Chapter 29

Death's Embrace

Written by Mai


Chapter 29

Shimmering in the horizon was the sun peaking from behind the morning clouds. The night sky soon disappeared, drifting off in another location far from Paris.

All of the assassins agreed to settle for economy seats on the plane when Mr. Park offered a private jet to transport them to France. Of course, this was the best decision they could make. The privates jets worked for the company and the boys were accompanying the girls. It would have blown their cover.

Lyssa drifted her gaze towards the passenger beside her. She watched in awe as Taecyeon slid his head up against the window, drooling. Lyssa reached over to wipe it off, which caused Taecyeon to hold her hand against his face. She giggled a little and leaned on his shoulder.

Nona and Junho heads were sleeping peacefully head to head in their own little seat. They both shared headphones falling asleep to the same sound. Junho had a small smile spread across his face.

Mai watched in disgust at the two, but she could feel a little piece of her heart warming up at the sight of them together. It was a new thought for herself. Chansung was awake as well, except he was deep in thought while reading his book. From time to time he would glance over at Mai, who was too intrigued in her little portable video games.

Miyu was squished in between Junsu and Nichkhun. Junsu’s snoring was preventing her to fall asleep. Not only that, she had to pull her feet up because Nichkhun’s crutches laid on the floor from spraining his ankl. Junsu’s head slid onto Miyu’s shoulder, which caught her by surprise. She was about to push him off but she decided against it. ‘He actually looks cute when he sleeps,’ she thought to herself while smiling.

Wooyoung was listening to his music. He would take usual glances at Lilly, who sat at the end of the row. Jaebum sat in the middle of them, preventing Wooyoung's chances from talking to Lilly. This time when he glanced, he saw Lilly’s head falling over to Jaebum’s shoulder. He could feel the jealously enrage inside of him. He turned up his music a little louder, staring out the window frustratingly.

All the boys were disguised properly with wigs, sunglasses, and hats. Yes, it might have been strange for boys wearing sunglasses all the time, but it was a precaution if they were being spied on. Lilly had ensured them that her father didn’t send any agents to watch over them.

“Hello passengers, we’ll be landing in Paris, France in 10 minutes,” the pilot said through the intercom.

The lights flickered on in the airplane, even though there was daylight outside. Junsu opened his eyes slowly before processing where he was. He felt his head laying on something hard and felt something on top of his head. He tried to look up but a lock of brown hair was falling on top of his head. He moved it to realize it was Miyu, who had fallen asleep on him. He smiled a little, closing his eyes.

“Couldn’t go to sleep?” Mai said looking over at Chansung’s direction.

He closed his book and rubbed his eyes. He had dark circles underneath his eyes. “I’ve been just thinking a lot about this whole trip, that’s all.”

“Me too." She went back playing her video games while Chansung leaned his head back onto the seat, closing his eyes.

Junho and Nona woke up, bumping their heads together. They both grunted and rubbed their heads before laughing out loud, causing all the passengers to stare at them awkwardly. They didn't care who was watching, it felt like it was just Junho and Nona on the airplane, laughing together.

Lilly jolted up from her seat as soon as she heard Junho’s high pitched laugh, which caused Jaebum to jump as well.

“What happened?! What’s going on?!” he yelled out.

Wooyoung pulled off his headphones and grabbed Jaebum’s shoulder. “Hyung, it’s okay. We’re landing.”

Jaebum stared blankly at him for a moment. “Oh, wow. I feel like an idiot now.”

“It’s okay,” Lilly giggled at him. “It was my fault, Junho’s laugh woke me up.”

“I’m going to have a serious talk with Junho, who says he is allowed to laugh in the morning while people are sleeping,” Jaebum said angrily before crossing his arms.

Wooyoung and Lilly made long eye-contact before she grinned and rolled her eyes, which was implied for Jaebum. She sat back in her seat. This made Wooyoung’s heart bounce up and down in the crevice of his heart.  Wooyoung stared back out the window before breaking out into a grin.


“Okay, we rented out 3 cars, can we manage that?” Lilly asked.

Everyone nodded their heads tiredly as they stood in the airport in Paris. It was busy that morning with people walking past them, ignoring their presence. It was a good thing no one noticed it was 2PM standing the in airport.

“I’ll drive one car,” Mai volunteered.

“I’ll be driving one as well. Alright, since the cars are not that big, whose riding with who?” Lilly looked at everyone.

“I can go with you,” Jaebum said stepping out from the line.

Wooyoung quickly shot out his hand and shouted, “Me too!”

“Junho and I wouldn’t mind fitting as well with you guys,” Nona said to them. Lilly just nodded her head.

“Uh, I don’t trust Mai driving a car, so I think that she should just drive herself and the rest can squeeze in with me,” Lyssa popped in.

Mai shot her a glare. “What is that suppose to mean?”

“You drive like you are on a high speed chase,” Miyu said bluntly.

“I do no--”

“Mai and I can take a car,” Chansung interjected. He looked over at her, who was gaping at him like he was crazy. Actually, everyone was staring at him like that.

“Alright, let’s go to the hotel then,” Lilly said clapping her hands.

Everyone lugged their belongings to the rental car areas. The cars were not as big but they were a decent size to get around. Taecyeon helped everyone in his car put their luggage into the trunk.

“I think I should sit in front,” Nichkhun told everyone. “Since I have crutches.”

“Fine with me,” Lyssa said with a grin and helped him inside the car.

Lilly was the first one to head out since she knew where the hotel was and the rest trailed behind her. Since France had the steering wheel on the opposite side of the car, it was a bit hasty for Taecyeon since he was use to the other side. He hadn’t drive a car in quite a while, so he was a little nervous.

Mai and Chansung trailed behind Taecyeon, just in case something happened.

Paris was a nice big city, with culture and history carved into the structures of the building. Everyone stared out their windows in amazement as they drove past familiar buildings they have seen in books and magazines.

“We’ll have to go exploring tonight, since we have a lot of time to kill,” Nona said in awe as they passed the Louvre. “So many pictures I could be taking right now.”

“Then why aren’t you?” Lilly asked.

“I left my camera in the trunk,” she  flopped back in her seat. Lilly just laughed.

“I want to go there. Oh! And there!” Miyu said pointing everywhere, even blocking Taecyeon’s vision, causing his to swerve out of the lane.

“Hey!” Taecyeon yelled, looking in the front mirror straight at Miyu. She just stuck out her tongue.

Both Mai and Chansung could see what was happening in that car. Mai had to stomp on the brake a couple of times because of Taecyeon.

“I don’t understand why Taecyeon had to drive,” Mai gritted.

“I guess he wants to be seen as manly, trying to impress his girlfriend,” Chansung answered her even though she didn't ask a question.

She glanced at him oddly. “That’s stupid.”


They pulled into a hotel that had a round-about and in the middle was a fountain glowing different colors, which you could oddly see in the daylight. It was like an old Victorian mansion, colored with pale yellow and gold ts. Vines were interlacing across the walls of the hotel and the windows had little balconies with swirling railings. There was a gazebo far off with a little bistro next to it.

“This is nice. This is very nice.” Jaebum’s eyes were wider than the moon. He’s never seen anything like this before, not even in Seattle.

“I know. Daddy and I used to stay here when we took vacations,” Lilly told him.

The bellboy came hopping up towards them, offering to help them with their luggage, but they declined the offer. Lilly had already gotten the keys and they all took a cart to put their luggage in. They waited for the elevator whic took them to the 3rd floor.

For safety issues, the girls had to bunk in with their designated partner. Of course, Taecyeon and Lyssa got their own little suite, while the rest got their rooms with only one bed.

“You got to be kidding me,” Mai said as she walked into her room. She backed out before glaring at Lilly. “How come there is only one bed?”

Lilly giggled a little. “Well you see, they were out of hotel rooms with 2 beds. I happened to take the last one.” she dangled the keys in front of Mai.

Mai was about to snatch it but Lilly quickly stuck it in her shirt. “Whatever,” Mai gritted before walking back to her, dragging Chansung in with her.

“It’s only fair though,” Lilly conveyed to the others. “There are three of us. Miyu got a 2 bed hotel room as well.”

Jaebum and Wooyoung looked at each other. “So you get a bed of your own?” Wooyoung asked.

Lilly nodded her head. “Looks like you two are sharing.” She took the keys out of shirt while the boys watched her awkwardly. She opened the door and let them in. The room was very beautiful. The curtains covering the sliding glass door was a rich yellow color with a golden lining and little tassels hanging from the top of it. The two beds were both king size with red bed linen. Pictures of random flowers were hanging everywhere and a vanity was pushed up against the wall next to another door that lead to the bathroom. The bathroom had a different wallpaper but the curtains for the bathtub matched the bed.

“This is nice,” Wooyoung said jumping onto the bed, lying down. “And the bed is like a dream.”

“I know, I wish I could just sleep. Fortunately though, we are going out tonight,” she grinned.


Lilly, Nona, Junho, and Wooyoung decided later on that night to go out and explore the nightlife of Paris. Jaebum stayed behind with Nichkhun. He said he wanted to explore Paris, but he wanted to get his rest.

Miyu, Junsu, Mai, and Chansung went on their own little adventure as well. The only difference was that they went during the day to the art galleries and later on would go to the art galleries that open at night.

“We have to go up there,” Nona pointed upwards to the Eiffel tower.

Lilly gulped. “I don’t think I want to go up there,” she said shaking her head.

“Oh come on, unnie! It’ll be so much fun,” Nona grinned holding onto her hand.

“No, go on without me. I have to call daddy anyway.”

Nona grimaced. “Okay.” Then she turned to Junho and Wooyoung cheerfully and grabbed their arms as they walked towards the Eiffel Tower. Wooyoung looked back at Lilly, wanting to stay with her but she waved.

Lilly sat a little café outside, taking out her phone and dialing her father’s office. She could see the elevator going up in the Eiffel tower, knowing it was her friends going up.

“Hello?” a voice answered.

“Hi, daddy. It’s me,” Lilly said into the receiver.

“Oh, I’m assuming you made it safely to Paris.”

“Yes, an--”

“Though,” he interjected. “I’m still curious why you decided on economy seats when I could have let you ride my private jet.”

‘Of course he would bring this up again,’ Lilly thought. “I-I I just wanted to try something new. To seem normal.” The lies were dripping out of like poison.

“Oh, I see,” he said not believing a word she was saying. “Well, all that matters that you guys are prepared for the mission. That’s all I care about right now.”

Lilly slumped into her chair. “Oh.” Is that all her really cared about?

“I have to go now, I have important meetings to attend. Good luck, I hope to hear good news about this aftermath of this mission.”

“Okay, bye daddy, I lov--” she could hear a click on the other end of the phone. “I love you.”


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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol