Kevin - The old new girl..

Forbidden Love


You and Kevin were watching a movie when suddenly a lot of noise was heard from the kitchen. You shook up and looked at Kevin. The two of you ran towards the kitchen, Finding Soohyun, Dongho AND a girl. ".. Lee Hi?" Kevin asked a bit unsure. "Kevin? Is that really you? Woa!! You've changed a lot!!" She said happy. Kevin wasn't sure how to react. "Dongho.. How did you.." "I don't know exactly.. Let's get a cup of tea and i'll try to explain.." Dongho smiled as he hugged Lee Hi. Lee Hi hugged back. Soohyun fixed his hair and started making tea. "No no no! Soohyun, Go rest in the living room. I'll make the tea" You said sweet. Soohyun thanked you and went to the living room. You started preparing the tea. 

As you entered the living room, Dongho started explaining how he did it. Soohyun helped him as he appeared in the story. You, Kevin and Lee Hi listened till the end. "But.. Lee Hi. How did you experienced everything?" Kevin asked. Lee Hi started to tell her story. She's been so lonely the past years.. You thought to yourself as she told her story. As she finished her story you stood up and reached your hand out to her. She looked at you and slowly took it. You shook your hand. "Hi, I'm Heeyoung! Let's be friends" You smiled at her. She smiled back, "Hi, I'm Lee Hi, I would love to!" She said happy. Kevin and Dongho looked at each other, Smiling. 

When the other members came to the livingroom, Seeing the new girl, They had to explain again. They've never seen this girl before. "So this is Dongho's prescious Muse? I can see why!" Eli said, while checking out Lee Hi. It made her feel uncomfortable. Xander hitted Eli's back of his head. "Stop scaring her off!"  "Ah, That's officially the boy who got Hee Young joining us!" Dongho said as he pointed at Xander, "His name is Xander." "Then how did she end up with Kevin?" Lee Hi asked. "Ah, Well, How did it happen again?" Dongho looked at Kevin. "it all started when she came over at our house to study. Remember? We were studying for an upcoming exam and she had this drawing in her book, Dongho didn't liked her that much in those times so he took the drawing and bullied her. She's actually a very good artist! When she tried to put it back, she cut her finger, And ofcourse, Everyone went mad. It was like .. Putting a mouse in a cage full of snakes!" Kevin told, "She slept in the room with me and Xander, The next day me, Xander and Heeyoung were too late for class so we sneaked in, Xander got caught and had to do extra exercises, However, Me and Heeyoung were able to get away. In the hall i hugged her and we both went to the lessons. In the break i gave her a paper, We would be meeting up after school. That afternoon we actually confessed that we like each other so we met in secret for about a week. After that it was undenyable that we were dating, So we just came out." Kevin said. "Wasn't it dangerous? .. like me and Dongho.. What happened.. It could happen to you." Lee Hi asked a bit afraid. "It did brought a lot of trouble.. My parents called him monster, His parents didn't like me either, We had a lot of things going on, However we somehow made a way through it.. It worked!" You explained.  She looked at you, "Woa.. how can you hold on that tight with all those bad things against you?" You shrugged, "I guess it's the love that pulls me through" You smiled. "Omg! you're so cool Hee young-ah!" She said admiring. It kinda startled you a bit, No one has ever said such things to you. "U-uhm.. thanks?" You smiled a bit awkward. Kevin hugged you and laughed. "Neh, Lee Hi, You must be tired.. Shall we go to bed?" Dongho asked. Heeyoung nodded. They went to bed. "Let's go too.." Kevin smiled at you. You looked at Kevin, smiling and went to the room. 

"i wonder how this is gonna end.." Hoon smiled. "I don't know.. i'm only sure we're in deep trouble now we saved that girl from the vamp society.." Soohyun said a bit troubled.


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Chapter 26: Hwaiting author-nim!!
I lile this story a lot~
Please update soon~^^
Have a nice day Unni!
Chapter 86: Yay! Thank you for updating I really love this story!^^
veran97 #3
Chapter 82: new reader here!!
I love the story sooo much it’s so interesting XD
Anyway update soon!!^^
Chapter 82: please update soon
Chapter 82: Yay your back!^^
Damn you Vamp Society -.-
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 82: Damn That vampire society
Whimsical_Princess #7
Chapter 81: Omg an other one :) :D
I loved the update
Whimsical_Princess #8
Chapter 80: Omg loved the update
Whimsical_Princess #9
Chapter 79: Loved the update
Whimsical_Princess #10
Chapter 78: WOOOOOOOOW O.O