
A Night Without A Million Raindrops

We sat in the car while Jinyoung drove us to school. Kwangmin sat in the front while I sat behind. I stared out of the window while I thought about this morning. I had a panick attack, I wonder how it was possible. 

Kwangmin turned back from his seat and looked at me. I knew why he looked, because he still hadn't received an answer for his confession which I'm still doubting if I should accept it. I mean, I know that Jinyoungs relationship with me wouldn't end well, so I have to use a plan B, but isn't this using Kwangmin?

I like Kwangmin but not on the way he did. I like him as a friend but not as a lover.

I ignored his stare and continued to stare out of the window. We have finally arrived at school where multiple students were walking over the street which made us drive slower.

Finally we could step out of the car but Jinyoung stopped me. He took off his sunglasses and grabbed my arm from his window. I looked confused at him as Kwangmin went to stand next to me.

'What?' I asked. Kwangmin put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it softly.

'I don't think it's a good idea to go to school today.' Jinyoung began. Kwangmin who stood next to me nodded and smiled weakly. 'Me too. I think you should go with Jinyoung today to go shopping.' Kwangmin further told me.

I shook my head and blinked my eyes in disbelief. 'What? Why? I'm fine.' I protested.

Jinyoung raised an eyebrow and looked at me with disbelief. '_____~ah, you had a panick attack this morning.' he remembered me.

I bit my lip and held onto my bag tighter. 'That's why I need some distraction.' I replied. 

Kwangmin sighed and a bang behind my ear. 'If you want distraction, go shopping for furnitures for your house. I don't think you would like to sit here all day on your with nagging teachers.' he joked but there was some sense in his sentence. I indeed need to have furniture in my house if I want to live there as soon as possible.

'But I don't have a job. Or money.' I summed it up. Kwangmin smiled and my arm. 'Just go with Jinyoung. He'll help you.' he said. Somehow the way how he comforted me had a strange feeling at it.

Jinyoung had noticed too and shood Kwangmin away, probably from jealousy. 'Your bell has rang. You need to go to class.' Jinyoung shood him. Kwangmin looked up and smiled at us. 'Well, I'll be leaving them. Take care!' Kwangmin smiled while he kissed my temple. I widened my eyes and Jinyoung too.

'Yah! What's with that? Pig!' Jinyoung yelled after him with a teasing tone. Kwangmin ran away laughing leaving me astonished behind. 'He doesn't think we're dating, does he?' I thought confused.

Jinyoung then turned to me and motioned with his head to the other side of his car. 'Come on.' he smiled.

I groaned and stepped with distaste to the other side of his car and stepped into it. I slammed the door and folded my arms.

Jinyoung smiled and drove the car away from school.

When we are at the freeway, I looked at him questioning. Jinyoung looked from the corner of his eyes and smiled. 'What are you looking at?' he asked me with a smirk. I shrugged my shoulders and dropped me lower on the seat. I stared in front of me and Jinyoung placed a hand on mine. He pulled it and made us intertwine our hands in the middle of the car. 

'Tell me.' he smiled.

I laughed and took his sunglasses to wear. 'I was just wondering, don't you need to work?' I asked him with a smile.

Jinyoung chuckled and shook his head. He took out his phone from his pocket and threw it at me. 'Read the message baby.' he smirked.

I smiled and opened his menu screen. A message was still opened that was from Yoona.



I think you should take ____~ah somewhere else today, it might be better for her

I'll take over your job today since I have a better diploma than yours ;p

Love you~!



I widened my eyes and laughed. 'Woow,.' I said while reading the message. Jinyoung looked sideways at me and smiled. 'What? She has a lot of trust in me?' he asked me.

I shook my head and chuckled. 'No, that Yoona has a better diploma than you.' I teased.

Jinyoung laughed and kissed the back of my hand. 'Thanks for supporting me so much.' he said with sarcasm. I chuckled and bent closer to him. I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his shoulder.

'You know that it is dangerous to drive like this, eh?' Jinyoung asked me. I laughed and went to sit back on my seat. 'Does Yoona have a better drive license than you?' I with a little voice.

Jinyoung dropped his jaw and nudged me softly on my shoulder. I burst out in laughter and leant with my head on the window.

'You just couldn't let it go, huh?' Jinyoung smirked. I shook my head laughing and tried to calm me down.

'Anyways, I have a better diploma than Yoona, she was just kidding AND I have a better drivers license than her.' he bragged.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. 'Really?' I asked him. Jinyoung nodded and smiled.

'And what makes you better than her? She has the same study as you do, she is a doctor too.' I spoke.

Jinyoung laughed and his hair back. 'I. Have the looks. No, serious, I have practiced more than her. She spent more time on her study than practice, that's why.' he told me.

I nodded and my hair behind. 'Where are you taking me?' I asked him. Jinyoung looked at me and smiled. 'A furniture store. We're going to buy furniture.' he told me.

I raised my eyebrow and sighed. 'I don't have money. What do you two don't get about that part?' I asked him.

Jinyoung chuckled and parked his car in front of the store. 'Who says that you are going to pay?' he asked me while he flashed his creditcard in front of my nose.

He stepped out of his car with a smirk and left me astonished behind. 'W-W-Wait!' I yelled from out of his car. I stepped out of his car and grabbed his waist.

'You are so not going to pay!' I warned him. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow and held my arms. 'Too late, we are already here.' he smirked.

I pouted and let go of him. I folded my arms and looked at him stubbornly. 'I'm not getting in the store as long as you insist to pay!' I persuaded him.

Jinyoung laughed and turned to me. He walked closer to me and grabbed my waist. 'If you don't get in right now, I'll drag you in.' Jinyoung threathened with a smirk.

I pouted and looked away. 'Make me.' I smirked back.

Jinyoung shrugged his shoulders and lifted me up by my waist. I gasped as he had tilted me a whole way up and put me in his arms. 'L-Let goo!' I stuttered.

Jinyoung chuckled and went the store in with a flustered me. 'F-Fine...You'll pay, please let me down!' I hissed embarrased in his ear. Jinyoung who was confident about his victory let me down and walked with me through the furnitures.

'But I'll pay you back as soon as I have a job.' I told him. Jinyoung nodded simple and looked at a bed. 'Isn't this one nice?' he asked me.

I looked at the bed and was overwhelmed by it's kingsized size. It was a very nice one but as soon as I saw the price my mood dropped.

'3500.' I thought sadly. Jinyoung who saw me change mood, smiled. 'Just choose your furniture without looking at the price. I'll pay.' he told me. 

I sighed and shook my head. 'There's no way I could ever pay you back if I choose those furnitures, besides, why did you even brought me to this fancy store?' I asked him. 'There are no furnitures less than 1000 bucks here.' I told him.

Jinyoung smiled and grabbed me from behind. 'You're my girl, I want the best for you.' he smiled. I chuckled shyly and looked at the bed.

'Well, the bed is nice...' I began.

Jinyoung smiled and kissed my cheek and slowly trailed down to my lips.

He kissed me passionately while he held me tightly in his embrace.


But near a corner of a wall, a girl snapped pictures with her cellphone. She smirked and clacked her teeth. She turned back to the other two girls and smirked. 'Well, I didn't expect Jinyoung, our school doctor, 24-year old to date a sixteen kid.' the girl smirked while she browsed through the high-definition pictures she took on her phone.

'The school principal would love to see these pictures.' she smirked evily.



Well as requested, I'll try to update everyday ^^

Enjoy this chapter ^^

Can you feel the drama coming up? :D

Thanks for taking your time to read my stories and to comment, I seriously am thankful ^^

PLease look forward to the next chapter, ^^

see you around!


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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD