Chapter Twenty One

Kiss Me Goodbye, Into The Light

Jae Joong’s P.O.V

I walked through the dim hallways of my home.

“Anyone home?” I shouted down the hall. As I got closer towards the end of the hall, I noticed a small beam of light coming from my room. I entered the room and saw Yunho sitting at my desk, looking through my things.

“When do you plan on throwing these out?” Yunho said, throwing a bunch of papers onto the ground. I looked down, they were all pictures of me and Hyuna.

“Who said you could come in here?”

He shrugged and got up. He walked over to me and shoved me against the door frame.

“Listen, tomorrow night, meet me at the warehouse. And you better come alone.”

He shoved me again before leaving my room. I bent over, picked up the pictures of Hyuna and threw them into the trash.

- -

The next day, I was getting anxious of what Yunho was planning. I got in my car and drove to the empty warehouse by the pier. I got out of the car and examined the place. There was fog all over the docks. I found my way to the doors. It was dark, I couldn’t even see my own hands in front of me.

“Glad you could make it.” A voice said in the dark.

“Yunho, this isn’t funny.” I turned around, “I’m leaving.” Before I could make it to the door, It shut quickly. I was in complete darkness. All of a sudden, there was pain on my right jaw. Yunho punched me. He then punched me again on my left jaw.

“You made me come here, just so you can punch me?”

“Why are you going out with her?” He said coldly.

“Why does that matter to you?” I snickered, “are you jealous?”

Yunho made another punch at me. He’s pissing me off, I can’t take this anymore. I flipped open my cellphone as a source of light. I found a light switch near the door and flicked it on.

“Are you scared of the dark?” Yunho mocked.

I put the cellphone back in my pocket. “I don’t have time for this.” I turned around and was about to walk away.

“Fight me.”

I turned around, “I’m not going to fight you.”

“Are you scared?” He smirked, “Winner gets Kae In.”

“Aren’t you going a little too ahead of yourself?” I stared into his eyes, “She’s just a girl.”

“Then I guess you have nothing to lose.”

Yunho is crazy. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Maybe he sniffed crack or something before he came here. I sighed, cracked my knuckles, and lunged towards him.

Kae In’s P.O.V

“Anyone home?” I yelled. “Guess not.” I muttered to myself.

I got a can of sprite from the fridge and went downstairs to my room. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, Hyuna awaited me at my desk.

“What are you doing down here?” I asked.

She gave me an evil look, and then started to laugh. Her high pitched, evil laugh pierced through my ears.

“Hyuna! What the hell are you doing down here?!”

She looked back at me, “Just checking stuff.” She got up and walked pass me. “My computer broke.” She whispered.

Her voice sent chills down my spine. After she left, I quickly ran towards my computer and checked the history. It was blank. She didn’t use it at all. Or maybe she did, and then deleted the whole thing. I sat there, starring at the screen, thinking of what she might have done. I shook my head after a while, there’s no use. If her plan was to get me paranoid, she’s doing a good job at it.

Yunho’s P.O.V

We seemed to lost track of time. There was blood on the floor, blood on my hands, blood running down my jaw, blood running down his. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. My heart hurts. It feels as if Kae In betrayed me. But then again, we never went out. What does Jae Joong have that I don’t? Sure he’s popular, and handsome. But doesn’t Kae In know he’s a player. He’s cheated on Hyuna so many times already. He makes me sick. Them being together makes me sick.

Jae Joong punched me again in my stomach, and I fell to the ground. “Had enough?” He grinned.

I quickly got back up and roundhouse kicked him. He fell towards the other side of the room.

My brain started to thump against my head. I felt dizzy and wanted to throw up. Everything in front of my became blurry.

“You know, Kae In, that girl is really easy.” He smirked, “if you know what I mean.”

I gritted my teeth. Don’t listen to him, he’s just trying to get at you.

“She was practically begging for me to get into bed with her.”

I clenched my fist and ran towards him, but he punched me first. I feel again, head first onto the floor. I don’t know what I was thinking when I reached for the gas handle and turned it rapidly. I then got back up, and pulled out a lighter.

“Whoa, yunho, put that down.” Jae Joong warned me. “If you drop that, I’m not the only one that’ll die.”

“Well, I guess that’s just a chance I’ll take.” I replied.

Jae Joong ran for the door, and I dropped the lighter.

I couldn’t hear, feel, or see anything afterwards. I guess I got what I wanted.

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2038 streak #1
Chapter 23: Hey there author-nim :) I just read this story and I wish it was a bit longer. It was really interesting and I'm glad she finally accepted her feelings for Yunho...
Btw didn't Yunho throw down a lighter in a gas filled room? The room would have exploded in that case and I'm surprised that both Jaejoong and Yunho came out of that situation with a minimal damage... Hehe :D
cookieghost341 #2
it nice that she <br />
finally with yunho<br />
soo sad that this <br />
story has ended T^T
Meeyon88 #3
I'm so happy that you updated your story. Gosh, I hope Yunho will be alright. And poor, Kae In. I'm sure she realized her mistakes, but people in love do some stupid things. I just hope that she and Yunho end up together.
Meeyon88 #4
Hi! Just so you know, I am still here and waiting for new chapter. I wish you all the best and I hope you'll update soon :))
QueenB_doll #5
i'll wait for u'r update..update soon ;D
Meeyon88 #6
omg, I hope Hyuna can swim and that she'll be fine. I really hope that Hyuna will forgive Kae In. They are sisters, after all. Family is the most important :) Update soon :)
reena_kim #7
New reader here~ i love this story. Imo i'd rather Kae In got JJ at first then realise her love for Yunho. Lulz. Let JJ and Hyuna suffer from heartbreaks. XD But then, surprise me~~
hu go HYUNA hwaitin im rootingfor you give it to that biatch
cookieghost341 #9
o.0<br />
i wonder what hyuna gonna do
Meeyon88 #10
Omg, please don't tell me than Hyuna will start flirting with Yunho. Please, nooooo :((( I hope Kae In understand what she did, because that wasn't cool and she IS a cool person. So I hope she'll change for better. And that she choose Yunho ;)