Say what?!

A Night Without A Million Raindrops

"Are you staying with me tonight?" I asked Jinyoung when we have finished our food. Jinyoung took out his phone and stared at the screen. "I don't know if it would be a good idea." he hesitated.

I made an 'oh' and looked down. I poked with my fork into my vegetables and put one random in my mouth. "Is it Yoona again?" I asked him. Jinyoung nodded and sighed while he put his phone on the table.

"I'm sorry." he apologized. I shook my head and smiled lightly at him. "Well, there are other days." I muttered while I put my fork onto my plate and cleaned the table. I put the dishes into the sink and started to wash them.

When I was scraping away the food of the plate, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and someone breathing behind my ear appeared. I chuckled and looked a little sideways at him.

"Wae? You can just sit in the living room. I'll be there soon." I smiled while I continued to wash the dishes. Jinyoung shook his head and kissed my neck. "That's not what I want. I just wanted to talk to you." he whispered in my ear.

"What is it?" I asked him. Jinyoung a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled. "I was just wondering, how is it possible that you don't know how tro cook?" he asked me. "I mean, didn't your mom learn you that?"

I gulped and looked down at my hands that were soaked with soap. "I..." I hesitated. To be honest, I never told anybody about the relationship between me and my mom, not even did Kwangmin know about it. But now she's gone, it doesn't matter if I told him, right?

"No, to be honest, I was mistreated. My mom was an alcoholic. Whenever I get home, I have to help her get into her bed because she was too drunk to get on her own. Sometimes, when she has a very bad mood or whenever something doesn't go her way, she would abuse me." I confessed while I had to gulp, in order to get my tears behind.

Jinyoung tightened his grip and looked down on me. "Why didn't you tell me? Does anyone know about it?" he asked me carefully. I shook my head and sighed. "No, nobody because I always thought that it was my fault that she had become like that. She told me that I was a very stubborn and stupid child to raise. That I was...," I gulped before I went on. "Bothersome."

Jinyoung put his head next to mine and hugged me from behind. "You're not bothersome. You're a very nice girl." he comforted me.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. "I'm not. According to my mom, I look just like my father, even my actions are the same like him." I added. Jinyoung sighed and grabbed my hands. "Maybe your father was a very good someone, your mother just talked bad about him in front of you, she wouldn't have you if she hated your father." he explained.

I shook my head and pulled my hand away from his. I turned myself around and looked at him. "I don't know. I have never met him. Ever since my birth...," I looked down and bit my lip. "He wasn't there for me. He left me behind with my mom. I-I don't want to talk about this right now..." I said rapidly while I walked out of my kitchen, leaving Jinyoung behind.

I went up the stairs and went into my room. I closed my door and leant myself onto it. I silently cried while tears rolled down over my cheeks. This pain, the pain of loneliness came back. Ever since I was a child, I have seen kids around my age having a fatherly figure while I didn't. I had asked my mom why I didn't have but instead she slapped me and warned me to not ever mention him again. I felt lonely and had tried to fill up the empty space but I always failed.

I went with my hand through my hair and walked through my room. I closed my eyes while I tried to calm myself down. "Everything is alright now. Don't panic." I told myself but I didn't calm down. My stomach rumbled and I felt something coming up. I walked over to the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet. I bent down and to my surprise, I threw up. I held onto my stomach while I let the miserable feeling flow out of me.

When I was done, I stood up and leant onto the sink. I looked into the mirror and saw that I looked very pale and had eyebags underneath my eyes. "What's happening to me?" I thought. I turned the button and let some water flow out of it. I splashed my face and refreshed my mouth to get that disgusting taste out of my mouth. From behind my door, I could hear someone knock onto it.

"______~ah, are you alright?" Jinyoung asked me worriedly. I wiped off my mouth and put up a weak smile. I opened the door and wiped of the tears from my face. "Y-Yeah, fine." I told him while I walked past him to my bed. I crawled onto it and let my head fall down onto my pillow.

Jinyoung walked closer to me and went to sit next to me on my bed. He my hair behind and looked concerned. "I'm sorry if I had brought up that topic. I didn't know it would be that sensitive to you." he explained. I shook my head and looked at my blanket.

"Are you alright?" he asked me again. "You feel very warm."

I put my hand onto my stomach but didn't tell him anything. "No, I'm fine." I told him. "Besides don't you need to go home already? It's already this late." I remarked when I saw the clock.

Jinyoung bit his lip when he watched the clock and then turned to me. "I stil have time." he told me. I smiled weakly and closed my eyes as I felt a little weak.

"Are you tired?" he asked me. I shook my head and smiled at him weakly. "Just a little." I admitted.

Jinyoung smiled and walked over to the other side of my bed. He pulled the blankets with him and covered me when he stepped into my bed.

"Do you want to sleep now?" he asked me. I pouted slightly and looked at him. "It would be a waste of your time then." I sadly told him. Jinyoung smiled and opened his arms for me.

I turned myself and laid into his arms while my head was put on his chest. He softly my hair and put his chin on top of my head.

"You actually have chosen a very good bed." he remarked. I chuckled and gave him a light kiss on his arm. "I know and it's a kingsized bed so you can join me any time." I joked.

"I won't sleep so much with you, Yoona would notice." he told me. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Then Kwangmin can always join me." I teased, trying to stir some jealousy in him.

Jinyoung tightened his grip and laughed. "You are some devil, baby." he remarked and kissed my temple. I chuckled and then decided to go to sleep.

"Jinyoung, when you go out, remember to lock the door." I told him. Jinyoung smiled and caressed my cheek. "Alright, goodnight, baby~."

"Goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too."

After a few minutes, I dozed off in his warm arms and wasn't alert to the things around me. Jinyoung continued to my cheek and watched the minutes go by on my clock.

After seeing that it was already this late and that he didn't want to let go of me, he decided to call Yoona, letting her know that he won't be returning home tonight. 

After putting away his phone, he took the blankets and covered me well, while he settled himself more comfortable without waking me up and cuddled with me. He kissed my cheek and muttered a 'goodnight' and went off to dreamland.




Early in the morning, a miserable feeling came up. I looked sideways and saw Jinyoung still sleeping with his arms around me. I looked confused as Jinyoung had told me he would leave yesterday night. But not long did I have the time as I wanted to vomit as soon as possible. I stood up from the bed and ran to the bathroom. I threw up and dizziness came across me.

I leant with my head against the wall and breathed slowly. Another urge to vomit came, making me bounce up and throw up again.

"________~ah?" Jinyoung asked from the room. I widened my eyes but couldn't say anything as I threw up again. I heard him get up and walk over to me. When he saw me vomit, he ran over to me and patted my back.

"______~ah, what's wrong?" he asked me. I shook my head and just threw up. Jinyoung rubbed my back and held my hair behind. When I finally stopped with puking, I sat down and breathed in and out.

Jinyoung put his hand onto my forehead and sighed frustrated. "Can you get up?" he asked me while he pulled onto my arm. I shook my head and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

Jinyoung took a glass of water and helped me wash my mouth. When I did so, he grabbed the holes of my knees and dragged me to his bed in his arms.

I laid down on the bed and rolled on my side as the dizziness got me. Everything twirled around. I moaned and rubbed my forehead. Jinyoung leant over me and asked if I was alright.

"Yeah, everything is f-fine..." I muttered weakly. Jinyoung sighed and ordered me to stick out my tongue. I did so and he examined it thoroughly.

"Are you very tired lately?" he asked me. I shook my head lightly.

"Do you overreact a lot lately?"

Again, I shook my head. "If you count the panick attacks, yes." I added.

Jinyoung cleared his throath and stared into my eyes.

"Did you have your periods?" he asked me. I widened my eyes as I forgot about that. I didn't pay attention that I was late this month. "No.." I admitted with a little voice.

"You're late? We were ual active a few days ago, aishh... I should have known.' Jinyoung muttered to himself.

I widened my eyes and looked at him shocked. "W-What?' I stuttered.

"You eat a lot lately, you vomit in the morning, you're overreacting, why didn't I notice that earlier?" he asked himself.

I took his face in my hands and turned him to look into my eyes. "W-What are you talking about?" I asked him.

Jinyoung groaned and let out a deep sigh. "You're pregnant because of me." he concluded with a cold tone.



Dum dum dumm!!!

Did you expect that? ^^

Please look forward to the next chapter ^^

I love you guys for commenting and reading my story, how can I thank you? ^^

Bye bye!


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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD