waiting for the right moment for his escape. He knew he had left Wooyoung behind, but if one could get away that was good enough. He would be able to tell the police and give the police the two girl’s description. Besides, he didn’t think he could stand listening to that crazy girl Miyu talk anymore.

He felt his face heating up with anger as he remembered the sound of the slap she had given Wooyoung. Who does she think she was to slap anyone as easily like that?! Jaebeom stopped and doubled over clutching onto his stomach, panting for breath. His face was red from the cold and he studied his surroundings. He had no idea where he was, but he knew that maybe he can get someone to help him, or maybe even drive him back to Seoul. All around him there were green trees standing high and tall stretching up into the sky. The sky above was gray, and the weather was making his fingers numb.

Suddenly, if it was even possible, Jaebeom felt the atmosphere around him become colder and somewhere in the distance he heard a laugh…a crazy, evil, and thirsty laugh. Without wasting any more time, he straightened his body and once again ran.


Miyu laughed as she ran pass one tree to the next. It was becoming exciting. She could feel the adrenaline rush through her pulse and her hands were now trembling wildly. It has been a while since a victim had tried to escape and that she was the one giving chase. She recalled how Lily had said Jaebeom didn’t know how lucky he was. But he wasn’t so lucky now, was he? To be chased by Miyu…that is definitely not lucky.

The leaves beneath her crumbled as she picked up speed, she could hear it…he stopped, and now he was panting, trying to catch his breath. She could feel it…there was fear in the air around him, and that just made her even more excited. She laughed again and held her knives elegantly in her hands. “Just you wait, Park Jaebeom…no one runs away from me.” She smirked and took off.

Her grin became wider as she saw in the distance, someone running away. He was wearing a pink collar shirt, so it wasn’t that hard not to spot him. Miyu raised one of her hands with the knife up and she made a move to throw it. She was calculating her aim, making sure it would hit him straight where his heart was. She laughed again and in one swift movement, Miyu swung her arm and the knife went flying.

Suddenly Miyu felt her arm being yanked back and she turned around to see Lily glaring at her. “Aish, what am I going to do with you?” Miyu just scoffed and pulled her arm out of Lily’s grasp. She turned around and walked off angrily mumbling, “I never get to have any fun.”

Lily sighed again and crossed her arm at Jaebeom who was lying frozen on the ground. She kicked him lightly with the front of her boot. “Yah, get up!” She spat. Jaebeom slowly obeyed and dusted himself off. “I can’t believe I have to handcuff you too.” Lily mumbled taking out the other handcuff she had with her. She couldn’t believe what a fool this Jaebeom was to try to run away. He must really want to die. If he hadn’t tripped over the branch just now and fell flat on his face, he would have really been dead.

Lily pushed him to walk and as Jaebeom let Lily lead him back to the safe house, he turned around to see the knife have pierced through the tree trunk in front of him and stabbed into the tree behind it. “Holy !” he exclaimed. Lily just smirked and told him, “See? This is why you never make Miyu your prey. I feel bad for your other members, Junsu and Nichkhun.” She said and laughed. Jaebeom just gulped, silently praying for his other two band mates.


Nona staggered through the front door with a struggling Wooyoung in her grasp. Mai was standing in front of them with her arms crossed and she gave Nona a cold look, “Do not look at me like that, I wasn’t the one that kept him conscious. It was Lily and Miyu.” Nona panted as she threw Wooyoung onto the couch in the living room. “What happened?! Where’s Jae Hyung? And that crazy girl Miyu?!” Mai gave Nona a questioning look. Obviously, she wasn’t pleased with what she was hearing. She could almost guess what happened.

Nona sighed and rubbed her forehead, “Turns out Jaebeom was awake in the car, but he was pretending to still be unconscious, and he ran away, so then Miyu gave chase, and you know how she is with her killing addiction, and so Lily Unni ran after her. All I am hoping for is that Miyu hasn’t done anything bad.”

Mai kept silent as she took in the information. She really didn’t like what she was hearing. First, Lyssa with in love with a guy with fans for ears, horse teeth, and with a body of a giant. Now, ever since they had agreed to not kill the guys, she has been stuck there in the room, being all cutesy and mussy with her pet. Second, for some reason she couldn’t kill the emotionless jerk face Chansung and that frustrated her enough. Now, Miyu is going berserk with her urges to kill and could have already killed that pink crazy Shorty.

“That crazy girl is what?!” Wooyoung shouted again and Mai shot him a glare. “Want me to knock him out?” Mai growled as she took a step toward Wooyoung.

“Hey!” Wooyoung exclaimed trying to back away further into the couch, if that was even possible. “I promised to come willingly so you’re not allowed to knock me out. Where are Chansung and Taecyeon?” He began struggling against his handcuffs again and after a moment gave up, “Can you please take these off? I’m not going to run away with two assassins here, you know.” Wooyoung sighed.

Mai exchanged a glance with Nona before nodding. She walked over slowly to Wooyoung and roughly pulls him up. “Walk.” She simply said and pushed him toward the hallway.

Wooyoung nearly tripped over his feet as he was led toward a direction he couldn’t see. In his mind, he imagined where he could possibly be going. The first place he could be heading to is to where Chansung and Taecyeon are, and the second…all he could think of were two words, “His grave”. “Yah, are you sure you are taking me to Chansung and Taecyeon? This better not be some sick joke and I find them as bloody corpses.” He shuttered. Wooyoung felt someone chuckled behind him, “And if they were? What would you do?” it was Mai’s voice.

“I don’t care if I will die, I’d make sure I skin you all alive.” Wooyoung said his voice growing deadly. Nona had a wicked grin on her face, “He is an interesting one…” she whispers.

Suddenly Wooyoung heard the sound of a door opening and he was pushed inside. Still, all he could see was darkness. Suddenly he heard a *clink* and his hands dropped to his side, and as the cloth around his head was being taken off he could feel anxiety running through his body. “You can open your eyes now.” Nona said and Wooyoung slowly opened them, but squint when the sudden light pierced his eyes. “They’re sleeping, so you might not get to talk to them for a while until they wake up.” Wooyoung nodded as his eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light.

He felt relief pulse through him as he spotted Chansung and Taecyeon on a bed together, sleeping soundly. Beside Taecyeon and sitting on a chair was Lyssa, also asleep, and Wooyoung noticed her hand holding tightly onto Taecyeon. As he was about to take a step forward he suddenly heard a crash outside and it was the door slamming open. Nona sighed and walked out, “I’ll go check if she broke the door or not.”

“Wooyoung?” he suddenly heard and snapped his head toward s who were sleeping a moment ago that is now wide awake. Suddenly Wooyoung felt his eyes becoming blurry and without waiting much longer ran toward his brothers. The two boys opened their arms and gladly hugged Wooyoung, “I was so worried.” He sobbed. Lyssa who was sitting beside them smiled sadly and slid her hand out from Taecyeon’s big and warm one. Taecyeon glanced at her and she nodded her head, and soon left the room to let them enjoy their reunion.

Inside she was feeling a bit guilty about being the one to separate them, but she had to do it. It was better than killing them, right? Lyssa stopped when she saw Mai leaning against the wall outside the door, “So sickening…” Mai muttered and walked off toward the living room. Lyssa just shook her head and smile, ‘Mai…’

When the two entered the living room, they saw Nona wresting Miyu to the floor with one of Miyu’s injection shots in her hand. “Um, guys! A little help?!” Nona exclaimed as Miyu flipped Nona over. She laughed and sat on her Unni’s back. “If you want to inject me, then you have to catch me~~” she grinned and stuck her tongue out and ran to the stairs. Lyssa stared confusingly at the panting Nona on the ground as Lily entered the room with Jaebeom.

“Okay…do I even want to know?” Lily asked. “I don’t know. Are you asking me?” Mai shrugged. “Anyway, you can just take him to the room with the others. Apparently, they are having a tearful reunion.” Mai said with a disgusted face, “So sickening…”

“And how many times have you said that today?” Lyssa laughed and Mai just turned away giving her a cold shoulder. Suddenly Nona exclaimed, “Um, guys, I don’t know if you understand the importance of Miyu taking her injections, because the whole day today, she has not taken even one of her injections! She lied this morning!” Nona’s exclamation slowly settled into their minds and they gasp. “What?!”

“How could she not have taken them? She’s addicted.” Mai said shaking her head. She does not understand her friends at all today.

“I think she was too excited about the kidnapping, so she skipped it. Now she’s playing a game of tag with us.”

“How could she be excited? There’s no blood and terror that she’s allowed to do.” Lyssa asked panicking. Instantly, she rushed over to Jaebeom and checked him from head to toe. “He’s not injured…” she mumbled. “Yeah! But I have a giant bump on my head!” Jaebeom exclaimed, causing Lyssa to jump. Suddenly Lily growled into his ear, “Do you want me to send you to Miyu so she can slice you to pieces?” Jaebeom shuddered as he recalled his near death experience just now in the woods. He gulped and kept silent. “Anyway, you guys try and catch her. I’ll just take him to the room and chain him and Wooyoung up. Because I’m sure you guys must have forgot.” Lily rolled her eyes and pushed Jaebeom to walk toward the hallway.

“Hey!” the leader exclaimed.

“Shut up.” Lily simply said and smirked.


When they had finally, after an hour of chasing, screaming, and struggling, captured Miyu and sat her back on the couch, with Lilly and Mai holding her down by her shoulders and Lyssa holding her legs from kicking anyone, Nona slowly inserted the needle into Miyu’s arm that was held out. “Just bear with it a bit, alright Miyu?” She said trying to comfort the magnae. Nona knew that taking the shots were painful as the drug slowly travels through your body and causes your blood to boil. Miyu just smirked crazily as she enjoyed the sensation. It did hurt at first, when she was first injected with the drugs at a young age; she was only 4 years old then actually. But as time pass and she learned to endure the pain, she has grown to love the feeling it gives.

When Miyu was young, her whole family was killed and she was taken in by the organization from the cold and lonely streets of Los Angelos. She was one of the rare few that were chosen to be the organization’s lab subject with their new drug. It was a drug that gives you the urge to kill. Out of 10 kids that were chosen to test the drug, she was the only one that survived. The burning sensation the drug gives was sometimes too much for the kids to endure and they died, or either killed themselves to escape the pain. Ever since she had survived the test, Miyu always needed to take her injection daily. It was found out, she had become addicted to the drug over time, and if she didn’t take it, her urge to kill was even higher and she became even more dangerous. Sometimes, she was dangerous to the point that she could have killed Mr. Park himself, if she wanted to. Miyu would go berserk and kill everyone she laid eyes on, including her Unnis.

“How do you feel?” Nona asked worried the injection could be causing Miyu pain. Miyu just smiled and sat up straight, while setting her legs and arms free from her Unnis grasp, “It feels good”

Nona nodded and putted the injections away into the cabinet in the kitchen and suddenly she stood in front of Miyu, “Now Miyu, you listen to me closely. IF you ever do that again and not take your injections, I swear, I will personally murder you, dig out your eyes ball and stuff them into your mouth as your injection, DO YOU HEAR ME?!” Nona shouted, her bi-polar suddenly setting in. Miyu just waved it off and the TV. She casually asked, “How come Lyssa isn’t in the room being all lovey dovey with Elephant Ears?”

Lyssa blushed and said, “I thought that maybe I could give them some time to themselves…”

Miyu just nodded and stopped on a channel where she saw JYP. “Hey look, it’s gorilla face.” Everyone gathered around the couch as they listened intently to every word JYP was saying. “It is unfortunate to say, but you all remember that 2PM’s Chansung and Taecyeon have been kidnapped last week. Today Jaebeom and Wooyoung have disappeared and we believe they must have been captured by the same kidnappers that have kidnapped Chansung and Wooyoung. Please, if anyone has any information on the boys, immediately contact JYP Entertainment. For now, Junsu, Junho, and Nichkhun will be put under lockdown with guards to watch over them and protect them. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. This was Park Jin Young.”

“Wow, so now the rest of the boys are put into lockdown with guards. What are we going to do now?” Lily asked turning to face her Dongseungs. “Can’t we just kill the guards and capture them?” Miyu suggested. Obviously, all she wanted to do was kill the guards. “That way we won’t have anyone telling people that it was girls that kidnapped them and so and so.” Miyu continued. She did have a point and Lily nodded, “I’m in for the kill.”

“As long as it’s not 2PM members getting injured, I’m fine.” Lyssa shrugged. Mai sighed as everyone looked at her. “Why are you looking at me? I didn’t say you couldn’t kill guards.” Miyu grinned hearing that, and turned to face Nona. “And Nona? You’re ready for some bloodshed?” Miyu asked, already getting jittery just thinking about it. Nona smirked, “Blood isn’t all that bad.”

“You guys forgot one thing. We don’t know where 2PM lives.” Lily pointed out. “Nona, can you try to find a way to track their house?” Nona nodded and rushed into her room to get her laptop. Miyu suddenly jumped up and exclaimed, “Can’t we just threaten one of the guys for the info?!” and she quickly took off toward the room, not giving anyone a chance to argue.


“She actually tried to kill you?!” Taecyeon exclaimed, his mouth hanging open and he stared shockingly at his leader, Jaebeom. On the bed, that was kind of only big enough for 2 people, sat the 4 hostages. Taecyeon was sitting on his pillow, while Chansung was sitting on his as well. They both pulled their legs up to make some room for Wooyoung and Jaebeom. Wooyoung’s face was still slightly pink from the slap Miyu had given him in the car as he stares worriedly. Jaebeom just sighed and nodded feeling a shiver travel down his spine. “It was terrifying…I would have really been dead if that Lily girl didn’t come and stop her. But I don’t get it, if they were supposed to kill us, why are they keeping us alive?” Jaebeom asked his voice quizzical.

Wooyoung shrugged while Taecyeon and Chansung exchanged a knowing glance. Jaebeom caught sight of this and quickly exclaim, “Yah! Ok Taecyeon, Hwang Chansung, you know something, don’t you? Split it out now!” Taecyeon sighed and avoided looking at Jaebeom eyes. Chansung just kept quiet, knowing this isn’t his business to talk about. Suddenly, Wooyoung’s eyes widen, “Now that I think about it, didn’t the girl…Nona, say something about a friend of hers named Lyssa? She said that she was really upset or something when they tried to kill Chansung and you?”

Taecyeon suddenly stiffened as Jaebeom eyed him. “What does this information mean? It sounds as if she loves you or something!” This time even Chansung stiffened. Jaebeom grew even more frustrated as he noticed this. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could the door was suddenly slammed open and Miyu barged in. Without stopping or anything she headed straight for Wooyoung. She grabbed him the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall behind him. “Yah!” the guys shouted as they quickly backed away.

“If any of you come close, I will rip his throat open.” Miyu threatened her eyes suddenly becoming a darker shade. Wooyoung struggled in her grasp as he eyed her fearfully. “Hello Baby face. Now, I have some questions for you. What is the address of your dorm? If you answer me peacefully, then when I do have to kidnap the rest of your members, I won’t cause them any harm. But if you don’t, and I must search for them on my own…then I’m sorry to say, they might come here with a slice or two…” Miyu trailed off with a wicked grin as she imagined it in her head. Wooyoung’s eyes widened as he took in her words. “You” he struggled to speak. “You don’t think that I would betray my friends, do you? I would be crazy to tell you!”

Miyu smirked, “A difficult one, I see…” Suddenly there was a knife in her hand, no one even realize she had taken it out.

“Miyu, don’t!” Mai warn as she and the other DMG girls arrive in the room. Miyu just scoffed and placed the tip of her knife on Wooyoung’s cheeks. The tension in the air was rising and everyone was holding their breaths as she continued to slide her blade down to Wooyoung’s chin. Wooyoung was trembling as he felt his breathing stop. The cold metallic weapon was slowly sliding down to his chin and it stopped there. His eyes connected with Miyu and he saw that this was no game she was playing. She was serious.

“Are you going to tell me or not?” Miyu whispered so that only Wooyoung could hear. Suddenly Wooyoung heard someone shout, “Don’t give it to her! We can’t trust these people!” It was Jaebeom that had shouted out to him. But Wooyoung couldn’t think straight anymore. It was either give them the information they wanted or die. “I…” Wooyoung breathed as he looked between his band members and his enemies. Suddenly his eyes landed on Lily, and slightly he saw her nod. He could trust this girl that had a face of an angel…right? She did promise him that if he was willing to come with them then there wouldn’t be any harm to s. So maybe he can trust her this time too?


The three remaining members of 2PM were gathered into the living room as three guards stood before them. Nichkhun was sitting on the couch restlessly, not being able to clam himself down as his mind swirled with anguish thoughts. He was imagining all s, their corpses thrown somewhere and bloody. He could imagine Taecyeon with all of his horse teeth pulled out, Jaebeom his face even paler that it shines in the darken night, Wooyoung with his eyes open, staring but there was an emptiness to them. He was looking…but he wouldn’t be looking at all. Chansung…oh god Chansung. His body would be deformed and tangled in so many different ways. Blood would be pouring out of his ears and eyes, and Nichkhun could just imagine himself standing in front of all four of them. His hands would be shaking as he watched them helplessly.

Junsu was standing up with his arms crossed and pacing around the room. His brows almost knitting together as he asked himself repeating, “Where are they?” Suddenly a guard walked up to him, “So far, there is nothing suspicious outside of the house. I think it is safe for you guys to move around freely now. But do not go outside of this dorm without telling us.” Junsu nodded and he saw Junho standing up.

“I’m going to bed. Call me if anything happens, alright?” Junho has been having trouble sleeping ever since he found out Taecyeon and Chansung went missing. Now that he knew Jaebeom and Wooyoung were gone, obviously he wouldn’t be able to get any sleep either. Junsu and Nichkhun both knew that, but played along with Junho. As Junsu went back to his pacing suddenly it was Nichkhun’s turn to stand up. “I…” Nichkhun paused, “I’ll just go and make dinner. Everyone’s hungry, right?” Junsu nodded and sat down onto the crouch. He ran a hand through his hair and buried his face in his hands.

He was scared…he wasn’t afraid to admit this. He was scared for all three of them now. What if it were them next to be kidnapped and killed? He couldn’t stop asking himself those questions. What would he do? Would he even have a chance to fight back? Most importantly was whether he would be able to protect his 2 remaining safe members. But that was the reason the guards were here, right?

Frustrated Junsu stood up and headed toward the bathroom, hoping to get some time alone without the guards watching him. But as he took a turn down the hallway, he noticed one guard speaking urgently into his head set and walking out of the room. ‘I wonder if something bad happened.’ Junsu wondered silently. As he closed the door to the bathroom and the lights, Junsu the faucet and quickly splashed cold water onto his face. The ends of his bangs were now slightly wet and suddenly he felt something else sliding down his cheeks. It wasn’t the water, it was warm rather than the cold water he had splashed onto himself. They were tears…

Junsu quickly wiped them away but instantly newer ones replaced them and he placed both his hands on the sink taking a deep breath. He tried to control his emotions but the harder he tried the more out of control they became and a sob finally escaped from his lips. “Ah, there’s a crybaby in the house.” A chilling voice said behind him. Junsu spun around and before him he saw a girl with dark violet reddish hair that stopped a bit below her shoulders, her eyes were brown but there was a tint of wickedness in them. Junsu shuddered just gazing into them and he felt his lips become dry. “W-who are you?” he shuddered. “How did you get in here?”

“I’m Miyu, and my friends and I were the one that kidnapped your friends.” Junsu’s eyes widen as he took in the information. There was a voice screaming in his head, telling him to run, but for some reason his body wouldn’t move. It was as if Miyu’s cold eyes paralyzed him in place. Suddenly he saw something shining in her hands. It was Miyu’s knife. She slowly placed the tip of the knife on his forehead and traveled down to Junsu’s eyes, circling them invisibly. “Your eyes are weird…” she mumbled, “not to mention you look like an Octopus.”

Miyu’s other hand slowly reached into her pocket and she pulled out a piece of paper. It was a letter written by Wooyoung, and he made her promise to give it to Junsu. Miyu had agreed when Wooyoung had given them the information they needed and since she lives her life by the concept of, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” she promised Wooyoung that she wouldn’t harm any of s; Even though no one said anything about scaring them. Miyu laughed wickedly in her head. As she pulled the paper out and was about to give it to Junsu, in front of her she suddenly didn’t see Junsu anymore.

“What the?” Miyu asked and her eyes traveled to the limp body on the ground. “Oh my god, did he faint?! What kind of loser am I suppose to be killing?!” Miyu exclaimed as she threw the letter onto Junsu’s face. The content of the letter was poking out. Miyu quickly read through it.

“Hyung, you must listen to me if you want to live and not be hurt. It is for our safety as well. Jaebeom, Taecyeon, Chansung and I are all still alive. We are being held captive and the two girls, Miyu and Nona are going to kidnap you, Nichkhun, and Junho. Do not run, do not fight, just follow them and bear with being hand cupped and blinded for awhile. They won’t hurt us, unless you intimidate them. Especially Miyu, she is a psycho. The girls will take you to us. Just do as they say. Remember, this is for all of our safety.

P.S. Don’t be surprised if you see dead corpses of the guards that were assigned to protect you. --Wooyoung”

Miyu scoffed before opening the bathroom door and walking out. The guards all around the dorm were already dead and killed. It was easy to take them all down. Nona was standing outside waiting for her. “Unni, shouldn’t you be finding Junho?” Miyu asked and she saw Nona give her a surprised look. “I am really, and I mean really surprised that you were able to control yourself with Junsu. I was standing right here, making sure you didn’t kill him, but it seems I wasn’t needed. So you can control yourself after all, Dongseung!” Nona grinned and suddenly decided to pull on her cheeks. Miyu just pouted, “It’s because I owe that Baby face and I promised him anyway.”

“Oh, I see. It’s your life policy in play. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, right?” Miyu nodded and walked off. “I’m going to look for the other one.” Miyu grinned wickedly before skipping down the hallway and twirling her knife in her hand.

Miyu walked into the living room and saw the two guards they had killed. One was shot in the chest by Nona’s revolver and the other was sliced across the face multiple times by Miyu. She grinned at her work, “It was fun, Mr. Guard.” Miyu whispered before she continued walking. Suddenly a smell captured her attention. “Curry?” Miyu asked herself and followed the smell. It led her to the kitchen and she saw a guy with his back facing her.

Suddenly, Miyu saw him turn around and the sound of the utensils falling to the floor filled the room. Nichkhun’s eyes were staring at her and his eyes traveled down to rest on the knife in her hands. Just seeing that, he knew what was happening and quickly made a run out of the kitchen. Miyu smirked and without waiting any longer sprinted after him. “Two times today to be chasing after a victim? Awesome!” Miyu exclaimed and threw her knife. The handle of the knife hit Nichkhun in the back of his head and he fell to the ground.

Miyu slowly walked up to him and crouched down beside Nichkhun. “What…do you want from us?” Nichkhun asked his eyes blazing with fury. “Where are the other members?! What have you done to them!?”

The only answered Nichkhun received was a laughing Miyu. He felt the anger within him boiling as he made a move to stand up but was knocked down again. “If you want to see your members alive then I suggest you shut up, pretty face, and be obedient like the dog you are and follow me.” She hissed into his ear. Suddenly Nichkhun felt her hand traveling to his shoulder and in an instant, immense pressure was clamping down on him and Nichkhun felt his eyes fall closed and he could no longer hear Miyu’s crazy laugh. The only thoughts still clinging to him were the two words, “Members” and “Alive”.


Nona slowly walked into a room and saw Junho lying on his bed with head phones in his ears. He didn’t show any reaction as she walked into the room, so that meant that the volume was turned up high. Nona had her revolver in her hands, ready to shoot if necessary. The room was messy with stuffed animals on the floor and fan letters. Suddenly as Nona was going to jump over a pile of stacked up stuffed animals, as usual being her clumsy self, her leg caught onto the stuffed animal and she fell, face first.

Junho jumped up and turned around. His eyes that were usually small widened as he noticed the revolver in her hands, “Oh my god!! It’s the kidnapper!!!” Junho shouted at the top of his lungs. Nona chuckled as she pulled herself up. “No one is coming. All the guards are dead and I’m sure my Dongseung has already got Junsu and Nichkhun.”

Junho felt a shiver travel down his spine as he let the words settle in. Junsu and Nichkhun were caught? Then Junho looked between Nona and the open door behind her. He took a moment to study his room, looking at it with so much concentration that he had never done and decided. If he was fast enough, he could run and jump up onto the bed of the top bunk where Jaebeom usually sleeps, and hop down and make a run for the door.

Junho took a deep breath and suddenly pointed to empty space and shouted, “Look!! A flying dead frog!!” and that got Nona as she looked toward the direction Junho had pointed at. She quickly turned around to witness Junho jumping onto the top bunk as she realized she was fooled. In one swift movement, she lifted her revolver up and pulled the trigger. A bang was heard and Junho fell onto the bed.

Nona saw the bullet had hit the wall that was only a feet away from where Junho’s head was. As she sighed and walked closer with her gun in her hands she pointed it to the back of Junho’s head. “Alright, alright!! I give up! I’ll go!!” Junho wailed with both of his arms raised into the air.

Nona smirked as she took out her handcuffs and cloth. “Good boy”, she grinned. “You should be glad I’m not Lily Unni. She always has a perfect aim, so it would have definitely blasted your brain if she was here.” She said her voice casual and soft. But to Junho it was more like the sound of a witch talking and he shivered.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol