Chapter 36

Friendly Marriage
Time- 1:09PM

Yoo Bin's POV

I went home immediately after school. Today is the day for the shooting. Not really excited though, just a little anticipating. I quickly washed up and walked downstairs. Walking passed the kichen to the door, I turned to see Seung Hyun drinking from a cup infront of the sink. I watched as he washed the cup. Aren't he supposed to be in the office? It's Wednesday you know? He turned to walk out after washing the cup. He saw me and stopped in his tracks.

"Going out?" He walked out as he asked normally but was avoiding my eyes.

"Yeah..." I said and looked down. My feet somehow can't move. I was just infront of the door...! "Not working today?" I asked, looking up this time.

"I took a day off." I nodded my head and he went back into the kitchen. He took out a can of soya milk from the fridge and a butter bun from the table then walked to me. "Remember to eat something later. These are not enough." He reached for my hands and pushed the things in, then walked off. I looked down to my hands, looking at the snacks he gave. The coldness from the can was freezing my hands but the warmth from his hands just now had replaced it. I smiled a bit and looked upstairs, to see him returning to the study room. Turning around, I opened the door and left the house.

Seung Hyun's POV

I slumped on my chair, closing my eyes. I can't concentrate. What to do...! I was resting my eyes after a long 3-hours infront of the computer and was drinking some water in the kitchen and saw Yoo Bin when I walked out. Dressed in a simple tee with jeans, she looked like she was going out. Her hair was wet, flowing down her shoulders.

"Going out?" I asked when I noticed us staring at each other for a minute or so. She looked away and stared at her feet, not moving.

"Yeah. Not working?" I told her I took a day off and she just nodded. Knowing her, she surely had not eaten. She doesn't even dry her hair. Passing her a drink and a bun, I returned back to the room. I went to the window to see her walking across the front potch. She pushed the gate opened and turned back, looking at my direction. When she saw me, she quickly turned away and walked out. Sighing, I leaned on the edge of the glass window. She doesn't even tell me where she was going. Just because I didn't ask... Can't concentrate at in the office, can't concentrate at home... I was really defeated by her. Her and her pride.

Yoo Bin's POV

"Yoo Bin-ssi, lean a little more towards Seul Ong." I followed and leaned nearer to Seul Ong sitting next to me. My shouder touched his hard chest while his arm was around it. We were at the set, and were shooting for the memories of the couple. The director looked at the screen as he shouted "action". We were talking happily, smiling.

"Really? Your friend said that?" Seul Ong looked up from the book in my hands and said, smiling like what we were supposed to.

"Yeah. She said she would marry a man with a charming voice. Like you. She would always say you are her ideal type as she is listening to your songs." I looked into his eyes and said, smiling a little.

"Cut! Okay! Let's do the next scene." We nodded and there we go again.

"Even though she has a boyfriend now..." I smiled and looked into his eyes. I was referring to Jasmine by the way. Haha! We could talk about anything as the song would be edited into our conversation. Looking into each other's eyes, Seul Ong leaned in and my smile slowly faded and looked at his lips instead. His head bent in, blocking me from the camera and when our lips were about to touch, the director shouted "cut" and we repeated that for a few times to get the best one. Shooting was tiring. Really... Night came and barely a quarter of the music video was completed. God god god... Anyway, about 12AM, we went home. I slowly pushed the main door opened and looked around, searching for Seung Hyun. When I see no one, I crept towards the stairs and walked up, trying not to make a single sound.

"Back?" I jumped and sprung around to see Seung Hyun sitting at the coffee table, with documents scattering over the table. I closed my eyes and calmed down. The mansion was dark and he was working without any lights?

"Oh... Yeah..." I looked away. "Sleep early." With that, I walked passed him to my room. I put down my bag and went to get a shower. Tired, bothered over us, I closed my eyes and faced upwards, allowing the water to hit my face, silently hoping better for tomorrow.

"Oppa?" I called into the phone when the call was connected.

"Oh, Yoo Bin ah. What's up?" Soon Yong's voice was heard.

"Jasmine did not come to school and there's assignments for her."

"Oh. Where are you?" He asked.

"Shall I wait for you at the carpark? I would be beside your car." I walked downstairs and towards the carpark.

"Okay. See you there." With that, we hung up. Looking for Soon Yong's silver car, I walked faster towards it when I finally found it.

"Hey..." I turned back to see Soon Yong with books in his hands.

"Here." I handed him the worksheets. "What happened to her? She did not answer any of my calls." I asked, worried about my buddy.

"Maybe she's sleeping. She's running a fever." He took the papers from me. "Wanna go have a look at her?" He offered. I looked at my watch. There was still time before the filming.

"Okay then. Good thing that class ended early today." I smiled. Smiling back, he opened the door for me and I got in.

"Who came?" He asked aloud when the both of us entered his apartment. Another pair of shoes can be seen.

"It seems like a male's." I noted.

"This girl..." He got in and placed his things on the sofa. I smiled to myself. Jasmine was going to get another session of nagging from her brother...~ He opened the door and I followed behind him.

"Oh...? Hi." Jun Hyung stood up from the chair beside Jasmine's bed.

"You are here, Hyung." Soon Yong greeted and walked towards her bed. "When did you came?" He casually asked but I could tell he was pissed. How could Jasmine be alone with a guy? And even without Soon Yong knowing.

"For a while already." Jung Hyung then looked at me. "Hello, Yoo Bin-ssi." He bowed and I bowed and greeted. Jasmine was sleeping soundly, not knowing our arrival. She seemed to lose quite a lot of weight and looked so weak. Soon Yong and I then leave the room, leaving the two. He didn't close the door completely though. Being protective... All guys are like that...

"I don't even know he came. Gosh..." He muttered as we went into the kitchen. I smiled.

"Jasmine knows what she's doing. Don't worry too much, oppa." I trusted Jasmine and I also felt that Jun Hyung wasn't those kind of people.

"I trust her but I don' know if I can trust that guy." He started to boil water in a pot. Preparing food for her I guess. "Told her so many times, but she just wouldn't listen." Then he turned to look at me. "She's the kind of person who will only learn and reflect when things happened." He shook his head. I can understand Soon Yong. This is the main cause for his over-protectiveness. He can't possibly be just watching his sister got hurt and only comforting her after that. And yet, she considers that as nagging. A good brother and she doesn't know. Just like me in the past. Helping him with the porridge he was making, it was about time after it was completed. I left a note for Jasmine.

"You better keep an eye on him..." I motioned to Jasmine's room when Soon Yong offered to give me a lift. He laughed softly.

"Oh yeah. I had forgotten." He played along with me and I bid farewell to him and Jun Hyung. I took a taxi to the set and again, the filming started. I need to cry, so I was getting myself into the mood. Sad... Recall the times when Gyu Joon dumped me and how my heart hurts Seung Hyun compared me to Young Rin... Okay... I tried to talk less. Soon the scene came. I ran after Seul Ong and reached for his wrist and got infront of him. Looking at him with teary eyes, I begged him to stay using my eyes, hoping that he got my message. He looked down at me, a look as if he did not want to break up with me too, and that he had reasons. He doesn't say but I don't care whatever the reason was. What else beats love? He looked down at my hand holding onto his and slowly lifting his other hand, pushing my hand off, so slowly and gently. My hand fell back to my side. A tear threatened to drop and when I looked up, I saw him already turning around and walking away. His back so cold... He really was leaving me.

"Cut!" Seul Ong walked back and we watched the replay. The director wanted us to do a few more times so yes, we repeated that for a total of 8 times.

"Wow. You're good." Seul Ong praised.

"Thanks... Another surprise for you I guess?" We laughed and after that we were dismissed. Only a few scenes done for today but yet it was so late already.

I was walking home when my phone rang. Thinking it was most probably Seung Hyun, I slowly fished out my phone and saw Jasmine's name flashing instead.

"Jasmine?" I called.

"Hey! You asked me to call you after I woke up." I could tell from her voice that she was recovering. I laughed.

"So how are you? Better?"

"Yeah. Oh, and, and, and, you wrote on the note that I would get a shock of my life if I know who the male lead is. So...? Who?" She was once again, energetic.

"You would know after the video is released..." I said in a sing song voice.

"Yah...! So you are not telling? Then why aroused my curiosity? You are so annoying..." I laughed so hard, hearing her pissed off voice. She was just too cute! "You know I can't do anything if I'm curious. Tell me!"

"I can't. It must be kept a secret until the actual date of release. Sorry Jasmine." I laughed softly and I bet she was pouting then.

"Great job, Kim Yoo Bin... Next time, don't mention anything when you don't intend to tell."

"Our Jasmine is pissed? I'm sorry. Just remember it would be a great surprise plus shock. Total daebak!"

"Yah yah. Stop making me more curious."

"Okay okay. I had reached home already. So what are you going to do? Since you just woke up." I asked as I pressed the pin number and got the gate unlocked.

"Maybe try to finish the assignments. Rest well okay?"

"Okay, see you."

"See you." I hung up the phone and pushed the main door opened. My eyes immediately went to the bar counter at the dining table where the only lights came from. The lights were dim though. A figure, back facing me, slightly bending forward to the counter. I walked towards the figure, thinking who the hell would be sitting at an area that no one in our house would normally slack at. I relaxed when I recognised Seung Hyun's back. He seemed to be in his thoughts that he didn't realised me already back at home, behind him. I sat beside him. He turned to me abruptly and we stared into each other's eyes. I broke the eye contact when I noticed something unusual infront of him. He was drinking beer?! Since when were alcholic drinks available in our house? I know it was weird but to tell you the truth, our bar counter only has soft drinks... I stared at the cans and was more surprised when he pushed one to me.

"Want to try?" He opened the can for me and watched me, waiting for me to taste it.

"Seung Hyun...?" I called, looking at him, looking for clues if he was drunk or what. But he seemed more than sober.

"You always want to try, haven't you?" He said. "Go ahead." He urged. What? Choi Seung Hyun is encouraging me to drink?! Still as taken aback, my hands unknowingly reached for the can. I don't know why I would do that. Maybe I missed talking to him that I followed whatever he said. Pouring the liquid down my throat, he watched me as I savoured the unfamiliar taste. I placed my hand to my mouth as I closed my eyes, waiting for the bitterness to subside.

"It's refreshing, isn't it?" He said after laughed softly.

"Huh?" Oh my... What was wtrong with him? "Are you drunk?" I asked.

"I can't be more sober." He stated and started to drink again. Where did he got his good drinking skills? I don't feel like drinking anymore so I just watched him.

"What have you been busying this few days?" He asked, finally can't stand me not telling him.

"I..." I hestistated if I should just spill the beans. "I'm helping my father." I lied. I don't know why I lied. The thought of him fuming mad for not discussing with him before accepting the offer made me trembled in fear. He nodded slowly and then turned back to his can and in a gulp, he emptied it. He roughly pushed the chair back and stood up, clearing everything. Is he drunk? Why the sudden change? Gosh, what was wrong with him...? I thought as I watched him throwing the empty cans into the bin. Ignoring me, he walked upstairs.

Seung Hyun's POV

Kim Yoo Bin, good job... Helping your father when he actually said that you have not been to his office for awhile. What exactly is wrong with you? I seriously have nothing more to say. Just forget it...! Slamming the door, my chest heaved up and down from the anger. I really can't understand! It was like she became so distant. Is she the girl I used to know? My god...! I even called her father to ask if things were getting busy and even offered to help. Just imagine my feelings when her father said that things were managable and he himself, got to go home early and that her daughter has not entered his office after the pub incident. I waited for her to return all day. When my mind was full of the possible reasons for her to be out till so late, I went out to buy some drinks and began to drink as I waited. She came back at 1AM and she looked quite tired. After drinking for a few more moments, I asked her the question that had been bugging me all day. I hope that she would tell me the truth. I just nodded when she lied. I looked away as my eyes were getting firece. Finishing everything in a gulp, I stood up and cleared everything before leaving. What else can I do if she just wanted to lie? Confront her again and got all soft hearted when she cried? Then I would always be the bad guy! I'm sick and tired already. I'm not going to ask anymore. I want to see how long she could continue her lie.

Things got worse as the days passed by. I was really waiting for her to come clean with me but she seemed like she doesn't have the idea to and worse still, she thought I really believe what she said. My attitude towards her became cold and she noticed it. She would give me a look like, why are you doing this? Why are you like that? Why? Hell damn because you were lying! Bear with me. I know this is my weakness. It really gets on my nerves when people lied to me. Really... I can't stand lies. Especially when that person is my wife!

"Take this and get out of my sight." I looked up and threw the proposal to one of the staffs who was standing infront of me, infront of my desk. I gave him a week for that freaking small project and what he came up with was crap. Wasting my time! He was stunned at my reaction as I have not done this before. Being rude to my staffs and even throwing things into their faces. He quickly picked the paper up, bowed to me and disappered. Turning myself to face the wall behind me, I closed my eyes, trying not to get my foul mood took over me.

Yoo Bin's POV

"What?! You edited her work?" I raised my voice to one of the designers. Holding my forehead, I continued. "This is the most ridiculous case I had ever came across!" I stared at her. "How can you edit her work? She should be the one editing. Who are you to touch her work?!" I screamed at the culprit.

"I'm so sorry..." She timidly apologised. I let out a sacastic laugh. What is this? Just because the design are not coloured properly, she coloured on behalf of the actual designer? What is this?!?!?! "And you," I turned to the original designer. "I told you hand it personally to me, why are you calling other people to send that up? Are you that lazy?" My eyebrows narrowed. I was in the designing department. I was so mad when I knew about the issue that I stormed to the department personally. Everyone else was watching a live show here.

"I'm sorry. It would not happen again." The owner of the edited design bowed.

"I don't care how you do it. By hook by crook, get it done by tomorrow." I threw the design to her and turned to the 'greatest' person I have ever met in my entire life. Grabbing a empty box on another staff's desk, I threw it onto her desk.

"You're fired." The staffs crowding around gasped. "Pack your staff and get lost." I glared at her before walking out from the crowd. Getting into the lift, I leaned against the side. I was feeling so miserable. Choi Seung Hyun... Why are you doing this to me?! I banged my fist against the side of the lift. I stormed back to the office, cursing the hell out of him.
Thanks for reading and hope you all enjoyed. ^^

To eka, Hi. Oh, sorry. I should get things right before assuming. Sorry about it. And, thanks for commenting! Yeah, I also found quite a lot of nice TooBin FanFictions but I guessed the authors have decided to stop writing. Thanks for supporting! ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Yes, I'm fine. How about you? I saw a article mentioning the singer Joo before I started typing and all I could think of is 'Joo' when I was thinking for a name, so I just added a 'Mr.' infront. Hehe. I hope you don't hate Seung Hyun after reading this... Haha... Okay, the project of jealousy is coming. Soon... Fighting! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To lanza1521, Hi. Is that 2NE1's recent song? Haha... Not sure... Oh... Seul Ong is really muscular. I got a shock too, when I saw 2AM. Even the gym trainer said that 2AM have better bodies than 2PM. No offence. Here's the next chapter. Thanks for supporting! ^^

To rachelee1031, Hi. Yes, who would not be angry? His wife is getting popular without him knowing! Haha! I guess the cold war would last much more longer than the first one they had. Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 1:09PM, 081110
Ended- 4:49PM, 081110

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!