
Behind the Mask
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Nayeon's POV:
She... She just fainted in my arms. Gods. How much pain could this woman take? Two days ago I had thought I was having the hardest time in my life, but now I think it's Momo. I didn't notice Jeongyeon standing behind me until she came over to me and said

"I'll take her home. Thanks Nayeon."

I knew Momo didn't want to go with any of them. She'd spent the whole day sulking and crying soo much over her being a monster and now that they said it to her face, I knew she was broken. I didn't want her to go to them.

"Ah its okay, your friends will be mad if she goes with you.. I will take her with me... " I told her

"No.. No.. She is my best friend and sister. I will take her. Thank you" She said coming closer to me.

I lost it "Really? Then why did your friends say otherwise? They said some hurtful things to her. And Mina she -- kicked her so hard!"

She flinched and asked me "She kicked her? Why.... Oh gods no"

She looked at me and then nodded her head "Please take care of her." She bowed and left.

I carried her.. No more like dragged her over to her car and gently put her on the seat. I walked over to the driver's seat and began to drive. Momo had told me earlier Jeongyeon had followed us, so I made sure I took a million turns in random alleys before heading back to the main road. Hopefully I'd lost someone if they were truly behind us. I looked at Momo who was now awake and looking out of the window. I didn't say anything and we got off at her apartment. She opened the door and limped over to the bathroom. She shut the door and I heard her turn the shower on. I changed into one of her hoodies and wore a pair of leggings and sat down on the couch. I flipped my phone and began to surf my feed while waiting for her. After what seemed like forever, she came out wearing nothing but a crop top and sweats. Her bruises weren't that bad as yesterday but they were still black. She sat down next to me and said "You don't have to be nice to me.. I.. I'm not a nice person. I always hurt someone, why are you still here?". I scooted closer to her and said "I don't know Hirai, but you make me feel safe. I lost my family in an accident years ago and I was an orphan, but you... You make me feel safe and happy. From what I know, you are incredible. You saved my life two times Momo and I trust you. Yesterday was my first day after soo many that I was happy and genuine. And.. I am really happy to be your first friend." I hugged her and after sometime she put her arms around me and said "Thank you.. I like your company as well" .

We spent the rest of the day watching a movie and getting to know the other more. I told her about my past and why I didn't have a job while she told me what exactly she did as a trained assassin and why she did it.. We both were in a similar situation I guess, but at least we both had a shoulder to cry on. We went to bed and slept with our arms around each other. I made sure I didn't hurt her with my arms. Soon we both drifted off to sleep.

It was soon morning, so I got up and got ready for the day and went on to make breakfast. I noticed that Momo hadn't gotten up yet so I decided to wake her up. I tried every way there was on Earth to wake her but nothing worked. I was starting to panic. Something didn't feel right. I put her on my back and piggy backed her to the car. I ran back up grabbed the house keys, my office bag and I rushed to the hospital.

The staff took her on a stretcher and went in to the room. I knew that she would kill me if someone saw her state but what could I do? What reason could I give? Arghh... I decided to tell them that Momo got kidnapped by some gang and got hit but managed to escape somehow. The doctors came out after 15 minutes and asked for her family.. I lied and said that I was her family.

"She's fine.. She had just gotten hit badly and her body needs time to recover. She has been passed out for a long while now. You're lucky you brought her in time. Or maybe we'd have to deal with more damage in her body. She needs to get a cast for her wrist as it seems to be slightly displaced, but apart from that she is fine. Time will heal all." I nodded and thanked the doctor.

The doctor looked back and added "She won't be waking for another 7 hours, you can visit her again in the night. We have her under the IV so she won't likely be awake until then." I nodded and sat down in the waiting room. I looked at my phone and realized I was 2 hours late. I sighed and got up and left for office. I decided to check on her during lunch. As I got out of her car I realized I had no card to use the elevator. I huffed and went over to the receptionist, her name was Chaeyon? No wait Chaeyoung.. 
I greeted her and sheepishly admitted that I didn't have a pass to go up there. She laughed and said she will accompany me there. On the way to the lift I met Jihyo who was also late to work and was in a big hurry.

"Nayeon Unnie!! Nice to see you again!! I would love to chat but I'm afraid I am a little busy." She said as she got out of the elevator. Soon we reached my floor and I thanked Chaeyoung and apologized for the inconvenience.

I walked over to my desk and began to work. I cleared all the back log from yesterday and started to review the files that arrived today. I noticed our sales had dropped by 10%. I didn't know why. I made a note to ask Momo later when she woke up.

I wanted to visit Momo during lunch, but I couldn't as I had no pass to come back to this floor. I decided to eat at the café here. I meet 2 new people Yeri and Seulgi and they both were really sweet. We could bond immediately!. I was doing my work when I heard someone ask "Where is Momo?". I looked up to see Jeongyeon standing in front of me.

"Uh..." I stammered but luckily a phone call interrupted me.

"Is this Im Nayeon? I am Hirai Momo's nurse."

"Uh yeah.. I'm Nayeon what happened?"

"We were trying to get her to eat something as the IV effect wore off. We don't know how but it doesn't seem to affect her much. But for some reason she seems to have an allergic reaction to something and we don't know what it is. We need to know if she is allergic to any particular food items."

"Oh gods, what all did you give?"

"We gave her food containing all the needed nutrients. We gave her a burger with all proteins and mustard sauce. We gave her some lentil and chicken soup, and then we gave her our standard Jelly for dessert. Can you please answer us quickly ma'am?"

. What do I do? I had no clue. I looked up to see Jeongyeon walk back into her room. I had no other choice.

"Uh give me a minute please. I'll call you back" I told the lady on the call

"Ma'am what are yo--" I hung up and barged into Jeongyeon's room.

"Is Momo allergic to something?" I asked her.

"What? Uh.. Why are you here?"

"Please tell me quickly!! Is she allergic to something? " I begged

She was clearly puzzled but she said "Uh.. Mustard sauce doesn't sit well with her as she gets breathing problems and um.. Certain processed sweets cause problems too."

"Why?" she asked but I was too busy re-dialling the nurse. She picked up on the first ring.

"The mustard sauce and jelly is the problem."


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I guess this means I'm not dead even though its been over a year?


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14 streak #1
Chapter 27: omg!! this story is getting tense and exciting
Wivern #2
Chapter 27: Happy new year authornim!
Hope you feel better! 💞
1290 streak #3
Chapter 27: Welcome back!
bbnxxx #4
Chapter 27: Omg yessss i was waiting for you to update :’)
twiceff #5
Chapter 26: I just finished the latest chapter and I’m hooked. update soon ?
Wivern #6
Chapter 26: Things are not looking good for Namo. 😯
14 streak #7
Chapter 25: Irene is sooo right ...nayeon must be shocked
14 streak #8
Chapter 24: I have re-read the chap again because why not!
thuy9601 #9
Chapter 24: Great story, tks for the update
14 streak #10
Chapter 24: Oh GOD!now how am i supposed to wait for next chapter...nay will be hella worried...that guy doesn't like loosing as i can see