Chapter 26

A Nightmare Turns Into A Magical Dream (under editing c;)



Kai left but after that I didn't expect that she's going to be like this. Sad at first but she already gets over with it. I'm happy that she's doing everything to make herself happy. We're going to Myeondong while we're holding hands. I want to keep the blushing Sehun this time. Soon, we reached the Myeondong. A lot of couples we're holding hands and wearing couple tees. How nice. We came to Myeondong but she's still holding my hands. We went on different shops and eat some food at the food stalls. She let go of my hands when she saw a couple shirt. A rilakkuma t-shirt. She told me to wear one. I can't refuse. So I just wear it. She's wearing the same as mine too. "I'm sorry for making your wear this. I just want to wear t-shirts. It means that we're friends." She said. I looked up to her, "Yeah! We're friends." Friends... But I want more than that. 


We went to a shop. They can customize shirts, accessories and many more. I bought her a customized bracelet with a letter 'T' on the middle. It's a star shaped. I hope she like it. I put it on a red, velvet box and I'll give it to her when we go home. We ate ice creams on a cold afternoon. We went on a mall near to Myeongdong. I would like to give her a phone. I saw her phone was on the floor earlier. So I bought 2 phones. One for me and one for here. When I gave it to her, she doesn't want to take it but she gave up. She took it and thanked me. 




Sehun bought me a brandnew phone. Time goes by. I felt my stomach growling so we went to a resturant to grab something to eat. I treat him a lunch as a an exchange on what he gave me. I used all of my money. But it's all worth it. When we're done eating, we took a small tour on the mall. "So you're here." A familiar voice appeared out of nowhere. Sehun turned his look and whispered, "Yura...". What is she doing here? Sehun shot Yura a look. "What a small world. It's not nice seeing you here." Yura said. Sehun took my hand. It's my turn now Yura-sshi. It's time for my actince. Yura chuckled, "Wearing a couple shirts does not suit you two. So you replaced me to this nerd? Is it a joke? Funny." I arched my eyebrow and looked at her, "It's none of your business. If we wore this kind of clothes, who cares?" Way to go. Sehun smirked, "I'm her boyfriend and it's not a joke, Yura. I don't love you anymore you and you're attitude. You're not the Yura I know. If you'll excuse us." We immediately went to the exit. Sehun let go of my hand and messed my hair, "You did a good job." I shook my head, "That's what he told... me..." I lowered my head and try not to cry. Be strong... I sighed and told Sehun to go home. 


It's already 3pm when go home. Before I walked upstairs, Sehun grabbed my wrist and slid a red velvet box on my palm. "What's this?" I asked. "Just open it on your room." Sehun instructed. I nodded and went to my room. I took a bath and wear my sweater and shorts. I lied down my bed and looked up the ceiling. Have a safe trip, Kai. 




Time passed by. I almost fell asleep on the plane. We already landed on the Boston Airport. I rubbed the back of my neck. We're here already. How fast. We got off the plane and went on the luggage claiming area. I was waiting for my luggage when a girl behind me was yelling at her phone. "EFF YOU! LET'S JUST BREAK! DAMN YOU . ARE YOU TRYING TO PLAY GAMES WITH ME? WELL, I'M NOT ING INTERESTED! GO BACK TO YOUR ING EX-GIRLFRIEND." She threw her phone and I took it. "Hey miss..." She looked to me. "Your phone." I held out her phone but she just look at it. "I don't need that." She said. 


Ayowww waddup? Kai on Boston. Lololol. And who's that girl? xD HAHAHAHA. I'll try to update my next chapter later. I'll TRY. XDD Lemme bow 90 degrees to all of you! *BOWS* *BOWS* THANK YOU SO MUCH! LOVE LOTS.



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alisasailo #1
Chapter 1: Love this fic right from the beginning
Chapter 1: Why is her name exosehunkai? Just like my kinda confused here....why cant she have a normal human being name? Hahaha
Chapter 1: I dont quite understand.....why is her name exosehunkai? I got confused reading.....someone please answer my question....please :'(
the story is awesome authornim!
Chapter 25: No!~ Kai is leaving~
Chapter 21: I want her to be with Kai~ T^T
Nice story
Hey! I'm sorry for disturbing but, I just checked out this fanfic just now. And guess what ?!?! The Character's name says: MoniKai, which is my name here in AFF and my friends trying to call me and I was very surprised seeing this ! :) HAHA! Anyways, I bet this is just a coincidence. :P
Anyi00 #9
Chapter 39: Woahh... A beautiful story indeed..
Anyi00 #10
Chapter 39: Woahh... A beautiful story indeed..