Eleventh: (their) Effort(s)

Lovely Fluffies

Days before Script Reading...

Hyunbin was walking through shelves in the supermarket. With his new long hair, hoodie, and cap that wrapped him, he comfortably strolled for grocery by himself without being scared by fans. Even though some fans recognized him, he would gladly greet them. Whistling in a low voice while checking the notes, he stood up at the end of the shelves of the fruit. 

"Chicken s checked, apples checked, potatoes checked, corns checked, milk checked, cereals checked, carrots checked," he glanced inside the cart and made sure the things were there. Checking with pen in his pocket on the notes, his eyes meticulously check the thing he needs while mumbling in a low voice. Sometimes, his hand swept on the cart slowly to make it for sure. "Shampoo??" He looked at the last thing that remained uncheck.

Looking for the last thing he needed, he roamed the supermarket once again and went through the toiletries and cosmetics shelves. Full with bright and colorful things his eyes wandered both shelves to find the shampoo he needed. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a shampoo with a red letter on its package. 

"DFH?" He took a bottle of it and read it carefully. Sniffing at the top of the shampoo's bottle that gave a slight smell he was interested in, he confirmed for the last time and chose to get a brand new shampoo. Satisfying enough with the product, he put it on his cart. 

On the way to the cashier, he was still walking in between both colorful shelves. With eye-catching colors on the products, his eyes kept on sightseeing the way between toiletries and cosmetics shelves while whistling. Suddenly, a product stopped his steps. Tilting his head aside while narrowing his eyes, he paused for a second until he moved toward the sheet mask product that he was interested in.

"Should I buy this?" He took a piece of a white-dark blue sheet mask with him. Reading the component like he always did, he puffed his cheeks in doubt. Rolling his eyes while tapping his finger on the cart he took a moment. 

"But, why suddenly do I need this?" He hunched his brows together questioning his sudden action.

"Ah... it is just a script reading. Why should you do something you never did? Just a script reading!" He put on back the sheet mask on the shelves once again before pushing his cart away from the sheet mask shelves. 

However, his steps were slowing down before stopping. Walking back while pulling the cart with him, he stopped at the same shelves. He turned his face on the product he just put a while ago dumbfounded still fascinated with the product.

"Just once?" He questioned himself while pulling a "one-finger" sign. 

"What are you doing, Hyunbin-ah? Nothing special about the movie. Why do you need a sheet mask? It is just the movie like the movies you did before. It is just the same. You should do the same for all your projects!" He tightened his grip on the cart and walked away from the place that made him in doubt quickly before he changed his mind. 

Meanwhile, in the beauty spa and salon...

Yejin was sitting in front of the mirror while her hair was being steamed. Killing the time, she read the catalog that the salon had provided in front of her. Flipping page by page, she waited for her hair patiently, until a clerk came to her with a smile giving a cup of green tea as a service. 
"Excuse me, what is this mean?" Yejin asked the clerk to came closer to her who was frozen on her chair keeping her hair on the steamer while pointing at the salon catalog. 

"Ah, we just launched a new service for a couple a month ago. This package is meant for a couple who will hold their wedding. This package ensures you get the best service before the wedding. You will feel fresh, young, and reborn. Do you want to try?" The clerk explained while moving her hands like a storyteller and a bit of squeaking sound to make it promising to hear for clients while Yejin was listening to her story seriously. Interested with the clerk's word, she turned her head to the clerk slightly. 

"But, is it just for a couple?" She peeked at her. The clerk's face turned gloomy and she clasped her hands together being in empathy.

"Unfortunately, yes!" She looked at her while blinking her eyes cutely. "But, Don't worry! We have another package that has the same things for single-woman..."

"Ehm...hm..." Yejin coughed covering with her fist while raising a brow being uncomfortable with the word 'single woman and as the sensitive clerk, she paused awhile before continuing her words.

"There is the same single package as the couple package for a beautiful woman like you. Do you want to try?" The clerk expanded her hands-on Yejin's shoulders warmly while looking at the mirror. "You will experience a professional massage, an excellent body scrubbing experience, and a perfect aromatherapy bath that would soothe you to the serenity. For beautiful Son Yejin, one package?" she added and got a slight nod from Yejin through the mirror. 

The night before the script reading...

The alarm clocks were ringing in the dim light of sleeping lamps on both sides of artists that would attend the script reading for the new movie. After days of preparing themselves with their looks, Yejin with her short hair and Hyunbin with his long hair, they put their last one to immersed their characters. Putting on the sheet mask on their face while laying on their bed to calm themselves for the last and making a fresh look to meet a not-so-new person tomorrow.

As the alarm kept ringing, they woke up from their bed stretching their body to the right and left. The 15 minutes of nourishing their skin had passed. Yejin who was used to wear them peels it deliberately and tapping her face softly with a wide sincere smile feeling a fresh look on her face.

Meanwhile, Hyunbin turned off the alarm roughly and peeled it slowly while yawning loudly. 

"Ohh... I am sleepy!" He said while shaking his head and a white-blue sheet mask package that he found in the supermarket was ripped in the trash bin. 

-to be continued-

Hi my beloved readers ^^
Here is an update (again) ^^

I don't know what to say but, my mood is still in Lovely Fluffies. Especially today haha
I still don't touch Unseen because I still don't get a right feeling to write Unseen, and I am worried if I might late on making an update  for Unseen. Hahah

Well, Let's see!  

Anyway, enjoy the story!^^
Also please support my other stories especially Lovely Fluffies twins, Unseen \(^0^)/

With Love,
Byeol-nim ❤

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