
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warning: Slight violence at the last part)







As soon as Baekhyun reached closer to Munhee's motionless figure, he dropped onto his knees, his hands cradled the girl up into his arm hastily yet carefully. "Munhee?" He croacked, he had to constantly blink his eyes so that his vision wouldn't turn blurry that would prevent him to see her face clearly. His shaky fingers trembled their way to trace the side of her face, on the outline of the trickled blood. "Munhee? Are you listening to me? I'm here. I'm here, p-please! Didn't..didn't you say you wanted to talk with me? Why are you silent now? Talk to me!" Without giving any care to the panicked eyes which were witnessing them, he concentrated on waking the girl up.

"Baekhyun!" Miss Lonn came forward, seeing that Baekhyun wasn't functioning properly, "We need to take her to the hospital!" So she reminded him of the most important initiative. 

"H-Hospital?" Baekhyun asked, after Miss Lonn's constant shake onto his tensed shoulders managed to tear his eyes away from his wife's emotionless face. He took a few more moments to contemplate something, then he nodded at the elder women. "Y-Yeah, hospital. Let me..let me call the ambulance."  

"I think taking her by car would be faster. Ambulance would take double time. I'm calling Jongin."  Miss Lonn gave her alternative solution while she held her phone near her ear, waiting for Jongin to answer her call. 

While Miss Lonn was busy calling the younger boy, Baekhyun's concentration again went to the limp girl lying peacefully into his arms. "You're gonna be fine. Right? Please w-wake up. I s-swear I didn't mean it when I told you to...to leave me a-alone. How can you take my words seriously? Please don't...please open your eyes, Munhee." He kept blabbing out whatever came to his mind, his eyes burning, his nose sniffling continuously. His thumb never stopped rubbing soothing circles on her cheek. "You aren't playing any prank on me, right? Is it..is it your revenge for earlier? I don't ing care if it's your revenge or anything. Please, j-just...look at me once! Use any other method for your revenge, hmm? I'd let you even stab me with knives, if that tempts you to stop p-playing this prank on me, I swear I'd let you!" He lightly shook her face to make sure she's hearing. He felt someone had actually stabbed his chest with knife when she didn't giggle and stuck her tongue out to assure him that it was really a prank. It wasn't. She was indeed hurt. 

"Baekhyun, Jongin is readying the car. You'd have to take her out within a few minutes." Miss Lonn again firmly squeezed the agitated male's shoulder so that he wouldn't miss her words in between his heartfelt mumblings. "S-She'll be alright. Don't worry. Be strong." She patted the sniffling male's head to console him as it looked like he needed to hear those words more than anything else right now.

"Daddy why you crying?" Sarang's timid voice made Baekhyun tear his gaze away from his wife. He wailed out a whimper when the little one reached her tiny fingers to wipe those uncountable tears from his cheek, her eyes going back and forth from his and Munhee's face.

"What happened to Mama, Daddy?" Miseo asked while wiping her father's other cheek. "Mama fell down but why isn't she crying?" She innocently asked, referring to those small falls they'd experienced until this date. "And why are you crying? Do you feel hurt because Mama's hurt?" Her innocent queries did nothing but intensifying the suffocation inside Baekhyun's chest.

He couldn't form a single word. He inwardly knew he should say something so that the kids wouldn't be worried. He could see by each seconds, their eyes turned glassy as they were witnessing the rare scene of their father crying like a kid. If it was Munhee at his place, he was certain that she would've been stronger than him, and definitely would've managed to make some excuses on the spot. But he wasn't Munhee. He couldn't be brave and strong like her. He was nowhere near those qualities.

"Baekhyun, you should take Mun to the car now." Miss Lonn let him know. 

Baekhyun wiped his face with force, "What about the kids?" He asked with all the leftover strength he had in him. 

"I'll stay here with the kids. Don't worry about them." The older lady reassured.

Baekhyun nodded and wasted no more time in hoisting the unconscious girl up firmly while standing up on his feet. "Babies, Daddy and Mama has to go somewhere. We'll be back. Mama will be fine. Stay with Miss Lonn." He let the kids know before taking long steps to reach outside as soon as possible. 

"But school?" Miseo asked.

"No school for today. You guys can enjoy for the day!" Lastly Baekhyun heard Miss Lonn telling the kids before stepping out of their house.


Jongin gasped the moment his eyes landed on Munhee's figure in the worn out looking male's arm. Since Miss Lonn had already summarized the accident over the phone, and since it didn't look like Baekhyun would be able to give any sort of answer to his queries, he silently opened the back door of the car and waited for them to settle inside.

"Drive us to the nearest hospital." Baekhyun managed to mutter once he safely fitted Munhee's figure on the backseat, letting her head rest on his lap so that she wouldn't get any more hurt during the drive. 

"Does it hurt?" Baekhyun softly asked her, his fingers lightly caressing her hairs. "I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, Mun. Don't stay upset with me like this." He couldn't stop his trembling lips as he spoke to her muted form. He wouldn't be in a slightest bit of peace until he's assured that she's okay. "You have to be a-alright, do you hear me? You can't....I can't....." He choked on his own voice, not even knowing how else to try persuading her. 


"Hyung, we're here. I'll go call for some help." Thankfully, they reached the hospital within five minutes, perks of staying in the elite portion of the city. 


Next half an hour went in blur for Baekhyun as they had to admit her in a non-premium room due to lack of vacancy. If not for Jongin, he would've been charged for violence on a doctor since the stupid man was mumbling something about checking her up a few minutes later, saying that her condition didn't seem much serious, and that made Baekhyun raged enough to pull the doctor by his collar and then threatening the doctor and nurses to use his societal position to close down the hospital within next twenty four hours if they didn't start examining his wife right then and there. 

Now finally having the doctor along with two nurses doing their jobs inside the hospital room, Jongin managed to calm Baekhyun down to at least make him sit on the available chairs outside. 

"Hyung, please don't panic. Noona would be fine. Have faith on God." Jongin patted Baekhyun's arm as the male didn't seem like he would stay a minute extra without pulling his own hairs out of worry and frustration.

"God hasn't been on the friendly side with me for the past year, Jongin." Baekhyun stilled hearing Jongin's last words and answered him bitterly. Although, after Myunghee, he had lost almost all of his appreciative faith over that said God, deeming him as one of his biggest enemy. But he would push aside all his bitter feelings with the God and kneel down before him, maybe even beg before him if that meant he could keep Munhee safe. Immediately closing his fists in front of his chest, bowing his head he started to pray all the gods out there to subdue every pain of the said girl. 

Jongin didn't have any reply to Baekhyun's comment on the Almighty, he only kept patting now the half bowing male's back to give him his silent moral support. 

Another ten minutes or so, the doctor finally came out. Baekhyun rushed towards him, "How's she? Is she alright? Is it anything serious?" He asked all in one go.

"Mrs. Byun is fine as of now. She has sprained her left ankle and left elbow, it will take her a week or a few days more to fully recover and be able to walk on her own and move her hand. She has a few scratches on her both hands and forehead. They'd also be fine within a few days. Nothing serious."  The doctor finished with a professional smile, even though he looked sort of awkward after what happened between him and Baekhyun earlier.

Baekhyun let out a huge sigh, he didn't even know he was holding his breath for the whole time the doctor spoke. It was as if someone had removed a heavy stone from his heart and returned him the ability to breathe properly.

"Then why did Noona faint?" Jongin ask from behind.

"Oh she just fainted due to shock." The doctor chuckled but immediately shut his mouth when Baekhyun glared at him for laughing at his wife. "Well, she can be discharged once she's awake. So you can do the paper works now if you want to." Clearing his throat, the doctor said to Baekhyun.

"I need to see her first. Can I go in now? And when would she wake up?" Baekhyun asked, head trying to peek through the door.

"Yes Mr. Byun, you can go in now. And she might take ten to twenty minutes to wake up. I'll be going now. There's a nurse inside, she will call me when Mrs. Byun would get her consciousness back, then I will do a final checkup on her." The doctor lastly said before taking his leave.

Baekhyun didn't take any more time to enter the room, his eyes watching the peaceful lying figure of Munhee. He could see the small band aid on her arms and a slightly bigger one on her forehead. Her left elbow and ankle were also secured by thick amount of bandages. Even though the doctor had mentioned her injuries not being serious, they were still injuries, they would still hurt her. And he had no one else but himself to blame for even the smallest injury on her. She would've been perfectly healthy and fine, there wouldn't have been a single scratch on her, if not for his stubbornness.   

 He dragged his heavy feet near the hospital bed, taking the nearest stool he sat down closer to her. Subconsciously, he held onto her hand, shuddering relieved breathes left past his lips feeling her warm presence.  








Munhee woke up for the second time of the day, finding herself in an unknown place. But it didn't take her more than a few seconds to realize that she was in hospital, she also clearly remembered why she was there. 

Then her eyes went towards her hand, she was a little surprised to see Baekhyun holding her hand up with both of his palms, while he rested his forehead on the back of her hand. 

Feeling the slightest movement in her, Baekhyun's face whipped up towards her direction. Munhee saw with details how his face first morphed into sort of surprised, then realization and then relief. She also noticed his reddish eyes that indicated that he might've cried for her? Talk about shameless because even after an accident and all, her idiot heart still beated super fast due to the realization that Baekhyun had most probably cried for her. "Y-You're awake?" He dumbly asked even though it was obvious that she was awake. He got up from his seat and sat himself down beside the small space of her body, his large warm hands went to gently embrace her face.

Munhee managed to give him a small nod.

"Thank you, thank you for being alright. For once I thought that.. t-that I'd...if something happened to you I don't know what I would've done!" He mumbled disorganized words, looking this close to have a breakdown. "How are you feeling now? Does it hurt anywhere?" Calming himself down a little, he then inquired about her condition.

Munhee didn't know why, but seeing her husband in such distress gave her a sort of relief whereas in other times it would've definitely made her distressed as well. Maybe because it showed that she did matter to him. "I...my body feels kind of numb. No pain." She let the awaiting male know.

"It's because of the painkillers."  Someone said from behind. Munhee peeked from her lying state and finally managed to see who it was when the person walked near the bed. It was the doctor, she guessed it by the long white coat he was wearing over his semi formal outfit. 

Despite looking reluctant to leave Munhee's side, Baekhyun finally retreated his hands from her face and gave the doctor space to do his job. After ten minutes with the doctor, he gave her a smile saying that she was good to go back home. And then he gave Baekhyun some instructions which Munhee didn't manage to hear since the two male talked while standing near the door.  

Munhee was again surprised to see Jongin entering the room with some papers in his hands. When he saw Baekhyun was busy talking with the doctors, he took the chance to come near Munhee and keep her company. "Noona, are you alright now?" He asked with a smile but his lips formed into soft pout seeing all the bandages up close. 

"Yes, Jongin. I'm alright." Munhee replied him with a smile so that he won't be sad anymore. 

"We were so worried for you! Thank god, you haven't got any serious injury. Otherwise Hyung might have lost it." The younger boy commented worriedly.

"Huh?" Munhee didn't get what Jongin meant for Baekhyun, she casted a confused stare at Baekhyun and then to Jongin again.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't know if I don't tell you. You know, Hyung was devastated, he was cryinmmpphf..." Jongin was interrupted by a rude hand clasping over his mouth. Baekhyun. 

"Yah! Your mouth sure runs so fast. Stop talking nonsense." Baekhyun scolded Jongin and finally removed his palm from the younger boy's mouth when he was sure that Jongin wouldn't talk about whatever he was saying anymore. "Have you readied the papers? Or you're just wasting your time here?" He then asked.

"Yes Hyung! Noona's discharge papers are ready. We can take her home." Jongin beamed, showing the papers in his hand. 

"Good." Baekhyun mumbled to Jongin. "Get the car ready. I'll bring her out."  

"Are you sure you don't need any help with Noona?" Jongin asked while standing up from the stool.

"No." Baekhyun shrugged confidently. 

Munhee was provided a wheelchair ride till the ground floor and then she was settled inside their car by the help of Baekhyun. "Do you want to lie down?" Baekhyun asked her after he had entered the car from other side.

"No. I'm fine sitting here." Munhee shrugged. "Did I break any bone or something?" She then asked as she still didn't know in details about her injuries. Though the size of the bandages didn't look scarily large, but she still should make sure of the condition of her body. She was terrified of roaming around with a broken hand or leg. 

"No. You've sprained your elbow and ankle. Doctor said it will take you a week or a few days more to fully recover." Baekhyun let her know while his eyes warily traced all of her injuries for the nth time already, a sigh leaving past his parted lips. 

"That's a relief!" Munhee also sighed since her injuries didn't sound nothing much serious, she leaned her head at the headrest of the seat to be more comfortable while they chatted. 

"But how did you even slip from there? Was the stairs wet or something?" Baekhyun asked with serious curiosity, wanting to know how she managed to fall.

"I...uhh I tripped on my dress since it's a long one." Munhee mumbled, feeling embarrassed of her stupid fall. She saw her husband's brows furrowed as he casted his eyes on the said long dress as she was still wearing it.

"I swear I will cut every ing long dress of yours into short ones!" Baekhyun gritted, his eyes still glaring at the lifeless dress as if his glares could make them regret for whatever they'd done to her. The said owner of the dress only giggled, finding it somehow funny. Though she had to bit her lips when Baekhyun's gaze was up at her face again, his serious face made her shut up. "I'm not joking, Munhee. We're going to have to get rid of all your long dresses. You're not allowed to wear long dresses from now. You will wear the shortest ones." He stated firmly.

Munhee gaped at him. "Baekhyun! You know I don't much like short dresses!" She protested immediately.  

"Why?" Her husband asked without missing a beat.

"I don't like dresses which show too much skin. I especially don't like to show my legs." She mumbled lowly, remembering that Jongin was there in the front row, driving the car. 

"But why? You have nice legs!" Baekhyun protested loudly.

Munhee blinked at him, her cheeks burning at the sort of compliment. Her embarrassment rose higher when Jongin faked loud coughs from his seat. Finally, Baekhyun seemed to realize what he had said, he also cleared his throat while pretending to check something on his phone. No one spoke during the rest of the ride back home.


When they reached Byun mansion, Baekhyun again carried Munhee and entered the house. A sudden thought struck Munhee that she was doing fine until now, thanks to Baekhyun's help. But how would she function for the rest of the week with one sprained ankle? She wouldn't probably even walk properly without two fully functioning legs. Her worrisome thoughts vanished when she saw their living room wasn't vacant. Along with Miss Lonn and the babies, Jisoo and baby Jino were also present there.

Miseo and Sarang ran towards their parents, followed by Miss Lonn and Jisoo. All seemed concerned about her, making her heart warm. 

Baekhyun shortly summarized Munhee's condition to the worried faces. 

"Mama does it hurt?" Miseo asked while pouting.

"Mama has lot of bandages!" Sarang pointed towards Munhee's injuries, indicating that since she had lots of bandages on, that meant she had gotten hurt quite a lot. 

"Mama's fine, babies." Munhee assured them, giving them a small smile. 

"I was so scared for you, dear." Miss Lonn patted Munhee's hair, her gaze filled with concern.

Jisoo also nodded. "Be careful, sprains can turn nasty if not taken care properly."  She adviced. "I hope you're not in much pain."  The elder girl added while pouting.

"I'm alright, really!" Munhee reassured everyone until she got everyone's small smiles of relief in return.  

"I'm taking her to our room. She needs rest." Baekhyun let everyone know before carefully climbing up the stairs. "Do you need anything?" Baekhyun asked after he had settled Munhee on the bed, he had also put two extra pillows under her injured limbs so that it would be more comfortable for her. Getting a light shake of head from the girl, Baekhyun nodded and told her that he'd get changed out from his office outfit. 

Now that she was alone, her mind immediately reminded her off her incomplete task. She was sure she had her phone in her hands before her inelegant fall. And it was obvious that the device had slipped away from her clutch in the process of falling. She could just pray that her phone was safe and sound. 

"I'll bring some food for you." Baekhyun said after he was out from the washroom.  

"Baekhyun, wait!" Munhee stopped her husband before he could leave their room. Hearing her, he didn't waste anytime to stride closer to her, his full attention on her so that he could do whatever she wanted him to do. "Do you perhaps know where's my phone?" She asked hopefully.

Baekhyun scratched his head, trying to remember where he had last seen the said device. "I don't really remember!" He replied.

"I think it has fallen somewhere downstairs! It was in my hand when I uhh.. tripped." She let him know. "Can you please bring my phone to me first? I need it, it's really urgent." 

"You should focus on taking rest, not on your phone!" Baekhyun lectured her like a Mom.

"I'm already taking rest!" Munhee protested while whining.

"Okay, I'll ask Miss Lonn about it. I'll be back soon. If you need me for anything, just call me, okay?" He told her before leaving the room for real. 

A few minutes later, Baekhyun returned with a tray on his hands, the little ones trailing behind him. 

"Girls, no jumping around Mama, remember?" Baekhyun reminded the kids as they excitedly ran towards the bed and probably would've equally excitedly jump over the bed to reach near Munhee. Hearing their father, they immediately controlled themselves, and like good babies they climbed up the bed and sat a little distance from Munhee. 

Since Munhee's injured side was on the opposite side from the kids, she didn't deem it necessary for the kids to maintain any distance from her. She silently gestured them to come closer to her while Baekhyun settled the tray on the bedside table. She poked her right cheek while pouting, asking for recovery kisses from her tiny sunshines, they giggled and one by one planted soft but loving kisses on their Mama's cheek. 

Baekhyun settled himself on the edge of the bed on Munhee's side, measuring his every move carefully since it was her injured side. "Come, you'll have to eat before taking your medicines." He said before gently helping her to sit up, diligently replacing the pillows now that her position had changed.

"I can sit up on my own, my one hand and one leg is working perfectly!" Munhee mumbled.

"You're still weak, so I'll have to help you." He stated matter of factly while pushing her locks back over her shoulder so that they won't disturb when he'd feed her.

"What? Soup again?" Munhee scrunched her nose in annoyance. She had to have soup in the breakfast, and now she'd have to have the same kind of food again?

Baekhyun blowed the liquid a few times before replying to her, "It's chicken soup. It's more healthy and tastier! Here, taste it." He tried to persuade her as he held the spoon before her pursed lips. 

"Oh!" Munhee leaned her head back from the presented spoon of food, "Did you find my phone?" She asked.

Baekhyun sighed, "Can't you finish your food before talking?" He lightly scolded her. "You'll have to take your medicines! I know you don't like soups, but it'd be helpful for you. I promise, you'll get your favorite dishes at night. Hmm?" He tried to coax her.

"But.." Munhee tried to mention her phone again but she realized that she was being a brat to her husband. It wasn't wise to play with his patience, so she finally opened to be fed. "Okay, now tell me, did you find my phone?" She asked after having a few spoons of her chicken soup. 

"Yeah. Miss Lonn had found it earlier. But it's all broken." Baekhyun let her know before fishing out the broken exterior of her hand phone from his pajama pant's pocket and handing it to her. Munhee's mouth fell seeing the pathetic broken form of her phone, her hopes of ending the Liana issue all went out of the window. She knew it wasn't possible to open up Liana's mouth to make her confess everything for the second time.  

Baekhyun panicked seeing her teary eyes out of nowhere. He kept the bowl back on the tray before he held her uninjured hand, "Hey! Don't be upset. It's just a phone! You don't have to cry over such a small thing. I can get you hundreds of phones if you want!" When he saw Munhee rolling even her teary eyes at his words, he realized that sounded quite cheesy. "I mean, we'll get the brand new one for you. It's better to have new phones with new features, right?" He corrected himself.

"No! I want it back! It has so many memories stored in it and...and it has something really important that I wanted to show you!"  Munhee's pout deepened even more as she shook her head vigorously at the idea of new phone and throwing this old one away.   

Baekhyun seemed to understand her. She sure had stored lot of memories here as she liked to click lots of pictures. Though he didn't seem to realize the 'something important' part. 

"Okay, okay, I understand! I will send it to it's service center and ask them to retrieve everything from the phone's memory. Happy?" He tired to make her feel better, though he wasn't sure how much it will work.

"When will you send it?“ Munhee inquired.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Baekhyun offered.

"No! Send it today, right now!" Munhee whined. 

Baekhyun seemed like he wanted to protest or at least say something about it, but he only sighed before nodding, "I will. But first you'll have to finish your food and take your medicines." 

Munhee felt relieved that he agreed to do it as soon as possible. So she happily ate all her food. 

Miss Lonn came inside the room after a few knocks, she smiled seeing Baekhyun taking care of his wife. Munhee smiled and waved at Miss Lonn. "Time for lunch. Come kids, I will feed you two today." She called the kids who were silently playing with Senior Mr. Byun on the bed, they beamed and went towards the elder woman. She then turned towards Baekhyun who just finished feeding Munhee her medicines, "Baekhyun, will you come for lunch?" 

"I'll join them in a few minutes."  He told Miss Lonn while his eyes still fixed on Munhee's face, she was cringing at the foul taste of the medicines. Hearing his reply, Miss Lonn took the kids with her. Baekhyun got up from the bed and walked towards Munhee's closet, he picked out one lollipop from the top shelf where Munhee had securedly kept all the chocolates of the kids. "Here, have it." He str

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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oreoshees #2
Chapter 57: Just start reread this story again after few years of not getting any free time and here i am..laying on my bed since few days ago and bawling my eyes out..all of those feelings came back just like the first time i read every chapter of this story..never get tired and all emotional rn. Sending virtual hugs to my author nim for this wonderful story🫶🏼
54 streak #3
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam #4
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling