Chapter 3

Time- 3:36PM

Today's Saturday. This may be one of the worst Saturdays I have. Not because I could not sleep in later, it is also not because I'm drowned by my hectic schedule, it's because I have to sign the contract today.

The time now is 7:13AM. I need to get to the company to do some recording first and meet at the office at 2PM to meet the production team. My manager has something to settle so I have to go myself and meet her there afterwards. I went out, leaving my apartment and walked to the roadside. Saw a taxi and stretched out my arm, hopped in and off I go. Reached the company, paid the fare, thanked the driver and hopped out. I looked up at the tall builing before me, sighed and walked in, slowly, dragging my feet.

It is only 7:40AM and the recording starts at 8AM, so I went to the vending machine on the first floor. Bought a cup of coffee and leaned on the wall, daydreaming. I did not even think of rejecting the offer as I know my manager would say all sorts of sense to convince me, making me feel the same way as her for what she say is the truth and in the end, I will still sign it. This was what happened before, the Taiwan production drama.
As my mind was wandering at some other places, Seung Gi spotted me.

"Hey. Why are you here?" He asked.

"Has some recording to do." I said, emotionless.

"Oh. I heard that from our president that you are selected as a cast for a drama. Is that true?"


"I heard that the storyline for that was quite interesting. I went to the audition but didn't pass." He said, sounding a bit embarassed.

"Shall I give you my role? They are coming down later with the contract. Do you want to sign it?" I replied, laughing a little.

"You mean today? That was fast. And no thanks. How am I suppose to play a female role?"

I smiled faintly, looking down.

"You will do a great job. Don't worry, Yi Jung ah." He said as he patted my shoulder. He understands me, which made my mood lighten a little.

"Thanks oppa." Still giving him my faint smile.

"I got to leave for the shooting. So I shall see you then?" I'm a cast in 2 days 1 night, and we usually have our shootings on Saturdays and Sundays as I have school.

"Alright, see you there." I waved.

He waved back and went off. I went to take a seat and when it was 7:55AM, I went to the recording studio. Today the progress was fine. Since the songs left to record were sad songs and tomorrow I will have to record one more song and that's it. I sat outside the recording studio, playing with my fingers and when I looked at my watch, it shows, 1:46PM. And that is when I recieved a call from my manager.

"Unnie." I called as I pressed the 'answer' button.

"Are you still at the recording studio? Make your way up. We have to wait in advance."

"Okay, I'm going up now. "

"Okay, I'll be in the office."

"Okay." I ended the call and went to the lift.

I walked towards the office. Greeting and bowing to the staffs walking passed me. And there, I saw my manager sitting on the chair and the production team have not arrived when I opened the door.

"Good afternoon." I bowed as I greeted the staff from our company, including my manager. "Unnie, can you come out for a moment?" I asked my manager, not entering the office yet. She stood up and came out.

"What is it?"

"Can we reconsider? I mean I don't think this is the right time." I still wanted to try one last time to let my manager knows how I feel about myself involved in the drama.

"You won't come across such script that often. Trust me. You will do this well, like the previous one." My manager assured.

"But it clashes with my comeback. I should do well in my singing first since I debuted as a singer, shouldn't I?" Trying to change my manager mind, I try talking sense to her again, calmly.

"Stop finding excuses. You're just afraid of the fans, aren't you? Please stop it. It is your career, what does that have to do with those anti-fans?" She's frustrated. Yes, I admit, it's partially because of the fans. Afraid of seeing nasty comments and receiving glares when I'm walking along the streets and it does got something to do with my career. How much fans and anti-fans determine my fame, doesn't it?

Realising I'm not answering her, my manager cooled down and continued," Look, I'm your manager and you are under me. I am supposed to make you well-known and increase you fame. And I'm slowly achieving it. Despite all the rumors and nasty comments, I have not given up on you so you are not to give up. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "But..."

"Listen, Yi Jung. Don't let those meaningless comments stop you from achieving your goal. Anti-fans aren't that great. You are supposed to impress them and even if they decide to be antis, they should be antis that are acknowledging your talent. And you have to feed yourself and I have to feed myself as well. So just think about yourself." She interrupted. She got me again, got me speechless for all she said is true. My family is in Singapore and I have to send the expenese to them every month. My school fees, insurance and others, I have to handle everything. And whether my manager earns or not, it depends on how much I earn.

I nodded again and my manager hugged me.

"Can I really do well?" I asked, feeling stressed suddenly, thinking of the expenses that I have to take care of.

"Yes you will. We will be behind you and cheer you on."

I pulled away, took a deep breathe and forced a smile. "I will do my best." I promised my manager and she smiled back, glad that I'm able to make the right choice.

Yes, I have to be confident. What's so scary about the bashing of anti-fans? My parents need me. My manager is there for me. What I must do is not to disappoint them and do my best. That's the least I can do.

We went into the office and at 2:09PM, the production team came. We greeted each other and they placed the contract and a few more documents on the table, infront of me and started explaining the role.

"Good afternoon. I am scriptwriter Yoon Jae Hyun and we congragulate Yi Jung-ssi for passing the audition." He stood up, stretched his arm over the table and bowed. I quickly stood up and held his hand, and bowed, "Good afternoon and thank you."

"As everyone can see on the 'Character Description' page, names used will be the same as the casts' given names. So for Yi Jung-ssi role, the name will be Yi Jung. This is to avoid reciting the wrong name when the filming is on. Yi Jung-ssi will be the main female lead, playing along with Choi Seung Hyun-ssi."

I stared at the scriptwriter and the other production team staffs then to my manager, which was stunned as well. I'm the lead?! Why?!

"The character Yi Jung-ssi would be playing is a highschooler whose parents ran to hide from the creditors after their comapany's failure, leaving Yi Jung alone. Yi Jung then went to the address that her parents written on the letter they wrote to her and that is how she met Seung Hyun. And the story goes on."

I was reading the 'Character Description' about the other characters as I listened to the scriptwriter's explanation. I'm good at multi-tasking.

Choi Seung Hyun
18 years old
Son of Choi Enterprise.
Parents are good friend with Yi Enterprise.
A spoiled, rich brat who plays girls.

So he's character is a spoiled, rich brat who plays girls? A playboy I see. I continued reading.

Yi Jung
18 years old
Only daughter of Yi Enterprise
Parents are good friend with Choi Enterprise.
A girl that can't be understimated and fool around with.

Wow, I can now understand why my manager said this will be a good drama. I started to look forward a little already. Though I'm afraid that Seung Hyun's fans would probably become my anti-fans. I hope his fans are nice and understanding.

After the scriptwriter finishes his piece, the director then started talking about the budget and time limit we have and the details about the filming.

The director then kindly read through the contract and said, "If there isn't any problems with the contract, please sign."

The moment had arrived. I picked up the pen and read through the content of the contract. After confirming everything is correct, as I was about to move the pen, I sensed my manager looking at me. I turned to her only to see her looking at me, giving me her famous you-can-do-it face expression and nodded a little. I smiled and nodded a little as well. Yes, I can do it. I thought and signed the contract.

"Welcome to our big family." Scriptwriter Yoon stood and stretched his hand again and I stood up, held it and bowed. "Thank you. Please teach and guide me along the way."

I then handshaked with the director and the other staffs, bowing as I repeated the same sentence. "Please teach and guide me along the way"

"We will meet again on Monday together with the other cast." Scriptwriter Yoon said to me before leaving.

"Yes, I will be there." I replied as I see the production team out the office.

After they left, my manager jumped infront of me all of a sudden, causing me to jump a little. "Unnie, you gave me a fright."

"Hey, I thought you will just be playing the second lead or something. I didn't expect you to get the main role!" There she goes again. Getting over-excited and all.

I just smiled and packed my stuffs.

"Oh ya! We are late for the shooting! We got to hurry!" My manager pulled me towards the door.

My!!! The shooting! Kang Ho Dong will sure be forcing me to reveal the reason and making me do some kind of penalty for being late.

"Gosh! Ho Dong oppa is sure going to give me some sort of penalty!" I quicken my pace. "Omo! Seung Gi oppa knows that I'm going to sign the contract today! I hope he don't publisize it. He is not supposed to!" I cried as I dashed to the lift.

We flew to the shooting set only to find them in a house, resting with the camera on.

"MY OPPAS!" I cried as I opened the door.

"Yi Jung ah! Why are you sssooooo early?" Ho Dong cried, tilting his head up as he was sitting on the floor.

"Yeah, you shouldn't come now since it's so early." MC Mong said, joining Ho Dong in teasing me.

"Did it ended well?" Seung Gi asked, not knowing that he shouldn't start Ho Dong's curosity.

"What ended well? And what's the reason for you being late?" Ho Dong said as I sat down.

"Why is the maknae late when the others are already here?! Who are you to make us wait?!" Ji Won said in loud voice, pretending to be angry.

"It's not something that I should publisize, oppa. You all will know when time comes. It's my surprise for my oppas!" I replied, praying that they will not ask further.

"No no. What's this? When I'm late the last time, I nearly got killed by all of you." MC Mong protested.

"How is it the same? I didn't arrived late because I woke up late, stuck in the traffic or something." I insisted on not saying.

"How is it different? You got all of us waiting. Even the staffs!" MC Mong answered.

"Yah, what is it that you know that we don't?" Ho Dong grabbed Seung Gi's hand. All of them started tickling Seung Gi. I stood up and went to Seung Gi, trying to help him.

"Yi Jung ah! Tell them already!" Seung Gi shouted as he struggled, trying to free himself from everyone's torture.

"I wished I could! But it's not something I could say!" I said as I tickled Ho Dong.

The house was in a chaotic state and after awhile, we were all exhuasted from the playing and lied on the wooden floor.

"This won't do. We have to give a penalty." Ho Dong finally said, sitting up, panting.

"Why?! It's really something I can't say."

"What is it that is so secretive that you can't say? You aren't with guys, are you? Jong Min who ke silent all the while suddenly comment something that caused Ho Dong more curious.

"Why didn't I thought about that? Who were you with? Just whisper to my ear and I won't reveal who is it."

"Do you think I'm going to buy that, Ho Dong oppa?" I said as I laughed a little at him for making such stupid promise.

"What? So you are with guys? If you're not saying, we just need to give you a penalty then." Ho Dong decided as he stood up.

"Yi Jung ah. It's better that you just say the reason. The penalty this time is a little scary." Ji Won said.

Suddenly feeling a little scared, I told them.

"Okay okay, fine. Did you all saw the article on the internet? The one that said I'm probably to be a cast in 'The playboy next door'?

"Yeah. You're in that?" Ji Won asked, excited.

"Yeah. I came immediately after signing the contract" I said, emphasizing on the word 'immediately'.

"You can just tell us. What's so secretive about that?" Ho Dong said, not understanding why I'm keep from them.

"The production team should be the one revealing the cast." I said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"So whose the male lead? Is it TOP from BigBang? I heard from the others that it will most probably be him." Jong Min asked.

"I already told you the reason so I will not reveal further."

"So let's start with the penalty." Ho Dong stood up.

"What?! I told you the reason already! Even the PD knows!" I defended.

"PD-nim, do you know?" Ho Dong asked and was replied with a nod from the PD.

"But she didn't let us know and kept waiting. Should we still give her a penalty?" Ho Dong went to ask the PD further.

"Well, we didn't wait for her in the first place and Seung Gi knew about it. Moreover, what kind of penalty do you have in mind?" The PD asked.

"Oh. Since we didn't have an idea, we shall just let it go."

Then it hit me. I was tricked!

"Hey! How can you all trick me!!!" I then turned to glare at Ji Won who told me that the penalty is scary. Everyone laughed, but still, they congragulated me.

So there! A long chapter!!! It is ok? Hope I'm gaining more readers. More comments please!!! :)

Schedulex2 (C)

started on 100710, 10:59PM
stopped at 11:30PM at paragraph 15

continued on 110710, 3:36PM
ended at 6:17PM

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ThatFanGirlA #1
Chapter 58: Continue your damn story author!!!!!!!!!!!
Popkorn17 #2
Chapter 58: Rereading it also, please update!!!
Miss the story so much!!!
bmsqrdd #3
Chapter 58: Rereading this again. I love the Playboy Next Door so much. how do you do this???? I do hope you also continue this. :,)
bmsqrdd #4
Chapter 58: waaaaaa! glad to finish this and have to read the sequel now :)) i really love your story, lol it left me hanging XD
woah wait! where did Jung's parents took of? @.@ Choon Yeo and Seunghyun cam too late to fetch the parents +_+
hhhhmmm... i'm guessing that there might be dogfights on the sequel lol XD (Choon Yeo vs. Seunghyun)
and Taehyun! finally he was able to tell how he felt for Ji Eun :))
but really thank you for creating this wonderful story :))
~hwaiting authornim! :)
thesharkfeeds #7
Chapter 31: I know I'm late but this story is sooooo good!
Loeeezy #8
Chapter 58: Plase please please keep writing this bonus and the other story. I love it too much.
Chapter 58: Waaaahhhh so many TaeJi moments here!!! Hahaha idk why but i imagined taehyun as lee minho! Hahahaha btw, I'm so loving Hyun-Jung moments here, it's sooo.... Idk! So warm? So nice? So deep? Kyaaahhh!! All i know is that that i like it so muchhhh!! :D :D :D
Chapter 58: aegominina finally unnie update this!!!thankyouuuuuuuuuuu!!!^^ actually because i havent read this in very long time so i got confused i lil bit but overall i love this but kinda sad because Yijung-Seunghyun moment got cut by Taehyun and Jieun!lol hahahahaha Seunghyu u jelly huh?lol well im waiitng for the next chapter....^^