Chapter Twenty Two

Kiss Me Goodbye, Into The Light

Kae In’s P.O.V

The next morning when I went to the kitchen to make breakfast, I saw Hyuna sulking at the table. Her head was in her hands and her elbows rested on the table. When I made a sudden movement and it seemed to startle her. She looked up at me and her eyes were red and filled with tears. I didn’t do anything, just stared. I couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong. I know I should have went over and asked, and maybe comforted her, but I didn’t. Instead, I went to the cabinets and took out a bowl, then began to pour myself cereal and milk.

“Don’t you want to know what happened?” She said in a sour tone. I look back and stared at her, not knowing if I wanted to hear it or not, but she continued, “There was an accident…”

“If it’s about you, breaking you nails, I don’t wanna hear it.” I said coldly.

Hyuna shot up from her seat. “Would you just listen?” She sighed in disbelief. “I got a phone call from the hospital this morning.”

My heart skipped a beat. There was an accident, does that mean something was wrong with mom or dad? “Is it…mom? Dad?” I asked.

Hyuna shook her head, “It was Jaejoong and Yunho.” She said in barely a whisper. She covered her face with her hands and started to cry.

I felt numb and paralyzed. What had happened? I wanted to ask. But it was obvious that Hyuna was not in the condition to talk, well, not anymore. I stabilized myself on the kitchen counter. I opened my mouth to speak, but found myself closing them just as fast as I opened them. “Hyuna…can I…” I looked over at the car keys. She barely looked at me and kept sobbing. I grabbed her car keys with or without an answer. I ran out the door then into her car and started the ignition. I drove all the way to the hospital. I was surprised I didn’t get a ticket since I was speeding like mad.

When I reached the hospital, I ran up to the nurse’s desk, out of breath. “I need to see someone.” I managed to say.

“And who would that be?” She said in a bitter tone.

I thought for a minute. Jaejoong and Yunho. Who did I wanted to see? My heart thumped against my chest. I want to see Jaejoong so bad, but I know the right thing to do is to see Yunho first. “Uh, Kim, Yunho?” (A/N: I changed his last name to match Jaejoong’s. LOL)

She typed something into her computer then looked back at me, “Sorry, he’s not in the condition to see anyone right now.”

My heart sank. What did she mean he wasn’t in the condition? What happened to him? Maybe he got to beat up during boxing? No, that can’t be it. He was the best at it. There’s no way he’d let someone beat him up. I needed answers, “Kim Jaejoong.” I said to the nurse.

Again, she typed something into her computer then looked back at me, “Room 218.”

“Thanks!” I said then ran off towards room 218.

- -

I knocked on the door before entering the room. Jaejoong was lying on the bed, fiddling with this blackberry.

“Jaejoong?” I said quietly.

He looked over at me and smiled, “Hey.” He said.

“What happened?” I walked closer towards this bed.

He shook his head, “It’s nothing.”

“What happened with Yunho?”

“I said it’s nothing.”

I looked at him in doubt. “Are you alright?” I asked, to which he nodded his head. I studied his face, there were scratch marks and bruises, but it didn’t look as bad as I imagined. He looked over back at me, and out eyes locked. His eyes were cold, and looked soulless.

“Where’s…Hyuna?” He asked.

I felt as if my heart is stuck in my throat. Why did he want to see her? I asked myself. If I’m here, why does he need her? “Why’re you asking for her…?” I said slowly.

He shrugged. But his looked tell me otherwise. He missed her. He needs her. He loves her. As much as I wanted to shake these thoughts out of my head, I couldn’t. I thought it would be best for me to just leave. Without saying goodbye, I left his room and sat down on one of the waiting seats. Tears began to fall from my eyes.

I felt played, I felt embarssed. But more importantly, I don’t feel like myself. I choose Jaejoong over Yunho. Never in my life would I have done that but yet, I did anyways. And now Yunho is in the hospital, and considering there are no visits, god knows how badly he’s hurt. And even though he’s in the hospital, on the verge of dying, I don’t know if these tears are for him, or for myself.

I became such a monster.

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2027 streak #1
Chapter 23: Hey there author-nim :) I just read this story and I wish it was a bit longer. It was really interesting and I'm glad she finally accepted her feelings for Yunho...
Btw didn't Yunho throw down a lighter in a gas filled room? The room would have exploded in that case and I'm surprised that both Jaejoong and Yunho came out of that situation with a minimal damage... Hehe :D
cookieghost341 #2
it nice that she <br />
finally with yunho<br />
soo sad that this <br />
story has ended T^T
Meeyon88 #3
I'm so happy that you updated your story. Gosh, I hope Yunho will be alright. And poor, Kae In. I'm sure she realized her mistakes, but people in love do some stupid things. I just hope that she and Yunho end up together.
Meeyon88 #4
Hi! Just so you know, I am still here and waiting for new chapter. I wish you all the best and I hope you'll update soon :))
QueenB_doll #5
i'll wait for u'r update..update soon ;D
Meeyon88 #6
omg, I hope Hyuna can swim and that she'll be fine. I really hope that Hyuna will forgive Kae In. They are sisters, after all. Family is the most important :) Update soon :)
reena_kim #7
New reader here~ i love this story. Imo i'd rather Kae In got JJ at first then realise her love for Yunho. Lulz. Let JJ and Hyuna suffer from heartbreaks. XD But then, surprise me~~
hu go HYUNA hwaitin im rootingfor you give it to that biatch
cookieghost341 #9
o.0<br />
i wonder what hyuna gonna do
Meeyon88 #10
Omg, please don't tell me than Hyuna will start flirting with Yunho. Please, nooooo :((( I hope Kae In understand what she did, because that wasn't cool and she IS a cool person. So I hope she'll change for better. And that she choose Yunho ;)