
Kiss Me Goodbye, Into The Light

Kae In’s P.O.V

When I got back home I slammed the door and then threw Hyuna’s car keys on the table. When she heard me, she came running down the stairs. Our eyes locked for a moment and I could tell what was going on. Jaejoong probably called her and asked her to come see him. She rushed out of the door, her hair still a mess. I went to my room and dropped myself on my bed. I went over to my computer and signed onto my email account. I checked my messages. There were some spam emails, then I saw one from Jaejoong. It was a reply to a previous message, but I never sent him any. I clicked it open. It said one simple word, but it shattered me to pieces.


I checked the message underneath, the message I sent to him.

Jaejoong, the past couple of weeks have been fun, but you have to know, I never really had the intention of being with you for this long. Can we still be friends?

My mouth dropped, I felt like crying but no tears came out. Was this s joke? Was it a prank? The bottom on my lip quivered. Hyuna did this the day when she was at my computer. She sent this to him. And he believed it. Out of anger, I slammed my hand on the table. Why was this happening? Is this like some weird karma? I didn’t even do anything wrong.

That’s not true, I thought.

I stole Hyuna’s happiness, I got Yunho mad at me. I’m horrible. I looked over at the garbage can where I threw out Yunho’s letter. How can I just ignore him like this? How can I be so rude to him? I walked over and picked out the letter. I opened the envelope and began to read.

Kae In,

I know you may not want to speak to me, or even look at me, but Kae In, I miss you so much. I know you’re in love with Jaejoong, and I don’t know how long it would take for you get over that love, but take as long as you need. I’ll always be waiting for you, until your lust for him is gone.  

Always loving you, Yunho.

“I hate him! I hate him!” I screamed on the top of my lungs. “WHAT THE IS WRONG WITH HIM?!” I threw the crumpled piece of paper across the room, and it didn’t go very far. I kept screaming and throwing things. The best part is, no one’s here to hear me. I was all alone, in my little basement of a room. Why did he say these things? These t, things trigger the sadness inside my heart those words on the paper, it may not be much, but it means the world to me right now.

Until your lust for him is gone.

I hate the fact that he was right. What I had for Jaejoong wasn’t love, it was lust. I lusted over him. Over his looks, his voice, everything he did was so perfect, and I just got hypnotized by it. The fact that he even believed what Hyuna sent him was just heartbreaking. The fact that believed that without even consulting me about it is pretty heartbreaking. Jaejoong used me for his loneliness of Hyuna. Hyuna hated me for taking Jaejoong away. The only person who had good intentions towards me the whole time was Yunho, yet I didn’t even realize. I put my face into my hands and cried myself a little river, just enough for me to grief about all the horrible things I’ve done, and let people do.

- -

I took a bus to the hospital then waited and waited until I saw a doctor. I begged him to let me into Yunho’s room, and it didn’t take long until he let me.

Yunho looked so broken. His leg was in a cast, he had bandages all over the place. My heart almost broke when I saw him in this condition. “Yunho…” I whispered.

He blinked a few times slowly before opening his eyes fully. He looked at me and his face light up. He tried to prop himself on his elbow, but he fell back down. “Kae In…I’m so happy to see you.”

His voice was weak, and it pierced to me like a thousand needles. Before I even knew it, tears began to fall and slid off my cheeks onto the cold tiles. “I’m so sorry…” I said, with my head down. I couldn’t see Yunho’s reaction, but he gave a small, weak chuckle.

“Why are you sorry?”

“I’ve hurt you…I hurt Hyuna…” I looked up at him.

There was a thin smile across his face, “You know I’ll always forgive you.” He said in barely a whisper.

I walked closer towards this bed and sat on the stool beside it. “I don’t know what got over me with Jaejoong…” I wiped the tears away with my sleeve and continued, “I was so pulled in, and I didn’t realize that the person, who cared about the most, was right in front of me.”

Yunho smiled at me, his eyes turned into two crescent moons. He reached over for my hand and held onto them, I let him. “I love you.”

I didn’t know what went over me, but I couldn’t control the tears. It just kept pouring out of my eyes, and it didn’t seem to stop. The term, ‘cry me a river’ would have applied perfectly to me at the moment. As much as it looks likes I’m in pain, the tears were of happiness. For once in my life, it feels like something is right. I’ve done something right.

A few minutes later after my teary act, the nurse escorted me out of Yunho’s room. They I can come visit again next week. At first, my heart sank, I didn’t want to wait for a week to see him.

It wasn’t until that I got home I realized that a week isn’t such a long time. I have Yunho to myself for as long as I live, and he has me. That’s plenty of time.

- -

A/N: Okay, so this is kinda a crappy ending. HAHA. Sorry! >~< But yeah, this is the end...

OH! And, before I forget, I started a new story caled, "Love me for my imperfections' trust me, it'll most likely be better than this one. LOL. It's more of a...thriller? No, I wouldn't call it that. There's just a bunch of lies within the plot. LOL. So if you want to check it out,  Click Here!

Thank you to everyone's who's subscribed to this story and kept reading it! :) It means a lot to me.


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2038 streak #1
Chapter 23: Hey there author-nim :) I just read this story and I wish it was a bit longer. It was really interesting and I'm glad she finally accepted her feelings for Yunho...
Btw didn't Yunho throw down a lighter in a gas filled room? The room would have exploded in that case and I'm surprised that both Jaejoong and Yunho came out of that situation with a minimal damage... Hehe :D
cookieghost341 #2
it nice that she <br />
finally with yunho<br />
soo sad that this <br />
story has ended T^T
Meeyon88 #3
I'm so happy that you updated your story. Gosh, I hope Yunho will be alright. And poor, Kae In. I'm sure she realized her mistakes, but people in love do some stupid things. I just hope that she and Yunho end up together.
Meeyon88 #4
Hi! Just so you know, I am still here and waiting for new chapter. I wish you all the best and I hope you'll update soon :))
QueenB_doll #5
i'll wait for u'r update..update soon ;D
Meeyon88 #6
omg, I hope Hyuna can swim and that she'll be fine. I really hope that Hyuna will forgive Kae In. They are sisters, after all. Family is the most important :) Update soon :)
reena_kim #7
New reader here~ i love this story. Imo i'd rather Kae In got JJ at first then realise her love for Yunho. Lulz. Let JJ and Hyuna suffer from heartbreaks. XD But then, surprise me~~
hu go HYUNA hwaitin im rootingfor you give it to that biatch
cookieghost341 #9
o.0<br />
i wonder what hyuna gonna do
Meeyon88 #10
Omg, please don't tell me than Hyuna will start flirting with Yunho. Please, nooooo :((( I hope Kae In understand what she did, because that wasn't cool and she IS a cool person. So I hope she'll change for better. And that she choose Yunho ;)