The Arrival ( Final Episode )

Forgotten Flower
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It was a Thursday mid morning Yoongi left early that day due to have a meeting. Seo Yeon left alone at home with only the maids. Seo Yeon’s belly is big now because it’s just a matter of days that she’s going to give birth.


...the morning earlier...


“..I don’t really want to leave you alone like’re going to give birth anytime baby...” Yoongi told her before he left for work. “..don’t worry..the maids are here...they can help me if anything...” Seo Yeon told him while straightening his tie. “..are you sure...or else I’ll call eomma to come and accompany you here...” he said in concerned “..please don’t trouble your mother..I’ll be fine...” with that she kissed his cheek and smiled.


....back to the present time...


Seo Yeon was in the living room watching some Kdrama on the tv when she felt a hit on her stomach. But at the same time the door rings and nSeo Yeon got up ignoring the pain to open the door. She opened the door revealing Jungkook holding a box. “...hi.. Seo Yeon..hyung told me to send this to’s from the bakery actually....are you alright Seo Yeon? look....” “..ouchh!...” she touched her stomach. Then she started to feel another pain. Until she felt something wet flowing down her thighs “ god!....Jungkook! me....the water broke!...” the contraction came for every 20minutes. “ yoongi!..please...” Jungkook quickly hold on to Seo Yeon who’s already in pain “..I’ll take you to the hospital...” “...get my bag’s over there...” Seo Yeon pointed at a ready packed bag on the floor in front of the door. “..okay...” the younger sling the bag around his body then lifted Seo Yeon quickly to his car. The maid was too late to help him. “..just hold on Seo Yeon...we’ll be there soon...” meanwhile calling Yoongi at the same time.


Yoongi’s phone vibrated in the meeting room. He was in the middle of his presentation but he noticed his phone was blinking. “..excuse me..I have to take this...” . He saw Jungkook’s name on his phone “..yes..kook...what..” before he could finish his words “..hyung..the water broke!.. hurry to the hospital..I’m on the way to the hospital now with her.....” Yoongi could hear Seo Yeon scream “..Jungkook! faster!...” he was shivering “...I’m on my way!...” without wasting anymore time “..I’m sorry I have to go....Tae!,,let’s’s Seo Yeon!...” the two men rushed almost running to the elevator. “..I’ll drive ..hyung!.......” Taehyung offered. The two males rushed to Yoongi’s car which was already brought to the front entrance.


“….help!...she’s in labour now!...” two male attendants quickly rushed to Jungkook who was carrying Seo Yeon in his arms. She was placed on a stretcher. “..just hold on ma’am….” Seo Yeon was pushed into the room leaving Jungkook on his knees panting heavily. He ran quickly to the waiting area in front of the room. Not long Yoongi and Taehyung arrived “.where is she?...” Yoongi asked as he saw Jungkook was sweating sitting one of the chair. “..she still inside just about 10minutes ago…don’t worry hyung ..she’ll be alright…” Yoongi took out his phone and call someone “..eomma…Seo Yeon is about to deliver…we’re still waiting….”.He call another number none other than Namjoon. He put away his phone and sat back on the chair. “..Kim Seo Yeon?...” a nurse called from the door. Yoongi stood up “’s me…husband..” “ can come in if you want to witness the delivery…” Yoongi followed the nurse inside.


He saw Seo Yeon was still lying on the bed. “ are you feeling?..” he said to his wife who looked so pale and tired. “…’re here…” then she struggle again when the pain hit her. Yoongi held her hands tight “…alright Seo’s time..are you ready?...when I see push you push okay….” Seo Yeon nodded. “..okay 1..2..3..push!..there I see the head already..just one more!...push!.” “..c’mon can do it…” Yo

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"...hello everyone....Forgotten Flower almost reaching the end.....I'm trying to update the chapter daily ...please continue supporting me.....saranghaeyo!....."


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This looks very interesting! Can't wait to read it. Thank you author-nim
Michael2780 #2
Chapter 31: Why is my mother so evil I can't wait to see what happens next
Michael2780 #3
Chapter 29: Is getting interesting and I feel like there's going to be a little bit drama coming in the way
Michael2780 #4
Chapter 25: Another great chapter can't wait for the next one
Michael2780 #5
Chapter 23: It's getting more interesting every time I read it keep it up
Michael2780 #6
Chapter 22: Thank you for the new update
Michael2780 #7
Chapter 20: Yay another great chapter I'm happy to see more reaction with them
Chapter 19: This is great so far! ???????
Chapter 19: Another great chapter I can't wait for the next update
You could tell they both want each other but for some reason they seem like they're running away from each other but I I can't wait to see they open up to each other some more this is what I was been waiting for and I can't wait for you to update