Chapter 27

Death's Embrace

Ah! Sorry for the long wait. Please forgive us ^^; Enjoy.

Written by Lily


Chapter 27:


Stepping inside ‘Mystical Masks’, each of the 2PM members made sure their disguises were securely in place despite the emptiness of the shop.

Looking around at all the different colorful masks around her, Mai found herself being drawn to a certain plain white mask that replicated the mask that the Phantom of the Opera was famous for wearing.

Taking hold of the mask that was sat on top of the display table, Mai held it up to her face and turned to look at the DMG members.

Nona was the first to notice what Mai had found and rolled her eyes before stating “Why am I not surprised?”

“It goes with my dress and it has a mysterious feel to it, right?” Mai asked pulling the mask away from her eyes to study the mask some more as Nona smiled and nodded her head before turning to Junho who was looking at a few male masks for himself.

“Do you like any that you see?” Nona asked him softly as Junho shrugged and turned to Nona with an blank expression on his face.

“None of them seem like me”

“That’s a good thing, You can’t look like yourself when we turn up at the party. It’ll be too easy for Mr Park or anybody else to recognize you. Even the girls and I have to disguise ourselves for this mission” Nona informed Junho who bit his bottom lip before turning to the masks once again.

Nona sighed and turned to have a look at a few masks for herself when she came across an eye mask that would no doubt complete her outfit for the night. The mask was a silver color that was decorated with black elegant markings on the sides and glitter swirls in parts of the mask and around the eyes. At the top of the mask was a bright blue stone.

“Cute” She smiled at the mask that now lay in her hands before tapping Junho on the shoulder. Once he turned to Nona she instantly held up the mask to show him.

After taking a look at the mask for himself he smiled at Nona and nodded his head in approval.

“Did you find a mask Nona?” Lyssa suddenly appeared beside Nona and Junho with Taec standing next to her looking slightly curious himself.

Nona showed Lyssa the mask she had found which she had now decided she would buy to finish her outfit nicely.

“What about you?” Nona questioned as Lyssa pouted.

“Are you kidding? I’ve barely had time to look yet. The girl at the counter has been trying to flirt with Taec since we stepped foot in here. She just nearly came close to blowing his cover when she offered to help him try on a mask” Lyssa said and Nona could tell she was trying extra hard to control her anger.

It was true Lyssa was the calmest among the DMG members but she was still human and that meant she wasn’t immune to jealousy.

“I’m sorry” Taec mumbled softly making Lyssa sigh before turning to him.

“Just be more careful, if I hadn’t been there and managed to stop her in time it could have been the end for all of us. This is why we don’t bring you out in public very often” Lyssa scolded as Taec nodded his head in understanding.
“Lyssa” Lilly suddenly ran over to her happily and grasped Lyssa’s arm happily. Lyssa turned to Lilly giving her a questioning look.

“I found a really good mask that would look really good with your dress, follow me” Lilly smiled as Lyssa let out another sigh and nodded her head before following Lilly across the shop to where Wooyoung and Jaebum stood looking at a bunch of masks.

Lilly picked up an eye mask that was hung up on the shop mall and turned around to show Lyssa.

Lyssa looked over the mask that Lilly held in her hands. The mask was preety much the same type of blue color as her desk and there were swirls of a slightly darker blue and gold that decorated the mask. There was gold t that ran around the mask edge while a blue and white flower pinned to the right side of the mask.

“Do you like?” Lilly questioned not really having to answer judging by the smile on Lyssa’s face as she took the mask from Lilly happily.

“I think I’m gonna get this” She smiled at Lilly and Lilly nodded proudly at her accomplishment.

“What about you Lilly? Have you found a mask for yourself?” Lyssa asked as Lilly picked up at mask from the table that was set behind her to show Lyssa.

“I picked the dress that Wooyoung showed me and the mask that Jaebum showed me” Lilly winked as Lyssa looked at the mask Jaebum had picked out for Lilly.

The eye mask that Jaebum had apparently picked out was gold that slowly paled until the right side of the mask was white. The gold side of the mask had decorative white swirls while the white side had black swirls. At the top of the mask on the left side was what appeared to be a white decorative butterfly.

“I guess both Wooyoung and Jaebum have good style sense” Lyssa comented as Wooyoung and Jaebum smiled, over hearing Lyssa’s comment.

“Of course, we’re 2PM members after all” Jaebum nodded his head, almost as if agreeing with his own statement.

“And then you go and ruin it by saying stuff like that” Wooyoung commented making the 2 girl laugh at the member making fun of his leader.

“Has everyone picked out their masks?” Lilly called out to everyone, all of the members of DMG nodded their heads with the exception of Miyu.

“Having trouble Magnae?” Mai asked, still having the plain white phantom mask in her hands. Miyu shook her head in reply as Junsu and Khun stood next to her having failed to help her find a mask that would go perfectly with her dress.

“This shouldn’t be hard. It’s just a mask that I’m looking for” Miyu frowned as Nona and Lyssa smiled at the youngest.
“Come to think of it, I think I saw a mask when we first came in here that I thought might suit your taste” Mai smiled, turning on her heel to go find that said mask for her friend. Miyu followed     Mai behind silently.

After a few minutes of looking, Mai came to the table that she had found her own mask on to see the mask that she had thought would suit Miyu. She picked up the mask and turned to take it back to Miyu only to find Miyu stood right behind her.

“Here” She said handing the mask to Miyu and instantly her frown turned into a smile. The mask was what Miyu would describe as perfect. It was a mask that covered the top of her face formed out of gold wire. The gold white was elegantly entangled around itself with light pink gems weaved within the wire and around the mask.

“Mai, you’re a genius” Miyu smiled up at her Unni as Mai shrugged her shoulder with a cocky smile playing on her lips.

“So I’ve been told many times before” Which earned a laugh from the remaining 3 members of her team.

“So we’re all done and we all have our masks?” Lilly asked as the girl nodded when Jaebum spoke up.

“What about us? You’re not planning on sending us all to this party without masks are you?” Jaebum cautiously asked as Lilly shook her head.

“Of course not, that would be like sending you to your deaths and then all of this sneaking around lately would be all in vein. I already picked out your masks for you” Lilly announced as all the boy looked at her curiously.

“Don’t give me them looks. Jaebum might have picked my mask out for me but it doesn’t mean I’m incapable of doing it myself and they’re not that bad” Lilly said pointing to 7 masks that all looked identical to one another on the table behind her. Each mask were plain white masks that would cover almost all their faces with the exception of their mouths.

“It’ll be harder for anyone to recognize you with these masks since they almost cover all of your faces and since they’re all plain looking it won’t cause you to stand out” Lilly explained as the guys looked at their masks.

“That’s a good idea, the last thing we need is for them to stick out in a room full of assassins when they’re already supposed to be dead” Miyu spoke as the other girls nodded their head in agreement.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Lets buy these masks and get home. I need to start dinner and we still have a lot more rehearsing to do if we want to dance decently at the ball” Nona said turning on her heel and walking to the cashier with Junho’s and her own mask.




Once getting home, Nona handed over her bags to Junho to take to their room before walking to the kitchen to start dinner.

“Shouldn’t you wait until after our rehearsal to start making dinner?” Mai asked having followed Nona into the kitchen. Nona shrugged her shoulder and pulled on her usual apron to stop any food that might find it’s way onto her clothes.

“I’m not going to be making anything difficult. Just a few sandwiches that we can eat quickly after we’re done” Nona said as Mai nodded her head before turning around.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me. We’ll start rehearsal after your finished” Mai said before walking towards her room, leaving Nona to do her thing.

Once getting to her room, Mai walked in to find the Magnae of 2PM was nowhere in sight but the Magnae of DMG and Lyssa were.

Lyssa stood with a worried expression on her face while Miyu sat on the bed looking slightly awkward in the position she was in.

“You’ve got to hear this” Lyssa said to Mai sounding serious for the first time all day. Mai’s instincts quickly went up knowing Lyssa meant business when using that tone of voice.

“What is it?” Mai asked watching Lyssa as she turned to Miyu and nudged her softly. Miyu sighed looking from Lyssa to Mai before standing up herself.

“When me and Lilly Unni went to the organization something strange happened that I didn’t get a chance to tell you about” Miyu said softly as Mai raised an eyebrow curiously.

“What do you mean?” Mai questioned as Miyu looked to Lyssa for a bit of help explaining what she had already told Lyssa.

“Mai, Lilly Unni killed an innocent. An Innocent that was apart of the organization” Lyssa said as Mai’s eyes widened in surprise, she had not expected to hear those words at all, especially about Lilly.

“She did what?”

“I don’t really know what happened. We were on our way out when Lilly Unni just froze and ran after a guy. Before I could stop her she had already shot the dude dead and she just flipped, she even turned her gun on me for a second before snapping out of it. She was crying and talking to herself as well” Miyu explained as Mai looked to Lyssa who showed signs of worry in her facial expression.

“Apparently she mentioned Gikwang before running after the guy and let’s face it, the only thing that could cause Lilly to have a break down is Gikwang” Lyssa said softly as Mai ran her fingers through her hair.

“Did anyone see this happen?” Mai questioned Miyu who quickly shook her head in reply.

“Not that I know of. She used her silent guns when killing him so it didn’t attract any attention. I got her out of there as fast as I could but I’ve never seen Lilly Unni like that before” Miyu went on as Mai let out a sigh.

“I have”

“You have? When?” Lyssa looked up to Mai as Mai let out a silent sigh.

“It was a long time ago. She didn’t kill anyone though. She’s never turned her weapon on one of us before either. She’s been acting strange since Wooyoung found that picture of Gikwang in her room and she barely talks to him anymore because of it. Gikwang is a touchy subject for her after all”

“I think all of us have a certain topic that they find hard to talk about. It’s just Wooyoung somehow managed to break through into one of Lilly’s most feared memories” Lyssa folded her arms.

“Well we’re gonna have to keep an eye on her for a bit. The last thing we need is for Lilly to flip out of Gikwang right now. She can go trigger happy on the party guests but not on us. I’ll make sure to mention this to Nona so she’s informed of it” Mai said as both Lyssa and Miyu nodded their heads in understanding.

“If something like this occurs again we have to let each other know. Lilly’s is dangerous when she’s in control but if she loses it and turns on one of us then there’s no telling what she’ll do” Mai said almost in a whisper.

Suddenly there was a knock on Mai’s bedroom door, making all 3 girls freeze.

“Come in” Mai said through clenched teeth while watching the door cautiously.

At that moment Lilly walked through the door and smiled slightly before informing the girls “Nona said she’s ready for rehearsal and the guys are all waiting for us down in the basement”.

Lyssa quickly forced a small smile onto her face and walked towards Lilly.

“Then what are we waiting for?” She said, softly taking Lilly’s hand and pulling her out of the room leaving Mai and Miyu behind.

“Mai Unni. What will happen if Lilly Unni loses it again and does something that she’ll really regret”

“Like killing one of her friends?” Mai asked as Miyu sighed and nodded her head.

As much as she liked shedding blood, she didn’t like the idea of her Unni doing it to her or any of her other Unni’s.

“Then I don’t know. We’ve just got to make sure it doesn’t get to that stage. Let’s go” Mai said walking out of her room followed by the magnae.




Once everyone was down in the basement, Jaebum quickly stepped into his role as dance instructor. And not a very calm one.

“How many times have I told you that the man is the one that leads!” He scolded Lilly as she rolled her eyes and glared at him.

“Well what if my partner isn’t man enough to lead?” She asked causing Miyu to crack up with laughter as Jaebum glared slightly back at Lilly.

“I’ll assume that comment wasn’t about me”

“Assume away” Lilly shrugged as Jaebum growled and pulled her in and got into the proper stance.

“Well at least we’re making progress, right?” Nona asked no one in particular but got not response from her friends who were all concentrating getting their timing right with the music.

The couples waltzed around the room carefully in order not to bang into any other couple.

At the side of the room sat a bored Wooyoung and a dissatisfied Junsu who was pouting over the dancing arrangements.

“Why did she pick Khun over me anyway? It’s not like he’s a better dancer than me. We actually are at the same level. If it were you she picked then I’d understand since you’re one of the lead dancers of 2PM but Khun and I are equal when it comes to dancing” Junsu ranted to Wooyoung who seemed not to be listening as he watched Jaebum trying to scold Lilly again who quickly came back with an offensive comment about his dancing.

Junsu sighed as he watched Khun twirl Miyu out and then pull her back in flawlessly.

‘It’s not fair’

“Are you sure your not jealous?” Suddenly came Wooyoung’s voice making Junsu snap his head in Wooyoung’s direction with a fierce glare in his eyes.

“Don’t be an idiot. Why would I be jealous of Khun?”

Wooyoung sighed while shrugging his shoudlers before looking at Jaebum and Lilly once again.

“Because if you admitted that you were then I’d probably be able to relate to how you’re feeling” He said softly causing Junsu not being able to hear his words.

“I wonder when this rehearsal is gonna be over. Do we even have to stay here since we’re not dancing?” Junsu yawned as he stretched out his legs.

Suddenly he felt his legs behind tugged to the side then 2 thumps and a whimper.

Junsu’s eyes widened as he looked infront of him and Wooyoung to see Miyu and Khun sprawled out on the floor.

Turning slowly to Wooyoung, Junsu asked softly “Was that my fault?”

Not a word came from Wooyoung as his eyes rounded at the sight before him, all he could do was nod in reply to Junsu’s question.

Judging by the hurt expression on Khun’s face as well as the position his ankle was in, Junsu was in deep trouble with both Miyu and Khun.

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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol