Chapter Three

Kiss Me Goodbye, Into The Light

“Why’d you get so worked up for?” Yunho asked when we sat down at a table.

I shrugged. “No sleep, maybe?”

“Stop holding it against me, I bought you lunch.”

I nodded and took a bit out of the sub Yunho bought. I feel sorry for the turkey, but this sub is delicious. I saw Jae Joong and Hyuna walk into the café hand-in-hand. Made me want to barf up the entire sub I just ate. I opened up a bottle of water and gulped it down.

“Kae In, calm down, you’ll choke.”

Just when he said that, I started to cough. “Stupid water.” I said in between coughs.

“What’s gotten to you today?”

“Stupid Hyuna…” I muttered.


I sighed. “Look at her! She has everything. Can’t she just give one little sacrifice for her sister?” I asked myself.

“Kae In…haven’t you ever thought why Jae Joong is with your sister, but not you?”

“What is that suppose to mean?” I said bitterly.

“Never mind.” He shushed.

“No. Yunho, seriously, what?”

“You’ll get mad.”

“I will either way!”

“Have you not looked at the way you act? Hyuna isn’t as impulsive as you. Jae Joong likes girls who are calm, and graceful, like Hyuna. Kae In, you might as well just give up now. It’s not going anywhere.”

I stared at him in disbelief. What the did he just say to me? Give up? Who the hell does he think I am?

“I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m being logical.” He added. “You’re not Jae Joong’s ideal girl. That’s all.”

“Oh, like you would know.” I said, getting up. I threw the water bottle at him and stormed out of the cafeteria.

- -

I can’t believe he just said that to me! I’m going to kill him. I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Jae Joong likes girls who are calm, and graceful.”

UGH! His stupid voice is stuck in my head. Why’d he say that? I shook my head, hoping the voice will leave, but it kept ringing in my head. Stupid Yunho. That bastard sure knows how to get to your head. He’s so dead.

Yunho’s P.O.V

I sighed when she left. Why’d I say that? I thought to myself. It’s the jealousy. I can’t stand Kae In drooling over Jae Joong. He doesn’t even deserve her one bit. He’s a horrible person. I sat there for a while, thinking over and trying to comprehend what just happened. Kae In’s a sensitive person. Even if she acts tough, inside, she’s hurting. I feel terrible, using this for my own advantage. I was kind of hoping she’d get upset and depressed and come crying to me, and then realize I am way better than Jae Joong. I got up, threw out the garbage and went to look for her.

Kae In’s P.O.V

I hid in one of the stalls in the girl’s washroom. Stupid Yunho. I hate him. Then a small smile appeared on my face. What am I saying? I can never hate him. That stupid guy’s been in my life too long. I got out of the stall and out of the washroom. I got all my books for my next class and when I walked down the hall, I saw Jae Joong walked towards me. He stopped and looked at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. God that smile makes me melt.

“Yunho’s looking for you.” He said. My knees felt weak. It’s funny he has this effect on me. It’s funny he’s the only one who has this effect on me.

“Oh.” I said. That’s it? Oh? Come on Kae In, you can do better than that. “Did he say why?”

“No, he just asked me if I saw you and that it’s an emergency. You better go find him.”

I nodded my head. “Thanks.”

“Later.” He walked pass me.

This wasn’t how I pictured our first conversation. I thought maybe he’d ask me about my day, and then tell me some jokes, then sweep me off my meet and then we’ll get married.

What the hell am I thinking of? I walked around the school looking for Yunho. He’s so going to get it when I see him.

“Kae In!” I turned around to face Yunho.

“YOU DUMB BASTARD!” I said, hitting him with my textbooks. I didn’t know when the tears started rolling, but when it did, I didn’t mind it.

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2038 streak #1
Chapter 23: Hey there author-nim :) I just read this story and I wish it was a bit longer. It was really interesting and I'm glad she finally accepted her feelings for Yunho...
Btw didn't Yunho throw down a lighter in a gas filled room? The room would have exploded in that case and I'm surprised that both Jaejoong and Yunho came out of that situation with a minimal damage... Hehe :D
cookieghost341 #2
it nice that she <br />
finally with yunho<br />
soo sad that this <br />
story has ended T^T
Meeyon88 #3
I'm so happy that you updated your story. Gosh, I hope Yunho will be alright. And poor, Kae In. I'm sure she realized her mistakes, but people in love do some stupid things. I just hope that she and Yunho end up together.
Meeyon88 #4
Hi! Just so you know, I am still here and waiting for new chapter. I wish you all the best and I hope you'll update soon :))
QueenB_doll #5
i'll wait for u'r update..update soon ;D
Meeyon88 #6
omg, I hope Hyuna can swim and that she'll be fine. I really hope that Hyuna will forgive Kae In. They are sisters, after all. Family is the most important :) Update soon :)
reena_kim #7
New reader here~ i love this story. Imo i'd rather Kae In got JJ at first then realise her love for Yunho. Lulz. Let JJ and Hyuna suffer from heartbreaks. XD But then, surprise me~~
hu go HYUNA hwaitin im rootingfor you give it to that biatch
cookieghost341 #9
o.0<br />
i wonder what hyuna gonna do
Meeyon88 #10
Omg, please don't tell me than Hyuna will start flirting with Yunho. Please, nooooo :((( I hope Kae In understand what she did, because that wasn't cool and she IS a cool person. So I hope she'll change for better. And that she choose Yunho ;)