Happy Ending Part 2.

A Night Without A Million Raindrops

"H-How did you do that?" I asked him while we were walking to the car that he had parked somewhere far. I was allowed to leave the hospital and go home with Jinyoung.

"Simple, those doctors were my friends from when I was in college." he told me. I widened my eyes and looked at him. "Doctor Sandeul?" I asked him.

Jinyoung nodded and smiled. "Yes, he was one of my best friends, alongside Baro, Gongchan and Shinwoo." he told me.

I widened my eyes and looked to the front. "Baro, the gynacologic, Gong Chansik, the psychiatrist and Sandeul, the caretaker." I summed it up. Jinyoung smiled and nodded. "Yep, they all have succeeded into being a doctor just like me." he told me. "And besides, that secret visit to Baro, we have to talk about it." he told me.

I lowered my eyes and looked down. "You shouldn't have take me out of the hospital." I suddenly told him. Going home with Jinyoung means that I have to face familiar persons and the thought about Kwangmin made me miserable and nervous. We stepped into the car and took on the seat belt.

Jinyoung looked at me confused while he held onto the steering wheel with one hand. "Why is that?" he asked me.

I didn't look at him and sighed while a tear slipped down from the corner of my eyes. "Because I can't face the others. I'm not even worth to be by their side." I told him. "And I'm mostly sorry for what I have done to you in the past. It was never my intention." I muttered.

Jinyoung sighed and pulled me towards him. "_____~ah, people makes mistakes." he told me. I shook my head and pulled away. "You don't get it. After so many years, I still regret and blame myself for what I have done. I shouldn't have send that picture. I really can't predict how stupid I can be, even saying sorry to you doesn't feel enough. I feel like I don't deserve anyone. I should be locked up and die lonely..."

Jinyoung put a finger onto my mouth and hushed me while he bent in.

"I forgive you... I have already forgiven you a long time ago, or else I wouldn't have come to find you." he whispered with a smile before he pressed his lips onto mine. Jinyoung caressed my waist and kissed me tenderly.

"I love you and nothing will stop me from loving you. After so many years, you really didn't know how it had been for me without you by my side. I must be thankfull to you. You have given me such a lovely daughter. It really had to be a hard time for you to take care of her and still went through all the trouble for her." he told me. "This shows how great your love towards a person can be and why can't you do that for me too? Why can't you let your love win over you guilt and regret, like in the past how you still stubbornly went on with a secret relationship. Nothing will stop us from now on. The doesn't look so important anymore, because we are both adults. We can date each other freely." he whispered against my lips.

I didn't know what to say. His words were so sincerely. Tears were just streaming down like no end.

"J-Jinyoung...." I sobbed.

Jinyoung smiled and pressed his lips against mine again.  "I love you..." he muttered.


"Humh... Where's Jiyoung?" I asked him when I scanned through the room with my eyes. Jinyoung had renovated his house and made it bigger. I couldn't help but to watch with rounded eyes. It was sooo big.

"Jiyoung is with Kwangmin and Yoona. I couldn't take her with me so Kwangmin is babysitting on her." he told me. Jinyoung walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Why didn't you actually tell me that you were pregnant back then?" he asked me. I shook my head and sighed. "Because, I didn't want to take abortion and if I told you, you would be making an appointment straight away." I told him. 

Jinyoung kissed my cheek and put his head against mine. "I wouldn't have done that. Sure I would have persuaded you with abortion but if you still fiercely had insisted, we would have kept her." he told me.

I lowered my eyes and turned me around. "I'm really sorry for everthing." I told him. Jinyoung tilted up my chin and chuckled. "Don't be, now you're back, I would want nothing but to make happy memories with you." he told me with a smile.

"And Yoona?" I asked him. Jinyoung laughed and kissed my jawline. "Haven't you heard? Kwangmin is married with Yoona. We didn't fit each other and after you had disappeared, I realized whom I should choose. It was you all the time that made me feel what love was." he told me.

I smiled and hugged him. "I have missed you." I muttered.

Jinyoung tightened his grip and nuzzled his nose into my neck. "Me too, but from now on, you'll be living with me in this house." he smiled.

I giggled and walked around. "It's very beautiful what you did to your house." I told him. Jinyoung nodded and took my hand. "Why don't you go with me to Jiyoungs room?" he asked me.

I nodded and followed him up the stairs. He opened the door to Jiyoungs room and I gasped. It was so beautiful. So pretty. This was everything that a little girl could have dreamt of.

"You have been a great dad to her." I told him. Jinyoung smiled and pulled me closer. "You were a very great mom too." he told me. I shook my head and sighed. "She doesn't even remember my face anymore." I confessed.

Jinyoung shook his head and smiled. "No, she does. She has been asking me where you had been all these time and if you were ever coming back. She could even perfectly point out your face on pictures." he told me.

"Then she's a smart girl, just like her daddy." I smiled.

Jinyoung shook his head again and tapped my nose. "You are smart too." he told me.

I chuckled and looked down while I slowly yawned. Jinyoung saw that and smirked amused. "Let's sleep. It has been a long ride." he told me. I nodded and wanted to go the guest room but Jinyoung pulled me back and dragged me into his room. "You're sleeping with me tonight." he chuckled.

I widened my eyes and looked at him. "What?" I asked him. Jinyoung nodded and put me down on his bed. He covered me with his blankets before he undid himself from his clothes too.

He stepped into his bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. I laid my head onto his chest and smiled. He caressed my hair and kissed the tip of my nose.

"But we're not even dating." I told him. Jinyoung chuckled and kissed my cheek. "We don't even have to be." he told me before he sat up more right and bent over me to rumble in some of his shelves. Finally he could find what he was searching for and turned back to me.

"____~ah, we don't need to date to be together," he kissed my cheek. "Be my wife, okay?" he smirked while taking my hand. He slid a ring around my finger and then pressed his lips onto mine.

"Be mine forever. Let's get married right away." he whispered in my ear. I smiled widely and nodded happily. "I would love to."

Jinyoung turned off the lights and cuddled with me under the blankets. "I love you, Ms. Jung."

"I love you too, Mr. Jung." I giggled with a blush. Jinyoung laughed and bent in. "Shall we sleep and leave the readers alone?" he asked me. 

I nodded slowly and kissed his lips while I put my hand in his neck. "Goodnight, Jinyoung..."

"Goodnight, my wife and good night everyone..."


The End.


So this was the happy ending, did you enjoy it?

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See you around~!!


Update*: There is a story with extras of this story, check it out if you like ;) A night with a million raindrops.


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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD