Behind the Mask

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Hirai Momo is a deadly woman and a trained assasin. Im Nayeon is a carefree and bubbly woman. What happens when they cross paths again and will the old feelings rekindle?



A Namo Fanfic

I guess this means I'm not dead even though its been over a year?


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Chapter 27: omg!! this story is getting tense and exciting
Wivern #2
Chapter 27: Happy new year authornim!
Hope you feel better! 💞
1242 streak #3
Chapter 27: Welcome back!
bbnxxx #4
Chapter 27: Omg yessss i was waiting for you to update :’)
twiceff #5
Chapter 26: I just finished the latest chapter and I’m hooked. update soon ?
Wivern #6
Chapter 26: Things are not looking good for Namo. 😯
Chapter 25: Irene is sooo right ...nayeon must be shocked
Chapter 24: I have re-read the chap again because why not!
thuy9601 #9
Chapter 24: Great story, tks for the update
Chapter 24: Oh GOD!now how am i supposed to wait for next chapter...nay will be hella worried...that guy doesn't like loosing as i can see