Chapter 4

Death's Embrace

Written by Mai:

Nichkhun felt a bit lightheaded. His eyes were a bit foggy when he tried to open them. He could hear voices, voices that were audited out of his ears.

“I can’t carry both of these idiots by myself!” he heard an ear-splitting voice whined. He winced a little trying to move his numb body. He had no idea what was going on.

He heard another voice. “Mai!” it screamed. “Help Miyu!”

‘Miyu,’ Nichkhun thought. ‘Who is Mai? Who is Miyu? Who was this other voice? Where am I?’

“Why should I help?” Mai asked. “These aren’t my people to deal with.”

‘That girl sounds like a jerk,’ Nichkhun said in his head.

“You help me, or I’ll slit your throat,” Miyu threatened.

“Ah,” Mai sighed. “Only because you threatened me with your puny knives” He heard the person above him growl. Then he felt a hand go underneath his tummy and he felt like he was flying now, flying through a cloudless blue sky. “Damn, how much does this guy weigh?” Nichkhun couldn’t open his eyes fully. It was all a blur to him, but he saw a small black figure in front of him.

“Thanks Mai,” another said. “For helping”


‘This girl is so rude!’ Nichkhun thought angrily.

“WOOYOUNG! JAY!” he heard Junho’s voice. Nichkhun slightly lifted his head up, this time, his vision started to become clearer.

“Wooyoung? Jay?” Nichkhun asked. Suddenly, he was flipped over onto the cold hard ground. He let out a grunt and rubbed his back in pain. He lifted himself up, feeling a bit lightheaded. He suddenly saw Chansung crawling next to him. He launched himself toward his hyung.

“Khun-hyung! Are you okay?” Chansung asked, holding Nichkhun in his arms.

Nichkhun felt weak at the moment to respond so he nodded toward his dongsaeng. “I’m fine,” he said quietly.

“Mai, don’t forget to chain them,” Miyu said as she tightened the chain around Junsu’s hand. Taecyeon was nearby, holding Lyssa. It was really hard to pry her off of him now and days.

Mai scowled and grabbed Nichkhun out of Chansung’s arm and slammed him against the wall. He let out a groan as she tightened the chain around his ankles and wrist.

Chansung watched and glared at Mai.

Nona pushed Junho through the door and chained him next to Jay and Wooyoung. “There, you can be with your friends now,” Nona said with a grin and crouching down to connect the chains together. “You don’t have to worry now.”

Junho didn’t look at Nona but Nona shrugged it off and stretched as she stood up. Mai turned around. “Lilly and I need to talk to you guys. And you too Lyssa, that means leaving Taecyeon in here.”
Lyssa frowned and patted Taecyeon on his hand. “I promise I’ll be back.”

Mai scowled with disgust and Miyu made a vomiting noise. Nona just snickered and helped her up from off the ground.

Everyone trudged out of the room and Mai was the last one to stop at the doorframe. She turned around and looked at everyone, who gave her cold glares. She just smirked. “You guys are lucky you are alive. If it wasn’t for me or Lyssa, you’d be dead on the cold streets.” She let out a small laugh and slammed the door.

“I hate that girl,” Chansung spat out.

Taecyeon twisted his head to look at Junsu. He was still passed out. Taecyeon let out a sigh and looked over at Chansung. “Well, we are lucky we are alive, Chansung. No need to hate. She practically saves our asses every time we face death.”

“I don’t care,” he growled. “She tried to kill me already. She wants to kill us. I know it.”

Junho frowned. And Jay spoke up. “You guys, we have to find away to escape. Let’s not argue. These people are dangerous. We must devise a way to get out of here, and if we don’t do it soon, we’ll all be dead.”

Taecyeon snapped his head to look over at Jay. “They won’t kill us. Lyssa won’t let them.”

Wooyoung laughed out loud and he looked at his hyung with a shocked expression. “What makes you think that small girl will save us from being killed.”

“Like I said….I love her.”

Everyone groaned with tiresome.


Nona paced back and forth around her room. She wasn’t sure what Mai wanted to talk about, but it better be about something good. She sat on her bed and covered herself with her blue fleece blanket.

Nona had very bad experiences in her past. No one really knew why she would split her personality. No one knew how it triggered so often. That’s why many had to take precautions before talking to her. The only person who was use to it was Mai. They’d been friends since the early training years to become assassins. Although Nona would explode on Mai on occasion for doing nothing, Mai had just shrugged it off her shoulder like it was a piece of lint.

Nona was born in New England in the late 80’s. Her mother, Meredith, gave birth to a sweet child with big brown eyes and a smile anyone could die for. After Nona’s real father’s death, Nona’s mother re-married several years later to a man who always seemed friendly. Until one night, she heard loud banging and crashing. Being as young as Nona, what she saw was horrifying. Behind the corner, she saw as her step-father slam Nona’s mother onto the backboards of the kitchen. She was so frightened, so scare. Something triggered her to start screaming and running to her room. Her step-father saw this and slammed on the door as she hid in her closet. It wasn’t the same. It would be out of the habit to hear slamming, to hear small whimpers from across the hall. Then one night, Nona was sick of it. So sick of it, that her angered triggered right after she had started crying from one those nights while she heard her mother get physically beaten by this man. This time, they fought in the living room. Nona snuck into the kitchen, pulled out a large knife from one of the drawers and quietly crept behind the wall. A small smile triggered on her small pink lips. She then hid the knife behind her back and stepped out from behind the wall. “Daddy,” she said quietly.

Nona’s step father turned around and looked surprised. Her mother had passed out while he was slapping her in the face. “What are you doing,” he said coming closer, dropping Nona’s mother. She had to keep her face straight while she watched him. She gulped.

“Don’t touch Mommy anymore. It’s not nice to hit someone you love,” She said, her voice tiny.

Her stepfather crouched down and smirked. “Don’t touch her,” her mother said weakly. Nona closed her eyes for a moment.

“Shut the up!” he hissed and Nona flinched when she heard a loud bang in front of her. She shook with fear, but she had to do this. She couldn’t watch mommy get hurt anymore. She became frightened, but as soon as she heard another thump, anger triggered through her pulse.

“You don’t USE that word!” Nona spat out, opening her eyes. Her eyes trembled with tears from anger.

“Don’t you raise your voice at me!” Her stepfather maneuvered his way towards her and grabbed her shoulder tightly. “I’ll show you…”

“No you won’t,” She let out a maniacal laugh and brought the knife out. Then she stabbed him right in the chest. Not just once or twice, but thrice. He held on to his chest as he fell in front of her. Nona kept a large smile on her face. Then she realized what she had done, as she saw the red dark liquid drip off his face.

“Nona,” her mother cried out. “WHAT DID YOU DO!?”

Nona eyes widened and she dropped the bloodstained knife. “I….mommy! I didn’t mean to!” There she watched as her stepfather drifted away, to death.


“Nona,” Lyssa said coming into her room. “Mai wants to talk to us now.”

Nona opened her eyes for a moment. She realized she had dozed off. Then she looked over at Lyssa, who looked fatigued. “Yeah, tell them I’ll be down.”

Lyssa just nodded before walking out of the door. Nona sat up and rubbed her eyes and let out a large sigh. She brought her blue blanket with her.

Nona walked out of the room, with her blanket over her head. She lazily walked upstairs to see everyone casually sitting on the couch. She looked around to see that they were waiting for her.

“Nona, come take a seat. We have something to discuss with you,” Lilly said getting up and grabbing Nona’s arm. She sat her down between Miyu and Lyssa.

“Okay,” Mai said sitting up. She took out a remote. “Lilly and I decided to let the guys free roam.”

“WHAT!?” Miyu and Lyssa said standing up. Lyssa was happy-shocked, while Miyu was angered-shocked. Nona was indifferent for the situation. She was really Team Switzerland (Neutral). “What do you mean, roam around?” Lyssa asked as she sat up now.

“What we mean,” Lilly said snatching the remote out of Mai’s hand. “Is this” Lilly dialed some numbers into the remote and suddenly the whole house shifted and shook. A loud metal noise echoed within the house. Nona, Lyssa, and Miyu looked around bewildered to see the windows being covered with thick metal sheets. After the last part of the house was covered it became dark and quiet.

“What…just happened?” Miyu asked. Mai clapped her hands and the indoor lights flew on. Everyone looked around to see that every entrance way, every window was shut off by high security bars and metal.

“What…is this?” Lyssa asked.

“This is our high security system,” Lilly got up while she spoke and walked over to one the windows and knocked over it. Then she smashed her fist in one and it caused a loud ear-wrenching alarm.

“TURN IT OFF!” Nona screamed standing up and covering her ears. Lilly threw a look over at Mai and Mai clicked some buttons before it turned off.

“What the…..” Miyu said standing up as well. “Where the hell did this come from?”

“Let’s just say I know people,” Lilly said smiling.

“I decided not to keep them in that room like that, for Lyssa’s sake because she can’t seem to let go of Taecyeon,” Mai looked over with a disgusted look at her face. Lyssa just blushed. “Whenever we go out, we use one of the codes to open the safe-free door.” She pointed towards the garage door. “The numbers are written in the safe in the computer room.” The computer room had all the security cameras around the house and in various places inside the house. “Everyone knows the pass code to the computer room?”

Everyone nodded. “Wait, so…what if they try to break out or they manage to?” Lyssa asked.

Mai just smirked and walked pass Lyssa. “They won’t.”

“Wait! Mai, about the other thing,” Lilly said grabbing her arm.

Mai flinched away and looked at her coldly. “What other thing?”

“You know,” Lilly pointed down at herself and her clothes.

Mai just sighed. “Right.” She turned to face everyone who watched her open . “Well since we’ll be keeping them for a while now, Lilly had decided that she wanted to get new clothes for them.”

“That’s right,” Lilly smiled happily. “Not only that, but daddy really believes that we killed them off. So we are safe…”

“For now,” Mai cut in. “But we have to focus on keeping them inside the house and we have to find their measurements and sizes so we can get their clothes quickly. Not only that, but your father has men working here in Korea. So we have to keep a watchful eye.”

Lilly nodded. “Shall we go get them?”

“Just a second,” Mai said walking over to get the remote. “Make sure they don’t get their hands on this, and also, make sure the computer room is sealed off so they don’t know about it, and we must take out all sharp objects and hide them securely in other places. That means your knives have to be put away,” Mai said glaring over at Miyu’s direction. She just scowled and crossed her arms. “If they are acting funny, throw them in that room.”

“Wait, what about bunking situations?” Lyssa asked with hope in her eyes.

“It’s up to you,” Mai said, shoving the remote in her pocket.

“I think we should be able to keep our pets in our rooms,” Miyu smirked, rubbing her hands together.

“Yeah, so we can keep a watchful eye on them. Remember, we had to take care of them individually,” Nona smiled.

“No,” Mai said turning spinning around.

Miyu grabbed Mai’s arm. “Unni,” she pleaded. “I’m not usually one to beg, but a girl has to have fun in a little while.”

Mai looked at her in horror.

“Mai, not what you are thinking,” Nona said to her. “She means…toying around with them. You know how she is.”

“Can’t they stay in the extra rooms upstairs?”

“Um, I kind of have stuff in there, and we e of them into the computer room slash library,” Lilly said sheepishly. “We don’t want them staying in there to discover something, right?”

Mai grumbled. “FINE!” she exclaimed loudly. Everyone became startled. “But if anything happens, I’ll be sure to come to you guys first.”

“Oh, also, we need people to pick up clothes for them,” Lyssa suggested.

“I don’t need clothes for right now,” Miyu smirked. “I’ve got other plans for them.”

“Well, whatever it is, Miyu, we still have to buy them clean underwear,” Lilly pointed out.

Miyu grimaced and Mai just became frustrated. “So that means Miyu is out,” she asked.

“And me, I think it’s better if I stay here, that way she can’t do anything bad while some of your are out,” Lyssa said.

‘And have time with Taecyeon, I see how it is,’ Mai just scowled.

“I’ll volunteer to go, since I need to see Seoul a little more,” Nona said raising her hand. “And I think I will volunteer Mai to go.”

“Wha-” Mai opened .

“OKAY LET’S GO GET MEASUREMENTS!” Nona exclaimed walking down the stairs.

“Looks like you are going shopping, Mai,” Lilly snickered.

‘Why the hell are they doing this to me?’ Mai asked herself before following everyone else. She walked down the steps and into the doorway.

“Don’t be frightened,” Lilly said as she crawled on the bed, unlocking Jaebeom, Wooyoung, and Junho from their chains. She grabbed hold of their wrist tightly and shoved them out the door.

‘Where are they taking my hyungs?’ Chansung thought as he saw each and every girl unlocking them and taking them out the door. Miyu roughly pulled on Junsu, who was half awake and pulled Nichkhun by the hair.

“Come on you monkeys let’s make a move on,” She pulled them out while Nichkhun made loud yelps.

Chansung got up immediately, but his body was too weak to stand up. Mai noticed and sighed. She pushed Chansung back down and yelled to Miyu. “Is it necessary to drag him by his head? Do you want Lyssa to kick your ?”

Miyu groaned and let go of his hair and took his wrist instead, but tightened it causing Nichkhun more pain. Mai just shrugged and crouched down next to Chansung’s chain.

“What are you doing? Why did you do that?” Chansung asked, not staring at her. She started to pick at his lock on his ankles.

Mai didn’t look up; she was more concentrated on the lock. “I am setting you free for now. No more questions will be asked once we are upstairs.”

“Setting us free, like outside?” he pointed at the metal sheet covering the window.

“It’s not that easy,” she smirked and unlocked his ankles. Then she grabbed his arm and lifted him on his feet. She dug her nails onto his wrist and dragged him out. “And it’s not that either.”

She kept pulling on him until he responded. He kept budging back. “Then what’s going on?!”

Mai stopped and looked back at him. She grabbed his chin and pulled his face towards her. Their faces were nearly inches away from each other. Chansung didn’t move, instead, he was lost in Mai’s dark eyes. “I said no more questions,” she said sharply and jerked his head back. Chansung was now blank as she dragged him upstairs.

Mai met up with everyone in the living. She pushed Chansung roughly onto the couch next to Jaebeom. Jaebeom just stared coldly at Mai as she walked over to stand next to Lilly.

Every guy in there looked frightened as these five girls stood in front of them. In Jaebeom’s head, he wasn’t sure how this was going to end. By the stares and by the thick sheets of metal covering the windows, he knew this wasn’t going to be easy to escape. He looked over at Wooyoung who looked down at his hands.

“So,” Lilly smiled, walking closely. “We decided that you can free roam in this house, if you please.” All the guys looked each other with bewilderment. “But there are some rules. This house is protected with high security surveillance. If there is any funny business going on, we’ll know.”

“Not only that,” Nona cut in. “But we will keep this a secret, if you guys. We don’t know how long we’ll keep you, but just so you know, we AREN’T going to kill you. We are pretty much protecting you guys from the agency we are working with.”

Mai crossed her arms uncomfortably. “Not only that,” Lilly cut in. “But we are going to share this house accordingly to who we were assigned.”

“As in?” Jaebeom said out loud.

Lilly slowly s her way to Jaebeom, then she trickled her fingers on his chest. “That means we are roommates,” she said seductively. Jaebeom was too caught up in it that his eyes widened.

“WHAT?!” Wooyoung yelled out standing up.

“It won’t be that bad,” Nona said grinning with embarrassment. “Just see it as, getting to know the other’s person better. As we said, we aren’t going to kill you. Don’t worry.”

Miyu rubbed her hands together and smirked as she looked at her two victims. ‘This is going to be fun,’ she said in her head. Junsu looked over lazily at her, he was frightened as he heard the news, and so was Nichkhun, who rubbed his head.

Taecyeon was thrilled as he got to be with Lyssa more. He started understanding the situation and decided to accept it. He had to protect the person he loved. He just had to.

Chansung on the other hand scowled at the thought of sharing a room with Mai. Who knew what Mai would do, but he was glad that he didn’t end up with Miyu. Who knows what Miyu will do to Nichkhun and Junsu? He pitied them.

Junho wasn’t thrilled either. He sat quietly next to Junsu. He looked over at Nona, he wasn’t worried as much with her, but he was worried for Junsu and what might happen, since Miyu was one of the most dangerous. Mai was one a threat as well. Even though she looked like a 12 year old, she was one big old mean .

Wooyoung and Jaebeom were indifferent as the rest. Although sharing a room with a beauty was thrilling, but on the other hand, she was lethal in many ways and who knows what she would do to them.

“And since you will be staying here, Mai and Nona had volunteer to go out and buy you new clothes for you to wear,” Lilly smiled, backing away from Jaebeom and Wooyoung.

They all looked surprised as they heard this. Chansung just crossed his arm childishly and scowled at the ground.

“And we need to get your sizes, so we make sure everything fits everyone,” Nona smiled and then she lowered her voice and whispered out, “even your undergarment sizes.”

The seven boys that sat in the living room all turned pink at this point. Lyssa and Lilly snickered while Mai mumbled out profanity. She didn’t want to be reminded that she had to buy those things for the guys.

“So, what are your sizes,” Lilly said taking out a piece of paper. No one spoke. She looked up angrily. “Well do you want to stay in those clothes and smell like crap or do you want new clothes?!” she exclaimed.

They all spoke up at once as they gave out sizes. She wrote them down on the pad quickly and swiftly in perfect print. “Okay,” she dotted her period as the last person gave out their sizes. She ripped the paper out of the bindings of the notebook and handed it to Mai. “Now, you and Nona go out and go get them something to wear. We’ll be showing the boys around the house.”

Mai looked down at the paper and groaned. Did she seriously have to do this? She slapped the paper on Nona’s chest and walked down the stairs to her room.

Miyu looked over. “Who pissed in her cereal this morning?” Junsu let out a little laugh and Miyu snapped her head towards him with a mouthful glare. He shut up and looked the other way hoping he wouldn’t get hurt.

“I’ll go get ready,” Nona smiled. “Make yourself at home guys.” Just about everyone glared at her as she said that.

“Okay, so we’ll show you around,” Lilly said excitedly and grabbed Jaebeom and Wooyoung by the arm. They both yelped as she dug her nails into their skin.


Mai dressed into a gray thermal, a pair of dark blue ripped skinny jeans, a black beanie, and black aviator sunglasses. She tucked her cell phone into her pocket and walked out of her room, bumping into Nona, who sported a blue long cardigan sweater, blue shorts, and her hair in loose waves. Mai was envious that Nona was gorgeous.

“Mai, you ready to go?” she asked.

Mai just nodded. “I’ll drive.” They both walked towards the empty living room. Nona and Mai guessed they were taking a tour. Then she saw Junho and Chansung walking downstairs. Mai glared underneath her sunglasses. Nona just waved.

“We’ll be leaving now. Behave yourselves,” Nona said as she walked pass them. Mai followed behind. In the corner of her eye, she saw Chansung eyeing her. Not just her face, but her body. She felt insecure just right about now and she crossed her arms. She has never felt that way before and it was odd that she automatically reacted that way.

Chansung was having thoughts in his noggin. Thoughts that was ridiculous to him. He couldn’t help but think that Mai looked great in those clothes. ‘NO! She’s the enemy!’ he exclaimed in his head. He watched her cross her arms insecurely.

They walked towards the safe door where no one else was around and Mai typed in the pass code to get out. The door slowly opened and they quickly made their way to their cars. The door shut tightly, making a loud beeping noise. Mai got into her black Mercedes Benz and started the engine. Nona got in afterwards, flipping through the radio immediately.


“And that concludes our tour of the house,” Lilly said walking down the steps of the living room. “Now that we are all acquainted, you guys can relax. Feel free to watch TV, dig in the fridge, anything. Don’t act like this kidnapping thing happened.”

“Why can’t you just let us go?” Jaebeom asked crossing his arms.

Lilly looked at him with disbelief.

“Don’t Jay,” Taecyeon said in English.

“No seriously. Why are you letting us stay here freely, when your motive was to kill us? Why don’t you let us free?”

“I can’t,” Lilly said quietly. “If I do…..daddy will kill us all.”

Lyssa walked over. “This is really my fault. Mai was supposed to….” she looked over at Chansung. “Kill Chansung, but…..I think my words affected her. She couldn’t. Now it’s my fault that everyone is in great danger. Please don’t take your anger out on Lilly, if you do.”

“She’s right,” Taecyeon said. “It’s better and safe if we live this way. Can we all agree to do this while we can?” He stared at all his friends who stayed quiet.

Miyu crossed her arms. “Its common sense, you guys. If you don’t agree, I’d be happy to take care of it myself.” An evil, sadistic smile spread on her lips as she eyed every man standing there.

“Okay, you guys. Just stay here and we will figure something out. I don’t want Lyssa getting hurt. It’s no one’s fault. Let’s just wait till Mai and Nona get back and let’s just relax. Let’s try to get along the best we can. As the leader, it’s all I’m asking for,” Lilly said with sincerity, drawing closer to Jay.

He tensed up but slumped his shoulders looking away from Lilly’s innocent blue eyes. “Fine, but you have to promise us we get to tell our family that we aren’t really dead,” Jay sighed.

“I can’t make guarantees. How can I trust your parents?” she asked.

“You can trust them. You can even monitor us while we are taking the call.”

Everyone in the living room looked torn. All of them knew that they couldn’t trust the outsiders, even their parents, but they couldn’t let their parents worry. Although none of them ever knew what unconditional love was, they felt great warmth of sympathy. The leader, Lilly eyes grew huge and looked up.

“I’ll deal with your parents. I’ll tell them that you are still alive and healthy and unharmed, but if they do say something“She paused. “I will…” she gritted her teeth and looked up Jaebeom, then grabbed him by the collar. Now they were in eye-level with each other. “Do something that’ll make them regret it.”

Then he glared at her then hissed. “If you touch them, I’ll make sure to kill you.”

Lilly cocked her eyebrow and smirked then drew her lips closer to his. “Try me,” she said seductively then pushed him to the ground. Junho caught him in his arm. “Get me the phone, Miyu. I have some calls to make.”

“No, wait,” Lyssa said running out of Taecyeon’s arm. She grabbed the phone out of Miyu’s hand.

“What’s your deal?” Miyu asked trying to get the phone back. Lyssa slid it behind her back.

“No. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Jaebeom snapped his head to glare at Lyssa. “What do you mean?! I have to tell my parents!”

“No!” she exclaimed. “It’ll be more suspicious and not only that…but these phones are tapped.” She held it out in front of her. “I know they are. That means Mr. Park is monitoring these phones. We can’t make the call. I’m sorry,” she said turning towards the guys. “I know you want to tell your parents. But even using these phones are unsafe. Even the cell phones. It’s better, if we didn’t make communication with the outside. I don’t want any of you to get hurt because of me. So please….”

Taecyeon walked over and touched her hand, the one with the phone and looked down at her with gentle eyes. “I think you’re right. It’s better if we didn’t communicate with the outside world, yet.”

“Yah!” Chansung exclaimed. “She’s got you brainwashed!”

“No, Chansung. She has not! It’s common sense. If these phones are tapped, then there will be no survivors. Do you want that?” Chansung shut his mouth afterwards and backed away next to Nichkhun.

“Okay, fine,” Jaebeom sighed again and looked over at Lyssa. “We won’t make the call. When the time is right, we will.”

“Of course,” Lyssa smiled small. “Thank you. I know how it feels like to miss family.” She then looked away and put the phone back onto the receiver. “Well. Enjoy your stay; you don’t have to just stand there.”

She walked back downstairs to retreat back to her room. Taecyeon walked behind her. “Wait,” he called out.

“He’s like a lost love sick puppy,” Miyu scoffed then looked at everyone else. “I’m just going to take a nap now.” She then walked up the stairs to retreat to her room. Everyone heard the door slam. She wasn’t obviously in the mood to deal with the boys right now.

Lilly turned to them. “So, I guess we’ll wait. Let’s watch a movie or something! There are a whole bunch of DVDs out there. I’ll make snacks!” No one moved when she started to move toward the kitchen. She turned around. “If you guys don’t look for a movie by the time I get back, you’ll only have one hand left,” she smile and all the boys walked to the living room.

“I don’t want to be here. I can’t pretend to like it here,” Chansung said to Junho. Junho looked over at him and grimaced.

“We’ll make it, trust me. If you cooperate with them, then you’ll get on their good side, Chansung. That’s what I’ll do for now on. I don’t want to get you guys hurt because of one action that could cause a dangerous situation. Let’s just make the best of it now. It may be a while, but I trust Taec’s girlfriend. I do. She seems like the more civil one out of the group.”

Chansung gritted his teeth. “But they still kill people. Can’t you guys understand?”

“Chansung,” Jaebeom said quietly, he looked at the DVD rack inventively. “Just let it go. If they say they won’t kill us, they won’t.”

“But,” Chansung spoke up.

“No buts. I’m starting to believe it like Junho. If they wanted to kill us, they would have done it by now. Let’s just keep their wishes until the time is right.”

Chansung leaned up against the couch and crossed his arms. Wooyoung patted his back. “We can make it through this together,” he said, encouraging his best friend.

Chansung looked over at Wooyoung and frowned.

Nichkhun laid down on one of the couches and sighed. “Yeah, Chansung. Don’t worry about it. That Mai girl, I’m sure if she found out something happened to us, she would go on a rampage.”

“What makes you think that?” Lilly asked as she walked into the room. Nichkhun stiffened and looked up at Lilly’s intense icy blue eyes.

“Well….” he stammered.

“Well come on, I want an answer,” she chewed him out and plopped down adjacent from them.

“She seems like she is always protecting us, when we are in danger. Especially around that Miyu girl,” he stated.

“Well Mai kept a promise to Lyssa that no one would harm you guys. Mai is good with that kind of stuff. Trust me, if anything happens to you guys, I’m sure I’ll deal with whoever is hurting you. Trust me. We won’t try to kill you. It’s not our motive. Our goal is to keep you safe from the organization that my father owns. It’s really the first time we’ve done this. When I mean first time, I mean protecting a victim.”

She let out a laugh and looked away from Wooyoung’s gaze. “Now that I realize it, my father’s agency……is about killing the innocent. I never understood it now. I never understood why he hated JYP so much.” She paused. “He never even loved me enough to tell me anything really.” She grimaced.

Everyone was looking at her. Jaebeom at that moment, felt like sympathizing her, to try to make her frown into a smile. He fully understood why she killed. By that sentence, he analyzed that her father never loved her and she tried so much to impress him. Then he picked up a DVD. A comedy. “I picked a movie, I hope everyone is okay with it.”

Lilly looked up. “A comedy?”

He smiled lightly. Chansung looked at him in horror. “Well, just to have a good laugh. I haven’t had one in a while. It’s good to always smile,” Jaebeom said.

“Okay, pop it in,” Lilly smiled.

Chansung didn’t understand what was happening. He didn’t want to admit that Jaebeom was sympathizing with this killer, this monster. Chansung just sighed and watched the screen. The living room got dark and the movie began.


Mai and Nona entered a uni clothing shop called ‘Chic’. Mai cringed with the pink lights circulating the room. Nona walked in confidently. Both being stared at in awe and greeted as if they were celebrities.

Nona smiled. “I’ll be in charge of pants. You get shirts,” she ordered.

“Right,” Mai nodded timidly. She walked over to a pile of shirts and lowered her sunglasses off her face. She looked around to see people walking by her and staring. She felt uncomfortable at that moment and walked away from the table and walked over to the racks of shirts this time. Mai eyes wandered towards Nona, who was looking at the paper for sizes and picking up jeans.

‘Just get over with it, Mai. Get some shirts,’ she said to herself. She flipped through random shirts, feeling embarrassed.

Nona had picked out one pair of jeans for each of them. She decided she would go to a different store to find different kinds. She looked over to where Mai was. She knew Mai was embarrassed to be out buying something for them, especially men’s clothes. She sighed and took the jeans in her arms with her to Mai.

“Mai, don’t be embarrassed. Just choose one shirt each, and then we’ll go somewhere else,” Nona said, a little agitated with her.

Mai glared over at Nona. “I’m not one to shop for men’s clothes,” she hissed.

“Just pick some damn freakin’ shirts,” she hissed back. That was the angry side of Nona. Mai knew if she pushed it further, it would cause a scene, making people suspicious. Mai just gritted her teeth.

“Fine.” She went through the shirts with Nona tagging along. Now she was smiling.

“Oh, they are going to love their news clothes,” Nona cooed. Mai rolled her eyes and took out a shirt with a Lego guy on it.

“They have different kinds of Lego men…..” Mai said quietly.

“We should get one of each!” Nona exclaimed and they both rummaged to find the different kinds. After that, they ringed up their stuff and left the store, stuffed the bags in the trunk and went to the next store. The next one was the same as the last, but got different shirts and different pants. Mai and Nona did have a sense of style after all, so they didn’t worry about the boys complaining about the clothes. They separated the clothes, according to each boy. They decided to write their names on the bags so it wouldn’t get mixed up.

By the time the sun was setting, they decided to stop at one more store. It wasn’t just a regular store. It was a couple store. Nona’s eyes lighted up as she saw it.

“Wow! I’ve never seen this store before! We should go in!” She grabbed Mai’s hand.


“But it’d be fun to buy something for Lyssa, and who knows, maybe one day we’ll need it.”

“Oh my gosh,” Mai said under her breath as they walked into the store. A small girl greeted them. Mai just smiled sharply and Nona bowed.

“If you need any help, just ring me.”

“Okay,” Nona said and marched towards the shirts. “We should totally get something for Lyssa and Taecyeon. It’d be so cute! They’d love it and wear it a lot.” Nona went through the racks of clothing. “Oh these are so cute! I wish we could buy some for ourselves.”

Mai just rolled her eyes. “Who says you can’t?”

Nona looked up, surprised at Mai. “You know what. We should all buy one.”

Mai stiffened. “No.”

“Come on, Mai. JUST ONE! You and your….ahem.”

“NO!” Mai exclaimed. She knew what Nona meant. ‘Chansung and I are not associated like that and NEVER will be.’

“Aw, Mai is blushing,” Nona poked. Mai lifted her hands up and slapped her cheeks.


“YES! I’ll pick one out for you. You go find one for Lyssa.” She pushed Mai away and Mai ran away feeling her cheeks burn. What was happening to her? What was this odd feeling she was getting? She hung her head in shame. This was the first time she has ever been like this and there was no explanation for why.

“Mai, you better be picking out something for Lyssa!” Nona said out loud.

Mai gritted her teeth and picked up a two shirts near her and slapped it up against Nona. Nona looked at it. It was a boy shirt and girl shirt and put it together it had the stick figures talking through a phone. Nona thought it was perfect for them. “Good choice!”

Mai rolled her eyes. They ended up getting something different for each girl. (Will have pictures at the end.)

At the end of the day, the decided to get going, since the sun was already down. Mai was nervous because Nona had picked her couple shirt secretly. Although she thought it was stupid, she still had an anxious feeling in her tummy that caused her to feel different. Something that was unexplainable.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol