Chapter 30

Time- 8:25PM

Tears flowed down to my ears as I laid motionlessly on the bed. They pushed me in and the bed vibrated at the friction created against the wheels, and my knee hurts. A lot, although it's just a little movement. I closed my tears, stopping my tears. I gritted my teeth, so I will not feel so much pain. Tears then continued to seep out from the corners of my eyes.

"Yi Jung ah!" My manager held my hand as she ran along with the nurses. I then opened my eyes, forced out a light smile.

"Unnie. I will be out soon. Don't worry." My voice was faint. And with this, I was pushed into the operation theatre. I got a jab and I shut my eyes tightly, feeling the pain. Instead of feeling numb, I can still feel the pain on my arm. Before I could see what the doctor was going to do next, I felt drowsy and then everything went black.


I was practicing the dance for my japan debut next year. I will be debuting with the dance song I previously comebacked with. As I just came to practise, no one is there. I'm alone. The dancing studio is not in my agent so a lot of celebrities will be using. I was told that T-Max is scheduled after me, that means I left with 20 minutes before I must leave. Feeling that I'm still not up to standard, I pushed myself more. Instead of practising the whole song, I concentrated on the moves that I just can't get right. There's this move where I turned to the side and do a y wave then turn half way to face the front, then kick my left leg to the back. I look so stupid when I did that, but the cheorographer looked super cool when he demostrated to me. Looking at the clock, time was really running short so I thought I would at least accomplish once and head home. I replayed the radio at that part and when I turned and eyed the mirror, trying to look y and all. I then kicked my leg backwards. I did it! As I was feeling so delighted, I thought I might as well finished the rest of the song. I bent my knees and I felt a sharp pain and fell to the ground instantly. At first I thought it was just a normal sprain or something. But something was wrong when I tried to stand on my feet. The pain is just too much to be just a sprain. Needles are poking my right knee-cap and before I noticed, tears came rolling down. I couldn't even move. No one was there to help. I was on the ground, feeling so helpless. I had no choice. I had to get help so I crawled towards my bag and dug out my phone and I was so 'lucky' to have my phone ran out of battery. I threw my phone into my bag and forced myself to stand. The pain shot up my spine and to all over my body and I fell back to the ground. More tears ran down. The thought of me staying here and waiting for others to find me in this state made me more determined to leave the studio. Ignoring all the pain, I bit my lips and stood up. The unbearable pain... I swear I will never forget. I limped towards the door, holding onto the wall. I can't even scream. When I finally can't take it anymore, I landed on the cold floor again. Half of my body outside the studio and the other inside. The last think I knew was that I saw a pair of blurry legs came running towards me and I heard the familiar voice of my manager before I drifted into unconsciousness. Half-consciousness.

End of flashback

I saw a casted leg infront of me when I opened my eyes. I couldn't move it. I quickly hit my thigh. Thank god I'm not paralysed. I sat up slowly, touching the cast wrapping from my knee-cap to my toes. Basically, from the knee and below are all casted. Knowing that I'm going to suffer again, I allowed myself to fell back down on the bed, feeling frustrated. Being frustrated and forgetting that I'm injured, I immediately regretted my actions as the pain ran up my knee. I arched my back a little and shut my eyes, so tight.

"What's wrong?!" My manager saw me and quickly walked towards me.

"I'm fine."

"You tore your ligament." My manager placed her bag on the chair beside the bed. "You should becareful." She added and sat down, looking all worried. I simply smiled.

"Guess you are stuck here. You have to have therapies as well." She said as she looked at my casted leg. "Whether you like it or not." I gave a damn-it face.

"Aish." I cursed. "How long will it takes for me to recover?"

"Not in the near future."

"Arg! What's this?! My debut! Nothing seems to go right these days!" I'm so frustrated.

"Calm down. You pushed yourself too much sometimes."

"What am I going to do? The debut is next year and now is already October." I looked at my manager, worried.

"Just recover first. The most we will just delay the debut." I sighed and looked down. That's the last thing I want to hear. Letting the fans wait and disappointing them, and it was my fault, my carelessness.

I have visitors. Bong Soon is the first one after my manager. Then followed by celebrity friends. I have not been sleeping well during the stay at the hospital. Spending the nights worrying and all.

When I finally get to go home after 4 days, I was more than happy. Although I have to walk with crutches, I managed to get home with the help of my manager. I did not go to school because of this leg of mine. But good thing that the examinations are over. I just have to worry if I'm qualified to enter a university or not. I go for therapies and soon got the cast off my leg but I still need the crutches even though I could move around more easily. Since I can't dance now, I decided not to waste my time. I have my own mini studio at home. I rehearse my songs and dance when I have time. That room is sound-proof as I don't want to disturb the neighbours as I rehearse mostly at night. But looking at my current situation, I guessed it is safer if I left the door half-opened and turned down the volume even though it is daytime now. I sang and sang and sang. Until I heard my phone ringing. Without picking up my crutches, I hopped to the chair and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I answered as I hopped towards the nearest wall for support.

"Yi Jung ah? Where are you?"

"I'm at home. Why?"

"Open the door. I'm at your doorstep."

"Okay. Coming." I hopped out to the living room and to the door. I pulled the door opened and saw the person who was over the line just now.

"Unnie!" I sqeauled and hugged her.

"Are you feeling better now?" Min Ji asked as she looked down to my slighly bent leg.

"Oppa?" I was about to answer Min Ji when I noticed the tall Seung Hyun behind her.

"I brought him with me. You're okay with it?" Min Ji whispered to me. I nodded and smiled. I couldn't possibly be chasing Seung Hyun away right? Even though I'm not ready to reveal my home to him.

"Sorry for the sudden visit. Do you mind if we were to go in?" Seung Hyun spoke.

"Nope. Come in." I hopped aside and let them in.

"The others wanted to come but they are busy right now. They said they would drop by later." Min Ji said as I closed the door. I hopped in and saw her putting bags and bags down onto the dinning table.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Food! We are cooking for you!" Min Ji said as she started filling the pot with water.

"Huh? The both of you? Including oppa?" I didn't expect Seung Hyun to cook.

"Hey. I can cook okay?" He said as he eyed me. I looked away and hopped into the studio and turned off the music. I came out and Seung Hyun held onto my arms.

"Becareful. Why are you not using your crutches?" He asked, looking on the floor as he helped me out.

"It's okay. I can manage." I hopped out. But Seung Hyun still helped me to the sofa. He then walked into the kitchen and helped Min Ji. Looking at them, I thought I shouldn't be just sitting. I got up and hopped into the kitchen and stood behind them.

"Do you need any help? I poked my head in between them.

"Why are you here? Go out." Min Ji turned and helped me out.

"I can still help, unnie. I'm fine already."

"No no. Just in case we bump into you." Min Ji refused to give in.

"How about I just sit here?" I pointed to the chair at the dinning table. Min Ji thought for awhile.

"Fine then. Don't move about okay?" She then helped me to the chair and I watched them as they walked back and forth.
Seung Hyun was chopping the ingredients while Min Ji was frying the meat.

"Unnie, how's university?" I asked Min Ji as I felt bored.

"It's fine!" She replied, excited. Her eyes still on the food. "School is not an issue now. It's work. Our workload became more." Yes, Min Ji is Minzy from 2NE1. We were from the same high school. We are good friends since then.

"Oh yeah!" Min Ji suddenly exclaimed and turned her head towards me, which startled both me and Seung Hyun, our heads turned to her. "You're having your Japan debut right?"

"Oh... Yeah. That's right." I smiled.

"I guessed that is the reason for the injury right?" She eyed my knee under the table. "Typical Yi Jung." She shook her head and said. I could hear Seung Hyun's soft laughter even though his back was facing me.

"What? It's something big, that's why." I defended.

"No matter what it is, you just push yourself too much. You have to rest a bit you know..." She said as she turned back to the stove.

"Look... I told you she will be eating those food." Min Ji commented and I turned to her again. Seung Hyun simply smiled and shook his head. I'm caught for eating frozen food again. Min Ji picked up the box.

"You ate pizza? Again?" She turned to me.

"I only have those." I stated. "Unnie, the meat is burning." I tried to change the topic. Min Ji shook her head and turned back. She knows that I'm avoiding the nagging. Then a doorbell was heard.

"I will get it." Seung Hyun washed his hands and damped it onto the apron he's wearing and walked out before I could help myself up. Guess I'm at a lot of disadvantage now.

"Hyung!" I immediately knew it was Dae Sung. I stood up slowly and smiled at them.

"Hello." I greeted. Ji Yong was here as well. They came in and placed more bags infront of me and sat down beside me.

"Why are you here? You should be outside. It's dangerous here." Ji Yong said.

"I want to help."

"We are here to help too." Ji Yong chuckled.

"We don't need you here." Dae Sung joked. I pouted. "Yi Jung ah. Your house is beautiful. You designed the walls?" Dae Sung asked as he looked around the house from his seat.

"Yeah. I drew and painted it."

"Wow... You're amazing." Ji Yong said in awe.

"When you're not well-known, you have a lot of time you see. I finished all the walls in 2 weeks." I confessed, somehow feeling embarassed and proud at the same time. I did designs on the walls and painted them personally when I'm less famous earlier. I have squares and rectangles around the television so it somehow looks matching. Circular designs around the clock. Paintings and drawings were hung on the walls along the stretch of rooms. This house is a masterpiece of mine.

"Weren't you in business management course?" Dae Sung and Ji Yong were looking at the artworks hung on the wall.

"I have a little passion in designing."

"Hey! It's hyung!" Dae Sung exclaimed all of a sudden. Oh my god! I forgotten I had drew a protrait of Seung Hyun. Arg! Gosh!

"It looks so real... Hyung! Come look." Dae Sung called to Seung Hyun. I looked down in embarassment.

"Dae Sung ah. Behave..." Seung Hyun said as he continued to put the ingredients into the pot. I stood up and went to the two along the corridor.

"I love this one." Ji Yong stopped at the painting of Han River. "How much for this?" Ji Yong joked.

"It's not for sales, Sir." I played along with him.

"What's this?" Dae Sung from the other wall asked. I turned back and back to where he was.

"Oh. It's where I trained. It's the dancing studio. The place where I lived is there." I pointed to another drawing just two drawings away from the one we were looking at.

"It's like a museum...! Hyung, why is our dorm so boring?" Dae Sung asked Ji Yong.

"Try making it colourful." Ji Yong replied. I chuckled.

"Lunch's ready." Seung Hyun came. He together with Ji Yong helped me out, into the kitchen. We sat down and ate as we chatted.

"When we came back last week from Japan, immdiately we have to go for a rehearsal. I thought I'm going to collapse." Dae Sung complained as he ate a spoonful of rice.

"Don't complain when you are eating. You will get indigestion." Ji Yong said, as he sent a piece of meat into his mouth.

"So you're debuting in Japan soon?" Seung Hyun looked at me and I nodded.

"We can't meet often then." Dae Sung said sadly.

"How long will it be?" Seung Hyun asked again.

"5 months? If I can't recover early, the debut will be postponed." They all nodded.

"How about university?" Min Ji asked.

"It would be around April and I will head to Japan."


After eating, we slacked around. When I saw Seung Hyun looking at the works on the walls alone, I went to accompany him.

"Oppa." I called as I hopped towards him. He held my arm as I limped closer.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Where is this?" He asked when he saw a particular drawing.

"It's my house in Singapore. Living room. Kitchen, master bedroom, the door, my bedroom. This is the room where my computer is." I pointed as I told him the rooms.

"This is where you grew up?" He smiled and looked at me. "Hey... your house in Singapore looks like this house here...!" Seung Hyun exclaimed as he looked out to the living room. He realised?!

"The television is placed at the same place, sofa as well..."

"You realised?" I smiled at him, looking down. "You are the first one to notice that." I was surprised that he is actually so observant. I drew the drawing at the different point so it looks like it's a totally different place. "I purposly arranged the furniture this way. It's like staying at home you see." I added. Seung Hyun remained silent. He moved on to the next painting. It's a drawing of a camera, a microphone, papers and a few music notes. He stood infront of this for quite a time.

"I know the meaning behind this." He said after a long pause. I looked at him, waiting for his answer. "The camera represents filming which also means acting." He turned to me, seeing me smiling, indicating that he is correct. "The mic means singing and the papers are actually lyrics." He finished.

"Hmm... Half mark deducted." I said. "You missed out something." Seung Hyun turned to look at the drawing again.

"Any hints?"

"The hints are right infront of you." I said, smilingat him playfully. Seung Hyun paid more attention and looked at it. But he gave up.

"See." I pointed to the wavy lines on the papers. "If you notice, not all papers are with wavy lines and the musical notes are not draw on any of the paper. The paper that is blank are the lyrics. The ones with lines are the script." I looked at Seung Hyun after that. He looked amazed and smiled as he nodded, as if to admit defeat. Actually every picture hung have a meaning behind. Be it abstract paintings or places I drew, it holds a meaning.

"This is pretty." He said when he was at the another picture. "Sure there's a meaning behind this as well?" I nodded.

"The colour used is blue, designs drawn in circular motion..." I stared at him, waiting for him to unsolve my puzzle.

"Erm... blue... circular motion..." I nodded as he continued to think. He got the keywords there. 'Blue' and 'circular motion' are the two keywords. Then as if he thought of something, he smiled as he looked down then to me, still smiling. "Are you feeling blue when you were painting this?"

"Bingo..." I smiled and nodded as I heard the correct answer.

"What got you so emotional that you even drew circles?" He asked further.

"It was the first time I got scolded by my president. My first scandal, my first scolding." I explained. Seung Hyun nodded.

"I have not seen my protrait." He said as he looked around. "Is that the one?" He pointed to the other end and went towards it. When I hopped beside him, I looked at the protrait and felt embarassed as well, by my own drawing.

"Which picture did you copy from? I don't remember having a picture like this." It's a picture of Seung Hyun sitting on a chair, legs crossed, chatting happily with someone.

"I did not draw according to a picture." My head hung low, embarassed.


"It's the first time I saw you in person." I confessed. "At music bank." I peeked up at him. "The door to your waiting room is not closed and I happened to walk passed and saw you."

"You mean you remember it in your head and drew it?" Again, Seung Hyun was amazed, only his eyes grew more bigger.

"I'm like a erted stalker, don't I?" Arg! Oh My God!

He smiled to himself and said, "Nope. I'm thankful." He then chuckled. But somehow, I'm felt more embarassed after his chuckling. We then joined the others at the living room and enjoyed a drama before they left.
Okay. A long chapter. I changed Minzy's age to a year older than Yi Jung's. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it. ^^ Comments please! :D

Started-8:25PM, 200810
Ended-12:12PM, 210810

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ThatFanGirlA #1
Chapter 58: Continue your damn story author!!!!!!!!!!!
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 58: Rereading it also, please update!!!
Miss the story so much!!!
bmsqrdd #3
Chapter 58: Rereading this again. I love the Playboy Next Door so much. how do you do this???? I do hope you also continue this. :,)
bmsqrdd #4
Chapter 58: waaaaaa! glad to finish this and have to read the sequel now :)) i really love your story, lol it left me hanging XD
woah wait! where did Jung's parents took of? @.@ Choon Yeo and Seunghyun cam too late to fetch the parents +_+
hhhhmmm... i'm guessing that there might be dogfights on the sequel lol XD (Choon Yeo vs. Seunghyun)
and Taehyun! finally he was able to tell how he felt for Ji Eun :))
but really thank you for creating this wonderful story :))
~hwaiting authornim! :)
thesharkfeeds #7
Chapter 31: I know I'm late but this story is sooooo good!
Loeeezy #8
Chapter 58: Plase please please keep writing this bonus and the other story. I love it too much.
Chapter 58: Waaaahhhh so many TaeJi moments here!!! Hahaha idk why but i imagined taehyun as lee minho! Hahahaha btw, I'm so loving Hyun-Jung moments here, it's sooo.... Idk! So warm? So nice? So deep? Kyaaahhh!! All i know is that that i like it so muchhhh!! :D :D :D
Chapter 58: aegominina finally unnie update this!!!thankyouuuuuuuuuuu!!!^^ actually because i havent read this in very long time so i got confused i lil bit but overall i love this but kinda sad because Yijung-Seunghyun moment got cut by Taehyun and Jieun!lol hahahahaha Seunghyu u jelly huh?lol well im waiitng for the next chapter....^^