Chapter 30

A Nightmare Turns Into A Magical Dream (under editing c;)



We walked out of the coffee shop and went to the East Sea with her. I guess she haven't went here. I told her to take off her shoes to feel the white sand. She took off her shoes and I did the same. We're walking peacefully there, listening to the water that hits on the shore. It feels great walking here with her. A PERFECT CONFESSION TO A PERFECT GIRL. I stopped and held out a handkerchief from my pocket. "Twinkle, I have to put this in your eyes. As what I've said later, it's a SURPRISE." She just nodded and gave me a smile. I tyed the both ends of the handkerchief on the back of her head. "You can't see anything, right?" She nodded. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course." She responded. "Thanks. Let's go. Hold my hand, don't worry I'll not let go of your hand." I said. "I trust you." I smiled a bit because of what she had said. Thanks for trusting me. I will not disappoint you. Never. We walked for a several steps and too soon, I told her to take off the handkerchief off of her head. She took it off and she blinked few times to get used of the light. "Where are we?" She asked. "TADA!" 




Sehun told me to took off the handkerchief and when I opened my eyes, I saw a rounded table covered with  a red and white blanket. There's a scented candles on the top of the table, an appetizing food and a champagne. "What's this? Is it your birthday?" I asked him again. He shook his head. It's not my birthday also then what's the occasion? He grabbed the chair out of the table and told me to have a sit. I smiled and seated. He sat acrossed me. It's kind of hot out here but it's windy too. "Let's eat then I'll tell you what's the occasion." Sehun said. I began to eat and later on Sehun get out of his sit. He went somewhere and came back holding a plate of a chocolate cake. Woah. A CHOCOLATE CAKE! "Here." He put the cake in front of me. "Eat this first." Sehun commanded. "I'LL EAT THIS NOW? ARE YOU KIDDING?" I asked him and he nodded. "You're serious?" He nodded again. "Okay then." I get the fork and took a bite on the cake. "How was it?" Sehun asked. "It's delicious." I answered and took my second bite.


I feel something inside my mouth. My eyebrow pinched together. What's this? I get a tissue and took the thing from my mouth. "What is it twinkle? Do you have any problem there?" Sehun asked. "A RING!" I made an O_O face. "Why there's a ring on the cake?" Sehun get the ring and soaked it on a water. He wiped it and get out from his seat. No way. What's this? A proposal? No. Don't be assuming, you pabo! He's not going to propose right? Sehun kneels down and held out the ring. "Twinkle, calm down. I'm not going to propose." "Then if you're not going to propose, get up!" I'm pulling him up but he's too strong so he remained kneeling down. Aish. "Ms. Choi you..." Sehun looked at me straight in my eyes. "Since we're young, I promised that I'll marry you but it's too early for that. I hope you can accept my love for you. Can you be my first and last girlfriend?" I swallowed and lowered down my head. Three letters, one word, one syllable are floating in my mind. "It's a yes..." 


Sehun is my childhood friend who take cares about me, the one who's always here for me, knows what my happiness is. In just two months, he gave me the reason why I have to choose him. He can comfort me but he's still like a child for me. But he's too cute. He usually comes with me on the library and make our assignments and projects. I regret nothing. 


Sehun slid the ring on my ring finger and hugs me. The hug with a full of love. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you Twinkle..." Sehun whispered. "I love you too." I responded. I hope we can stop the time and stay like this forever. And they live happily ever after.








How's the ending guys? T_____________T I'm so sorry but I have to end it this story right away because alot of you requested for a sequel. ;AAAAA; How about Kai? I dunno. XDD 

















OPPPSSS! JUST KIDDING! HAHAHHAHAHAH. This is not the end guys. WAIT!! There's more! Aigoo~ I can't end the story like this. Thank you guys for supporting this fic. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I just realized that I really really need to improve my english. LOLOLOL. I'll be back tomorrow guys! Thanks again! LOVE LOTS <3 

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alisasailo #1
Chapter 1: Love this fic right from the beginning
Chapter 1: Why is her name exosehunkai? Just like my kinda confused here....why cant she have a normal human being name? Hahaha
Chapter 1: I dont quite understand.....why is her name exosehunkai? I got confused reading.....someone please answer my question....please :'(
the story is awesome authornim!
Chapter 25: No!~ Kai is leaving~
Chapter 21: I want her to be with Kai~ T^T
Nice story
Hey! I'm sorry for disturbing but, I just checked out this fanfic just now. And guess what ?!?! The Character's name says: MoniKai, which is my name here in AFF and my friends trying to call me and I was very surprised seeing this ! :) HAHA! Anyways, I bet this is just a coincidence. :P
Anyi00 #9
Chapter 39: Woahh... A beautiful story indeed..
Anyi00 #10
Chapter 39: Woahh... A beautiful story indeed..