Make It Go Away

That Day in Spring



Dara's POV


The tension in the air was so palpable that I could almost touch it.


I focused on slicing the carrots into little parts with utmost precision while trying to ignore the set of eyes monitoring my every move. If this was a football game, I probably scored the VIP seats since our table provided a stunning view of the city, the lights from different buildings resembling stars in the night sky. Our spot was also separated from the rest of the tables through a raised platform made more special with the availability of our own maitre'd.


Classical music played softly in the background, one that I deftly recognized as Waltz in A minor.


All in all, it was a good place to spend your money—provided you had millions at your disposal of course.


I restrained myself from outwardly grimacing. I didn't have to be a genius to figure out that he specifically picked this table not because it was the most expensive, but because it provided ample privacy from the prying eyes of the public.


"I've been told you received the package."


I raised my head and glanced at the man seated in front of me, his black suit neatly pressed, his angular face showing no signs of distinct emotion. If indifference took on a human form, this would definitely be it. Don't get me wrong. As physical attributes go, sure, he still possessed that commanding aura when he was at his prime. Skills-wise? No doubt he excels in that, considering he's a well-known businessman and has been for many years since he built his own chain of hotels and parks.


Good moral compass, you ask?


Next question please.


"Kind of hard to ignore when you had the whole batallion surrounding the house," I simply replied and resumed murdering the casserole.


"Well?" He asked after a few dead air. "Was the color to your liking?"


Was the color to my liking? Is he serious? What am I, his client?? I took a spoonful of pudding and recklessly shoved it in my mouth. "I hate black."


His lips formed into a thin line, a telltale sign that he's miffed. He delicately lifted his wine glass and took a sip, his eyes fixed on the scenic view outside. "So, when exactly is it going to end?"


My forehead creased. "What's going to end?"


"This...stubborness of yours." He stated with a frown. "Myung-soo told me you've been skipping your check-ups. Don't you think that's a stupid move considering—"


"I don't need it," I answered with a scowl. "I feel fine."


"Fine enough to land yourself in the hospital again?"


How did he—


He tapped his eye and ear, a way to remind me what he's capable of. I heaved a sigh, finally realizing who his source was. "Jae Suk," I muttered under my breath and stabbed the poor broccoli with my knife.


"So you look after kids now?" The prejudice in his voice was unmistakable and it irked me to no end.


"It's a decent job," I mumbled, barely containing my anger.


"For someone who cannot distinguish the difference between cash cow and a dairy cow then yes, you could say it is pretty decent," he said with a tilt of his head. "But as it is, you can and you have."


I laughed without humor. "And yet here I am, a tumor in my brain and a sixty percent rate of survival. How do you think that would look in my resume?" Modulating my voice into a falsetto, I went, "Oh and P.S., if there's any chance that I won't be able to make it to work next month, please don't think I'm shirking on my duties, it's just probably because I'm dead."


The slight twitch of his mouth told me that I had struck a chord. He raised a finger and the maitre'd instantly poured him another glass of wine. After filling it to the brim, the server took a bow and stepped out.


"Contrary to what you might think, there are advancements in medical treatments available for you to choose." He clasped his hands together and stared out the window. "As a matter of fact, I've taken the initiative to provide funding for those with conditions like yours. We're hoping that the team might be able to do some breakthrough, given time."


Daebak. Only he can manage to turn an illness into a business venture. "How did you ever convince the board to side with you?"


"If you had paid attention to your lessons, you would know the answer to your question." His tone was cold. "And since they work for me, they hardly have any choice in the matter, do they?" He tipped his Pinot Noir in my direction. "You know, when you asked for independence, I didn't like it, but nonetheless I granted it to you. I watched you from afar and as expected, you struggled every single day with the life you've chosen."


"I'm fine where I am."


"Fine is not good enough." He shook his head and sighed. "This is the problem when you believe mediocrity is acceptable." He leaned back on his seat and waved a hand at my direction. "You have what it takes to succeed yet you squander it—"


"Oh, I'm sorry," I snarled, cutting him off. "It really wasn't my intention to inconvenience you with my poor choices in life," I answered dryly, my nostrils involuntarily flaring. "Should I relieve you of this torture? I can leave if that's what you want."


I know I do.


If he's pissed with my answer, he didn't show it. He merely took another sip and studied me with his calculating gaze. I put my fork down and wiped my mouth with a napkin. I have a very big appetite, mind you, but it usually goes on vacation whenever he's around. What's the point of having a meal with him when we always end up in an argument?


"Well, thanks for dinner," I said in a clipped tone. "I'd say it was fun, but you already know that's a lie, right?" Grabbing my backpack, I bowed down in front of him.




I was about to leave the compartment when two guys who looked like they swallowed despair for breakfast blocked my exit. I looked like a freakin' dwarf compared to them. When they didn't make a move to clear my path, adamantly looking straight ahead and completely ignoring my death stares, I slowly turned and gave their boss an incredulous look.


"What the hell is this?!"


"Language, Dara." He said in an eerily calm way and motioned to the empty chair before him. "Sit. I have yet to hear your answer."


"You already have," I mumbled with annoyance.


" it is not exactly an answer."


I smirked. "It is. Just Google it and you'll know."


He pinched the bridge of his nose, a gesture I've noticed he always resort to when I'm around. "This mind games with you are quite taxing and something I have no intention of prolonging. Sit. I will not ask again."


I hesitantly glanced at the abominations blocking my freedom. Even if I try to escape them, there's a ninety-five percent chance he's going to alert the other guards at the lower level of this building. In short, I'm basically screwed. I begrudgingly turned and walked to my seat, all the while praying to the heavens for some kind of miracle.


Why did I ever let Jae Suk talk me into this? I could've stayed at the restaurant. At least I got paid.


Death seemed like a better option right now.


I returned to my seat and sulked, blatantly glaring at him like he murdered my cat.


"I know it's difficult for you, but I would appreciate it if you behaved yourself once our guest arrives." He chided, glancing at his watch.


Guest? What guest?


"Ah, here he comes."



Seung Ho's POV


Okay, breathe. You got this.


Gaining back my composure, I discreetly checked my reflection one last time before walking over to their table.


"Good evening, heojangnim." I smiled and greeted him formally with a bow. "I apologize for the delay. I'm afraid I got held up in a meeting prior to this one."


Chairman Park tipped his flute. "If that's the case, then it looks like I hired the right man for the job after all," he replied with a chuckle.




That was Dara, no doubt. With a shake of his head, he gestured to her. "I take it you already know my daughter?"


My smile went even wider. "Yes, sir."


She turned her attention to me. The expression on her face was downright adorable as it changed from obvious annoyance to pleasant surprise. "Oh!" She pointed a finger at me, her brown eyes big. "Dukkeobi!!" < trans: toad >


Despite myself, my shoulders shook with laughter. "Now that's just rude. Is this how you treat a friend you haven't seen for a long time?"


It worked. Dara lunged from her seat and quickly looped her arm around my neck, a thing she was fond of doing back when we were young.


"My, my. You've grown, dukkeobi!" She grinned and messed up my hair. "You're taller than me now!"


It was my turn to snort. "I've always been taller than you."


She scowled. "Ya, you still got some explaining to do, kid."


"I know," I muttered with a sigh, slightly disappointed with her choice of endearment. It's not like she's way older than me. We're only a few years apart which hardly even counts. "That's why I came back as soon as I could." In one fluid motion, I removed myself from her chokehold, gently gripping her hand so I could hold it between us. "I really missed you."


The corner of her lips lifted up. She moved to hug me and I happily welcomed her in my arms. "I missed you too," she whispered in my ear. I breathed a sigh of relief and buried my nose in her hair. She still smelled like flowers.




Remembering we had an audience, I hastily pushed Dara back and she almost stumbled. I shot her an apologetic look. She rolled her eyes before slipping back to her chair.


"Please," Chairman Park gestured to the empty seat beside Dara. "I'd like to discuss with you what we talked about on the phone."


"Yes, about that..."


He and I continued to exchange ideas about the proposed project in Jeju. I was the head architect and as a client, the chairman was very meticulous with the design and construction, even going so far as to map the area himself. Anyone who worked with him could testify that he usually delegates the work to his assistant, but in this case, he wanted to be in the loop with the whole process. I could tell it was important to him.


When dessert rolled in, I noticed that they were about to serve Dara a slice of cake. I intercepted the waiter and quickly asked, "What's in this?"


"Um, our famous Tuscan cake, sir. It's mixed with pine nuts and honey," he replied.


"Here," I swapped my chocolate parfait with the cake and passed it to Dara. "She's allergic to nuts," I told the confused waiter who quickly apologized for the mix-up.


"I'm terribly sorry, madam. I'll just—"


"It's fine," reassured Dara with a smile. "Besides, it's nothing major. I only get, like, little red patches all over my body anyway, so it's totally okay. No harm done."


Her father didn't look too forgiving. "Lucky for you, Seung Ho was here." He whirled in his seat to glower at the maitre'd. "It's supposed to be your duty to check—"


"I'm fine," she cut him off. "Just drop it."


Keeping his mouth in a thin line, Chairman Park dismissed the waiter with a wave of his hand. Dara started stuffing her face with ice cream while staring outside the window and skillfully ignoring the rest of our conversation. It was well into the discussion of the cost of inventory when I noticed her squirming in her seat from the corner of my eye. I spared her a glance and discovered that she was almost sliding toward the floor.


What was wrong with her?


I tried to return my attention to Chairman Park when I felt her kick me in the leg under the table. She was now hiding behind the tower of pastries and staring at me. I raised a brow.


'Let's go,' she mouthed, pointing her finger between us then toward the door.


I shook my head and told her we can't. She stomped on my foot.


'I'm begging you,' she pleaded and clasped her hands together in prayer. I was about to tell her to cut it out when she shot me her deadly puppy eyes. My restraint immediately crumbled.


You're hopeless, Yoo Seung Ho.


I held up my hand under the table to make her understand that she'd won. She finally settled down and I began to think of plausible reasons that I could tell the chairman so we could leave. Turns out I didn't even need one because the odds seemed to be in our favor as heojangnim's phone rang.


"Oh, you're in town? I see." He kept bobbing his head. "No, it's alright. I'll see you in a few."


Dara and I exchanged a look.


"A business associate of mine just arrived from Japan and wanted to discuss some matters with me. I'll have to cut it short for tonight."


"There's no problem, sir."


Buttoning his suit, he stood up. "Let me know if there are changes with the plans."


"Will do, sir."


He then glanced at the burly man standing on his left. "Hong, you're in-charge of my daughter."


Dara quickly jumped to her feet and grabbed me by the arm. "It's okay. He'll drive me home. Right, Seung Ho?"


Still in the dark with whatever she's thinking, I played the part of a loyal friend and nodded. "I'll get her home before ten, sir."


"Midnight," she corrected with a jab to my ribs. I coughed in pain. "I'll be at the house by midnight."


Chairman Park merely narrowed his eyes before sighing. "Just get her home safe."


I nodded. With no further threats, he turned around and left with the rest of his lackeys. Beside me, Dara tugged on my sleeve.


"Ya, dukkeobi let's go. Come on!"


"Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked her as we exited the cubicle. She didn't answer my question and pulled me toward the doors, her back bent in a weird angle that I'm almost positive she was going to kiss the floor. "Dara—"


"Shhhh!!" She glared. Okaaay. She's definitely acting weird. I was about to tell her to slow down when Dara abruptly turned and grabbed the lapel of my suit, bringing my face inches from hers. "Pretend like you're talking to me," she whispered.


"I am talking to you."


She fidgeted. "What's the number on the elevator? Is it on our floor, yet?"


I raised my eyes and looked at the number flashed on the dark panel. "Two floors down." She cursed. "What's going on?"


From the door, I could hear people arguing.


"Hyung, come back! You haven't even heard her side!"


"Don't have to."


That voice. I recognize that voice. I was about to turn around when Dara's grip on my suit became tighter. "Don't move," she warned.


"Yeah, bro. Give her a chance."


"I gave her everything and a fat lot of good it did me," came his sardonic reply. I'm ninety percent sure I know the owner's voice. The tenor and not to mention the rudeness was familiar.




With lightning speed, Dara dragged me inside the elevator and pushed the button like her life depended on it. We only heard someone shout 'hey wait' before the door closed. I glanced down at her flustered face. "Are you that excited to take a dump?"


"W-what?" She let go of my arm and shakily wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead.


"You look like you just ran a freaking marathon. What's wrong with you?"


"Oysters," she blurted out. "I had too much. My stomach's acting crazy."


I studied her face. "You're still a terrible liar."


She sighed. "So I've heard."


"Where do you plan on spending the next"—I glanced at my watch—"four hours then?"


She grimaced. "I didn't really think that through. I just wanted an excuse not to stay in that awful place for long."


"That awful place is your home, you know." I reminded her.


"It stopped being my home a long time ago." She gripped the strap of her sling bag tightly and stared ahead. "I...I need a distraction."


The elevator doors opened and we slowly headed to my car. Opening the passenger door for her, I suddenly had an idea.


"I think I know just the right place."





Go. Don't go. Go. Don't go. Go.


Dont go.




"Traitor," I grumbled, plucking the last petal from the flower I was holding.


"Dude, you got to stop making a mess in my car." YB grabbed me by the collar and hauled me out the back seat like a rag doll. "I just got it cleaned, you know."


I pocketed my hands and shot him a glare.


"Come on, don't give me that attitude," he said in a tone that reminded me of my Dad when he's giving one of his lectures. "Can you at least pretend to be civil? She's still our friend, you know."


"I hope you're aware that this is breaking the most sacred bro code in the history of bro codes."


"Nuh-uh, don't you draw that card." He held his finger up at me as we entered the lift. "I'm not violating anything."


"Bros before hoes, dude." I shrugged. "Don't know how you missed that one."


"Okay, first of all, it's not even in the same context. Secondly, I'm neither dating nor making a move with your ex-girlfriend, doofus. She's been our friend before you two started going out."


"And now we're not." I crossed my arms. "There's a reason why you don't become friends with your exes, Youngbae-ah."


He sighed. The elevator doors opened. YB pushed me out. "You're still going."


I let my feet drag all the way to the hotel's restaurant. "I hate you."


"You love me. You're just being dumb."


Seungri's face was the first one to greet me and I almost ran back toward the door. His outfit was killing my eyes.


"What the hell is that?"


"See. That kind of reaction is the reason why I chose this baby," he sniggered as he did a pose. "It draws attention."


"The wrong one, I gather." I frowned and looked him up and down. "You look like a walking candy cane."


"Thank you, hyung. Always the one with the compliments." He draped his arm over my shoulder. "Come on. Everyone's waiting."


At the table, Daesung was with Tabi who looked like his soul was trapped in the spiritual world as usual. Between them sat the one person I had no intention of seeing ever again. She stood up and flashed me a smile.


"I'm really glad you could come," she softly spoke, extending her hand toward me.


I stared blankly at her, my face devoid of any emotion.


When a solid minute had passed with no reaction from me whatsoever, YB cleared his throat. "We're glad, too," he said with a chuckle and shook Kiko's hand instead. "Jiyong's just tired. He's been working on the studio for days since he came back. Right, Ji?"


I can't believe it. She doesn't even look miserable. Still the same flawless skin. Same annoying freckles. Does she even have dark circles like mine? Tsk. You didn't even cry over me, did you? Such a two-faced backstabbing—


"Okay!" Seungri clapped his hands and forced me to sit between him and YB, just across the spineless woman. "Who's hungry?"


Dinner was served and I didn't even had the appetite to eat. The rest of the guys had the conversation going and Kiko participated from time to time, politely answering questions directed at her. I could feel her staring at me, but I kept my gaze on either what I'm eating or the scenery outside. There weren't a lot of people today. It's just us and an elderly couple a few tables from ours, though I see a private cubicle up ahead.


In fact, when the maitre'd moved, I swore I saw a glimpse of the little tokki behind him...which of course was ridiculous since I knew she was cooped up inside their hotel. I also have no means of contacting her due to her aversion to technology. She probably didn't even know how to use a computer, the poor girl. I was about to take a closer look when my view was blocked by the waiter who placed a tall glass of strawberry parfait in front of me.


"Your dessert, sir."


I held up my hand. "Do you have sprinkles?" He looked at me, confused. "You know, those colorful ones you put on top?"


Beside me, Seungri burst into laughter. "Hyung, what are you, five?" The rest of the guys laughed with him and I begrudgingly dismissed the waiter who scratched the back of his head and left.


"Dara would've liked it," I murmured under my breath.


"Mmm...what's that?" YB asked, cutting a slice from his cake.




TOP hyung put down his wineglass. "So Kiko, how long are you here for?"


Despite what I just vowed to myself, I raised my eyes and found her already looking at me.


"I'm here for a few weeks for a photoshoot," she replied, her smile a bit timid. "But I'm willing to extend if, uh, you guys aren't that busy. My Dad offered me the whole villa in case I wanted to use it. I mean, we could—"


"We can't," I interjected. "We're preparing for the concert."


"We still have a whole month to prepare, hyung," Daesung reasoned.


"That's not enough time."


"Oh come on! It's the villa. We used to have so much fun there!"


TOP hyung flicked his wrist, swirling the wine in his glass languidly. "Personally, I'm dying to go to the sauna, but the villa sounds infinitely better."


"Bingo," added Youngbae.


I slammed my spoon on the table and they all looked at me with surprise. "If you guys want to go then I won't stop you. Though I better not hear any complaints when I hand out your parts on each song."


"Don't you think you're being too harsh?" Kiko regarded me with cautious eyes. "There's nothing wrong with taking a break once in a while. How about working during the weekdays and then allot one weekend to relax?"


"If we only put in work on the days we feel like it, do you think we'd get this far?" I crossed my arms and glared at her.


She exhaled loudly, tapping the table with a well-manicured French nail. It was a thing she usually does when she's annoyed. Good. I'm finally getting on her nerves.


"I'm just saying that you'll be more efficient with a clear mind. Trust me, it—"


"Trust you?" I laughed without humor. "That's a mistake I'd rather not repeat."


Kiko's face fell, her lower lip quivering as she looked away from me. YB automatically placed his hand over my shoulder. "Hey—"


I shoved him off, flinging the napkin on the table as I stood. "I'm going. Just send me the bill."




"Let him be," I heard TOP hyung say before I stomped my way out.


"Come on, hyung! Stop! Please!"




YB grasped my arm and pulled me to a stop. "Let go, Youngbae."


"Hyung, come back! You haven't even heard her side!"


"Don't have to."


"Yeah, bro. Just give her a chance."


"I gave her everything and a fat lot of good it did me," I snapped, my hands turning to fists at my side. "You don't know what I've been through—what she put me through! When she left, I was a mess...I still am. So forgive me if I'm not jumping at the chance of ending up in another disappointment." Breathing heavily, I turned around and started walking. "Don't follow me."


"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" YB shouted.


"Wouldn't dream about it," I yelled back before entering the lift.


Time to hit the bar then.












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New chapter posted guys!! Sorry for making you wait. I got busy with the holidays, but here you go. Check it out now!


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Chapter 66: Authornim update juseyo 🙏🙏🙏
Carol_99 #2
Chapter 66: Update please author
freckles #3
Hope your okay. . . . Still Awaiting for your updates. . . . :-D
bernie20 #4
Chapter 66: Oh interesting.....jiyong it will takes all ur efforts to build a new good memory with her...
Thank u for the update....loving it
Chapter 66: I don't usually like reading incomplete stories because i hate waiting for updates but I'm glad i read this. This is one well written story. Can't wait for more updates. Thanks authornim
Grace62 #6
Chapter 66: Oh my god dont let her forget jiyong authornim he suffered too much!
Chapter 66: i just wished they all just planned this so jiyong can focus on his career
while dara is slowly recovering or a joke? anything just not her forgetting him
they had so many hardships already authorniim! haha
daragon_vip #8
Chapter 66: Nooo!!!! don’t make the plot by letting dara has amnesia authornim!!! Jeball...
daragon_vip #9
Chapter 66: Nooo!!!! don’t make the plot by letting dara has amnesia authornim!!! Jeball...
sheila_261981 #10
Chapter 65: Update pls...i really love the story