those words

Nam Woohyun, I hate you!

No One's P.O.V
"what happened? who did it?" Hoya asked you.

You couldn't stop crying. Your eyes were filled with tears and its making your vision blurry...

"It's her..." you half whispered. "Her? her who?" they asked you.

you thought of her and it just reminded you of the scene you saw earlier. it made you cry even louder. It made your heart break even more.

"I dont know her name, but i saw her kiss Woohyun earlier..." you explained to them.

"Can you describe her to us? maybe we know her." Sunggyu asked you.

You did what was told. You tried to describe that girl as clearly as you can remember. As you finished, you saw all of Infinite's eyes widened....

You eyed them, stopped and stare at Sunggyu. The situation was bad but you wanted to laugh at Sunggyu's eyes. His attempt of widening his eyes was such a fail... 

"SUJIN!" The 7 of them yelled out her name. 

"Woohyun's ex-girlfriend!" Dongwoo said. You were shocked at what you found out.

*ex-girlfriend? meaning...they dated. what if they still have something up until today?.. what if Woohyun lied earlier...about him loving me? What if that kiss they had meant something..?*

Questions occupied your mind. It was filled with what ifs...

"Noona. dont worry... ex means theyre over. that kiss meant nothing..I know Woohyun hyung... I know that he loves you." Sungjong's words comforted you. Its like he read your mind.

"Shouldn't we go to the Hospital now?" Sungyeol asked. All of you guys agreed and got going...

*At the Hospital*

By the time you all got there. You were told that he was still in the Operating room. You had stopped crying now and noticed how puffy your eyes looked.

The rest of Infinite were all seated at the waiting area while you kept walking back and forth in front of the Operating room.

"-----ah. you should sit and rest. you've been through a lot today." They told you but you cant. you cant sit and relax knowing that Woohyun's inside that room fighting for his life. 

"Mianhae. I cant... how am i supposed to rest knowing that the man that i ...." you stopped...stayed silent.... and turned away from them. They know you had a tough day so they didn't bother you anymore.

*knowing that the man that i....what? Im not sure with my feelings anymore... the man that i love?...the man that i hate?....what is it? I hated him for breaking my heart and for giving me that fear of ever trusting again...the fear of ever loving someone again..but at the same time, he saved me...he was willing to die for me...he said he love me and i guess he made me feel loved. I'm hurt enough to continue, but i've gotten this far to quit. what exactly do i feel for him?*

Your thoughts reminded you of the past. How he pretended to love you at first... You closed your eyes... It was hard to handle. You thought you were a pretty strong person, but now youre not even sure anymore. You were tired and needed a distraction so you pulled out your phone and went on you were stumbled upon a quote..

                                              the moment you are ready to quit 
                               is usually the moment right before a miracle happens.
                                                         Do not give up.

"Do...not..give up?" you whispered. You closed your eyes and flashbacks of happy moment with Woohyun started playing in your mind. Looking back, you realized that you were too caught up with his lies and bad moments and had forgotten about your happy times with him. You didn't know what has gotten into you but you were suddenly so determine to never give up on him. You smiled at the thought of him waking up and making more happy memories with him.

After what seemed like forever... The operation was finished. Woohyun was asleep and they transffered him to a normal room.

You were so happy and couldn't wait for him to wake up. The doctors said the operation was successful and that he'll be okay soon.

You and the rest of Infinite waited and waited. You were sitting by his side, holding his hand, staring at his beautiful face so lovingly. You have never imagine forgiving him after everything but here you are now.... You noticed that he blinked his eyes and it soon opened.

You stood up and Infinite started to surround Woohyun's bed.

"Hyung!" Sungjong called. Woohyun made eye contact with you and you smiled at him..
your smile soon faded when he asked those words....


 "Who are you?"


Tears started to fill your eyes again. you couldn't believe it. You were hurt. Just a few minutes ago, you were so determined to continue this love for him, but now, you were so devastated.

Feeling your heart break even more, you ran out and left. You heard Infinite calling your name but their voices suddenly tuned out. 

This moment... you didnt wanna hear anything, you didn't wanna feel anything. Then those words that you've been wanting to say for the past weeks finally left your mouth...

"I give up."



OMG. finally an update. -.-

lol. im really sorry. i keep saying sorry every time i update after a long time... but i really mean it.

IDK when i started this story.. some time in 2012...? but yeah damn its bee two years. 

shoutout to my bestfriend.. @alooha_marie...for telling to me update. 

I finally got myself to update. anyways... i'll post the last chappie tomorrow. btw. i read my last chapter and tbh i cried. i cant believe it. am i the only one who cries at their own fic? 

Thanks to those who stayed as my subbies and those who commented. ily all. <3

How was this chapter? LOLOLOLOL. wait for the last one.. gosh. i feel evil. #kbyeee

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Huhitscorn #1
Chapter 32: Can u pls update love this fix and I also ended at a clip hanger so frustrating anyway ly fics ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 11: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ fangirling over woohyunnie.... i love ur fic author nim ^_^
사라해 / I love u / je t'aime /احبك ......grease virus detected hhhhhhh sorry .... but I really love ur fic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 32: wait what. im kinda confused but thanks for the update anyways
bayan_ #4
Chapter 31: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!
your story is soooooooo sooooooo great!!~<3
I think I'm going to cry ...ugh!!!
love it<333
Chapter 30: Finally you update:')*-*
Oooh a romantic end is always beautiful *^*
Fredakpop #6
Chapter 30: Ahhhh updateeeeeeee soon ~~
kiseop1 #7
Chapter 30: Update plz! I just knew this fanfic today And I read all 30 chapters Now xD anyways update plz! and nooo i don't want this fanfics to end :(
YAAAHH! Hurry up and UPDATE xD LOL.
please update soon~ really love your story :D
Chapter 21: Please update ><