Chapter 6: A Painful Kiiiieeesss...

A Night Without A Million Raindrops

'Aishh! Look what you guys did! You shouldn't have left me!' Kwangmin complained when he threw a towel at us. Jinyoung had taken his shirt off and was showing his y abs. 'Ooh, no..' I thought as I looked away. The desire to look at him became stronger but I restrained myself not to look. Jinyoung ran the towel through his red hair and tried to shake all his water off his head. Kwangmin walked over to me and handed me another towel with a worried look. 'Are you alright?' Kwangmin asked me. I looked up at him and nodded. 'You should be careful. You know that those forest has wild wolves.' he warned me and somewhere far in my mind, I remembered it back. 'Sorry, I forgot.' I shyly admitted while scratching my neck. Then a sneeze came out and I sneezed a little.

'Aigooo... You caught cold in the rain.' a voice said. It wasn't Kwangmin, neither Jinyoung who looked worried at me but Kwangmins mother who ran to me while touching my forehead. I sniffed and looked at the ceiling. A feeling of dizziness took me over. 'I'm alright, ahjumma.' I sniffed. My voice suddenly sounded thicker and my eyes felt like they were swollen.

'Aigooo, my kid. You're getting a fever.' she informed me while she rapidly went away to get a thermometer. 'I said that I wa-ha-hasa...CHU!!!' I sneezed in the middle of my sentence. 'You sound like Pikachu.' Kwangmin joked but he knew that this wasn't the moment to be joking but it just slipped out of his mouth. Jinyoung who had blow dried his hair walked over to me and put a hand on my forehead. 'Aishh... You got a fever.' Jinyoung complained while he wrapped his towel around my shoulders.

'Ahjumma! Do you perhaps have fever killers?' Jinyoung asked Kwangmins mother who was desperately searching through her shelves in the kitchen. 'I-I said that I was really al-al-ha-ha-right..' I was about to sneeze but it didn't came. I leaned with my head against Jinyoungs bare chest and closed my eyes. The dizziness became worse. I felt Jinyoung wrap his arms around me and pulling me closer to him so I could catch more warmth from him. 'No, I don't have them. I think I had given Youngmin all those when he caught a cold a few weeks before.' Kwangmins mother said while holding empty medicines boxes.

My body became weaker and I was almost breaking down but Jinyoung caught me. He felt my forehead again. 'Aishhh... She's burning!' he said irritated. He then looked at Kwangmins mother and Kwangmin. 'Kwangmin, can you help me drag her to my car? Ahjumma, please call her parents, to inform them that she will be staying with me.' Jinyoung said like he was a leader and professional. Kwangmins mother didn't hesitate for a moment and ran away to call my parents. Kwangmin bended down and lifted my legs while Jinyoung my upper body.

They carefully lifted me to Jinyoungs car and opened the car door. Jinyoung placed me in the front seat while I was a little drowsy and on the edge of fainting. I heard that someone was stepping in behind me and someone next to me too. Perhaps, the driver.

'Can you bulk her seatbelt?' Jinyoung asked Kwangmin while he clicked his seatbelt. Kwangmin nodded and bulked my seatbelt before doing his own. Kwangmin my cheek and I sniffed. 'Don't worry, you'll be alright.' he whispered at me before backing behind. Jinyoung threw me a last glance before he started the engine and drove the car. 'Where are you going to take me to?' I mumbled from under my breath while I tried to stretch my clothes. I felt very hot. 'Are you taking me to the hospital? NO DON'T!!!' I suddenly shouted making Jinyoung flinch and stop the car in the middle of the way. 'Why?' Jingyoung asked me. Kwangmin leaned forwards and smirked. 'She's afraid of needles.'

Jinyoung smirked and a few strands of my hair behind my ear. 'Don't worry... It doesn't hurt that much.' he smiled. I refused and began to kick while clinging onto Jinyoung. 'No, not the hospital! Please!' I whined like a little kid followed with a over dramatic pout. Yes, fever can make me do crazy things. Jinyoung looked frustrated back at Kwangmin who just shrugged his shoulders. 'Can't blame her. She always get like this when she gets to the topic of needles.'

Jinyoung my head, trying to calm me down. I began to sob while clutching me onto Jinyoungs arm. 'Then, I don't have a choice but to take her with me.' Jinyoung chuckled while looking at Kwangmin. 'Do you think that your appartment is still available for catching her?' Kwangmin asked Jinyoung who just nodded. 'I don't know, I had cleaned it before I left for my studies.'

Kwangmin wanted to say something but he got interrupted by a loud honk behind them. Jinyoung shot back behind his steering wheel and drove again while I rolled my head sideways on the passenger seat.


After a few moments later, we arrived at Jinyoungs apartment. I was calmed down and looking like a little kid out of the window. His apartment didn't look like a flat but more like a three floors house. 'I-Is that all yours?' I asked with widened eyes. Jinyoung nodded and pulled the key out of his car. 'Whoa?!' I whined with awe. Jinyoung looked confused at me with a smirk but he somehow found it amusing. He stepped out of the car and walked over to my side. He opened my car door and I stuck out my arms to him, ready to get hugged by him. Jinyoung still looked amused and bended down. He unbulked my seatbelt and grabbed my waist with his strong arms. He pressed a kiss on my cheek before he fully dragged me out of his car and lifted me to his front door. My heart jumped and I was afraid that Jinyoung could hear me but luckily, he didn't. I saw Kwangmin pulling weird faces at me behind Jinyoung and as childish as I was, I pulled back. The door went open and we all walked in. A sweet scent rushed into my nose and I hid my face deeper in his neck as he continued to drag me upstairs. Kwangmin closed the door behind him and walked the opposite way, probably his living room.

'Can you stand?' Jinyoung asked me, ripping my attention on Kwangmin away. 'Oh, Uh... yeah I think so.' I crawled down from Jinyoung and stood next to him but Jinyoungs arm was still sternly holding onto my waist, probably afraid that I would faint. He flickered the lights on of a room and revealed a very white room, almost comparable with that of a doctors room. 'J-Jinyoung, why is your room so white like that of a doctors room?' I asked him cheekily. Jinyoung looked back at me and smiled. 'Because I AM a doctor.'

'What?!' I widened my eyes and stared at him closely. He didn't look like a doctor in every way. Don't they normally wear white jackets and a stern and serious look on their face. Jinyoung always looked playful.

I followed Jinyoungs actions with my eyes and tried to see what he was doing. 'Alright, if he takes a needle, I'm outta here.' I thought while I blinked. Jinyoung looked at me and noticed my glare. 'Stop looking at me with those raven eyes. I'm not going to poke you with a needle.' he explained.

I still looked at him with suspicion and stepped behind but there stood Kwangmin suddenly. He pushed me forwards and closed the door and ended it with a click of a lock. I pulled onto the handle and slammed the door softly. 'Euh..Kwangmin, I appreciate your presence and support but locking me with a doctor isn't very nice of you.' I scoffed while slamming the door a little harder as he didn't want to unlock it. After a few tries, I gave up and turned around. I saw Jinyoung standing a little suspicious with something behind his back and a uncomfortable look. 'Jinyoung... Tell me, you don't have a needle behind you, do you?' I asked him suspiciously.

Jinyoung frowned and shook his head. 'Well, the medicines are expired and the only thing that is helpful right now is giving you an inject-... Hey! What are you doing?!' Jinyoung asked while he saw me hiding behind a table. I widened my eyes and shouted: 'Shiro!'

Jinyoung approached me slowly closer like I was some kind of wild animal. 'It doesn't hurt. Just a small sting and it's over.' he comforted me but he was doing everything except comforting me.

I shook my head and tried to run past him. I swung with my arms around and tried to walk past him as I was noticing that he was driving me in a corner. My escape ended like a cat and mouse game since Jinyoung was fast too.

Then finally, I bumped against him and he wrapped his arms around me. I shouted, shrieked, kicked and hit him but he didn't let go of me. In fact, he just bended his head down and pressed his lips against mine. He kissed me passionately while holding me very tight against his body. I widened my eyes and stood still. He was kissing me. Kissing me. I closed my eyes calmly and felt his left hand running through my hair as he still proceeded to kiss me with his soft plum lips. But then a sharp pain emerged into my left arm and I screamed. 'Mmmriiiieeeee...' I managed to shriek but his kiss smothered me while his lips formed a smile but still proceeded to kiss me passionately and holding me close to him.


Omo, Jinyoung as a doctor *o* Nosebleed!!

Smilecake Out! ^^

Please look forward to the next chapter ^^

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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD