Chapter 37

Friendly Marriage
Time- 2:01PM

Yoo Bin's POV

Today was a Sunday and it was the last day of the filming. As I was stepping out of the room, Seung Hyun walked out of his as well. He saw me, but he just walked past me. I rolled my eyes. My god... What did I do?

"Seung Hyun ah, can we talk?" I went down to kitchen where he was refilling his cup. His attitute towards me was seriously bugging me. Seriously... I lose my temper easily in the office and sack staffs when I should give them a warning first. I even got scolded for the director for not doing as well like in the past filming days. All because of him! He turned and eyed me. Okay, I was used to his cold stare, but I still hate it when he does that. "Did I do anything that made you unhappy?" I started. He then looked down to his cup and let out a cold laugh. My eyesbrows narrowed.

"No, you did not do anything." He looked into my eyes for a moment then looked away. He was being sacastic, I know.

"Then what is wrong with you? For half a month, you wouldn't talk or look at me." I became irritated and my tone became harsh. He turned to me, pissed by my tone.

"Yeah, there's something wrong with me. And you, are perfect. No flaws. It's all my fault that I feel so ashamed to even glance at you. Okay?" With a glare, he walked past me, brushing past my shoulder. I leaned on the wall next to me. I really don't know what I do. And he wasn't telling, just being angry on his own. Just tell me and end everything! My hands grabbed a fistful of hair at both sides then roughly let them go. Grabbing my bag, I stormed out of the door.

I arrived at the set and faked a smile. We greeted and soon, we were off the location of the scene. There was a lot of outside scenes, like at the streets and stuff. It was about 11PM, and we reached the last scene. Last...! Okay, the scene was that the girl got so depressed that she was walking livelessly along the streets. She seemed to not notice that it had began to rain. The guy who realised what the girl does for him and can't bear to leave her alone, dashed to look for her. Ignoring the rain, he ran along the streets in search for his love.

"Action!" The staffs held up the hose and the water came pouring down, and the director started the filming. With unsteady steps, I walked down the street. There were people looking at the filming but I pretended that they were not there. The 'rain' totally soaked my clothes. I was crying, even though you can't differentiate since there were rain droplets on my face. That was why facial expressions were very important. I had NGed quite a few time already. I have to get this done soon. It was cold... I managed to got into the filming and all the emotions came rolling into me. Tears gathered up in the sockets and I felt like suffocating. I fell to the cold and wet pavement and held my hand up to my face, while the other pressed the cold ground. I allowed the tears to flow freely. The camera was so close to my face then that I was sure that they could see liquid streaming down from my eyes then got mixed with the rain. When I finally lowered my hand and sniffled, I saw a pair of legs standing quite a distance from me. Looking up, I saw a drench Seul Ong. I just stared at him in surprise. My hand on the floor, pressed the ground and got up slowly, not breaking the eye contact. Looking at me in pain, he took slow and small steps towards me. Stopping right infront of me, our shoes a few centimetres apart, he said,

"What are you doing here in the rain?" Somewhat scolding me for being foolish. Knowing he cared for me, my head lowered and cried again. With one abrupt move, he pulled my arm and crashed me on his chest. Crying together, we hugged in the rain.

"Cut! Okay, good job!" We let go and the staffs quickly came to us, wrapping us with towels. My tears were still coming and I tried to hide them.

Third person's POV

Seul Ong saw Yoo Bin acting weird and went up to her, only to see her tearing.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Yoo Bin quickly turned away and wiped her tears. It had been quite awhile since the crying scene and she should stop by that time. She just shook her head and stood up. Standing up too, he caught her wrist, stopping her. "You have been acting strange this few days. Not smiling as much, and it seems like your soul is somewhere else."

"I'm fine. Thanks." She looked up while her hand went to pushed his off and gathered her things. "I guess this is the last day we will be meeting." She extended her hand. "Good luck." They shook hands and let go. "It's good to make friend with you. Thank you for everything." She smiled and was about to walk off.

"Can I call you?" He asked. Yoo Bin smiled and nodded. He smiled back and she went off. They had got a lot closer and got each other's number quite few days ago. Then his manager came in.

"What's wrong with you? You can't be interested in her, can you?" He asked, making Seul Ong head to bolt up, looking like 'how-do-you-know', but hid it by shaking his head. He was just fond of her, not really that kind of liking.

"No. What are you talking about?" He tried to seem normal as he packed his stuff. His manager had been with him for three years, so more or less he would know his artist. Judging Seul Ong in this time filming process, he seemed a little different.

"Better be that case. You should know well that Yoo Bin-ssi is married." His manager went to the end of the room to pick up the clothes on the sofa. Seul Ong stood up straight, head shot to his manager, with eyes wide opened.

"Huh?! She's married?" His manager turned back to him.

"Yeah." He answered, matter of a fact.

"Hyung, she's only 19. What are you talking about?" Seul Ong still doesn't believe his manager. It was not possible.

"She is married. You research so much about Maxstyle, how could you not know that?"

"What does that got to do with her being married?" His manager looked away, rolling his eyes. How could his artist be that slow?

"Maxstyle is the combined brand of her husband's and her company. You don't know?" His manager was taken aback that Seul Ong doesn't know these. "Her husband is the guy that modelled with her." He told him.

"Huh?!" Seul Ong was really stunned by this one. Why didn't the website he went to have those information? His manager just ignored him and walked out to get things done.

Yoo Bin's POV

Finally filming ended yesterday. Not that I don't enjoy the process, just that it was so tiring. I would not want to film if I got a offer again. Never! I'm really not the type for the camera lights. Today, Seung Yoo had to get his body check up. It used to be the whole family going, but I guess I would be the only one bringing Seung Yoo to the hospital this year.

"Seung Yoo ah. You look so dashing!" I said, taking a good at him after fixing his clothes. Smiling to him, I picked him up and went off.

Reaching the hospital, I went to the reception first.

"The appointment for you and Choi Seung Hyun is just after two days. Do you want to get it all done today since the doctor is free?" I thought for awhile.

"Then Choi Seung Yoo and I would check up today." I told the lady and she keyed in the details and told me to wait for a while. I went to take a seat and blahblahblah. Playing with Seung Yoo and all. When it was our turn, we got Seung Yoo checked up first. As it was a full body check up we got annually, it took up quite a long time for just one person. After everything, we went home. That night, Seul Ong called to chat. I was glad that he called, since that husband of mine was giving me a cold shoulder. Psh... The release of his album would be in a month time, so I was looking forward to the response. Not looking forward to Seung Hyun's response though. I know I had to tell him before he found out himself, but how am I going to tell him? When I go near him, he would turn away. This made it more difficult for me to approach him. Ah...! Whatever! If he doesn't care how I feel, I also don't care.

After a few days, in school, I received a call from the hospital saying that the health reports were ready and that I can pick them up later in the afternoon. I told Jasmine about it as we promise to go shopping together. She decided to accompany me there. It seemed like a good idea so, okay. She even postponed her date with Jun Hyung just to accompany me out for a day to cheer me up. Today can't go to waste.

I went to get Seung Yoo's report first as it was at the different department. The doctor said that he was healthy. Just make sure that he takes more protein. Good! My son is healthy. After that, I went to get mine.

"I will wait for you here." Jasmine said when my name was called. I nodded and went in. I greeted the doctor and took a seat. Taking out the report, she wore a smile.

"First, the results are okay." She flipped the paper and showed it to me, explaining. "Everything are fine but it would be good if you take more carbohydrate. You are a little underweight." She informed. I nodded. Since there was that modelling and filming, I had been on diet. "And also, congratulations, you are pregnant." My eyes widened. Now, what the hell was she talking about?


"You are one month pregnant." She replied with a smile. My mind went blank. Pregnant? Me? Now? "So it is very important that you eat proper meals with a range of nutrients, since now, it's not just you who needs them." The doctor continued. "We would arrange a day for you to have a further check up. We would inform you again after the date is confirmed."

I walked out, still stunned. Jasmine came to me.

"Yah, what's wrong? What's with this look? The results aren't good?" She quickly took the report from my hands and flipped through, although she wouldn't understand a thing. Terms used by doctors aren't easy to understand. I turned to her, in slow motion.

"I'm pregnant..." I said sofly, still can't believe what the doctor said.

"You what?" She turned to me, eyes wided. "You're pregnant?" Then a smile appeared and it became wider and wider. She held my hands and began jumping. "Yah. You should smiling then. You're pregnant you know?" Then she hugged my shoulders and started jumping again. I snapped back and pulled away.

"No, I'm pregnant. Now?" The same feelings I had when I was carrying Seung Yoo set in but this time, I wasn't as happy and excited. I know I shouldn't say this, the little life in my womb would hear me but, I wasn't ready to have another child. Not now. Just look at my situation at home.

"Hey, you could use this to patch with Sun Bae. Why not?" She suddenly thought of that and became excited again. She was crazy. I don't want to patch up with him using these kind of things. The problems were not solved yet. I still don't know the reason for him to behave this way. Jasmine quickly sent me home, saying that shopping could wait and wanted me to rest. Now when I looked at Seung Yoo and Seung Hyun, I had a weird feeling. Especially Seung Hyun. I had told Seung Yoo about it, even though I don't know if he understands me or not.

"Do you prefer a sister or a brother?" I asked Seung Yoo seated on my lap. He was busy playing with the chain of my purse. My grip tightened on his waist when I suddenly felt lonely. Seung Hyun was all in my mind. How am I suppose to tell him?
Okay, this chapter is a bit rushed. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.

To lanza1521, Hi. Yeah! I like 2AM more! Not because of their muscles, just like their singing more. Yeah, Seung Hyun would not let this go. He is determined to get rid of that bad habit of Yoo Bin. The real drama is coming up. Soon? Hehe. Thanks for supporting! ^^

To ize, Hi. It's good to see you again! Nah, it's okay if you did not comment. No problem about that. So how's exams? Yes, I don't know if I conveyed Min Yeon's character well or not. She's not a bad charactre who wants to break things up. It's just not known to her that she is actually making Yoo Bin uncomfortable. I can understand Yoo Bin for lying. When we lied to someone, it's not like we feel good about it. We are afraid that the person would find out so, we don't seem to care about other things and just wanted to cover the lie. That's how I felt when I lie. I agreed with the lying part. It's correct. Whoever lies, is at the fault! Hehe, there's more coming up...! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Haha, males are not prefect? I'm not sure about that. Haha! The staff actually edited other people's work. It's quite serious actually. Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 2:01PM, 091110
Ended- 4:52PM, 091110

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!