Lee Byung Hyun and A date???

Nam Woohyun, I hate you!

L.Joe's P.O.V.

As soon as I got to school, I looked for --------. I looked to the left and I looked to the right but can't seems to find her. Instead I found.... Teen top.

"yah, L.Joe hyung who are you looking for?" Ricky asked me. "--------. have you guys seen her?" I asked them.

"why are you looking for her?" Chunji said. "I'll tell you guys later, just help me find -------. I need to talk to her!" I explained. they agreed on helping me. We turned around to go to the other way, and there we saw Infinite. I guess they heard everything.

"YAH! why are you looking for my sister?" L asked coldly. I gave the other members of Teen Top a "just-ignore-them-&-lets-find-her-now" look. And we started walking a way but Infinite stopped us. 

"YAH! don't walk away when we're talking to you guys!" Sunngyu told Teen Top. "why cannot? you're not the boss of us" Ricky mumbled but Infinite heard it. "Yah. maknae watch your mouth."Woohyun said while glaring at Ricky.

Minutes passed and all  Infinite & Teen Top did was glared at each other since Teen Top didn't answer Infinite's question.

Your P.O.V. (-------)

I was walking with Minyoung to go to the Library. "I wonder where Infinite's are, I really need to talk to them about Teen Top." I told Minyoung while reading the book I was Holding. Minyoung didn't say anything so i looked at her, she was staring at something or someone. I followed her gaze and saw Infinite and Teen Top. Standing there glaring at each other.... "lets go!" I said to Minyoung and we ran to where they are.

" whats going on here?" I asked the 2 groups. they didn't hear me at first so I yelled "YAH!" on top of my lungs. they all looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and asked "Whats going on?". Sungjong was about to talk to me when L.joe came running into me and bear hug me.....

"Yah. I miss you!" he said. "uhh. L.joe we just saw each other yesterday." I gave him a confused look. "aiggoo' it's 8 years pabo!" he argued. 

"L.Joe what are you talking about you and noona just met, your the pabo!" Myungsoo butted in. "aissshh. how could you guys forget about me?" L.Joe asked me. "Uhh..your L.Joe and I just met you." I told him.

"this is me, your cousin. you were my favorite cousin and you forgot about me." He said with sadness. I tried remembering the past, then I remembered.... there's only one cousin who calls me "FAVORITE COUSIN" and thats Lee Byung Hyun.

I looked at L.Joe and he's smiling like an Idiot in front of me. "Lee....Byung....Hyun!??" I mumbled. He laugh and bear hug me again.

"YAH! since when did you come back?" I asked him. "just a few months ago. I tried looking for you, I went to your old house but you guys don't live there anymore." he said.

I was so attached into this that I forgot that Infinite, Minyoung, and Teen Top are also here. Me and L.joe looked at them and they were staring at us as if we're aliens. "Hyung!" Sungjong said and hug L.Joe... While Myungsoo.... walked away and the rest of Infinite foloowed him excluding Sungjong.

"whats wrong with him?" I asked Sungjong. "Molla" he said.

"so you and L.Joe are cousin -------?" Minyoung asked. "hehe yeah." I said while playfully punching L.Joe. " YAH! Byung Hyun. why didn't you write me back?".

"Because he met this chinese girl and he had a crush on her." Niel butted in , and the rest of Teen Top laughs. "YAH!" L.Joe yelled at s.

"ohh. so that girl is more important than me. I see how it is L.Joe" I sarcasticly told him. "of course not, I was just so busy. I have to work my of to learn english." he reasoned. "arasso. lets go now we'll be late for class." I told everyone. so we started going to our classes.

Minyoung told me she need to use the bathroom so I walked alone, until chunji came running to catch up to me. "hey. ------ah."  he said. "oh hey chunji. you need something?" I asked him. "uhmm...tomorrow. can you go out?" he asked me. "uh..yeah..of course" i told him. "oh great. so lets meet each other at the park tomorrow at 3:00 pm" he said. "sure" i said while giving him a smile. "okay i have to go now. bye ------" he said then ran away.

"OMO. did he just ask me on a date?" I asked myself. "OMO. WHO?" aisshh this girl came out of nowhere. "yah! i though you went to the bathroom." I changed the topic. "Yes I did and you walked like a turtle that I catched up to you. so tell me, who asked you on a date?" She asked.

"hhmm..no one" I said. "yah! you told me we have to tell each other everything!" she reasoned. "aishh fine. its Chunji. he asked me to go out with him. but i don't know if its supposed to be a date." I told her. she stared fangirling. "OMO. I'm so happy for you." she said. "kaja kaja. we'll be late" I told her and started walking away.


A/N: annyeong. ^----^. another update. sorry if its lame, I'll update tomorrow..if I can....

thanks for taking the time to read this fic. those who commented, thank you. those who subscribes, thank you.....


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Huhitscorn #1
Chapter 32: Can u pls update love this fix and I also ended at a clip hanger so frustrating anyway ly fics ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 11: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ fangirling over woohyunnie.... i love ur fic author nim ^_^
사라해 / I love u / je t'aime /احبك ......grease virus detected hhhhhhh sorry .... but I really love ur fic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 32: wait what. im kinda confused but thanks for the update anyways
bayan_ #4
Chapter 31: OMG OMG OMG!!!!!
your story is soooooooo sooooooo great!!~<3
I think I'm going to cry ...ugh!!!
love it<333
Chapter 30: Finally you update:')*-*
Oooh a romantic end is always beautiful *^*
Fredakpop #6
Chapter 30: Ahhhh updateeeeeeee soon ~~
kiseop1 #7
Chapter 30: Update plz! I just knew this fanfic today And I read all 30 chapters Now xD anyways update plz! and nooo i don't want this fanfics to end :(
YAAAHH! Hurry up and UPDATE xD LOL.
please update soon~ really love your story :D
Chapter 21: Please update ><