What do you and unnie do in your--

A Guardian in Love
The next morning you woke up much earlier than usual.
After just staring at the ceiling for about 10 minutes of thinking about absolutly NOTHING. You finally stood up and walked towards the window and watched the sun rise.
Suddenly you jump as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"Shh it's okay baby it's just me" Donghae Whispered
Donghae laid his head on your shoulder as you both watched the sun rise together. "Why are you awake at this time? It's only five...you should go back to sleep since we came home late last night."
He pulled you back to the bed. But you sort of made the trip hard. You were lagging along.

"Come on Miss. ~~~~~, it's time for you to get back into bed" Said Donghae.
"Uggg..Do I have to?" you pouted. Donghae laughed. "Trust oppa, araso?"
You bit your bottom lip. "Hmm araso" You smiled at him.

As you two got back into bed, Donghae asked "~~~~~-ah..do you want to talk about what happened yesterday?"
You were silent for a minute. 'Maybe I should just tell him now' you thought.
You turned over to see Donghaes eyes closed.
You pouted then sighed. Donghae smiled. "My eyes might be close...but I'm all ears~~~"

You bit your lip again. "Youngbae was my..First boyfriend.." You started "We were happy..you know?..but..after about 8 months we hit a wall" You swallowed hard "He started becoming..Sort of..stalkerish? I guess..He would call me over and over again if I didn't answer him. If I didn't answer my cell phone he would call my house phone. Then..If I didn't answer any of his calls he would call from a different number. At first I just thought he was just being caring..you know just trying to see if I was okay." You stopped.
"~~~~~~~-ah?" Donghae opened his eyes and looked at you.
"Umm..then he started following me around...it was like I always had to be with him all the time...and lets me just say..this isn't the first time he's tried to...you know what" You were quiet.

Donghae wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him and said "Don't worry ~~~~~~-ah...I'd never do anything bad to you." You rested your head onto his chest as he continued "All I want to give you is love, happiness, and anything you want..all you have to do is tell me. And I'll be running towards wherever you are..araso?"
You nodded as you both went back to sleep.


You woke up to the sound of bird’s chirping.
"Mhmm..it's only seve" you whispered to yourself.
Donghae was still asleep. You gently touched his cheek and smiled


Donghae grabbed your hand and smiled.
"O-oppa I didn't know you were awake" He opened his eyes while still having that smiled plastered onto his face and stared at you.
"What?" You curiously asked.
"Nothing...you know I personally think you look the prettiest in the morning"
"Bwoh? Seriously? Ahh you're crazy" You replied. "Crazy for you" Said Donghae as he nuzzled in the crook of your neck.


"Breakfast!!" Yelled Sungmin
Everyone was either in the kitchen or the living room.
"Oppa" Said Dara has she tugged onto Donghaes shirt.
"Mhm? Yes?"
"Umm..What do you and unnie do in your room all by yourselves?"


Your eyes widened while Donghaes jaw dropped.
"Uhh..Dara..Where did this question come from all of a sudden?" you asked
She shrugged "I don't know?"
"Did one of your oppas make you ask that question?" Asked Donghae. "We swear, NONE of us asked her to do this!" Said Kagin.
"Dara come on, why did you ask Donghae oppa that question? You asked again. "Well..I just wondered what you two did in there..so I thought I should ask" She quietly replied.
"Mhmm..okay Dara..why don't you go get Hyunki" Asked Donghae

"Hey why is it so quiet? Did I miss something?" Asked Heechul has he was walking down the stairs.
Everyone just burst into laughter except you and Donghae.
"Come on ~~~~~~~ let’s leave these weirdo’s" said Donghae
You laughed "Oppas I love you!"

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Awww I hope you update soon because I actually really like reading this :)
Hi! :D<br />
Thanks for the help! I'm really new to posting on Asianfanfics.com haha<br />
I'm so used to winglin lol.
hi there. ^^<br />
i have tagged your story under the "donghae" tag. tagging merely helps more users to find your story, which gives you a better chance of getting featured on the front page of this site. ^^<br />
<br />
Happy AFFing~<br />