Chapter Twelve

Kiss Me Goodbye, Into The Light

Kae In’s P.O.V

“Hello?” A voice answered. There was so much noise in the background, I could hardly hear a thing. She’s at a club. Defiantly a club.

“Hyuna…” I whined.

“Oh my god, Kae In what is it?” She sounded annoyed. Maybe I shouldn’t have called. She’s been in a really bad mood these days. Maybe she’s on her period or something. I almost laughed. Thinking of that reminds of when she completely ignored me when I need her to get me a pad. If she ignores me this time, I just don’t know what I’ll do.

“Hyuna…I need you to come pick me up.”

“Can’t you take the bus? I’m busy right now.”

“That’s not it…I’m at…”

“Hurry up! What is it?!”

“I’m at the police station.”

Right when I finished my sentence, she hung up and I stood there, listening to the dial tone. I sulked as I walked back and sat next to Yunho.

“What happened?”

“She hung up on me.” I said blankly. I kept starring at the tiles on the floor. She just hung up. She really doesn’t care about me anymore. It’s gone. Our friendship’s gone. I curled myself up on the bench and small tears began to run down my cheeks. When I feel alone, I felt like no one was there, it was Yunho who I went to, but Hyuna. And now, she doesn’t care. She doesn’t want me. It’s over.

A little while later the police officer moved us into an empty cell since no one was coming to pick us up. They told us they were going to call both our parents. I’ve never been in jail before, and I’m scared.

“I’m sorry.” Yunho said from the opposite side of the cell.

“It’s okay. It was probably my fault.” I mumbled. I felt sick. I wanted to hurl. I wanted to go home. “I’m really sorry. I don’t remember doing any of that.”

I looked over at Yunho who had a surprised look on his face. “You didn’t?” He asked.

I shook my head. “I could only remember coughing from the smoke, and from there onwards.”

“You don’t remember anything you did before that?”

I shook my head. “Can you tell me what made the cottage set on fire?”

He froze. I knew what he was doing. He was thinking of something to cover up what actually happened.


“You got angry and smashed a bottle of vodka.”

“You’re so full of . What happened?”


“What made me smash it?”

“You just got really drunk, and then smashed it.”

I looked him in the eye. He was lying. I knew he was lying. There was no point in arguing, I knew she wasn’t going to tell me. I walked over to the bench along the walls and sat down. The whole way there, I felt his eyes on me. He knew that I knew that he knew. Did any of that even make sense? I curled up into a ball and began to think about what happened.

What did I do before the fire? I must have done something. I thought a bit more. I remember the bottle in my hands. I remember the flames that came up when I smashed it. I looked over at Yunho, his face was in his hands. I wonder if he’s alright.

The memories began to come to me little by little. I remember drinking and getting drunk. I remember making snarky comments towards Yunho. I remember hugging him, kissing him…

I shot up from the seat. I kissed Yunho. Then what? I rubbed my temples, hoping the thought would come faster if I did it like this.

I tried to take his pants off.

Oh my god. I tried to take his pants off. And he let me. He totally took advantage of me. I took off one of my sneakers and threw it at his head.

“Ouch! What was that for?” He got up from his seat and walked towards me.

“WHY DID YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME YOU ER! I HATE YOU!” I took off my other shoe and threw it at him but this time he caught it.

“It wasn’t on purpose! And We didn’t do anything!”



“So our lips touched accidently? You know Yunho, you don’t have to be such a . You know I like someone else. I don’t like you like that! Jesus Christ, You never change.”

His angry faced turned into a sad one. I regret saying what I just said.

“It just, felt right.” He mumbled and walked back over to the bench.

It just felt right? That’s all he had to say? I walked over and picked up my shoes and put them back on. After this conversation, I know it’s going to be awkward now. I put my hands on the bars and looked towards the cell on the other side. It was empty. Maybe I can move in there for the time being.

“HEY! YOU CAN’T GO THERE! IT’S PROHIBITED!” The police shouted.

I wonder who was causing trouble. I heard clacking down the empty, dark hall way. A familiar face showed up.

It was Hyuna.

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2038 streak #1
Chapter 23: Hey there author-nim :) I just read this story and I wish it was a bit longer. It was really interesting and I'm glad she finally accepted her feelings for Yunho...
Btw didn't Yunho throw down a lighter in a gas filled room? The room would have exploded in that case and I'm surprised that both Jaejoong and Yunho came out of that situation with a minimal damage... Hehe :D
cookieghost341 #2
it nice that she <br />
finally with yunho<br />
soo sad that this <br />
story has ended T^T
Meeyon88 #3
I'm so happy that you updated your story. Gosh, I hope Yunho will be alright. And poor, Kae In. I'm sure she realized her mistakes, but people in love do some stupid things. I just hope that she and Yunho end up together.
Meeyon88 #4
Hi! Just so you know, I am still here and waiting for new chapter. I wish you all the best and I hope you'll update soon :))
QueenB_doll #5
i'll wait for u'r update..update soon ;D
Meeyon88 #6
omg, I hope Hyuna can swim and that she'll be fine. I really hope that Hyuna will forgive Kae In. They are sisters, after all. Family is the most important :) Update soon :)
reena_kim #7
New reader here~ i love this story. Imo i'd rather Kae In got JJ at first then realise her love for Yunho. Lulz. Let JJ and Hyuna suffer from heartbreaks. XD But then, surprise me~~
hu go HYUNA hwaitin im rootingfor you give it to that biatch
cookieghost341 #9
o.0<br />
i wonder what hyuna gonna do
Meeyon88 #10
Omg, please don't tell me than Hyuna will start flirting with Yunho. Please, nooooo :((( I hope Kae In understand what she did, because that wasn't cool and she IS a cool person. So I hope she'll change for better. And that she choose Yunho ;)