We're just good with kids

A Guardian in Love
Dara and Hyunki were back in school.
Everyone was busy, usually the two floors of the apartment would be quiet. You worked part time at a cafe.

You would drop off Dara and Hyunki at school around nine. Then work at the cafe Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Donghae or Sungmin would either pick them..Depending on their schedule.

"I'm home!" You yelled as you entered the house
"Hey ~~~~~-ah" replied Siwon "Hi oppa" You looked around "where's everyone?" You asked since you only saw him.
"I'm not sure..all I know is that Hyunki is up stairs playing video games with Heechul and Kyuhyun. And Dara is playing a board game with sungmin and Donghae is asleep"

"Oh..well thanks oppa" You smiled
"so..how are you and Donghae?" "Ohh we're great" You replied still smiling
"That's good, I honestly think you've made him the happiest man alive ~~~~"
You bit your lip in embarrassment. "You really think so?"
"I KNOW SO" siwon stated "Cause before you guys came..Donghae really didn't know what do with his self..He was almost like a lost puppy"
You heard Siwon slightly laugh "I think your lost puppy would like to see yo at his bedside..NOW GO" Siwon said as he pushed you. "ahha okay okay" You laughed


You slowly walked into Donghaes room and sat on the floor while looking up at him.
'Oppa..Do I honestly make you the happiest man alive?' You thought. you quickly got up and sat by the window.

After a few minutes of thinking you heard someone say "What’s with you and the window?"
You quickly turned around to see Donghae sleepy eyed "Huh? Oh..You’re awake" you smiled. Donghae motioned you to come to him, so did so.
"How was your day baby?" You thought for a few seconds and replied "Over all..it was okay~ How about you oppa?"
"The same..I'm just very tired" Donghae said as he yawned. "you should go back to sleep...what did you come home?" you were starting to get concerned.
"Uhh..Sometime around four? Its okay you're here now. so I'm fine" smiled Donghae

"Oppa its only" You glanced at your watch "5:25! you should take a longer nap...araso?"
"Mhmm.." He pouted "Fine" and yawned.
"I'll leave you to your nap" You replied has you were about to get off the bed. But Donghae protested "Who said I was going to sleep alone?"
You laughed "Come on ~~~~~~-ah" He pulled you into the bed. But this time his head was on your chest. You smoothly ran your fingers through his hair as he played with your other set of fingers.
"Oppa?" You asked "Mhmmm?" "Saranghae" "I love you too baby"

Then you both fell asleep!

(Ahhh so sweet ahhaa)

Now in the wonderful magic of fanfiction we skip to the next day!


"~~~~~-ah" Said Kyuhyun
"I'm hungry....can you make me something to eat? BUT if you need to go to the store let me come with you"
You laughed "Sure oppa"
As you were cooking you felt a paid of hands
your waist. "Mhmm..How come you only let Dara, Hyunki and Kyuhyun taste your food" Asked Donghae
You smiled "I don't know?" You shrugged
"You don't know!? Ahh~ come on~" whined Donghae. "Umma~ Appa~ Can you stop acting all lovey dovey. It's only 7:45 in the morning~" Said Heechul
"~~~~ would be a very good umma" Said Donghae
"you know with Dara and Hyunki you guys look like you're married or something" Said Kyuhyun.
"We're just good with goods" You smiled.

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Awww I hope you update soon because I actually really like reading this :)
Hi! :D<br />
Thanks for the help! I'm really new to posting on Asianfanfics.com haha<br />
I'm so used to winglin lol.
hi there. ^^<br />
i have tagged your story under the "donghae" tag. tagging merely helps more users to find your story, which gives you a better chance of getting featured on the front page of this site. ^^<br />
<br />
Happy AFFing~<br />